Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1534: Ruling the future! (sixth more!)

In a word that awakens the dreamer, many super-yuan babies are all arrogant, and the superb characters of the male side have three days to slowly digest. No matter how deeply shocked, they must accept the cruel reality of the cold universe beyond nine days. Do your best and let yourself and your world survive!

"Amitabha, the Lord of the Lord said."

The master of bitterness used a Qing dynasty Buddha to wash away the hearts of all people, and let everyone calm down. "The safety of thousands of people in the ancient holy world is all tied between our twelve thoughts. We really don't. Time is resentful and self-satisfied, inexplicably shocked, or to come up with a charter as soon as possible!"

"it is good!"

Meng Chixin looked around in a circle, and everyone saw that the Qingming and the decency were gradually restored. Shen Shen said, "I have seen that the hearts of the people have been fixed, and there is no need to talk nonsense. Let's start deliberating immediately!"

"But before you say your opinion, I have to repeat it again. We should abandon our suspicions, put down our contradictions and stereotypes, and unite as one!"

"There are only two of our enemies. One is the vast expanse of the sea of ​​danger; the other is the despicable and shameless sects, and the other ambitious forces outside of Dagan and Yunqin. These are not enough. More than enough to defeat!"

"Only if we are highly united and thoroughly implement the same will, we can compete with these two enemies and firmly control the future of the ancient sacred world in our hands!"

"So, if any of the friends in the meeting have different opinions, even if they want to speak freely, no matter how whimsical, it doesn't matter. Let's say that everyone is slowly studying, and we will take care of others, so that all the friends will be convinced and then unify! Don't be bored in your heart, stagnate into a demon! Don't be embarrassed by a seemingly absurd speech by a friend! It must be known that everything we do is for the same goal, that is, survival, our common home. Survival!"

"Do you agree with this?"

Ten Yuan Ying face each other, and they nodded unswervingly.

"Okay, let's start making decisions immediately!"

Meng Chiqing cleared the scorpion. "In the past three days, you have read all the information provided by the real human empire female warrior, the night, the general situation in the universe, including the political, economic, cultural, military and other aspects of the empire. With a preliminary understanding, I believe that based on these news, I can make some judgments about Wandaoyou. What is your problem?"

Wan Mingzhu screamed: "Former seniors, our current judgments are based on the intelligence of the night blue, and the younger generation wants to know, is it possible for the night orchid to lie?"

"If she provides false information and deliberately leads us to make a wrong judgment, what should we do?"

"probably not."

Meng Chixin said faintly, "When Black Night provides all the information, it is closely monitored by me and Wu Suiyun. From the perspective of her psionic fluctuations, trembling and facial expression changes, it is basically true."

"Reversely, if she is really capable of lying under the supervision of two gods and lying eagerly, how terrible is her cultivation? The female warrior of a real human empire is so terrible, the whole empire, Are we still resisting it?"

"So, we don't have to worry about whether she is lying, just treat everything she said as a fact!"

Wan Mingzhu pondered for a moment and nodded: "Thanks to the seniors for pointing out the maze, the younger generation is fine."

Meng Chi said: "Then we will make the first decision immediately. You all know that the Xinghai is vast and the universe is innocent. In the sea of ​​stars, there are so many tyrannical races and forces. The problem is that we should How can we face all this? Is the ancient sacred world as a separate force, relying entirely on itself, against these forces in the Xinghai, or at least in the depths of the dark nebula, never being discovered by them?"

"If there is such a possibility, then we will kill the night orchids now, pretending that nothing has happened, and it doesn't matter when the turtles shrink!"

Many Yuan Ying face each other, shook their heads subconsciously, knowing that this naive fantasy is not true.

"This is impossible."

Qi Zhongdao said bitterly, "There is one and two. Since the night can find the ancient sacred world, others can naturally, we are destined to hide for a long time!"

"Not to mention, forever crouching in the ancient sacred world as a tortoise, we will always fall into the whirlpool of fratricidalism, a generation is not as good as a generation, it will not continue!"

"For the future of the ancient sacred world, we must go out and integrate into the universe!"

"We can't fight against the whole piece of Xinghai alone, want to integrate into the universe, only to find a party to cooperate, or ... to attach to it, at least initially, in our nuances of the universe, still know nothing. In the case, it should be like this."

This speech seems to have exhausted all the power of Qi Zhongdao, and the name of the lord of the real world has been sat down.

Perhaps for him, the decision to "attach to him" is really tough.

"The rationality of Qidao's friendship is really the same as that of a hero!"

Mengchi’s heart is no nonsense, the tiger’s eyes are shining and looking directly at the rest of the crowd. “The ancient sacred world must go out and integrate into the big universe! Do you have any opinions on this point? If not, we have reached a consensus. Go to the next question!"

This is a clear-cut thing, even the most conservative Yuan Ying is not willing to be a tortoise, but not to mention the "fairy world" is the star of the sea, originally the ultimate destination of every comprehension!

In the depths of the heart, all of them are eager to go to the end of the Xinghai, the other side of the universe, to see the moving scenery there!

Ten Yuan Ying, nodding at the same time!

"Well, we all agree that the ancient sacred world must rush out of the dark nebula and integrate into the universe, so that it must be attached to one of the powers in the Xinghai!"

Meng Chi’s heart is even in the cannon. “In the current Xinghai, it is the situation of the hegemony, the covenant alliance and the real human empire!”

"The second question, is there a Taoist friend who believes that we should attach to the "Covenant League"?"

Everyone shook a little, and they all shook their heads.

Meng Chixiao smiled: "As I guess, it seems that all of your friends don't want to be jealous of losing their desires and losing themselves. What's more, even if we are looking for cooperation with the Holy Alliance, the boundaries between the ancient sacred and the sacred are thousands of miles away. Shan Wanshui, thousands of stars burning incense can not find the temple door!"

"So... it seems that there is only one choice left, that is, according to the night of the night, join the real human empire! What do you think of the Taoist friends?"

This is the only focus of today's meeting.

The back of all Yuan Ying was straight.

The eyes of Meng Chixin were firm and clear, and they changed into a milder and calmer tone. They said: "You don't have to worry about anything. Even if you want to speak freely, I will show my attitude first. This does not mean that you have to agree with me. No!"

"Meng Mou thought that the imperial power, the ancient holy weak, hard and hard, is tantamount to hitting the stone with the egg. The current situation seems to be only under the wings of the empire, lurking the claws, temporarily crouching, and slowly growing itself, Waiting for the situation in the central part of the Xinghai to change, and then slowly!"

"So, I agree to join the real human empire!"

"Qi Daoyou, what is your opinion?"

Qi Zhongdao sat in the lower head of Meng Chixin. It seems that he has not recovered from the sudden sorrow. He coughed several times and stared at the metal grain in the center of the table. He whispered: "Qi has been studying the truth for a few days. The system of the human empire found that although the country is full of civil martial arts and conquers, but the law is strict, both up and down are quite rules. According to their rules, even the lowest slaves, as long as they can awaken the roots and cultivate magical powers, It is possible to pacify the clouds, seal the worship, and even become the master of the world!"

"The real human empire is relying on this set of 'rules' to ensure that hundreds of thousands of worlds are in perfect order!"

"It's better to have rules than to have no rules. Qi, I, I, I agree to join the real human empire!"

Li Yao’s heart was half cold.

Before the meeting, he also calculated a lot of Yuan Ying, how many people would choose to surrender to the empire.

Qi Zhongdao is the key figure in his calculations, which may be wavering. I didn't expect his first one to bow because of the "rules"!

Han Bailing was behind him, and he said with a rough voice: "The real human empire is killing and killing, and the battle is very good. It has killed a mountain of mountains and rivers. It is quite an appetite for the king! Empire, the first empire! Good for the Holy League!"

Han Daling is "classical militarism" and the real human empire is "modern militarism." Li Yao is not surprised by his choice.

"I don't like the attitude of the real human empire to the civilian population. Isn't that not treating the people?"

Bailian, the mother of Bailian, behind the Han Dazing, said dry, cold and cold.

Li Yao’s heart suddenly raised a glimmer of hope.

Come on, Bailian, the old mother, your old man, but the legendary peasant uprising leader, isn’t that unprincipled?


Wan Mingzhu’s words turned. “I read the intelligence of the Night Lan. I wrote that many remote worlds of the real human empire have adopted a completely self-governing approach. As long as they provide sufficient resources and taxes to the capital, how exactly is the place? Governance, the capital will not interfere!"

"So, in many remote stars, there are quite a few weird, messy systems."

"If we can also win autonomy and manage the ancient sacred world by ourselves, how do we want to manage it, is it not necessary to be the same as the empire inland?"

"If this is the case, if you can keep the ancient sacred side safe, it is not impossible to discuss."

"I also agree to join the real human empire, but the "autonomy" must be carefully studied. It is impossible to let outsiders touch the things of our ancient sacred world, and even take the people of our ancient sacred world to the outside world as slaves. I will never give in this one!"

Wan Mingzhu was righteously sitting down, or saying "Floating" fell.

Li Yao’s heart is also like a “song”, fell into the water well in December, cold and cold! ——

Sixth, today is complete.

The old cow is not a person who likes to keep the manuscript. How much effort is it to make a lot of effort, right?

In this way, when the situation was not good in the first two days, the family was very embarrassed when the chores were entangled. Many friends in the two chapters of the day were not very addicted, and the old bulls were very sorry.

According to today's situation, it is entirely possible to deduct two chapters for emergency needs.

However, if you manage his mother, you will send it when you finish it. Everyone will be happy!

Again, because I still see some places where friends are asking, where is the book, please log in or download the relevant "starting point app", search for "Currently 40,000 years", and support the old cow.

Every bit of your support, whether it is a subscription, a monthly pass, a recommendation or a passionate speech in the book review area, is the biggest driving force for the old bulls to burn, and it is also the most precious raw material for the world to expand, expand and enrich the world for 40,000 years. "!

thank you all. (~^~)


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