Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1535: Bitter hard choice

Qi Zhongdao, the "owner of the realm of cultivation," and the "peasant uprising leader" like Wan Mingzhu, chose to rely on the empire. Do the rest of the people still use it?

Sure enough, Wan Mingzhu just sat down, another "peasant uprising leader", but it seems more unscrupulous, the lawless "mixed king" 戚 戚 就 就 就 就 就 就 就 就 就 就 就 就 就 就 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白There is an 'autonomy' in the system. What kind of system is implemented in other places in the empire. How to treat their people is actually irrelevant to us! We only need to guarantee that the ancient sacred world is up to us! ”

"In this year, there are soldiers and breads that are the head of the grass. As long as our own fists are big enough, even if we rely on the empire, others may not be able to interfere with our internal affairs! Conversely, if our strength is relative to the empire If it doesn't matter, then how can we struggle is superfluous!"

"So, I also agree that regardless of the three seven twenty-one, first surrender the empire and say, big deal and then rebellion. What is there, all are well-behaved! Of course, the conditions must be negotiated, but not three Jujube, you will sell such a variety of infants and gods casually! Want to hire us to fight? OK, real money and silver!"

The singer’s head did not change, but he was also frank, knocking on the table, dancing with a brow, and after he finished speaking, he glared at the scorpion on his jaw and smiled at the Yan Yan who was next to him: “Yan Daoyou, I’m finished, you What is your brother’s opinion?"

"I do not mind."

Yan is touching his own big bald head and faintly saying, "Since the real human empire is the superpower of the twins in the stars and seas, I want to come to have something... the most powerful swordsmanship and secret sword in the modern cultivation of immortal civilization. I really want to see how sharp the swordsmanship of the immortal is? Empire, the empire is good!"

The speeches of the people made Li Yao's heart getting colder and colder, and he quickly condensed a layer of white and miserable ice shells. A few countless look forwarded to the eyes, and they fell apart and fell to Ba Xiaoyu.

Called Hanzi Ba Xiaoyu, but the ancient road is hot, the heroes are arrogant, the hatred of the heroes!

Should he not agree with the practice of the real human empire to treat ordinary people as "original people"?

Sure enough, the flowering of Ba Xiaoyu’s face was hesitant, struggling and even painful. It was like falling into an invisible swamp, and even breathing became extremely difficult.

He gasped for a moment, and his chapped lips trembled. Under the gaze of the eyes, he was speechless for a long time. Until the sacred heart was urging, he said with a hoarse voice: "Call the flowers, I, can't I abstain?"

Meng Chixin raised his eyebrows: "Bao Daoyou, what is ‘abstaining’?”

Ba Xiaoyu closed his eyes and said: "I really can't accept the idea of ​​a real human empire. This kind of country that regards ordinary people as pigs and dogs, so that Hanako can't be with him for a day!"

"But I also know the power of the real human empire. If we are really against it, the ancient sacred world is destined to usher in a catastrophe!"

"Innumerable people will die, countless people will be displaced, countless people will mourn in the raging flames, and even if we pay such a terrible price, we will fight against death, fight blood, fight for the lives of all people from ordinary people to comprehensions." I am afraid that it will not help, and it will not stop the iron hoof of the real human empire!"

"Calling flowers can't be so selfish. You can't, because of your own likes and dislikes, drag on so many people in the ancient sacred world to bury them together!"

"You, you have all analyzed correctly. Perhaps now, surrendering to the real human empire is the best way out of the ancient sacred world."

"Huahuazi does not want to surrender the real human empire, but he is not willing to stop you from finding a way out for the ancient sacred world, so I choose ‘abstain right’!”

"It turned out to be."

Meng Chixin nodded thoughtfully, and said, "So, when we really shun the empire, the ancient sacred world becomes the territory of the empire, how are the Palestinian friends ready to go?"

Ba Xiaoyu's face is extremely dark, after a long silence, after a long time, faintly said: "The road can't be done, and it floats in the sea, and Huanzi thinks, even in the era of the so-called 'modern Xiuxian civilization', there are still scattered repairs? Will stay in the ancient sanctuary to trouble you, the size of the Xinghai, there is always a place to accommodate the next ... insignificant called Hanako!"

Between the lines, the meaning of sorrow and sorrow is unmistakable, and then no longer screaming and screaming under the Tiger City, the **** and heroic!

The choice of Ba Xiaoyu made everyone silent for a while.

The face of Yan Changsheng and Wan Mingzhu is quite unnatural, his eyes flashing, and he dare not go to see the ugly face of Ba Xiaoyu.

Han Daling’s sneer was disdainful, and it seems that he was quite dissatisfied with Ba Xiaoyu’s behavior of “looking away from the wind”.

Qi Zhongdao sighed softly, mixed feelings, and his eyes were awkward.

I don't know if I remembered the night after the people in Huxiao, the people joined forces to expose the "Black Skull" conspiracy!

Li Yao even sighed in his heart, the most likely to fight against the empire, Hana, also chose to yield!


In the end, it is still the bitter master who broke the deadlock and whispered, "Poverty chooses the real human empire."


Li Yao’s heart screamed and couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

"Monk, you"

Ba Xiaoyu and the rest of the Yuan Ying and the gods are slightly stunned.

Regardless of the position of righteousness and evil, they originally thought that the master of bitterness may be the most difficult object to convince, how come!

"Yes, the idea of ​​a real human empire is indeed inconsistent with the ambition of the poor heart. I am afraid that the purpose of my sorrowful sorrow and compassion is that it is contrary to the principle of "Popularity of all beings". It is reasonable to say that poverty should be the same as that of the Ba Shizhu. Go to the depths of the Xinghai as a mess."

The bitter masters are expressionless and word-of-mouth. "However, the Lord Bashi, you have said that for the peace of the hundreds of thousands of sentient beings in the ancient sacred world, we must not return to the true human empire."

"After returning to the real human empire, the affairs of the ancient sacred world are very likely to be decided by our twelve!"

"We don't like the idea of ​​a real human empire. Naturally, we can leave it alone, and we don't have to worry about it. But in this way, the future of the ancient sacred world, the safety and the blessings of the people of the country will be all It fell to the hands of the rest of the donors."

"Barrenness is not a prejudice against which donor, but Ba Shizhu, you really want to see the ‘some’ of the present’s lords... monopolize power?”

The eyes of the bitter masters suddenly became sharp, and they did not hide their distrust of Wan Mingzhu and Yan Shengsheng!

Wan Mingzhu perceives the monk's extremely unfriendly eyes, and sneer and whispered: "Bitter monk, you don't need to fight around the circle, you don't just trust us to be rumored!"

"Amitabha, good and good, good monks do not swear, yes, poor, is extremely distrustful of Wan Shizhu, 戚 donors, including Han Bingling Han Shizhu, and Wang Xiwang donor!"

"You are the famous "four murderers". The poor can't choose to go far, but the future of the ancient sacred world and the lives of thousands of people are handed to you!"

"Good monk!"

Wan Mingzhu glared and glared, "I know you are enchanting, that is, the paintings thrown out by the imperial court and the major factions, confusing the public, eroding our resistance will! What happened to the 'four murders'? Before the 'four murders' Is it true that the world is peaceful, the sea is rising, and the people of Limin can live and work in peace? I am! It is not a natural disaster, it is still hot!"

"Look at your dog's eyes and see clearly. It is the imperial court and the sects behind you that created natural and man-made disasters. Natural disasters and man-made disasters have created our ‘four murders', not the natural disasters and man-made disasters that our ‘four murders’!”

"Hey, you don't trust me, I still don't trust you this enchanting! It's the so-called bald and non-toxic, not poisonous and bald, the worst in the world, that is, you don't produce anything, just know the dog monk who sells ass!"

Wan Mingzhu was originally a slut, and absorbed a lot of grievances and anger from the poor people. He slowly cultivated a ghostly supernatural power. He could even pretend to be a Taoist priest, and he was angry and half-authentic. The mouth screamed and I heard everyone frowning again and again.


Meng Chixin was surrounded by a layer of black flames, which turned into a wolf head with thousands of **** mouths. He rushed to the Wan Mingzhu. "We have agreed to everyone. We all agreed that everyone can speak freely, no matter what. Put it on the table to discuss! At the moment of solidarity, why bother to export and hurt?"

Wan Mingzhu narrowed his eyes and stared at the flames of the flames of Meng Chi’s heart. He saw the invisible waves between the two ghosts!

Until the end, under the gaze of Meng Chixin, Wan Mingzhu first softened, and turned back to the bitter master to laugh: "Bitter 'master', this is the heart of the Virgin, what do you say, you are sorghum, Don't be acquainted with me!"

"Speaking back, listening to the words of the "master" is that we have made up our minds to ‘conformity with our ‘disorganized people’ and to surrender to the empire?”


The bitter masters are expressionless, without sadness and sorrow, and faintly said, "Which people in the ancient sacred world are standing on the side, where the poor will stand, they will never leave them."


Wan Mingzhu’s eyes turned and smiled. “But, it’s really going to go down the empire. Maybe you have to go to the expedition with the Imperial Fleet, go to the looting, master, you go together, or Stay in the ancient sanctuary, pretending to be dumb, deceiving yourself, watching us go to kill and kill, and grab back the rich spoils to help all beings?" (To be continued.)


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