Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1536: Behind a knife?

This problem is like an awl into the heart of the bitter master.

The bitter master has no blood, his lips are pale, the original Yushu is in the wind, the spotless super handsome guy, but this time it is the extreme.

He whispered like a dead leaf: "I, I don't go to hell, who goes to hell?"

After saying this sentence, I don’t know if it’s congestion or self-comfort. The monk also sat down and leaned back against the back of the chair.


Meng Chixin observed the words and knew that the masters of bitterness also reached the critical moment of the battle between heaven and man.

The day before yesterday, the monk had gone to the devil, vomiting blood, and thinking about it was the hardship of not going to the bottom of my heart.

If you are aggressive again at this time, perhaps the monk will be directly into the brain, and the violent death will not be known!

Meng Chi’s heart said: “No matter what choices you make, you must have their own reasons and difficulties. As long as they are not too contrary to common sense and are completely different from others’ opinions, there is no need for detailed explanation!”

Ba Xiaoyu also stepped forward to help the master of bitterness, ugly face twitching, full of shame, whispered: "Monk, you, you are too difficult! You just woke up and called Huazi, so Huazi can not So if you leave the ancient sacred world, you will leave it, and you will stay with you, and fight with this 'four murderers' to balance the overall situation of the ancient sacred world, and never let them temporarily The plan has become a complete surrender, and even the system of the human empire that does not take people as human beings is put into the head of our ancient sacred world."

"Only those who are high-spirited and high-ranking will not be human beings!"

Wan Mingzhu blinked again and sighed. "We were originally born of poor people, and we will be like the son of your son!"

Although Huazi Ba Xiaoyu is now a poor and destitute, not trimming the appearance, but it is indeed on the East China Sea island, the rich and powerful enemy of the country.

Wan Mingzhu has such a poor origin in the southeast coast. For Ba Xiaoyu, a private son who has a private island and a hobby, the hostility is almost innate.

"Okay, since the opinions of all of you have been unified, there is no need to rumor? Wang Daoyou, you are almost the 'think tank' among the twelve of us. What is your opinion?"

Montgomery resolved the dispute and accelerated the pace of the meeting.

Everyone’s gaze “落” fell to Long Yangjun Wang Xi.

Long Yangjun’s opinion is indeed very important. It can even be said to be second only to the two major gods, the most important speaker.

Twelve Yuan Ying and Hua Shen, although nominally equal to each other, are different according to their characteristics and their differences.

If it involves technical issues involving giant soldiers or other magic weapons, there is no doubt that Li Yao has the greatest voice and the most authoritative.

If you want to use force, then it is the turn of Yan to leave the country, and even the two great gods will respect his "sword idiot" opinion.

If it involves problems such as life and death, ghosts, ghost repairs, then everyone must listen to "the mother of the world", Wan Mingzhu, no matter how harsh she is, I have to listen to it honestly, no way, professional!

Qi Zhongdao likes and is good at setting rules. Maybe it can be the organizer and supervisor of the twelve people to make a clear understanding of the internal relationship.

The masters and apprentices of Han Bingling and Meng Chixin are all male and talented, strategically oriented commanders and commanders. In planning long-term problems, naturally, Yan Yan, Ba Xiaoyu and others can say more.

Long Yang Jun Wang Xi?

She was arrogant in the hall, turning her hand into a cloud, covering her hands with the rain, helping the emperor to resist the major factions, and the "great traitors" who stood for decades, not to mention the super intelligence and the formation of "ghost characters". Assassination of the institution, the horror of the entire real world!

If you want to stick a label, in the eyes of most Yuan Ying and Huashen, she will be regarded as a "conspirator"!

Among the remaining 11 people in the room, perhaps many people do not like it, and even deeply fear and hate Long Yangjun.

But no one will ignore her opinion on this matter!

Her opinion is even more likely to cause many people to change their minds and re-examine the whole thing!


Li Yao’s heart pounded and silently said in his heart. Fortunately, in any case, Long Yangjun always stood on his side. As long as she threw out objections, the whole thing would be re-study and maybe there would be a turnaround. Now!

Now Ba Xiaoyu and the master of bitterness, the position of surrendering to the empire is not so firm, but forced by helplessness, it should be persuaded!

The self, Long Yangjun, Ba Xiaoyu and the bitter masters add up to four, four to eight, and the Yan people on the other side are not **** imperialists, but with the big stream, and the Han Daling generation is surrendering. When the water is drunk, it is rebellious and it is commonplace.

These people can change their position, so there is still a rescue, as long as Long Yangjun

"I choose the empire."

Long Yangjun is simple and simple.

Li Yao: "..."

Meng Chixin looked at her: "Wang Daoyou finished?"

"It's over."

Long Yangjun’s look is very relaxed. When he looks at Li Yao’s face, he is quite natural and open-minded. He does not seem to remember that he had an agreement with Li Yao in the past two days, and he did not care about the consequences of Li Yao’s identity. “Reason Well, the first few friends have finished speaking. Everyone said that they are very reasonable. I have nothing to add. The real human empire is the only choice!"

After Long Yangjun, another singularity, representing Wushangyun Road on the right path: "I don't like the real human empire very much, but when I think about it, we don't know anything about the situation in the Xinghai, no matter what. How to choose, the difference is not big, the most important thing is that we must unite and work together!"

"So, since so many friends have chosen the empire, I don't have to make a big difference, and add contradictions. Let's join everyone and temporarily return to the empire to understand the situation in the Xinghai, and then slowly care about it!"

Now, two gods and eight Yuan Ying have chosen the real human empire.

There are still no speeches left by the last two people, namely Li Yao, the master of the coffin, and Zhu Zongyou, the emperor of the Phoenix.

Everyone's gaze, and all the pressure, fell on the two, face, deep in the pupil!

As thick as a mountain, such as the deep sea, the pressure of the swamp is so breathless, the cold sweat of the bean in the forehead of the young man, also makes his expression sloppy, tangled to the extreme: "Hey, Hey, hehe..."

In all fairness, the Phoenix Emperor is certainly not willing to surrender to the empire.

Not to mention that he was deceived by the imperial female warrior for so long, the other party even dare to pretend to be his ancestral ancestors is tolerable, can not bear it?

It is said that with his "big god, the honor of the ninety-five", and Ba Xiaoyu, this is called Hanako, bitter this monk, like the hooligans like Chang Chang and Wan Mingzhu, bow to others and praise the ministers?

That is not, it is not the king of the country!

In an instant, the countless "King of the Dead" in the past dynasties, the last tragic end of the game, all flashed in the mind of the Phoenix emperor, in any case, he could not accept such an ending!

"His Majesty."

Long Yangjun respectfully recommended to the Phoenix Emperor, but his eyes "just happened" on Li Yao's face. "There is no dragon in the distance, but where is the dragon in the sky? At the moment, the enemy is strong and weak, and temporarily lurking the claws to endure, What's the big deal?"

"Thinking about when the past has not yet emerged, is it not in the Leiwu Temple, away from the deep vortex in the deep palace, is there any future creation? At that time, in the palace, the princes, the princes who can’t fight, Princes, where are you now?"

"And don't say, let's go back temporarily, it's just a matter of expediency, and it won't affect the independence of the Dagan Dynasty. You are still a great man, the ninety-five!"

"Even if you really ruin the country, as long as you leave the seeds, you can return to the country again! But when you are in the air, your soul is flying, then you really have nothing, think twice, think twice!"


The Phoenix Emperor glared at Long Yangjun, apparently hating this power and monopolizing the imperial court’s “rights”.

Long Yangjun smiled, completely ignoring the hostility of the Phoenix Emperor's fire and Li Yao's very secret anger. He said: "Your Majesty is the "higher" of the imperial female warrior, and the power of the empire should be better than me. A deeper understanding? The so-called 'Ning is the chicken head, not the cow's post." In fact, among the twelve of us, who is really trying to bow to the real human empire? But don't bow, what else? Choice? Not all of them are expedient, humiliation is accepted!"

"This kind of humiliation, even the gods and the peaks of Yuan Ying can bear the teeth, and there is still a great future, and it is necessary to establish a great cause for the world. Is it impossible to judge the situation and save a sigh of energy for yourself and the big?"

The Phoenix emperor was speechless, wiped a sweat, closed his eyes, and his eyelids trembled for a long time. He said: "Hey... agree to negotiate with the real human empire and start cooperation!"

Now, two gods and nine Yuan Ying, eleven of the twelve strongest people in the ancient sacred world, have chosen the empire.

Eleven to one.

Only Li Yao is left.

Li Yao is in a mess, and his thoughts in the brain are violently dancing, colliding and crushing like a blizzard.

What kind of ghost is Long Yangjun doing, why did he suddenly change his position and stand firm on the side of the empire, she is not afraid of her own death, will her secret be exposed?

No, it is a bit odd to say that she is "unswerving."

Listening to what she said in the end and the Phoenix Emperor, what is "Ning is the chicken head, not the cow", and what "Lianhua Shen and Yuan Yingfeng Peak" have to be "humiliated" to accept!

What do you mean by what is meant by "humiliation"? This is something that is said in the words. It is obviously unwilling to provoke a lot of Yuan Ying and the heart of the gods!

However, even if it really provokes a trace of unwillingness, anyway, now it is eleven to one, she or herself, is there any way to turn the tide?

"Ling Taoist friends!"

When Li Yao was thinking about the electric turn, the voice of Meng Chixin came coldly. "We have made up our minds, but I don't know if you have different opinions. If there isn't, then this matter is fixed. The ancient sacred world can only join the real human empire for the time being!" (To be continued.)


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