Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1537: New choice!


Li Yao’s gaze swept through the faces of Yuan Ying and Hua Shen, and they were able to see their intricate and mysterious expressions, especially after Long Yang’s seemingly calm eyes turned around for a long time. The heart is horizontal and slowly shakes his head. "I... I don't know. It seems that it is imperative to join the real human empire, but I always feel that it is a big thing, we should not reach an agreement so soon!"

"Even if the empire can give us thousands of benefits, and all kinds of magical powers, we seem to be careful to think carefully. Is there any other choice? Even if this choice seems ridiculous, it will not work, it should be taken out. The discussion is!"

"After all, we are certainly not the first big world to choose to surrender the real human empire. The empire can stand in the stars for thousands of years. There is absolutely a way to restrict the localities. It is not that we can rebel if we say rebellion!"

"Please ask God to send God easily. It is easy to join the empire. At first, there may be very good conditions. But when we really get in and want to get rid of it, it will be difficult to get into the sky. What do you think?"

Meng Chixin nodded again and again: "Ling Shudao's friends are justified. We really can't treat the immortals of the real human empire as stupid. They can arbitrarily deceive and play with them, but they should be regarded as the most insidious, cruel and terrible opponent!"

"To win the autonomy of the ancient sacred world, it is estimated that it will not be as easy as the night blues said. It is not easy to do this kind of thing." If you are not careful, the ancient sacred world will It was swallowed by the black wind fleet with a belt bone, and even the dregs did not have such a miscellaneous army being annexed by the trump card army. No matter what dynasty or anywhere, it is commonplace!"

"It’s rare that the Taoist friends have such insights, but they have given us a wake-up call."

"However, then again, we did not expect the horror of the empire, but as Wang Daoyou said, now that the Imperial Expeditionary Forces are under the city, we are simply unable to contend, and if we do not bow our heads, how can we choose? It is rare to have a **** battle. Is it?"

"The solitary besieged, **** battle in the end, but sent to death, of course, too reckless."

Li Yao gritted his teeth and finally said it, "But we don't necessarily have no allies. Why didn't everyone think about the Xingyao Federation?"


Numerous Yuan Ying and the gods of the gods have a slight glimpse of each other.

Wan Mingzhu was impatient: "Is it the night of the night, the small country on the edge of the Xinghai? If the night of the night is not true, the Black Wind Fleet is now rushing toward the Starry Federation, even if it has not started yet. It will arrive within a maximum of three years and five years! This small country is a mud bodhisattva crossing the river. It is difficult to protect itself and is on the verge of destruction! We can never refuse such a huge thing as the real human empire, to go to this unknown name. Is it a small country in danger?"

Li Yao’s faceless expression, pretending to be out of the way, calmly analyzing the appearance: “The Xingyao Federation may not be as unbearable as the night blue said, otherwise it will not be possible to defeat the fleet of the night blue, which will force her to flee to the dark nebula. It is here."

Wan Mingzhu sneaked a whisper: "Isn't it a night, it's just a negligible 'claw fleet', it's the equivalent of a scout squad. Before the war, it lost a team scout, for Qian Qianwan, What's the big deal?"

"Wan Daoyou is not safe, don't you say that you want to speak freely?"

Meng Chi’s heart is not moving. “There is definitely a reason for the spirit of the Taoist friend to throw out the choice of the 'Xing Yao Federation’. We may wish to wait for the spiritual friend to say his thoughtfulness and then slowly study it. late."

"Thinking about it, I just have been pondering this truth."

Li Yao squinted and cautiously said, "The real human empire has less to say that there are one or two hundred big worlds. We don't have many of us. We don't have a lot of us. Even if we really go to the past, it is just a icing on the empire." Will the empire really value us and give us the most powerful magic weapons and magical powers?"

"Speaking badly, at the top of the real human empire, that is far above the temples of the extreme heavens, in the eyes of all the people, our ancient sacred world is just a dog who takes the initiative to join in the wailing, they are happy. Reward us for a little wreckage and coldness. If we are unhappy, we will slap us a few feet. If we are hungry, we will slaughter us and devour it!"

"Our people, even if they can't say how thoroughly they are, and they are invincible in the world, they are all in the ancient sacred world. If you want to do whatever you want, the strong ones who want to get through it, really have to be impatient, go to the eagle dog." ?"


戚 戚 胜 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重

Li Yaozheng said: "So I am wondering if the Xingyao Federation might become another option."

"If you think about it, it is true that according to the night of the night, the Starry Federation is a small country with a small star in the sea, and it is three or five, up to seven or eight large worlds, and now it is facing the powerful military front of the Imperial Expeditionary Force. When you need the best support from the Quartet!"

"Joining the empire is a icing on the cake. If we join the Star Alliance at this time, it will be a gift in the snow!"

“The icing on the cake and the charcoal in the snow, it’s light and heavy, it’s self-evident!”

"And, joining the empire, we are just one of the hundreds of thousands of worlds, or the weaker one. There is no right to speak at all. We can only wreak our tails, let us be at the mercy, fish and charity!"

"But the number of worlds controlled by the Xingyao Federation will not exceed ten. We will join in. It is very likely that it is one of the 'five giants' and 'the six giants'. With the son-in-law battleship and so many giant soldiers, even Becoming a pivotal force within the federal system will not only continue to maintain the independence and autonomy of the ancient sacred world, but also have the opportunity to influence and control the overall situation of the Star Alliance!"

"Is there such a future, isn't it a bit tempting, isn't it worth us to think about it?"

Li Yao’s remarks have been discussed in many Yuan Ying.

But everyone was not confused by him.

Because many Yuan Ying and the gods are not stupid, Li Yao thought of them, they have long thought of it.

Han Bingling Shen Sheng said: "Ling Shudao's friendly words, joining the Xingyao Federation, is indeed better than joining the real human empire, can get a greater voice, maybe even anti-customer, one day let us in turn, control the federation !"

"But, the Starry Federation is now in jeopardy and will be destroyed by the Black Wind Fleet. What do you say?"

"The labor expedition, the military taboo, who can guarantee that the Black Wind Fleet will be able to defeat the Star Alliance?"

Li Yao said coldly, "In our ancient sacred world, the war that has been trekking for a few months will not be enough to kill. Even if it is a strong horse, the powerful 'Wang Shi' is entangled in the wilderness of the poor mountains and waters for a year and a half. After the load, the morale is low, the fighting power is extremely poor, and it is defeated by the indigenous people who are not strong!"

"And the Black Wind Fleet has been in the Xinghai for a hundred years, a hundred years! Who can guarantee that they can definitely defeat the Star Alliance, but will not be killed by the 'indigenous' on the edge of these stars!"

"Han Daoyou, in the eyes of the Central Plains, you and I are all such 'indigenous'. How should you fight against the war between 'indigenous' and 'wangshi'? You should be clearer than anyone?"

"If we are now rushing to join the empire, the Black Wind Fleet is being smashed by the Stars Federation. Are we not bothering, not inside?"

Han Bailing was speechless and fell into deep thought. After a while, he shook his head and said: "Even if the Black Wind Fleet is defeated, there are hundreds of worlds in the Empire, and countless fleets can be sent over!"


Li Yao smiled bitterly. "The real human empire can send a second fleet, but who can guarantee that before the second fleet comes and destroys the constellation of Stars, the furious federation will not give us the ancient sacred world first. Is it gone?"

"What's more, for the real human empire, the Starry Federation is just a acne problem, their confidant is still a covenant alliance! Maybe when the frontline war is tight, they will put the 'acne' behind the **** first , put it for thirty or fifty years or even longer?"

"Forty or fifty years, enough Star Alliance to destroy our ancient sacred world dozens of times!"

"So, we must not only see the power of the empire and the weakness of the federation, but also see that the empire is too far away from us, and we are under the eyes of the federation!"

"Running the monk can't run the temple, the black wind fleet can be retreated after defeating. Can our ancient sacred world grow wings and fly all the way to the inner land of the empire?"

Li Yao’s remarks set off a more heated discussion.

This said: "Yes, we must consider that the Xingyao Federation temporarily resisted the Black Wind Fleet and took out the hand to fight against the possibility of the ancient sacred world. It is not good to say that the Stars Federation can not beat the real human empire, is it still? Can't we destroy our ancient sacred world?"

That way: "That said, but we don't know anything about the Xingyao Federation. Where do you know the extent to which this 'small country is developing?' Is there a need for 'snow in the snow'? If they are vulnerable, they will help If you don't go to the wall, 'snow in the snow' is not as good as 'falling down the stone'!"

Someone hurriedly said, "What about that? For the real human empire, we have also seized a dark night orchid, can torture a scale and a half claw, the constellation of the constellation, then where to go to catch a federal scout, deep hypnosis Seriously tortured, unloading eight pieces, draining everything in his mind? Or relying on the empire is safer!"

There are a lot of different opinions. When one is right, the metal table side sounds a steady and regular knocking sound.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The voices of the people were gradually depressed, and they looked in the direction of the sound. However, they saw that Wang Yang, the king of Yang, had a well-thought-out, smiling, and slammed the table. (~^~)


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