Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1544: let's make friends!

Li Yao glanced at the giant sacred soldier "Yin and Yang" next to the two people. He did not deny that he did move his hands and feet in the giant gods. He only said: "For a master who is a peak of the Yuan Ying period and even a god, Even if there are no giant soldiers, just relying on a set of crystals, even the crystals are not, in the case of bare hands, it is extremely dangerous!"

"The most terrible thing is not the current ability of Yuan Ying and Huashen, but the incomparable horrible learning ability. Once you sneak into the Stars Federation, you will surely devour all the modern self-cultivation civilizations like a bottomless pit, with powerful deduction and computing power. It will take a long time to fully integrate into it and become a standard modern comprehension!"

"It is impossible to control everyone by relying on giant soldiers."

Long Yangjun smiled: "So, are you still scared? If the Xingyao Federation is afraid of even the 12 natives from the 'ancient', what qualifications are there to compete with the real human empire? it is good?"

Li Yao also laughed, his eyebrows were filled with strong self-confidence, and his temperament at the 12-man conference was very different: "Who said that I am afraid, this is a dangerous challenge, but our Federation will never Reject any challenge, whether it comes from the real human empire, from the ancient sacred world, or from the rest of the stars in the sea!"

This is the first time he has been in front of Long Yangjun, admitting his secret from the Starry Federation.

It marks that from this moment on, he will fully devote himself to this dangerous game and win the final victory!

"And, you made a mistake."

Li Yaodun had a meal, and he said, "Although in your case, it is a trick to trick the ten people into thieves, and the five flowers are tied up. Since the net is thrown, our Star Alliance is neither a dragon pool nor a thief boat. ', I have no idea of ​​who is going to harm anyone."

"I have come to the ancient holy world not far away. I hope that I can find some friends who can cooperate sincerely, alliance, side by side, and like-minded. Until now, I still have not given up the hope of 'win-win'. I believe in the ancient sacred world. There is a strong opportunity for cooperation and complementarity between the federations. If we can work together and unite, it will be good for everyone."

"So, I don't object to the other ten strong people, go to the Stars Federation to see the idea."

"Although their positions, camps and experiences are different, many people can't match the words "good men and women", and there are even ruthless people who are ruthless and murderous, but I believe that at least they are not flies and sharks. Selfish and self-interested people who want to think for themselves, want to find a way out for the people around them and their own destiny in the chaotic world!"

"In the ancient sacred world, they will never find such a way out. The system of the real human empire and the 'dao heart' cannot satisfy them completely, but I believe that when they saw the way the Xingyao Federation operated, they realized After the style of the modern comprehension, there will be new touches."

"Others don't care, at least I believe that Ba Xiaoyu and the bitter masters will like the Starry Federation; the rebellious people like Chang Sheng and Wan Mingzhu will also get new insights from the way the federal treats ordinary people; With Yunhe and Qizhong Road, you can also go deep into the federal "Comprehensive Basic Law" to see what the "rules" under modern cultivation of civilization are."

"Meng Chixin, Han Daling, Yan Yiren, Phoenix Emperor...may find different flashes from all areas of the Union. In the end, you will realize that the Federation can give more ancient sacred circles than the Empire. Much more!"

"This is the biggest reason why I would agree to the 'Star Picking Plan', instead of just swindling these people into the federation, as you think, using the ban to enslave and drive them, forcing them to surrender the whole. This is the practice of the empire, not the practice of our Federation."

Long Yangjun's eyes are hooked up: "It turns out that this is the real you. It is really domineering and quite confident in yourself!"

"I am not confident in myself."

Li Yao smiled and revealed his white teeth. "I have confidence in my country and have confidence in my compatriots! I believe that during the time they left, they must build the federal government into a strong and developed city. Human civilization...the real future!"

"I believe that these ancient Saints who have been groping for 100,000 years in the dark will not reject the future!"

Long Yangjun’s eyes flashed and he muttered: “Then I really can’t wait to see it, but since you are so confident in the federation, you can use the giant soldiers to control everything, why am I still in you? On the body, I have perceived an unpredictable concern. What are you worried about?"

Li Yao raised his eyebrows and said: "You are right. There are 12 ancient holy people who have sneaked into the Confederacy. There are indeed many ways to solve them perfectly. To achieve a win-win outcome, I am not trying to be a red-hearted, Qizhong, Han Bingling and others are bothering, but they are worried about another problem."


Long Yangjun’s eyes flashed. “There are any problems that are even more serious than those of Meng Chi, Qi Zhong Dao, and Han Da Ling. Can you make this super-human figure from the sky so lost?”

Li Yao stared at the opponent: "Yes, that is you!"

Long Yangjun blinked: "I?"

"You are too dangerous."

Li Yao frowned. "I have been pondering what you said at the meeting that day. I really realized what it means to be sold by you and help you count." No wonder you can be in the court. It’s overwhelming and rainy, and it’s the whole process of repairing the real world. Even without a single soldier, you can live and die many sects!”

"Just, what you said at the meeting and the people of Meng Chixin, and what I said when I faced me today, obviously the same thing, but can achieve the opposite effect, you have to sell Who is it?"

"Will, in fact, even I have been betrayed by you, is it happy to help you count the money?"

"This is the problem I am worried about. What I am worried about is not the ‘star picking plan’ itself, but the one who throws this plan!”

Long Yangjun laughed awkwardly: "You are too suspicious of the Lingxiao Daoyou. If you don't know my true identity and origin, Meng Chixin will be misled by me; but you are clear, my purpose is very simple. It is to find the forces that one side can cooperate, to repair the female warships, to find my mission, and nothing more."

"Now, the Xingyao Federation is the most suitable partner. Under the pressure of the Empire and the Holy Alliance, you are unlikely to completely turn your face and swallow my battleship. Right, then I am looking for you to cooperate sincerely. Isn’t it very reasonable? So far, everything I have done is good for your federation. Where is your doubts?"

"it's here."

Li Yao pointed to his own temple, "intuition."


Long Yangjun smiled and shook his head.

"My intuition doesn't always work, but when it's really effective, it's often a bad thing."

Li Yao looked straight into the depths of his opponent's eyes, but there seemed to be a thin mist of fog, and he could not see the deepest fluctuations in the brain of Long Yangjun. "Meng Chixin, Qi Zhongdao, Han Daling, Phoenix Emperor... I know what those people want."

"Even the strategic intent of the Night Blue, the Black Wind Fleet and the entire real human empire can be guessed one or two."

"But you, Long Yangjun, or a kind of humanoid ‘existence’ that calls himself ‘Long Yangjun’, what exactly are you doing, I really can’t guess.”

"I do not like this feeling."

"I don't care if the "old people", such as the Red Heart, the Qizhong Road, and the Han Daling, even the long-term and evil people in the eyes of the "righteous people" enter the federation, because I believe they will be shocked and edified by the Federation. And assimilated."

"But, let's put you, let you 'Long Yang Jun' into the federation, I don't know why, I always give birth to a feeling of 'heart-breaking', always feel that you are more dangerous than the other ten, even if there is Two gods, and you are just a baby!"

Long Yangjun smiled a little strangely and did not deny his danger. He just said: "But you can't stop me from entering the universe. If you don't agree with me to go to the federation, it doesn't matter. I will naturally find a way to contact the Black Wind Fleet. It is also possible to return to the Xinghai and integrate into the new universe after hundreds of thousands of years."

Li Yao stared at her: "What do you want to do?"

Long Yangjun spread his hand: "Nothing special, probably staying with other people and not waking up. When you wake up, you will be like the "rebirth" who is a human being. You want to see the new world and make new friends. ,that is it."

Li Yao reveals a weird expression: "Friend?"


Long Yangjun said, "Most normal humans have friends, killing, conspiring and betrayal of these emotions. I have already experienced enough. Now I want to experience the taste of the rest of the emotions, including 'friendship', what else? strange?"

"Right, speaking, from the isolated islands of the East China Sea, we all know each other for a few months, and we also know each other's biggest secrets. They are also opponents of chess, and they are sympathetic, and they are still working together. Should they be friends, but you should be friends? But you know My real name is Long Yangjun, but I still don't know your real name. Is it some... not fair?"

Li Yao squinted: "First, no one will cherish you"; second, who can guarantee that 'Long Yang Jun' is your real name; third, I will not tell you, my real name, have the ability to you Let’s go slowly!”

"I am really making friends with you, why bother to reject people thousands of miles away?"

Long Yangjun’s eyes are deep and secluded. “Perhaps you will find out that every sentence I am saying today is the truth. I really just want to go out... Observe the new world outside, the new human race.”

"It's a pity, when you really find that I don't lie, maybe it's already... unrecoverable."

Long Yangjun’s words made Li Yao fall into a moment of loss.

Just want to speak again, Long Yangjun is a slight smile, like a cloud of air floating over a dozen meters in the air, drifting into the giant soldiers.

The giant sacred yin and yang were activated, and the black and white scales suddenly stood up. In the depths of the cockpit, there were hundreds of thousands of years of dust, and mysterious sighs... (~^~)


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