Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1545: Finally prepared!

Star picking plan, the first month.

No matter how high the risk factor of the star-picking plan is, it may lead to unpredictable consequences, but its benefits are also obvious.

The first is to prevent the ancient sacred community from immediately falling to the side of the real human empire, to prevent the Black Wind Fleet from getting a reiki rich, resource-rich, and sufficient rear canal that can be used.

If the Black Wind Fleet really gets such a base, in just a year and a half, it will make up for the long-distance travel and fatigue of a hundred years, recharge your batteries, renew your vitality, and appear in the most powerful face in front of the Xingyao Federation. The Federation may not have a half chance of winning.

Without such a "slow plan", Li Yao and Long Yangjun could not stop the other two major gods, the Eight Great Yuan Yingfeng, and signaled to the Black Wind Fleet through the night blue.

Even if Li Yao can also signal to the Stars Federation, the Federal Fleet and the Black Wind Fleet arrive at the same time in the ancient holy world, Li Yao is not too optimistic about the combat effectiveness of the Federal Fleet in this "frontal encounter."

As early as one hundred years ago, the "Yuan Ying Conference" of the Xingyao Federation set the tone for the overall strategy of the "Federal Defence War". They must base themselves on the local, relying on the advantages of time and place to fight against the defensive counterattack. In the battle, rushing out, in the depths of the dark nebula and the black wind fleet to fight against this is not their advantage, to their own short, to defeat the enemy, this is a taboo.

Secondly, let these Yuan Ying and the gods from the "early era" to appreciate the excitement of modern comprehension civilization, Li Yao believes that at least most of them can be touched and have the opportunity to reach the federal and ancient sacred circles. The sincere cooperation between the two, even let the ancient sacred community really join the federation, condensed into an inseparable whole!

The cosmic trend, the mighty, the shunchang, the rebellious, Li Yao is sincerely convinced that the Xingyao Federation represents the future of human civilization, absolutely superior to the empire and the sacred alliance, as long as they can let their eyes Seeing it and experiencing it will definitely attract most of the ancient repairs.

This is where Li Yao’s “Tao Xin” is located. He cannot doubt and retreat at this point.

The Xingyao Federation will one day go to the center of the Xinghai Sea and bring it to all human beings, including all empires and even sacred people, another new future!

If even some "old people" can't be convinced, what else can we talk about to attract, assimilate, and liberate the imperials and the sacred people?

The "old man" such as Meng Chixin regarded the star-picking plan as a conspiracy, even if it was discovered by the federal government.

But for Li Yao, this plan is also a "yangmou", a counter-attack of advanced civilizations to assimilate backward civilizations!

Li Yao believes that Ding Ling, Wang Chunfeng, Jin Xinyue, Fire Ant King, Professor Mo Xuan, Yao Gong Peng Hai, Xiong Wuji, Lei Continental, Bai Happy... All the loved ones, friends, compatriots together form the Xingyao Federation, after A hundred years of rapid development will never let him down!

This is the most important reason why he is fully committed to the star-picking program.

What's more, there is a more direct benefit to the ultra-high-speed advancement of the star-picking plan. That is, Li Yao, who is the "technical director" of the entire project, has not only gotten from the hands of Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun. They spent decades searching for a large number of magic weapons and jade slips from the women's battleships, and they were able to study more than a dozen intact giant soldiers and more giant wrecks, and even got the female warriors. The trust of Dark Night Lan can take a lot of relevant technical information from the Empire in the night!

Black Night Lan is just a warrior. This sneak action caused by the accident is completely beyond the limits of her ability. This step has already made her completely overdraft.

When Long Yangjun threw a disguised star-picking plan to her, saying that the ancient holy strong decided to sneak into the federal government to destroy the squad, and the black wind fleet should be outside, she did not see the problem.

In other words, she never dreamed that these "old people" who were "daring, infatuated, and delusional" dared to reject the "Tianwei" of the imperial empire, and turned to consider the borderless barbarians like the Xingyao Federation.

Even if she is suspicious, it doesn't work.

The prohibition and the secret of the two great gods are not so good, and her resistance will only lead to the use of harder and more cruel means by the ancient saints, but will make things more and more rigid.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Black Night Lan also chose to cooperate fully with the 12 strong.

She is a nobleman of the real human empire, and is the daughter of the commander of the Black Wind Fleet. Although her specialty is to control the giant soldiers, she has a considerable degree of involvement in the navigation and control of the starships and the emergency repair of various magic weapons.

Otherwise, it is impossible for her to be able to reluctantly control the assault ship to land the ancient sacred world after all the crew members of the "Abandoned Teeth" have been torn by the storm in the four-dimensional space.

In the star-picking plan, she temporarily served as an assistant to Li Yao, working together on the maintenance and inspection of Jingjing, Giants, Starships and various advanced magic weapons.

In addition, she is responsible for some of the church's top 12, the simple handling skills of the starship.

Long Yangjun was the first self-sufficient courage to learn the technique of starship driving to the night orchid.

In this way, even after half a year, she showed quite amazing starship driving skills, can be pushed to the night of the blue.

The exchange conditions for the top 12 to throw into the night orchids are that after the star-raising plan is launched, they will go deep into the Starry Federation with the dark night orchids, and let her collect first-hand information about the federation.

This is of course, they can not leave the night green in the ancient sanctuary, so as not to cause more variables, and really want to "sit on the mountain", they also need a person who can communicate with the Black Wind Fleet.

Naturally, on Li Yao’s side, I also hope that the black-night fleet, the commander of the Black Wind Fleet, will be brought to the Confederacy, and the secret swords led by the Spring Breeze will be able to extract more information from her mouth.

Poor Dark Night Lan did not know that these "old people" were so savvy to this extent that she completely turned her over the fish on the chopping board and wondered how to cut it.

In order to promote the cooperation between the ancient sacred world and the real human empire, she is really honest, and she vomits a lot of technical secrets.

There are even a large number of technical manuals from the real human empire that are dedicated to maintaining the crystal scorpion, giant warriors and starships. They are placed in front of Li Yao in the form of jade.

In the dark night, I want to come. Anyway, the "Lingling Master" is just an ancient repair. Even if his "ancient refining technique" is more sophisticated, how can he completely understand the most complicated technical secrets from the real human empire?

As everyone knows, this "Lingling Master" has long been lost, standing in front of her eyes, but one of the most terrible refining divisions of the Stars Federation in the past 100 years!

In the federal era, Li Yao obtained a large number of technical secrets of the real human empire through the analysis of the crystal scorpions and starships brought by Su Changfa and other cultivators.

But the Su Changfa trio, after all, is not a real warrior, but a character like the "Pioneer", and does not carry the ultimate weapon like the giant soldiers.

The jade slip of the dark night blue helped Li Yao to fill the most crucial part.

Li Yao was intoxicated and indulged in it, madly swallowing the crystal scorpion of the real human empire, the giant gods, the starship maintenance manual.

Star-picking plan, the second month.

After the first month of comprehensive overhaul and commissioning, the top 12 people selected their favorite giant soldiers, and under the teaching of Meng Chixin, Wu Suiyun and Black Night Lan, they started Jingjing and Giant God. The rapid cultivation of soldiers.

After all, they are all higher-level training in the Yuan Ying period. They are smart and intelligent, and they are superb in wisdom, and they are intrigued by the analogy.

The method of the primary control of the giant soldiers is not so difficult to learn.

I thought that when Li Yao first drove the giant soldiers, he could use the supernatural powers to kill a Pangu.

Although there is a "small black" as a medium to assist, but now there is a full half-year familiar, naturally able to manipulate the giant soldiers to look like a decent.

As the "Technical Director", Li Yao has mastered the performance characteristics of each giant soldier. The fighting style of each strongman has also completed all the "back door" settings in the overhaul and modification.

He has set up the back door on the giant warriors and all the crystals of the night sacred belts, including three types.

The first type of "back door" is used to lock the orientation.

As long as he is remotely activated by special volatility, he can clearly show the other person's position on his receiver.

The second type of "back door" is also remotely activated. Once activated, it will produce strange spatial fluctuations that cannot be accommodated in the ring.

Its use effect is similar to that imposed by Long Yangjun on the Venusian disk.

The ancient sacred world is a self-enclosed world. There are many secret treasures handed down from the flood era, including a large number of Qiankun Rings.

The space for the Qiankun ring in this world is much larger than the space that the federal government has painstakingly collected from the edge of the Xinghai Sea.

At the Longquan Conference, Yan Yiren once released a giant sword of several tens of meters from a ring of martial arts.

Since Qiankun Ring can be folded to accommodate a giant sword of several tens of meters in length, it can naturally accommodate a dozen or twenty meters of giant warriors with a maximum height of thirty meters.

This level of 乾 戒 ring, look at the entire ancient sacred world, search and scrape, a dozen or so can still find out.

It is too dangerous for the twelve dangerous elements to carry around with the giant soldiers.

Therefore, Li Yao specially added this "insurance". Once activated, at least the concealment of the giant soldiers can be reduced to zero.

The third kind of "back door" is naturally the most direct and thorough. The main control crystal brain and the power furnace tripod of the giant gods are cut off, and the giant soldiers are completely banned.

Li Yao has made all the stops on these three kinds of "back door".

What is called interlocking, what is called step by step, what is called the first to launch the whole body, the organs are connected to the organs, the traps are trapped, but they are hidden to the extreme, and they do not affect the normal use at all... even the black wind fleet Experts come to visit, want to crack the "back door" he left, I am afraid to vomit blood three liters! (To be continued.)


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