Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1546: The road to the immortal, open!

However, less than a last resort, Li Yao did not want to use such a means, this is only the ultimate "insurance."

Ba Xiaoyu, the master of bitterness is a good person, Li Yao does not want to meet with them.

Even Han Bingling, Qi Zhongdao, Yan Changsheng, Wan Mingzhu and others have their own merits, not completely selfish and self-serving.

Li Yao sincerely hopes that they can understand something that they have never thought of, seen, and thought in the Star Alliance, and make a breakthrough in their own "moral heart"!

Star picking plan, the third month.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the depths of the Yongye Icefield, above the women's battleship, in the whirlwind of the blizzard, the two giant soldiers are like two wild giants, fighting!

The height of the first giant soldier is about 20 meters. The silver-white shell is crystal clear. If it is integrated with the snow, the shoulders, elbows, knees, etc. have sharp blade protrusions everywhere. The word "Ling Li" is undoubtedly obvious.

What is more eye-catching is the two-handed sword with almost the same height as the body, wide blade and thick back. The surface is engraved with intricate patterns like spider webs, as if changing the shape at any time, even the mountains. Can be broken with one sword!

This is Li Yao’s giant soldier who is carefully selected by Jian Yanyan.

As one of the strongest attack points in the team, Li Yao has dismantled several magic weapons units of the giant gods to strengthen, but it is the essence of the "offensive" word, to the fullest of the giant soldiers.

Yan Yiren named it a big sword!

And its opponent, it is round, chubby, up and down, is a magnified tens of thousands of times of the tumbler, or sitting on the lotus throne, surrounded by eighteen pale gold beads. It blooms with soft and rich brilliance, forming a constant psionic shield, and silently enduring the attack of Jianmang.

This is the giant squadron of the bitter master, "Float", the strongest of all the giant squadrons. When the psionic shield is fully open, it can even cover a range of hundreds of meters, protecting everyone. inside!

The strongest attack and the strongest defense collided together, knocking out the sparks and the waves of shocking waves.

Li Yao is nervously collecting and analyzing their combat data, and strives to adjust the connection and array of the various magic weapons units of the giant gods to the extent that they are more in line with their own characteristics.

Behind this "Great God Soldier Battlefield", a psionic flying boat is flowing, and the magic weapon units and key facilities dismantled from a large number of female scorpions are transported to the south.

The remaining of the twelve giant soldiers have served as temporary "handling workers". With the blessings of these steel giants, it seems that even the violent hurricane can be completely conquered. A big workshop in the heat.

When Li Yao devoted himself to the study of the giant soldiers, the rest of the top 12 were not idle, and the star-raising plan was in full swing.

Meng Chixin, Han Daling, Qi Zhongdao, Qi Changsheng, Wan Mingzhu, Phoenix Emperor... These people control the most powerful forces in the ancient sacred world. They cooperated together and the energy that broke out was amazing.

In the south, near the middle of the Yunqin and Dagan borders, they found a large refinery workshop originally used to refine the psionic canoe, which was transformed into a repairing of the blood-level assault ship of the real human empire. Secret base.

A large number of magic weapons units and facilities of the Nuwa Battleship were transported to the vicinity to strengthen the upgrade of the attack ship.

With such a huge movement, it is impossible to hold on to the six high-ranking monks who have entered the "Xiangong" exploration.

However, the two great gods, the top ten super Yuan Ying, these twelve strongest forces representing the most powerful forces, force and cultivation of the ancient sacred world, all together, they joined forces to suppress, they are not only obedient What else?

What's more, Long Yangjun's thoughts on these people are very thorough and they have made a very attractive promise to them.

"The Yunsheng Jin people in the ancient sacred world have so many things. Naturally, it is impossible to give it to you. Even if you tear your face, there is no good for you. This point, the masters and the heads, all know well. ?"

"However, it doesn't matter. We learned from the Leiyun Xianjun mouth about the amazing news about ‘仙界’, and will soon open up the channel from the ancient holy world to the fairy world!”

"As long as the success of the "Shengxian Channel" is successful, not only can there be a lot of magic weapons from the fairy world, but also the fairy warriors and the Yunqin Jinren are not in the words, and the difficulty of 'broken voids, white rising heavens' is greatly reduced, even Even you can easily enter the fairy world!"

"Our time for this trip will not be too long. It will take a year and a half, and it will take up to three years and five years. It will surely bring a large number of immortals to return to the treasure. At that time, it may be necessary to bring more people to the ascendant world." Got it, the dog is ascending to heaven!"

"However, the person who sent us back to the Fairy Supreme Treasure is going to be there, and when it will open up the ‘Shengxian Channel’, it’s up to you today’s attitude!”

These words have successfully caught everyone.

What's more, Long Yangjun is not lying, no matter whether they cooperate with the Federation or the Empire, it is not a small six major faction, and a loose sand comprehension can afford.

Who dares to make a ghost when they leave the ancient sacred world, then don't blame them for being ruthless when they return from the "Fairy World", and settle it after the fall!

Coupled with Han Daling, Yan Changsheng, Long Yangjun and others, there was originally a group of loyal and partial songs.

These people have not rebelled under the prevailing pressure of "Thundercloud Xianjun". Naturally, it is even more impossible for them to control 12 giant soldiers. When the situation is good, they will betrayed!

With these loyal and subordinates, the overall situation of stability, and the legendary "Imperial World" as hope, within three or five years of the ancient sacred world, it is impossible for the world to be chaotic.

Star-picking plan, the fourth month.

In a valley in the junction of Yunqin and Dagan, in the secret dock, the maintenance of the Waste tooth is progressing very smoothly.

Some of the structural features of this imperial assault ship, the first batch of cultivators who contacted the Xingyao Federation, Su Changfa, Ruan Ruo, Tang Qianhe, and the "Qingyang" they have similar, all have quite advanced automated repair and extensions.

As long as you search for a wealth of resources, you can refine a large number of mining spider mites, repair spider mites, battle spider mites, etc., and simply repair the battleship.

The reason why Black Night Lan was slow was because she could not find most of the rare metals and heavens. On the other hand, mining, smelting and maintenance, the movement was too big, and the waves spread to hundreds. Thousands of miles away, it will definitely be perceived by the mighty of the ancient sacred world.

Therefore, she temporarily put aside the maintenance plan.

Now, these two problems no longer exist.

With the support of the twelve strongest people, all the heavenly treasures and rare materials of the ancient sacred world can be opened up for consumption, so that there is no need to hide their eyes and ears, and even the top 12 are under the influence of the forces, and the six major factions are mobilized to a large number of refiners. Auxiliary, coupled with the removal from the Nvwa battleship, the ready-made magic weapon unit and facilities are strengthened. Although it is patched and patched, the appearance looks unsightly. The navigation performance parameters of the Aberdeen are rapidly improved. In less than a month, you can restore the ability to sail in the Xinghai Sea and even jump in 4D!

The star-picking plan, the fifth month.

Breakthroughs have also been made in the study of the star maps of the wilderness era and the setting of the jumping channel.

The star map inside the Nüwa battleship records the Xinghai situation hundreds of thousands of years ago.

For hundreds of thousands of years, for a civilization, it may be a long life from the rise to the demise, but for the big concept of "the universe", it is nothing but a gap, a short moment, the relative position and condition of the stars and the sea, not to A big change has taken place.

The night blue is the daughter of the commander of the Black Wind Fleet. Where there is no reason to read and deduct the star map, the star map that she has deduced and calculated, although not as precise as Li Yao’s mastery, can jump directly to Tianyuan. In the near-Earth orbit of the star, at least not far from the Tianyuan and the blood demon.

First, through an ultra-long-distance jump, roughly jump to the vicinity of the Xingyao Federation, and then map the latest situation around the star field, fine-tune the jump parameters, and make a second precise jump. This is their intention.

After Li Yao and Long Yangjun secretly negotiated, they did not want everyone to jump directly to the core area of ​​the Federation. The encounter that they could not meet was not good for both sides.

In the end, Long Yangjun made an opinion and set their first jump destination to a place on the star map called the 'low light star field'.

There is a certain distance from Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Meteor, and it should not be discovered by the federals just after jumping.

Although there are no inhabitable planets hundreds of thousands of years ago, there may be some metal and crystal ore on several resource planets marked on the star map, which can supplement the missing teeth after a long jump.

They can take a break in this "buffer" before deciding on the next move.

Long Yangjun followed the night of the night to "learn" for a few months, and the "progress" was very fast. In the "observation group" of twelve people, she will serve as the pilot of the starship.

The jump point she proposed was quite safe and quickly passed unanimously.

Star-picking action, the sixth month.

Everything is ready, just waiting to go.

After the restoration, the Atomic No., like a dark red crystal cluster, stands quietly in the depths of the valley. Although it has not yet been activated, it still releases a "fangs and claws" and "no anger".

Five hundred miles have been designated as a restricted area. In addition to the most loyal subordinates who have been tested and loyal, they dare to swear and kill innocent people!

For the first time in 100,000 years, the ancient saints broke through the Dark Nebula's "Climbing of the Immortals" and will unfold after an hour! (~^~)


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