Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1547: Triple identity

"What a... sharp!"

Although within half a year, I witnessed it from the riddled, broken, a little bit repaired and strengthened by the warship's own maintenance spiders and many refiners.

However, when the ancient Holy Twelve strong once again stood in front of the newly-made "Abandoned Teeth", it was still able to be cast from the modern Xinghai civilization, and when it was first seen, The species is very different from the era of ancient times, as if it can tear all the cold texture, and bring a powerful shock.

Many of them have been arrogant.

"Imperial blood blade level assault ship", the ship is as its name, it is like a **** dagger made up of numerous red crystal clusters, and it is like a white shark swimming in the deep red sea, even if it is just quiet Standing in the depths of the valley, it makes people feel that they will open their mouths at any time.

Fortunately, Li Yao and Black Night Lan commanded the maintenance of the spider, and attached a myriad of messy and unnecessarily magical wrecks on the outer shell of the tooth. On the one hand, it can resist the meteorite collision in the Xinghai and the enemy's artillery bombardment. It also slightly obscured its temperament from the empire.

Although it is impossible to get through everyone's eyes, remote scanning beyond 100 million kilometers beyond the line of sight may not be able to scan the true identity of the ship.

This is also consistent with the fake identity set by Long Yangjun.

Long Yangjun set a triple interlocking false identity for this extremely dangerous observation group.

On the outermost level, their observation group came from a world of "burning stone" that was suppressed by the real human empire more than 500 years ago.

It is a real world of greatness, and it is also a world of comprehension that was once unyielding and unwilling to surrender to the empire.

The self-cultivators of the stone-burning world once challenged the empire. In the end, they were brutally suppressed without any suspense, and they fought a fierce and **** battle. The whole stone-burning world was almost turned into a blood pool and a sea of ​​fire.

Before the encounter with the real human empire, the burning stone industry has developed a fairly developed ability to sail in the Xinghai.

After the war, there were countless resistance fighters who drove in starships to the depths of the Xinghai, and continued to be a small resistance army and guerrillas in the empire.

They robbed the Emperor's celestial stars from the various worlds to plunder the resources of the transport ship, attacking the mining sites of the vast expanse of the empire, and even some extreme avengers will go deep into the core of the empire, assassinate the high officials of the empire, promote the concept of resistance, and provoke the emperor and The relationship between the localities incited the autonomy and independence of the outer world of the empire, and even carried out terrorist attacks and launched the most pure revenge.

It took the empire two hundred years to kill these nasty little flies.

But three hundred years after the suppression of the stone-burning world, the last battleship of the stone-burning monks was discovered, and the "disinfection of the stone" was completely settled.

This information is revealed by Dark Night Orchid. It is true and reliable after being verified and judged by two major gods.

Then, according to the script written by Long Yangjun, it is assumed that some of the burnt stone monks used to be the fish of the net, escaped the brutal strangulation of the empire, and captured an imperial warship in the killing. After several hundred years, all the way to escape to the Xinghai The edge is like the last power of the Xinghai Republic orthodox government, the Firefly.

In this way, it is reasonable to explain why they were on the bloody-level assault ship and suddenly appeared in the federal sky.

To this end, Long Yangjun repeatedly questioned all the details of the "nights of the stone".

This incident is not the military secret of the empire, but also the past events hundreds of years ago, and it has not been sealed. The night blue has honestly said everything.

According to these details, Long Yangjun has twelve of them. No, it is thirteen, including the night blue, all of which have created a brand new identity.

She is the leader and founder of the intelligence and assassination of the "ghost painting". Li Yao estimates that in the battle of the gods of hundreds of thousands of years ago, in the army of the female Yi people, the dry is also hidden, breaking through the enemy The work of this is naturally familiar to all of this.

This is just their first camouflage.

If this layer of disguise is seen, the twelve ancient powers have never underestimated the terribleness of the federal people. This possibility of being discovered is there, and if they are quite large, they will activate the second layer of identity.

In the second layer of identity, they will reveal some of the truth.

The best lie is always like this, wrapped and disguised in a lot of truth.

They will admit that they are from a certain "ecological civilization", but the coordinates of the ancient sacred world are vague, and the strength of themselves and the ancient sacred world will be greatly reduced.

In the past, the ancient sacred world, because the aura is too abundant, can be squandered with impunity, so there is no convergence, hiding the strength of the "conquering magic".

However, "conquering the gods" itself is not too superb and complicated. No matter whether it is a constellation or a real human empire, there are a lot of similar magical powers, and the night blue has naturally been involved in several kinds.

In the past, when Li Yao had just awakened Linggen and was an ordinary college student, he learned to "conquer the gods" and "burn the soul."

These repairs are deep, intelligent and super-powerful Yuan Ying and the gods and gods. There are enough time for half a year to come to repair, where is the reason for learning?

Therefore, now they can, at least, do whatever they want, and suppress their own cultivation, suppressing one or two big realms, pretending to be ordinary building bases, and at most, the monks and monks.

Long Yangjun also designed a brand new script for this identity, telling how they unwittingly excavated a prehistoric warship from the depths of their own world, and how to study the warships after hundreds of years. The law, however, was discovered by the Claws of the Imperial Expeditionary Force when it first sailed on the Xinghai Sea. How to defeat the Imperial warships after all the wits and wits, and fled all the way to this...

Of course, this story also has a lot of loopholes that may be seen.

So they still have the third identity and complete identity.

In the most extreme circumstances, they can say everything, about themselves, the ancient sacred world, the sacred warships and even the blood-blade assault ship that was forced to descend to the ancient sacred world, everything is true.

Only one point needs to make some small "adjustments".

In the story, they did not fall to the side of the real human empire. Instead, after using the Soul Dafa to torture the imperial warriors on the assault ship, they killed the imperial warrior because they were too hard.

Killing the Imperial Warriors, they have nowhere to go, they can only choose to fall to the side of the Starry Federation.

Triple identity, deeper and deeper, even if they are discovered by the "federal government", they can disguise and disguise this idea layer by layer, giving most of the twelve ancient holy strongmen Big illusory security.

"Ming Ling teacher, the Aberdeen has completed its self-test and can be launched at any time!"

The imperial female warrior, Black Night Lan, was respectful at Li Yao’s side.

In the past six months, she and Li Yao stayed together almost every day to conduct research and maintenance of giant warriors and starships.

The speed of the crazy learning of the modern magic weapon repairs made the night of the night, and in less than three months, he has already come to the top, far beyond the level of the night blue.

The dark night orchid is surprised and admired by the "Da Zhou Jian Zong", the ancient sword-making technique that he inadvertently reveals, and the application of these "ancient casting magical powers" in modern magic weapons. Mercury and diarrhea, natural and natural, ingenuity, the means of magical work, I really admire the five bodies!

This ancient sword-making technique, which is so fascinating, is such a sensation and intuition to the crystal scorpion and the giant squad, if it can be applied to the technical department of the Black Wind Fleet, how much can it play? !

Heilongjiang regarded Li Yao as one of the most ancient cults worthy of the empire in the ancient sacred world. He gave him all kinds of means, screamed at him, and a "teacher", and he meticulously took up the disciples.

She has heard that the "Lingling Master" has not yet received an apprentice.

Although she is a pure warrior, she has not become a refiner, but it is not a bad thing to have a good relationship with such an excellent refiner!

Li Yaole has such an imperial female warrior. When she is an assistant and a follower and a maid, she naturally will not refuse the other party's great courtesy. Occasionally, she will teach the other side the essence of "ancient sword-making".

As a result, the relationship between the "Imperial Female Warrior" and the "Federal Secrets" is quite close, "happy!"

"You are friends, it is not early, let's go!"

Li Yao glanced at the front of the No. 1 tooth, and the other eleven ancient sages with different looks laughed.

The boarding of the absurd, like the long tongue of the beast, slowly reached the feet of everyone.

Everyone looked at each other and gritted their teeth and strode on the road!

When I arrived at the Huazi Ba Xiaoyu here, this day is not afraid of being afraid of it. The heroic man who laughs and screams, the forehead has emerged the sweat of the bean, and a cigarette rod chews "squeaky" and hesitates.

"Ling Yu Daoyou, this ship is your own personally presided over the maintenance. You and Huazizi tell the truth, it really can bring us all to the clouds, through the stars and sea, and jump more than 100,000 miles. Going out of the place of 18,000 times?"

Ba Xiaoyu swallowed and whispered.

Not waiting for Li Yao to answer, he waved his hand indiscriminately, and wanted to wipe out what he had just said. "Forget it, it’s a knife, and it’s a knife. It’s all white, is it this time? Can you escape from the battle? Stay in the ancient sanctuary, how is a death, no matter how dangerous, we must always take this step!"

He grabbed the cigarette holder and stepped forward two steps. After thinking about it, he stopped and whispered to Li Yao: "Thank you, Lingxiao Daoyou!" (~^~)


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