Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1548: Irritating the sun! (End of the fourth volume)

Li Yao gave a slight glimpse: "What do you thank me?"

"Thank you for your meeting at the meeting half a year ago, in the absence of our eleven to oppose the surrender of the real human empire, we can still stick to our own heart and throw different opinions."

Ba Xiaoyu smiled bitterly. "Otherwise, we really have the possibility to send the news of the ancient sacred circles to the Black Wind Fleet six months ago. The ancient sacred world has long been the base of the Black Wind Fleet, and it is called Huazi, and I have to leave my hometown. , wandering stars, when a starless sea of ​​Xinghai!"

Li Yao’s heart moved, whispered: “Does Badou friends not like the real human empire?”

"I really don't like it."

Ba Xiaoyu looked at the night blue with some disappointment and muttered. "In the past six months, I have repeatedly studied the confession of the night blue, and I have talked with her alone and asked her the attitude of the real human empire to the people of Lebanon and the people."

"The real human empire has gone this way. It is really impossible to make Huanzi satisfied that everyone is exactly the same. They are all raised by the twins, flesh and blood, all have joys and sorrows, seven emotions and six desires, and why they should be divided into 'real people' and 'original People's, the so-called 'original people', just because there is no spiritual root, even people can't count it? This is simply a matter of reason!"

Ba Xiaoyu sighed: "When Hanako was young, he was born to cultivate a family. He also had a period of jade food, pampering, young and frivolous, and extremely extravagant life. However, such 'enjoyment' is in the realm of comprehension. Intrigue, swearing, swearing, and swearing, entangled in the smashing of the smashing squad, and the division is unclear."

"Suddenly, the giant clam struck, and the island of my family was burned. My family was in the middle of the road, and I was seriously injured. I lived in the folks on the southeast coast. I was mixed among the poor people, and I was treated for the first time. I realized the ordinary people. Although it is bitter and dull, it is from the heart of the lungs, and there is no need to cover, watch out, and deliberately calculate the life!"

"Taste the taste of this kind of life, so that Hanako deeply realized that the comprehension is not necessarily noble, and ordinary people may not be low-minded. After a hundred years, Huazi has always been the appearance of this deputy, mixed among the people of the city. For example, Yan Changsheng and Wan Mingzhu’s thoughts are called Huazi’s reputation. I don’t know if I am really happy!”

"This kind of life has passed hundreds of years, and Huazi has long been used to it. If the human empire is divided into "real people" and "original people", the life between the two is really not what Hanako can bear!"

Li Yaodao: "Why didn't the Nabba friends object at that time?"


Ba Xiaoyu smiled bitterly. "What is the use of opposition? The strength of the real human empire is evident from this small assault ship. Even though I am not willing to surrender to the empire, how can we drag down so many people in the ancient sacred world? Are you buried in a **** sea?"

"Calling a flower in my heart is a dilemma. I really don't know how to make a decision. I was thinking about it. I had to go far and fly, and I couldn't see it as a net."

"Fortunately, the last time the Lingxiao Taoist friends turned around, they turned their arrogance, and they pointed out the benefits. They also led Wang Xi's ‘star picking plan’ to make this a little turn for the better. At least one year and a half can be delayed to make a decision!”

"Hey, the Starry Federation, the Starry Federation, I really don't know what kind of country it is. Can it bring a glimpse of the ancient sacred world to the real human empire? Hope?"

Li Yao’s heart was hot, and he couldn’t help but secretly clenched his fist and tried to calm down: “Maybe, this person is also looking forward to seeing... a completely different constellation of stars!”

"Please, Bardo, let us open our eyes and see the universe!"

"All crew members are packed!"

“All doors are closed, all airlocks are closed and the internal oxygen circulation system is activated!”

“The ground-assisted jet array is activated and ready to start!”

Twelve ancient holy strongmen, plus a real human empire female warrior, the night of the night, all entered the empire blood blade level assault ship "Abandoned"!

On the ground, the subordinates who were loyal to Han Bingling and Long Yangjun also completed the preparation work for the external launch.

The so-called "strike ship", as its name implies, is an attack ship that is small in size, fast in sprinting speed, adapts to various terrains and spaces, can quickly penetrate into the enemy ship or the enemy's planetary atmosphere, and implements forced assault operations.

Such warships often have to break into the low-Earth or even the atmosphere and then evacuate at high speed.

Therefore, it has a strong ability to resist gravity, and it can easily get rid of the gravitational restraint of a planet.

Under the cooperation of Long Yangjun, Li Yao dismantled the auxiliary power units in the four fine-tuning directions from the power cabin behind the women's battleship, and connected them to the back of the absent tooth, replacing the severely damaged dynamic array. Basic performance parameters, barely recovered to 70% of the initial state, can be lifted off!

Within the Abies, the remaining ten strongmen sneaked into the buffer gel, only Long Yangjun and Night Lan, who served as the co-pilot and navigator, and Li Yao, who served as the general controller of the warship, relied on Magnetic magnetic adsorption hook, fixed in a chaotic, curved room

"Wang Gong, let's"

Li Yao is also a little nervous.

Although the main control crystal brain of the Amazing No. has not been damaged in the fierce battle of nearly a decade ago, the warship has been adjusted to the "minimum operation mode", which is specially designed for the case where the battle damage is serious and most of the crew are killed. The operating mode is at the expense of most of the operational performance, in exchange for the minimum number of operators required.

In this mode, the night blue only by her alone, stumbled and brought the assault ship to the ancient holy world.

However, this warship has finally fallen into the ancient sanctuary for several years, and they have adopted too many methods of “earth-and-fabrication” in maintenance. Almost all maintenance personnel are not professionally trained modern refiners. It is a variety of ancient swordsmiths who are mixed.

Under this circumstance, can the magic weapon of the Imperial Warship and the Nuwa Battleship be able to operate in harmony? This ship can barely repair, can the warships in the long-range Xinghai jump, and the four-dimensional space storm brought by the broken void will not Will invade the hull and tear them all apart... These problems, Li Yao, who is the "manager of the magic weapon", have nothing to lose.

For his call, Long Yangjun smiled slightly, then

Knocked up the starter array!


The eclipse was instantly enveloped by flames and streamers.

Everyone seems to be in a burning, high-speed rotating furnace, even the snoring sound can not be sent out, all along the throat and stomach, was smashed back to the intestines of the nine bends and eighteen bends!

When they reacted from the deafening roar, and the burning to the burning psionic wave, they were already in the dark, pure, lonely, vast universe.

Their hometown, the ancient holy star, is like a little apple, floating quietly behind them.

In front of them, it is 1.5 million times larger than the ancient holy star, bringing the light and heat, the sun of life and energy to the ancient sacred world.

Under the control of Long Yangjun, the Aberdeen number sailed unhurriedly toward the sun, just like a moth that rushed to the raging flame.

"Dear friends, we have successfully separated from the ancient holy star and set foot on the first step of the ‘flying fairyland’ tour!”

Long Yangjun’s voice was so excited that she was somewhat frivolous. She smiled and said, “As the driving and piloting of the ‘No tooth’, I will repeat it last time, our next journey.”

"Next, we will make a long-distance Xinghai jump, using the smashing void, shuttle the yin and yang, and send us directly to the vicinity of the Xingyao Federation, specifically, the low-light star field here!"

"Why is this here?"

"First of all, here is the destination of the signal from the son-in-law battleship, that is, we speculate that the mother ship of the son-in-law battleship and the hinterland of the Xingyao, there is still a long distance, and it does not have a habitable planet. It is not likely to be The territory of the Starry Federation."

"Even if it is really the sphere of influence of the Starry Federation, it is estimated to be an uninhabited frontier. It will not encounter the powerful military power of the Federation, and it will give us room to breathe and buffer each other."

"Secondly, there are a few resource planets that can be used for our tattered starships to undergo emergency repairs and reinforcements after a long jump in the stars."

"That is, as long as our luck is good enough, we can really control this riddled ship to cross the low-light star field, and everyone is alive, the latter problem is basically not big, it is the Starry Federation Near or at the edge, after making an emergency repair, we can dive in and out with a short jump on the star map!"

"Third, the most important point, the Xinghai jump, in addition to knowing the coordinates of the other party's star map, the most important thing is to have a star torch guide."

"We don't know the parameters and location of the Starry Federation's Star Torch. Naturally, it is impossible to jump wildly at the risk of being completely lost."

"And according to the star map on the son-in-law battleship, there was a red giant star in the low-light star field more than 100,000 years ago, and the parameters and spectral features of the star map are clearly marked!"

"Black Night Lan tells us that the red giant star is a star, that is, a form after the sun is aging, its volume can be expanded by a billion times than in the prime of life!"

“One billion times! Dear friends! It’s a billion times more than the ‘the sun of the ancient sacred world’ in front of us!”

"Since we know its parameters and spectral characteristics, we can completely treat this 'billion-dollar sun' as a very special special star torch, jumping to its vicinity, jumping safely to the federal hinterland, safely!"

"Compared with the very stable sun of the strong year, the life of the red giant star is short-lived, but it is also millions of years. The star map we have mastered is more than ten hundred and twenty thousand years ago. This short time, this one The red giant star should still exist, and it has not collapsed into a white dwarf star, just for my use, guiding the direction of the ancient sacred world!"

"Sit steady, you friends, the door to the immortal is about to open, and we want to instantly transfer to the star field where this red giant is located, you need..."

"First irritate our own sun!"

[Completion of the fourth volume of the 40th anniversary of the ancient holy chapter] -

Huh, these two days have been two more, finally finished the fourth volume, and the fifth volume, which is more exciting return to the federal chapter, but also the initial conception, tomorrow will increase the speed, continue to be wonderful!

Looked, today on the 18th, count this chapter, this month has almost updated 200,000 words, the speed is not too slow, right?

I will put a resounding comment later, and talk to everyone about the old cow's heart. Interested friends can subscribe!

Finally, as usual, I would like to subscribe, ask for a monthly pass, ask for various support, and sincerely thank all the friends who have strongly supported this book. This book will be in this step for nearly two years, everyone supports this step, really is not Easy, let's look forward to a better tomorrow! (~^~)


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