Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

: The fourth volume The end of the volume testimony Endless extension of the maze!

The fourth volume of the "Ancient St." is over. As usual, I will say a few words to everyone.

First of all, I want to apologize to you, because a good friend who remembers may remember that in the third volume of "The Blood Demon", the old cow said that the fourth volume will be called "Rise", and it is known to the Federation. The story of the rise of the starry sea.

The original plan is indeed the case, from the Yuan Ying Conference, to the Kunlun ruins, the Pan Gu rule, and the social sects of the ancient sacred world, the strong style, etc., are just the foundation of the "Rise of the Up", which should have been swept away, directly Return to the federal.

However, as the old cow often wrote in the past, he wrote and wrote that everything in his pen was uncontrollable, and he made his own voice and showed his will!

However, in the past, it was often only one or two characters (especially the villains, haha) who took the initiative to "jump out". This time, "jumping out" is a whole world ancient sacred world!

It seems that the book "Comprehension 40,000 Years" really has its own life, or on the other side of the distant Milky Way, there is an all-encompassing world of comprehension, sending its gods in the form of electric waves. In the old cow's brain, he borrowed the hands of the old cow and presented it to everyone.

What is the world like? It is not completely controlled by the old cows. The old cows, like everyone else, are just exploring a ridiculous, inexplicable, mysterious labyrinth. Let’s slowly unveil the “Ancient Holy Land”. When I saw the veil of Zhang Xiao’s map, I found out, oh, it turned out to be a world that can be so complicated and so mysterious!

As a new genre of online literature with millions of words and a large number of serials every day, this is its unique excitement and charm.

Every online literary work is a labyrinth of self-growth and endless extension. The so-called author is just working hand in hand with all the readers, stumbling in the maze, exploring, appreciating, fighting and moving... so.

The story of the ancient sacred world has come to an end, and the next is the real "rise".

The wonderful experience of the Twelve Ancient St. in the Confederacy, the Black Wind Fleet, the first confrontation between the Confederacy and the Empire, and the true mission of the mysterious son-in-law, Long Yangjun, even including the "vulture plan" and mystery that Li Yao never misses. The truth of the world "Earth"... Hope that I can give you a confession at the end of the fifth volume.

Finally, thank you again.

When the old cow decided that the book from the first volume of "Tianyuan" is simple and straightforward, and greatly reversed to the second volume of "Flying Star" and the subsequent style, it is a psychological preparation for the subscription and income drop.

Because at that time, the old cow did not expect that in the world of the net text, there are so many readers willing to bear the temper, discussing the issue of relatively serious, tangled, or even no correct answer.

The so-called net text is just to give the public a little simple psychological massage after hard work and work every day. It is like a steel tube show in a nightclub. It is not important to jump a lot. It is important to have a fat buttock and dare to expose. Who ran to the nightclub to dance the ballet results, the door is pure, it is purely the brain into the water to eat full of self-satisfaction, when the old cow thinks so.

Thank you all, with a bit of support, tell the old cow that I am wrong, wrong!

It turns out that there are so many noble and interesting people who have ideals, morality, culture and discipline. They are willing to go to the nightclubs, think about life and explore the avenues after a hard day of study and work!

You are the old cow to create this work, the greatest wealth, everyone in the book review area, the heart of the collision, wonderful debate, bring the refreshment of the old cow, far better than the author's background simple subscription number.

For the first time, the old cow realized that when he was a "web writer", he could be a very proud, very proud, very loudly advertised thing!

Everyone has been supporting this way, and the old cow will definitely continue to use this method.

Goodbye to our fifth volume, "Rise", all the self-cultivators, the immortals, and even the sacred ambassadors who appreciate the "Pangu Covenant". Everyone will return to their place. So far, the most vigorous avenue of the avenue begins immediately! (~^~)


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