Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1568: New world and old world

Everything on the light curtain, especially Jin Xinyue and Ding Lingwei, the two "devil heads" of the Xingyao Federation have appeared one after another, so that the twelve Yuan Ying and the gods from the ancient holy world are amazed. The sound of the secret supernatural powers, a silent discussion.

Qi Zhongdao Shen Yudao: "The Supreme Speaker? It sounds like the masters of the ancient sacred circles in the realm of the sacred world. The lord of the lord is actually chosen by these people. It is incredible!"

Meng Chixiao smiled and said: "I see this 'Supreme Speaker' is not the same as the comprehension of the comprehension. It should be said that it is such a role between the comprehension of the comprehension, the emperor and the head of the cabinet, but there is a point in Qidaoyou. That's right, such a key person, really wants to be elected, should also be jointly recommended by the top powers in the federation. How can it be chosen by these rabble people? It’s really messy and ridiculous!”

Han Bingling, a loyal follower of "classical militarism", sneered: "At present, the enemy of the real human empire will come at any time. The federal government is only under the leadership of a powerful and arbitrarily powerful. Can you go up and down, unite as one, and empire with the empire!"

"The enemies are all coming down the city, what are you doing... elections, isn't this about finding yourself dead? Look at the supporters of Jin Xinyue and Ding Ling, the empire hasn't killed yet, they seem to be fighting first. Look, I don’t know what it is! I think, this federation is going to end!"

"And, Jin Xinyue will be gone, although it seems that the age is still light, but the mind is deep enough, the means is hot enough, in the war, it is a suitable leader!"

"Ding Ling is just a martial artist. He does not know how to rule the country at all. And why should he lead the whole seven worlds?"

Long Yangjun Chong Li Yao squeezed his eyes and smiled and said: "Wu Wufu, you may not be able to be the 'Supreme Speaker'. Even the emperors of our ancient sacred world do not need any genius, anyway, specific affairs. There are cabinets and many ministers to deal with, as well as the major sects in the local support, many 'handsmen emperors', no way to govern the country, the country is still well organized, and no big troubles have been made for decades."

The Phoenix Emperor took a look at her and whispered: "Of course you like the ‘hand emperor’. If there is no ‘hand emperor’, there is a chance that you will have the power to make waves!”

The gods and sorcerers screamed with the clouds: "Enough, you have come to this... In the modern cultivation of civilization, the twelve of us are the only ones who can rely on each other. The ancient holy world is in jeopardy, no need to The old grievances have turned over and over!"

"I think that the Red Flame Dragon King Ding Ling came to be the highest speaker of the Federation, and she also has her reason."

"From the intelligence of Fitch, it can be seen that the Xingyao Federation is a very powerful place for the parliament and the cabinet. The organs on the court are more than three or five times more than the courts of the ancient sacred circles. Military, civil affairs, Education, cultivation, and many other aspects are handled by ministers, that is, ministers, and the highest speaker can not directly intervene in the ministries."

"The so-called supreme speaker, the biggest role, perhaps is to unite people and become a symbol of the entire federation!"

"If it is ‘calling power’ and ‘symbolic,’ Ding Lingzhen is definitely more suitable than Jin Xinyue. After all, her heroic battle is here, no one can compete!”

"And, I don't think she is like a martial artist who is only a **** man. Her appearance today seems to be reckless, but she has deeply grasped the hearts of everyone in the entire tree and sea. It’s enough to prove that this woman is not simple!"

Meng Chixin nodded and summed up: "In short, Jin Xinyue and Ding Ling are the key figures that we can't get in contact with the Xingyao Federation. Three months later, one of the two women will be The highest speaker of the federation, whether we are fighting or not, must pass them and must study in depth!"

Long Yangjun’s eyeball turned and walked toward the guide “screw head” and pretended to be hesitant: “The screw head is really not the opposite. We did come from the firefly, but we have not made up our minds yet. I don't know if I should go to the Starry Federation to live. After all, there are too many foreign words, and we have been staying at the bottom of the Firefly, and the news is closed, not telling the truth!"

"When I saw that Jin Xinyue might be elected, I wouldn’t be able to sigh and sigh. Why, after Jin Xinyue’s election, will the Federation be in chaos? If so, then we can’t migrate to the Federation. !"

The screw head said: "Who said that it is not, we are mostly from the four worlds of Nether, Crystal, Shuhai and Tianhuan. Most of them don't like Jin Xinyue and don't want her to be elected."

Long Yangjun’s eyes turned: “What about Ding Ling?”

"Ding Ling is naturally different."

The screw head smiled and opened the door. "Ding Ling and the Patriot Front are still very good for the New Fourth World. They have thrown up many favorable policies. Even if I am living in the Dragon Snake Star, I hope that Ding Ling will be elected!"

Long Yang Jundao: "Oh, can you please screw the little brother, explain for us one or two?"

The screw head said: "This one, a cough, cough, this is..."

Long Yangjun took out a compressed crystal coin and threw it at him. The spar reached the hand. The screw head was like a floodgate. It was a constant reminder: "If the bosses want to go to the Starry Federation to live, then The contradictions and entanglements between the major forces of the Federation should indeed be understood. In this respect, my screw head is also familiar!"

"Now the federal parliament is the confrontation between the two forces. The members of the Skyfire organization and the Patriot Front have combined to exceed 50% of the total seats. They are the two big deserved giants!"

"The confrontation between the two giants is actually the sawing of the 'new four worlds' and the 'old three worlds'. Of course, in our case, we prefer to call it 'new world' and 'old world'!"

"The Skyfire organization led by Jin Xinyue represents the interests of the three 'old worlds' of Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Meteor, and where they are their home base."

“The Patriot Front led by Ding Lingwei represents the interests of the four “new worlds” of Tianhuan, Crystal, Shuhai and Nether, and is the spokesperson of our new world!”

Long Yangjun made a slight glimpse of it, and he blinked for a long time. Yuguang greeted Li Yao and said: "Weird, I heard that Jin Xinyue was born as a demon queen. During the 'old federal' period, the blood demon world also represented the old federation. There was a war in Tianyuan, and Ding Ling was a native of Tianyuan. The guardian of the old federation, how come to the end, but Jin Xinyue will represent Tianyuan, Blood Demon, and Feixing, and Ding Ling will go to the four New Territories. What?"

"The bosses know only one, they don't know the other."

The screw head smiled. "Yes, in the old federal era, the blood demon world and the Tianyuan world did have a war. Later, the blood demon world was defeated. All the Yaozu were led by Jin Xinyue and they surrendered."

“Because it is the identity of the ‘destroyed’, in the first few decades, the Yaozu’s treatment in the Federation was very harsh and the class has been very low.”

"However, Jin Xinyue did not complain about all this. On the one hand, she used iron and blood to cruelly suppress the dissidents inside the Yaozu who were dissatisfied with the Federation, and resolutely carried out the strategy of 'integrating into the Union'; on the other hand, she released all kinds of means. Even despicablely to plead with the major sects of the Federation, especially the flying stars in the Stars and the Yaozu.

"For decades, Jin Xinyue and the major sects of the Commonwealth have been hot, and the savage and hard-working demon people have also received a lot of hard work, dirty work and tiredness from the bottom of the sect. These come from the Yaozu. The high-quality and low-cost labor force allows the major sects to free up their talents, obtain sufficient resources, and march into higher-end fields!"

"For the Yaozu and the major denominations, this is a win-win choice. For decades, Jin Xinyue has been hot with all the top executives of the Federation, and has become a spokesperson for the interests of the major sects of the Federation!"

"When the four New Territories were discovered and merged one after another, Jin Xinyue, as the federal 'Development Minister', followed suit and used the strength of his former compatriots to use the four New Territories. She was from 'new The world 'grabbing a lot of interests, transported to the pockets of the three 'old world' sects, she is obviously a demon, but she will be a man, can she not get the love and support of the major sects of the core world?"

"So, now that Jin Xinyue and her Tianhuo organization have become the spokespersons of the "old world"!"

Long Yangjun nodded. "It turns out that the Ding Ling is what happened. Isn't she the most authentic Tianyuan person? Should it stand on the side of the 'Old World'?"

"Ding Ling is a Tianyuan person, but she has discovered and rescued the Netherland and the Tianhuan Circle. In addition, she defeated a former fleet of the real human empire and saved you the Firefly. You should know this. !"

The screw head excites, "In our Netherland, she has conquered a dozen wasteland forces with her own power, and has settled the "Ghost War" for hundreds of years, from dying and fragrant. In the dark state, she was saved! In the Tianhuan world, she went deep into the tiger's den, and led the local Yi people to overthrow the cruel rule of the Tianzhu people! Therefore, the two people in the two circles regard her as a 'liberator', even in the Dragon Snake Star. In addition to the big people above, the bottom people, the bitter haha, have a good impression on her."

"Since Ding Lingwei is the savior of the two worlds, the liberator, how can he watch the world saved by himself, but fall into the claws of Jin Xinyue, to be crushed by this enchantress, harshly squeezed?" Continue~^~)

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