Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1569: The avenue of the two women!

In one breath, the screw head was paused, and the dry tone of the neck was adjusted. He continued: "Ding Ling is so, the patriots created by her are even more so."

"You don't know. At the end of the old federation, the predecessor of the Patriot Front was called the 'Patriot Organization'. The role played by this organization in history was not very glorious. It is said that they had launched a coup in an attempt to capture the highest. Power, for this reason, did not hesitate to assassinate the then speaker, almost dragging the entire federation into the sea of ​​fire."

"This coup has been called "the patriot's chaos" in history."

After the failure of the coup, the leaders and members of the former Patriot organization were subject to legal sanctions. Several chiefs with direct responsibilities were sentenced to death, and ordinary members were sentenced to exile and hard labor for decades or even hundreds of years. ”

"Ding Ling is in this case, to take over the mess of the Patriots and transform it into the 'Patriot Front'!"

"The Patriot Front in the early days of reconstruction was not accepted by the masses who had just experienced the 'Patriot's chaos,' let alone join it! At that time, the first backbone of the Patriot Front was the original 'patriotism. Members of the organization, as well as people in their family, disciples, etc.

"There are not many people, but in this case, they are willing to bear the nickname and misunderstanding and join the ‘Patriot Front.’ They are the most loyal, the most elite and the most sincere people!”

"The original Patriot organization is made up of the most radical and extreme patriots. They are willing to give everything for the federal body, but the road to choice is a big mistake."

"When this raging patriotic sentiment was enchanted and manipulated by the original leader ‘Lu drunk,’ it turned into a destructive power that could destroy everything!”

"But, under the leadership of Ding Ling, the new patriots, they also contribute their strength in a radical, paranoid, and extreme way!"

"The members of the Patriot Front all have a "sorrowful monk" attitude. They do not make a half-point defense against the outside world's doubts or even curses, but they silently use practical actions to wash away the shame brought by the former Patriot organization. All the damage caused by the organization to the Federation is slowly repaid by our Patriot Front. This is their early concept!"

"With the support of this philosophy, with the mentality of "atonement", members of the Patriot Front will fight in the most remote, hardest and most dangerous jobs in the Federation!"

“Where is the most remote, hardest, and most dangerous job? Of course, it is the edge of the federal border, the newly developed resource planet and the world!”

"So, there has been a situation in which a member of the original 'Patriot Organization' was sentenced to several years of hard labor, to the frontier, and his family, the doormen, the students... the dozens of mighty people, Hundreds of people will migrate together to build a new federal territory, using blood, sweat and even life, slowly changing the word 'patriots' in the eyes of the federal public."

"So, when our four new worlds of Nether, Sky, Tree and Crystal are in the arms of the Federation, the monks who belong to the Patriot Front are the first federal monks to come to the New World."

"The new world at that time is not as prosperous and developed as it is now. Every world has its own problems. It is not a bad environment, or a shortage of resources. Otherwise, it is a different animal, and the people are divided into many tribes, large and small, sporadic. The war is endless."

“It’s like what you’re seeing now, the eccentric world where the whole tree is covered by the original jungle, ‘tree seas’, not everyone can eat it!”

"The self-cultivators are not saints. From the advanced and developed old world, to the new world with nothing and crisis. Many old world comprehensions have retired, even if someone comes over for two or three years, wait until the work period is one. Full, often flying like a flight."

"But the monks of these Patriots have stubbornly persisted. They helped the four new worlds to build bridges, set up aura pipelines, build hospitals, schools and practice sites, and spread the federal culture to the new world. The new civilization is slowly mingling with the residents of the New World!"

"In the past 100 years of construction, the entire generation of people, countless monks and monks have quietly dedicated here, most of them have fallen here, buried the bones in the land of the new world, and thus, the Patriots are fully integrated. The new world is inseparable from the new world."

"The Patriot Front has developed rapidly in the new world. After all, the residents here have not experienced any 'patriotal chaos', and they have never heard of 'Lv drunk' and 'Zhou Hengdao'. The name of Ma, since the Patriot Front is really fighting for the new world residents, everyone's 'liberator' Ding Ling is still the leader of this organization, is it not a matter of course to join the Patriot Front?"

"After nearly a hundred years of deep cultivation, the four New Territories have become the base camp of the Patriot Front. They represent the new world and compete against the big sects, giants and families of the old world in the parliament!"

Li Yao listened to it with great concentration, and could not help but secretly vomit a sigh of relief, trying to scratch his hair.

This question is too difficult, he does not know how to solve it!

Long Yangjun continued to ask: "So, what is the difference between the policy of Skyfire and the Patriots in terms of policy?"

"That is of course a **** for tat!"

Screw head, "First talk about economic development, Jin Xinyue led the Tianhuo organization, advocated the strategy of 'enhance the core', is to concentrate the resources of the seven realms, give priority to the development of the three core worlds of Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Meteor! ”

The reason for Jin Xinyue is that the three core worlds have a high level of civilization, perfect infrastructure, and a complete legal system. The vast majority of the resources of the new world are transported to the core world in order to achieve optimal use of resources and stimulate Out of the highest war potential, prepare enough crystals, chariots, starships and star wars for the coming war!"

"So, not only does the new world need to develop too advanced industrial communities, most of the resources are sent to the core world by ship, and even the new world's cultivation genius does not have to stay in the local, all sent to the core world to accept the most. Advanced education, then work and live directly in the core world!"

"Ding Ling's Patriot Front emphasizes the concept of 'balanced development'. Ding Lingzhen believes that the four new worlds have just joined the federation, and the hearts of the people have not yet been completely settled. They must be allowed to see the 'federal superiority'. The seven worlds are condensed into an indestructible whole!"

"Yes, all resources will be transferred to the core world. The utilization efficiency will be slightly higher. But isn’t this the same as the old world sucking the blood of the new world? Everyone is a federal, a new world resident. What do you think in your heart?"

"The war is imminent, people and first, if the core world is too demanding for the new world, it is inevitable that the people will float. When the Imperial Expeditionary Forces really descends, how can they convince them that the Federation is superior to the Empire and they are willing to win for the Federation? And give everything?"

"So, the core world should not continue to absorb the blood of the new world. Instead, it should actively "transfuse blood" into the new world. The core world should provide a lot of resources and implement policy inclinations to help the new world gradually establish its own magic weapon. Industry, cultivating education system, etc., etc., let the words 'Xingyao Federation' be completely branded in the depths of every new world resident's brain. This is the right way for the long-term development of the Federation!"

Li Yao and Long Yangjun and the people face each other. They only think that the two arguments are quite reasonable. For a time, I don’t know what is good or bad.

The screw head continued: "Militarily, Jin Xinyue advocates the strategy of 'preserving strength and decisively fighting against the territory'. She believes that the distance between the four new worlds and the core world is too far away, and the supply line is too long to be fully held. So when necessary, consider giving up one or two of them, introducing the enemy into the territory, and then slowly consuming and circling!"

"Nature, this article and the previous one are complementary. Since the new world is very likely to become a war zone, even if necessary, it can implement the 'Qingye Jianbi, scorched earth policy' to fight the enemy. Now there is no need for large-scale construction, anyway, anyway. If you build it, you will only be cheaper than the enemy!"

"Ding Lingzhen is just the opposite. She thinks that in tactics, Jin Xinyue’s concerns are not too big. The distance between the four new worlds and the three old worlds is indeed far away, and it is quite difficult to replenish."

"However, we must take into account the influence of the people. If the empire army comes, the federation will give up one of the worlds. What do all the new world residents think? Since the federal government can't protect them, they are fighting alone. Selling your life?"

"So, no matter how much the price is paid, the seven big worlds, especially the four new worlds, must be kept! If it is lost after the **** battle, if it is voluntarily given up, it will definitely trigger a chain reaction, and the consequences are unimaginable! ”

"Since the seven great worlds have to be held, the four new worlds will naturally be stationed in heavy units, and a large amount of military expenditures will be allocated for construction! Even if the federal military expenditures are astronomical figures, such large stalls, regardless of investment Whenever there is a glimpse of the scene, the New World will build a Star Wars Fortress. The old world docks may have less refining a superstar ship. How can the two sides make concessions on the military route?"

Sorry, I saw a friend in the book review area saying that the old bull is not stable.

Indeed, the old cows have no habit of depositing manuscripts. Each chapter is written now, for a few years, a few million words, it is impossible to be healthy and healthy every day, and the mind is full of thoughts.

These two days, the old cow is a little bit different here. It is called a cold and damp. Today, people are groggy all day. In the afternoon, they can’t help but go to the hospital, and the new world’s thousands of things are going to be pondered. It was presented a little bit, and the second one came out so late, and it was impossible for everyone.

The third one will still be there, a little later, around eight o'clock, forgive me! (~^~)

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