Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1571: Nether war

The sea of ​​jade slips presented in front of the ancient gods, divided into dozens of layers, hundreds of different categories, and a row of reading seats with quiet environment and no interference, and in the upper air court in the center of the jade bookstore There are hundreds of promotional pictures floating around, telling readers who are coming to browse, the latest jade publishing information.

"The Great Crashing Stars Federation will perish within ten years! 》

"The federation can say no! 》

"The Bloody Insider behind the Rise of the Secrets of the Stars of the Stars"

"The beginning of the federal high-level fight"

These are the hottest books recently published by Dragon Snake Star.


All Yuan Ying and Huashen’s eyes are straightforward. I don’t think the residents of the Dragon Snake Stars can “review the national politics”. What kind of things can be hanged out in the middle and the end? Isn't this an excuse for strong interference from the Starry Federation?

The screw head doesn't take it for granted: "There is something to interfere with. These books are mostly published by the Stars Federation's bookstore. They can also be sold in the federal government. Freedom of speech! Don't say these books, even some. To promote the content of Xiuxian Avenue, after review, as long as it does not involve terrorism, it can be published!"

"After all, this year, the spiritual network is so developed, even if people don't let people publish it publicly, people can still sneak up and spread to the well-known people. If they want to ban, they seem to be guilty of guilty conscience, right?"

"Well, bosses, if you want to browse what content, please feel free to do it. The introductions and maps of various regions are here. I believe there must be something you are interested in!"

Indeed, all the eyes and crystal eyes of Yuan Ying and Hua Shen are shining and can't wait to plung into the ocean of Yu Jian.

Meng Chixin, Wu Suiyun and Wan Mingzhu went to the area dedicated to the practice of ghost repair and the way to explain the relationship between people and ghosts.

Han Bingling and Yan Changsheng went to the military zone to study the latest military magazines and books published by Xingyao Federation.

Phoenix Emperor Zhu Zongyou went to the political district to prepare to understand the difference between the federal and empire systems. The sword idiots are of course going to the area where the magical powers are practiced. The five-wheeled figure of the round is plunged into the "Jianfa area". Not coming out.

As for Li Yao, he didn't have a special area to go, but he was full of emotions in the jade of the jade, sweeping through the rows of jade slips and the propaganda pictures they projected, and watching them quietly. People who are concentrating on reading jade.

People's clothing, expressions, ornaments, and the brains on the wrists, and the subtle changes that took place a hundred years ago, have become more refined, smooth, and have a natural feeling.

This feeling makes Li Yao both familiar and unfamiliar, and it seems that it will take some time to adapt.

Just then, Li Yao’s Yu Guangyu saw a name, and he couldn’t help but stop.

Here is the character biography area, selling the advertising column of Yu Jian, he saw the name of Ding Ling, and the title of the book above the name is called "Nether War."

Looking at the introduction on the propaganda screen, this is a comprehensive story about Ding Ling's one-year ending of the "Ghost War" in the Netherland, which is a unified ghost and leads the Netherland to join the Federation.

Li Yao was so curious that he took a jade slip containing the "King of the Nether" from the sandalwood frame.

This unsold jade has imposed a ban, and it is impossible for readers to finish reading through it. However, it often provides an opening and some highlights to attract readers. It is also an advertisement.

Li Yao looked around and found an unmanned egg-shaped reading seat in the corner, inserting jade into the slot next to the reading seat.

A crystal clear three-dimensional light curtain immediately drowned him and took him into the wonderful world of "half-step too illusory."

Modern jade books have long been not pure words, but a comprehensive form of art and information dissemination, including words, voices, videos, various sound and light effects, and even the powerful minds of literary-type comprehensions.

Appearing in front of Li Yao is a green hill and green water, birds and flowers, the city's high-rise buildings are well-organized, and the glittering floating crystal track is surrounded by colorful shuttles. At first glance, the civilization is extremely high. Big world.

A voice-over is heard from the ear:

“The Netherland was once a world without a fight, and people here live and work in peace and enjoy peace.”

The picture is constantly magnified, the lens is zoomed in, and the bustling streets are full of people who are relaxed and relaxed.

Voice-over: "But the feldspar rain 150 years ago changed everything."

The picture fell on the face of a young woman on the street. I saw that she was laughing and laughing with her companion. Suddenly she saw something, her eyes grew bigger and bigger, a purple flame in her pupils, stars Little by little!

As soon as the picture turns, aiming at the sky, I saw hundreds of purple meteors, just like the sun falling, tearing the sky, making a deafening explosion, slamming toward the ground!

For a moment, everything in front of Li Yao became a needle-like purple. When the purple color gradually faded away, the world turned into a purple cloud, dark, cold, and broken waste soil.

In the old high-rise buildings, only the twisted steel bars and columns were left. It was like a steel shackle. The crystal track was twisted between the broken walls, and it was also dotted with some shuttle frames. It is lifeless and the appearance of civilization is extinct.

Voice-over: "The meteorite rain only destroyed a small half of the Nether Star, but the long winter night and water pollution caused by the meteorite rain caused the original abundant resources to be exhausted in an instant. In order to compete for countless resources, the protracted war broke out and the war broke out. The whole ghost star burns to everyone!"

In the picture, in the gap between the ruins, suddenly a sinister atmosphere was drawn, and these breaths gradually condensed and gradually turned into a confused human form.

Voice-over: "No one knows what kind of wonderful material is contained in the dust of the meteorite. But in this world of purple clouds, the chances of the dead being transformed into undead are greatly enhanced. Countless soldiers and civilians are burning in the war. Underneath, from living people to ghosts."



In the picture, a riddled, rusty armored chariot suddenly vacated from the depths of the ruins, just in front of this new ghost.

Behind the armored chariot, there are three ghosts supported by the fighting-type genitals. They are three black-skinned steel shackles. They scream and scream, waving a magic weapon like a horse-drawn pole. Relying on the magnetic ring in front, I will cover the new ghosts and put on my own chariot!

The sneer of steel, the struggle and screams of the new ghosts, mixed with the screaming roar of the armored chariot, gradually disappeared and disappeared at the end of the picture.

Voice-over: "War, the war has never changed. Even if most of the living people die from the war, it will not end people's greed and hatred."

"The living soul becomes the undead, the undead continue the war, in order to compete for the spiritual body, in order to compete for the psionic power to activate the spiritual body, to devour the other undead, to strengthen their own ghosts... For a hundred years, the Nether Star has become the dead. Battlefield!"

"The undead are not old and not dead, and the disappearance is their final end. When more and more people hidden in the shelters are transformed into ghosts, the Netherland is irretrievably slipping into the abyss of destruction, the 18th undead forces. No one can save this dying world, except..."

In the picture, deep in the ruins, gradually came a figure that was wrapped in a gray cloak and even hidden in the darkness.

The wind with the smell of rust blew, and the cloak hunted. The cloak showed a pair of large leather boots with studs. Every step on the ground made a "beep" sound.

The people hidden in the cloak walked between the ruins of the city, and followed by a rhubarb dog that was slightly deformed by meteorites.

Surrounded by clouds, but like the collapse of the wreckage, her figure is slender and small, and will be swallowed up by this wasteland at any time.

at this time


On the side of the ruin, suddenly a four-meter-high battle-type martial art body was pulled out. The waist was round and the arms were strong, and the fists were densely covered with iron nails. It was like a large copper cast iron. orangutan!

This "steel gorilla" made a screaming scream, and the two nails shook with electric sparks and rushed toward the cloak!

Compared with him, he is thin and weak, and he seems to be crushed into a patties as long as he is gently pressed by him!

However, just as the steel gorillas plunged into the air, a honey-colored skin suddenly emerged from the cloak, a powerful arm, a virtual grip, and a lock of the throat, the steel gorilla was killed in midair!

The crystal eye of the steel gorilla is instantly solidified, dancing and struggling, but it is impossible to move!


The cloak man pressed hard and pressed the steel gorilla directly to the ground with his psionic power. He took out a pit two or three meters deep, and he got a spark of fire all over the body. He saw that the **** were completely scrapped. !

The cloak man stepped on the head of the steel gorilla, unhurriedly opened his hood and took off his goggles, revealing Li Yao’s familiar face.

Only at this moment, this face has more moving eyes that Li Yao has never seen before.

Voice-over: "Ding Ling, walking through the world of the undead, the most terrible living person..."


Ding Ling’s foot smashed the head of the steel gorilla, smashed the steel plate under the suede boots on the charred rock next to it, put on the goggles again, put on the cloak, and the rhubarb dog with two tails swaying On the corpse of the city, gradually drifting away.

Voice-over: "The first publication of the Federation, I was personally authorized by Ding Lingxi, and I have a record of Ding Ling's interview for up to three hundred minutes. Absolute first-hand information, from the world of dying to the joy of the federal ghost repair, the wonderful content is in the "ghost battle" Ji, during the release of the new book, only 29.9 stars, you can unlock all the content..." (to be continued.)

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