Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1572: We burn, the universe will never be dark!

Li Yao is very interested in his wife’s experience in the Netherland. He is trying to pay with the unnamed crystal card. He continues to read it. Suddenly he perceives a faint breath from his side, and there is a smirk that can’t help but laugh. Half-step too illusory state, I saw Long Yangjun leaning against his reading cabin shell, looking at him narrowly.

"Very...a powerful woman."

Long Yangjun looked at the propaganda picture, wearing a cloak, a long hair bursting out in the hood, his arm was covered with a full set of spar, and the waist was still stunned by the shape of a pair of giant swords. He blinked at Li Yao again. "I have to vote for you. I really didn't expect that I was faced with such a legendary legend, 'Lie Mo'!"

"where are they?"

Li Yao stretched his neck and looked around.

"do not worry."

Long Yangjun said, "They are all stuck in the jade piles. They have to work hard to avoid other things. It’s not always possible to wake them up with a big stick."

"Then, why don't you be like them?"

Li Yao Gu said about him.

"I am also unable to extricate myself!"

Long Yangjun smiled and said, "But I think that to quickly understand a country, a civilization, the best entry point is to browse its biographies and understand the superb characters who are star-studded on the road to the rise of this civilization. So I found it here, just met you, shouldn’t you say hello?"

"Then I have already called it now."

Li Yao said hard, "What else?"

"A little thing, I took a lot of biographies, and I am afraid that there are many things that are rude and ridiculous. It is not a waste of time to read such things."

Long Yang Jundao, "Exactly you are here, come help me to check and see if these books are nonsense!"

She handed over a few jade, inspired the first light curtain on the jade, and jumped out of the name of the biography of Yu Jian:

"He changed the federal Li Yaochuan"

Above the title of the book is a face with a strong face, calm expression, eyes bursting with flaming flames, a look at the male talent, forward-looking, leading temperament of the young man, hands on his hips, watching the endless stars.

Li Yao: "..."

"Look, see!"

Long Yangjun made a strange surprise, touched the corner of the picture, and the picture suddenly jumped from the cover to the title page.

On the title page, with the background of the deep Xinghai, there is only one sentence that seems to be condensed with lightning, and it is extremely dazzling:

"Everyone is a star, we burn, the universe will never be dark Li Yao."

Li Yao: "Ha?"

Long Yangjun: "My admiration for you is simply lingering. I really didn't think that you could not only convince the two most powerful women in the Federation, but also to say such philosophical words. According to the rules of the world, I even I want to find you a name!"

Li Yao: "...this, I really don't remember saying that I have been so pretentious."

"is it?"

Long Yangjun raised his eyebrows and changed a jade slip. "What about this book?" "The nine hundred and ninety-nine rumors that Li Yao gave to the youth comprehension before leaving?"

Li Yao: "Oh, it seems that I have not said it."

"No, the future generations will wear a chisel, add oil and vinegar, and it will be so unbearable, then what about this?"

Long Yangjun also found the third jade slip, "The old federal Yan Li Yao and his women", wow, this content is quite amazing, saying that you and your disciple Jin Xinyue are unclear. The relationship, so Ding Ling and Jin Xinyue two women are so troubled, and today, the two major forces of the Federation, the Tianhuo organization and the Patriot Front battle, the root cause is the two women fight for the husband! Oh, though It sounds ridiculous, there is no reading value, but since you are here, it is better to find you to verify it, this will not be true, Li Laomo?"

Li Yao: " comment!"

Long Yangjun: "Is that true?"

Li Yao: "...a nonsense!"

Long Yangjun: "Oh, so you finally admit that you are the legendary Sanjie Supreme, the federal town ancestor, the vulture Li Yao, Li Laomoo, right?"

Li Yaodao: "I don't know what the Three Realms are, but I am a vulture, Li Yao, what's the problem?"

Long Yangjun blinked: "Hey, I feel that once you get back here, the whole person's gas field has completely changed. It is really more and more that there is a 'Lean's old man's posture. It seems that I don't worry about the identity exposure! ”

Li Yao looked at the shape of Ding Ling's figure on the jade advertisement screen, and looked at the cover of Jin Xinyue's biography that was everywhere. The corner of his mouth evoked a confident and calm smile. He said: "I am in the Xinghai. It has been drifting for nearly a hundred years, and it has been hard to find the ancient sacred world. To be honest, at that time, my heart was indeed a little uneasy. I don’t know what happened to the Federation in a hundred years."

"Is the combination of Tianyuan, blood pressure and the three stars of the flying star smooth? Is the Yaozu really willing to transform into an adult? Will other Terrans not discriminate against those who have a demon bloodline? Ding Lingzhen can really shake the old Patriots. Organize 'thirty, extreme guys? Will the Imperial Expeditionary Force arrive in advance and are already smashing my country?"

"I don't have any answers to these questions!"

"At that time, I thought that I was carrying the fate of the entire federation. My every move would determine the future of the Federation. It is inevitable that I will not be able to open my eyes."

"However, when I return to my hometown, although today's Xingyao Federation is not a perfect country, there are still various problems, but it is much better than I expected. Ding Ling, Jin Xinyue and All federal citizens are fighting in their own way!"

"Just right now, when I saw Ding Lingwei walking alone in the world of the undead, and doing something that I might not be able to do, I suddenly figured it out."

"Maybe, I am not as important as I have been entangled?"

"The future of the federation is not, and should not be, decided by me alone, but by me, Ding Ling, Jin Xinyue, and countless fighters, citizens and ordinary people, even if one of us What's wrong with a plan, and it's impossible to stop the rise of the federation!"

"I firmly believe that the Stars Federation will show you its power and hope, so that you can make the right choice. Then, what is my identity? Is this identity not exposed, is it important?"

Long Yangjun’s narrow expression is somewhat solidified.

It is like a layer of exquisite camouflage, crushed by Li Yaozhen's powerful words, revealing a confused and empty emotion from the tiny gap.

She hesitated for a long time, finally sighed softly, faintly said: "I suddenly found out that I am very jealous of you, huh, huh, is another experience that has never been experienced... emotion, very wonderful feeling."

Li Yao said a little: "What about me?"

"Hey, you have so many loved ones, friends and compatriots, you can let you fight to protect them wholeheartedly; and most of them are willing to fight for you to protect you wholeheartedly? I have already turned over an article about Your story in the 'Patriot's chaos' is really a very exciting experience if it is not too addictive."

Long Yangjun took the jade of "Liang Yao and his women" and looked over and said, "You have only slept for a hundred years in the Xinghai. Now you have returned to your homeland and met your loved ones and friends. I have drawn a tremendous power from them!"

"But what about me?"

"I have slept for at least several hundred thousand years. I have hundreds of thousands of years ago, do I have my own relatives, friends and compatriots? There should be some, but today, they are probably turned into the stars of the stars, all of them. It’s gone.”

"You have been asking, what purpose do I have? I have been asking myself, what do I want to do when I wake up? However, no matter what my purpose or mission is, even if it is really completed, those old friends and friends And the compatriots should not be able to see it. What is the significance of all this?"

"I am afraid I will never be able to fight for my loved ones, friends, compatriots and civilizations like you. I will be afraid of them, cheer them up, and cheer them up!"

"You said, shouldn't I marry you?"

Li Yao lived, did not expect Long Yangjun to send such a feeling.

After a moment of indulgence, he extended his hand to Long Yangjun and said with all his heart: "You saw that today's Star Alliance is not a self-enclosed country, but an open and inclusive Xinghai civilization, no matter who, as long as The willingness to guard the spirit of the Federation can be a citizen of the Stars Federation!"

"I don't care what mission you are carrying, but before I have no doubts, I am willing to treat you as a friend, a ‘star friend,’ and I believe the federation will open the door to you.”

"If you like, you can completely regard the Star Alliance as a new motherland. You can get new friends and relatives here, find them again, and deserve to pay for everything to guard and fight!"

"The mission of hundreds of thousands of years ago... even if it can't be realized, maybe it doesn't matter?"

When Li Yao finished this sentence, there was a slight pain in his mind.

For a long time, I did not come out to entangle his four words, as the undead came out.

Vulture plan.

Long Yangjun stared at Li Yao for a long time, and did not see a trace of falsehood from Li Yao’s face. He couldn’t help but chuckle: “You just have to add one point!”

Li Yao once again stunned: "Add one point, what is a point?"

"You will know later, now everyone is reading!"

"After? What do you mean? Hey, why do you see this "Old Federal Yan Li Yao and his women", all said that it is a nonsense!" (To be continued.)

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