Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1573: True self

In the next three days, the twelve ancient sages were almost immersed in the ocean of Jade Jane.

On the one hand, they learn the customs and habits of modern comprehension civilization, the way of speaking and the use of various strange magic weapons in jade, but on the other hand, they are deeply researching the professional fields of their interest.

With the calculation power of Yuan Ying and the God of God, three days, although it is enough to make them thoroughly understand the bits and pieces of modern self-cultivation civilization, but the overall framework of the Starry Federation has a general grasp, but also for each There are a lot of strange customs and language habits involved, and there is no such thing as a ridiculous event that uses an automatic water-absorbent toilet as a wash basin.

Three days later, there was an ordinary hotel near the Yujian Library, which was not in the hotel room.

The costumes of several Yuan Ying and the gods are all new.

They put on the lightest protective clothing, which is said to be the most popular in the Xingyao Federation, with a slight frosty silk and flaps. The wrist has a new form of water droplets in the form of water droplets. Many people have colorful spots on their eyes. The light and shadow flash, this is also the most advanced retinal wafer system, plus the ultra-miniature vibrato array attached to the ear hole, which constitutes a 12-person local area network for easy communication.

Meng Chixin, Wu Suiyun and Wan Mingzhu, three powerful ghosts, also found a store specializing in the sale of spiritual devices, and purchased a new body, replacing Li. Yao's hand-built rough iron skull.

The refining of the body of the industrial line, the exquisite workmanship, the gorgeous runes and the super-enhanced auxiliary thinking in the brain, make them love and disappoint.

At this moment, several Yuan Ying old monsters are adjusting their expressions in the mirror, and further proficient in the local dialect slang, several Yuan Ying are still in their respective rooms, and there are several strong ones, then master these days. Everything is commentary, and I am amazed.

"The war potential of the Star Alliance is really unfathomable!"

In the past few days, I have watched the war records of the Federation and the Tianhuan world. I found that the Federation can dispatch nearly a thousand main battleships in that battle. Not to mention other small and medium-class warships. There are also hundreds of Yuan Ying and nearly 10,000 people participating in the war against the Stars Federation. This is just a local war. It has not entered the legendary 'total mobilization' state! I really don’t know if the Federation can do its best. What a terrible power to inspire!"

"It seems that we used to be the frog at the bottom of the well, which really underestimated the vastness of the outer Xinghai!"

"Since the federation is really so strong, as long as the conditions can be negotiated, we will join them. Let's get hundreds of starships to play, haha, it seems to be good!"

“It’s not that easy to join the federation.”

Meng Chixiao smiled slightly, and rubbed his metal face with a large steel hand. For the "muscle" composed of ultra-fine wire on the face, he could make a "slightly smile" expression and was surprised. "I have been these days. It’s really interesting to study the federal system, especially their 'federal citizenship' system."

"Want to become a federal citizen, the first is the 'contribution point', that is, the merits, or the contribution of other fields. This is not surprising. It is similar to the imperial citizen system described by Night Lan, but it is not as cruel as an empire, 'civil' Power is also greatly limited."

“But the so-called 'civic education and testing’ is really interesting. Most of the content is in a game called Civilization!”

"If you want to become a federal citizen, you must complete a number of tasks in the "Civilization" game, accumulate a certain amount of game time, personally experience the rise and fall of hundreds of civilizations, and even taste a great decision for your own decision. The taste of civilization!"

"According to the federal saying, through the "Civilization" game, you can let a 'quasi-citizen' know how important the ballots in his hands are, and can slowly educate a 'quasi-citizen'. How to correctly and responsibly Exercise power and participate in the decisions of national events!"

"According to our ancient sacred world, this is the "imperial technique". The Xingyao Federation has even taken out the 'Emperor's skills for ordinary people, even forcing ordinary people to learn? Also made a game, Let every ordinary person have fun? It’s incredible!”

"Unfortunately, if you want to access the Spirit Net and experience the entire content of the "Civilization" game, you need to have the resident number of the Starry Federation. In the Dragon Snake Star, you can only play what... The castrated version is not worth wasting. time."

"When you have the opportunity to enter the Federation and find a way to get a resident number, you must experience it and use the game to train the taste of 'Emperor'!"

"The attitude of the Xingyao Federation to our ghosts seems to be very good!"

Bai Lian’s mother, Wan Mingzhu, said sharply, “They had promulgated the “People and Ghosts Affirmation Act” nearly two hundred years ago, and now they have opened up the Netherland into a paradise of ghosts, built on the atmosphere of the Ghost Star. Specially isolated radiation, protect the super-fuzzy of the ghost, ghosts living in the Netherland, life can be extended for decades, making me a little tempted, want to stay in the Star Alliance!"

The classical militarist Han Bingling said coldly: "The Xingyao Federation is so good that it can resist the invasion of the Imperial Army! I have also studied the federal system and situation in particular, especially the Federation. The problem is that the federal government is quite a hidden danger."

"The dispute between the Skyfire organization and the Patriot Front will not be said. There is also a 'Orthodox government of the Xinghai Republic', which is a hot potato."

“On the surface, this ‘Orthodox government’ and ‘Star Alliance’ are all self-cultivating civilizations, but the so-called mountains are not tolerant. Because everyone’s philosophy is the same, some problems become very subtle.”

"It is said that before the Firefly has arrived, the Xingyao Federation has always thought that the Xinghai Republic has long since perished. They have adopted the signboard of the 'Xinghai Empire and the People's Spiritual Heirs' as their great name in the universe, even if they hit one day. Going to the center of Xinghai, this is also a very good sign!"

"Unexpectedly, there is a ‘in exile government’ like Firefly, which has escaped. This is what the Star Alliance will be!”

"On the Firefly, there is a set of 'orthodox government' bureaucracy and system, but the Starry Federation is regarded as a local armed force. I hope that the Starry Federation can accept the command of the 'orthodox government', defend the orthodox government, and even help the orthodox government to counterattack. Go to the center of Xinghai and help the 'Xinghai Republic' to return to China!"

"This... With a proverb here, the idea of ​​'brain into the water', how can the federal accept?"

"The federation wants to eat the firefly in one bite and absorb the 'orthodox government' into the federation. As a result, the 'legality' of the federal march into the central Xinghai is no doubt! If one day, the federation really develops to attack. If the empire is native, this sign of the millennium is quite useful for many big swings around the world!"

"The two sides are now here. In general, of course, the federal power is strong, the fireflies are weak, but the fireflies are long-legged, and they have fled for a thousand years, like a frightened bird, ready to flee again. millennium."

"Yes, now that the Firefly is not stationed in the seven major worlds of the Confederacy, it is stationed near the Dragon Snake Star Field. Through the springboard of the Dragon Snake Star and the federal trade, it is afraid to be swallowed by the federal."

"Do you join the Stars Federation? There are also many differences on the Firefly. It is said that they are divided into two factions, and they are fighting endlessly. Seeing that the Imperial Army is about to come, there is no dispute."

"If this is not a good thing, it will become a fatal injury to the overall strategy of the Xingyao Federation. The situation in the Federation is not so easy on the surface, but it is undercurrent, and there are many hidden dangers!"

Another sorcerer, Wu Yun, smiled and said: "We really want to bet. Naturally, we are not in a hurry. There are many problems in the Federation. But these **** have read a lot of biographies of the top leaders of the Federation, including Ding Ling. , Jin Xinyue, etc., are outstanding people, I believe they must have a solution. And the vulture Li Yao, Li Laomo, hey, from his experience a hundred years ago, more It’s earth-shattering and unfathomable!”

"If such an old demon, really retreats to this day, has been squatting in the dark, the problem of fireflies in the district must be difficult..."

The door knocked outside.

Li Yao also completed the latest camouflage and walked in.

All Yuan Ying and the gods are all stunned.

"Ling Taoist friends, you are this"

Li Yao was wearing a loose linen blouse, and his lower body was colorful beach pants, with a pair of "squeaky" slippers between his toes.

“There is a big faintness in the city, what is the problem?”

Li Yao answered very calmly.

After talking with Long Yangjun that day, he completely let go of the burden of the bottom of his heart, no longer considering so many messes, and re-doing himself back.

"It’s slippery."

Li Yao took a sip of the sand ice in his hand and looked at the crowd clearly.

The brains of many powerful people have not turned around, and they are attracted by a figure that Li Yao has flashed behind his casual style.

"Long Yang Jun?"

Bai Lian’s mother, Wan Mingzhu, shouted, and paused, and said differently, “...Wang Gong?”

"Look at it."

Long Yangjun first responded with the voice of "Da Yu Wang Xi".

Many powerful people have a slight glimpse, especially Han Dingling and Yan Changsheng, who are called "four murderers" with Long Yangjun. They are even more dumbfounded: "I didn't expect that Wang Gong's modification and tolerance is so subtle. It’s no wonder that the entire Dagan repairing realm has been chasing the princes everywhere, but the princes are still unscathed and swayed through the city!"


Meng Chi asked with deep gaze, "Now no one is chasing the prince, why does the prince pretend to be this look?"

"It's very simple."

Long Yangjun regained a crisp and pleasing sound, such as the crystal collision. "The two most important characters in the Stars Federation, Ding Ling and Jin Xinyue are women. We must deal with them and approach them as a woman." It may be possible to get unexpected benefits, but the Wusong Yunyun predecessors and the Wanmingzhudao friends in the middle of it are ghost repairs. In many environments, it may not be convenient. Besides, there is no woman. I know this secret. It’s only awkward.” (To be continued.)

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