Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1581: Amazing Xinghai Refiner!

“Master Xie An’an is not the kind of cultivator who can refine the glory of the people’s eyes. The refining division of the ‘excellent’ is not suitable for the cutting-edge magical breakthrough project.”

Chu Zhongjiu continued, "However, she has devoted 1000% of her efforts to every magic weapon she has made. Even the most common components must be polished to perfection. She never dazzles. Technology, never use the latest creation of magical powers, and there is no speed and technique of magic. Her magic weapon will not be shocking. Even at first glance, I will see 'unevenness', but only personally, I will carefully try to figure out In order to know how harmonious and appropriate her magic weapon is, such as the smoothness of mercury and diarrhea, the more honing, the more she can taste her blood and kungfu infiltrated by every common magic weapon!"

"If I want to develop a new magic weapon that I have never seen before, I may not cooperate with Master An An, but if my relatives want to go to the battlefield, they need to equip a durable, reliable and reliable magic weapon. I want to be in Jiang Shaoyang and Xie Anan. If you choose one of the two masters to adjust and polish, I will choose Master Xie in all likelihood!"

"Wu Ma Xuan is the eldest son of Master Xie Anan. He has a talent for homeschooling. He has shown his refining talent since he was a child. At first, he must follow the mother's style of refining. After slowly growing up, Master Xie discovered that his talent is amazing. There is a very imaginative imagination, and there is a more fierce and fierce temper in the bones. I know that I can't teach this child before I send him to the master of the super-precision refining 'solar eclipse' Jiang Shaoyang."

"The solar eclipse Jiang Shaoyang and the demon star Li Yao are the same generation. Since Wu Ma Xuan is the son of Xie An'an, it is the grandson of the demon star Li Yao. Jiang Shaoyang naturally cannot accept him as a disciple. Otherwise, it is not plain and no reason than Li Yao. A generation?"

"Because of this, Wu Ma Xuan is just Jiang Shaoyang's 'first assistant', not his true disciple."

"But in fact, Wu Ma Xuan is inherited from Jiang Shaoyang and Xie An'an, the essence of the two different refining genres!"

"In this, Jiang Shaoyang's style is a watch, Xie An'an's style is inside, the surface style is too fierce and fierce, but it is the cover of the magical and transparent taste of the magic treasure, but in the In my opinion, only this kind of mellow and transparent taste is the key to Wu Ma Xuan’s becoming a master of refining tools and even going farther than Jiang Shaoyang!”

"Xiaosha, when you are training this 'deep blue thunder', you must have simulated Jiang Shaoyang and Wu Mayan, the radical and violent methods. Is it possible to see that you are considered talented and simulated? There is no leaking water, but you have neglected the trace of the deepest, magical and appropriate taste in the deepest parts of the magic weapon. It is no wonder that the last repaired crystal can not completely satisfy the guests."

The words of Chu Zhongjiu’s words made people in the place stunned and gave birth to a sense of vibrancy.

It will appear on this special test field of Jingjing. In addition to the refiner, it is the master who has deep research on the way of driving the crystal.

Everyone is a circle of people, so it can produce even greater shock. Wu Ma Xuan is a newly refining genius of the Xingyao Federation. But this experience is so strong that Chu Zhongjiu is not even more skillful?

Otherwise, how can we analyze the style of Wu Ma Xuan to the extent of the slightest achievement?

Sha Yongming is even more like a thunder, looking at Chu Zhongji with his face, and he has to vote for the five bodies.

It’s really a high-ranking monk from the heart of the Xinghai, the heart of human civilization. This vision is Gaoming!

Only Li Yao scratched his hair and thought about it. He asked the mysterious girl who had almost not hit him: "Asked, the father of the newly-reformed refiner of the Federation, "Wu Ma Xuan", Wouldn't it be the legendary federal strongest refiner, the witchmaph of the 'Inflammation of God'?"

"Yeah, this Taoist friend has not heard the name of "Wu Ma Xuan"?"

The mysterious girl looked at Li Yao very strangely. It seems very strange. This person obviously wore a set of fairly good crystals, but why didn't even know the famous characters like "Wu Ma Xuan".

"It turned out to be."

Li Yao was a little embarrassed, and the face hidden under the light and shadow mask was a bit hot.

He is a Yuan Ying old monster, not a big Luo Jinxian. In the past few days, he has plunged into the ocean of Yu Jian, which is to study the development and historical events of the Federation for a whole hundred years.

Rao is the computing power and deductive ability of the Yuan Ying series. It is impossible to complete the technical development and the magical explosion of the past 100 years in just three days.

When he cares about the great events of the country, he ignores the private lives of his disciples. This master can be somewhat incompetent!

However, knowing that the disciples have found their own happiness, he is of course very happy too!

Li Yaofa laughed from the heart, but it was a bit stunned with the surrounding, and the "stunned" style of painting was somewhat out of place, and attracted the special attention of the mysterious girl around him.


Li Yao does not care what other people will look at him. Anyway, it is a template avatar. Who knows who he is!

In his heart, he suddenly thought of a ...may be able to get in touch with his most trusted relatives and friends.

He does not want to expose his true identity in the public, and does not mean that he is unwilling to contact the most trusted people such as Ding Ling, Jin Xinyue, Wu Mayan, Xie An'an and Professor Mo Xuan.

However, he does not want to pass through the riddled spirit net, nor does he want to pass the message through the secret agent of the secret sword.

If you have a way, you can contact your loved ones and friends directly, at least first, say hello to them.

Li Yao smiled slightly, arms hugged in the chest, squinted his eyes, and did not move, but a seemingly absurd thought was from the brain to the spinal nerve all the way down, jumping between the nerve endings Finally, escape from the sole of the foot, like an invisible viper, close to the ground, swimming toward the "dark blue Thunder" crystal.

"Chu old!"

The owner of the "Deep Blue Thunder" Jinglu, "Lei Lion" Zhao Tongtian was anxious. "Since Chu’s eyes are like a torch, I can see the problem at a glance, then please help me to adjust, no matter how much money."

"Hold it!"

Chu Zhongjiu's face sank again, coldly said, "Zhao Tongtian, how much do you think you can afford to be able to call me once? Tell you, today is not looking at your face, come here? This crystal is indeed a fine product in the boutique, which makes me somewhat irritating. Secondly, Sha Yongming is also a junior I value. If you use this crystal, mentioning him, it is cheap. you!"

"Yes, yes, it is the ivory that I can't spit in my dog's mouth. What is the status of Chu Lao, and we sold our entire Thunderbolt Division, which is no match for Chu's little finger!"

Zhao Tongtian heard the sound of Chu Zhongjiu’s extra-string, and he was overjoyed. “Thank you for the old man’s shot, thank you Chu Lao’s shot!”

"Thank you, don't, go up and try it out. When you're done, let's get out of the venue and don't delay my time!"

Chu Zhongjiu carried his hands and faint.

"This, this, you are not yet..."

Zhao Tongtian and Sha Yongming face each other, together with everyone except Li Yao and the mysterious girl, they are full of fog.

“When I just listened carefully to this boutique, I have already infiltrated the psionics and helped you re-tune.”

Chu Zhongji is not flustered. "In fact, Xiaosha's technique is quite in place. 99% of the procedures are impeccable. There are only a few key points. I have only slightly adjusted it. Try it!"

Zhao Tongtian looked at Sha Yongming and re-applied the letter to the crystal.

Most of the people around him have widened their eyes and held their breath, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

A blue light rushed on the test field, and the audience was full of blue lightning. It was like a lion with a thunder and lightning!

After a while, the "lion" returned to Chu Zhongjiu and unfolded his helmet. His face was incredible. He said nothing: "True, true, really the same as the past, Chu Lao, you are a god!"

"How can it be!"

The four surrounding viewers are in awe.

"See it, Xiaosha?"

Chu Zhongji did not pay attention to Zhao Tongtian and the onlookers, but he smiled slightly and turned his head to Sha Yongming. "You can make the material, just like the magic weapon that has just been refining, but still lack a little polish, I will send you today. Five words, 'Draw the dragon's eye!' After you go back and have a good experience, don't look at the simple five words. The reason for this, I have been pondering for decades, only to find out a little door!"

"Thank you Chu old!"

Sha Yongming was too excited to be himself, and he was going to gather tears.

"Little things.

Chu Zhongji smacked a look around, "Well, all of your friends are scattered, nothing to see!"

"The right pair is scattered, and the test road is cleared up. Don't waste the precious time of Chu!"

"It’s a godsman’s skill, I don’t even know what time Chu’s hand is!”

"Crap, people are the refiners on the Firefly, from the heart of human civilization, down to the rural areas of ours, that magical power, that means, you and I see through, that's got it!"

"If you have the chance, you can ask Chu Zhongjiu to help me to train Jingjing."

"Just by you? Dreaming! You can see the refining of such a magical work, and explain it so clearly, even if we are lucky!"

Many onlookers were amazed and dispersed.

Under the service of Sha Yongming and Zhao Tongtian, Chu Zhongji is slowly and steadily alive and ready to carry out his own magic test.

At this moment, his gaze inadvertently swept through Li Yao’s direction, his eyes, hands and legs suddenly settled, and it was really fixed.


Chu Zhongjiu’s original momentum shocked the audience and disappeared without a trace. The shoulders unconsciously smashed down. The whole person suddenly narrowed down for a round, and it’s still a bit of a slap in the face, but it’s a thick voice. Hey, "How come you!"

Li Yao coughed and knew that people were not talking about themselves, and they let the road open to reveal the mysterious girl behind him.

"Chu Shu."

The mysterious girl spit out her tongue and was embarrassed to say hello to Chu. (~^~)

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