Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1582: I don't talk, just watch your clothes...

Chu Zhongji violently coughed a few times, all the wrinkles on his face bloomed with flowers, with a bit of intimacy, a few respects and a few minutes, said: "Tang...teacher, I know you are here, Where is the room for my ugliness, you are not kidding me!"

When this statement came out, all four were shocked.

Everyone is surprised to see the mysterious girl who is not fascinating. I don’t know what she is, and she can make the refining masters such as Chu Zhongji so respectful!

Chu Zhongjiu’s attitude towards the mysterious girl “Tang Tang” is much worse than that of Sha Yongming and Zhao Tongtian’s attitude towards Chu Zhongjiu, except that it is not so low.

The word "teacher" was a bit reluctant to say that some of the mind-thinking people soon thought that this woman’s position on the firefly must not be low, certainly another important position, not a "teacher" in ordinary schools. So simple.

Just now, I also refused the mysterious girl to help repair the "Lei Lion" Zhao Tongtian, but also the eyeballs prominent, the forehead sweaty like rain, the legs trembled slightly.

The mysterious girl "Mr. Tang" smiled and said: "Where is the case, Chu Shu is always strong and strong, and the refining technique is pure, and there are too many places worth learning. What do you say 'present ugly'? Originally, I wanted to hide in the crowd, and I would like to hide in the crowd. What I learned was that my hands were flawed and I knew I should wear a pair of gloves to go out."

Chu Zhongjiu smiled a few times and said: "Tang... Teacher, since you are here early, why don't you come up to help a little busy, but it is to let me this bad old man come out and blow the atmosphere? In the younger generation of the Federation, the 'ghost' witch Ma Xuan’s work is one of the best, and it’s still very chewy.”

The mysterious girl "Mr. Tang" smiled and did not answer.

"Lei Lion" Zhao Tongtian sweats and his legs are shaking even more.

Next to the refiner, Sha Yongming, a happy, crisp and lively: "Return to Chu, old, just now, you...Tang teacher wants to help Zhao’s deputy head to see Jingjing, but the result is Zhao’s deputy head. ...returned."


Chu Zhongjiu slightly stunned, every wrinkle on his face burst into a sharp light, and his eyes were sharply like two scalpels, staring at Zhao Tongtian, sneer and sneer: "I just said, The deputy head of Zhao is really a great prestige, even "

"I, I don't know!"

"Lei Lion" Zhao Tongtian still doesn't know that he has offended the big man who can't be offended. His legs are shaking like a sieve, and his face is yellow and yellow, and the tip of his nose is like dripping oil.

"Chu Shu, forget it."

The mysterious girl said, "I don't know who is not guilty. I was too sloppy. It was indeed a beautiful crystal. He didn't know my identity. I didn't let me touch it. It didn't matter. Wrong, don't worry about him."

Chu Zhong nine nodded, said, Zhao Tongtian glanced, sneer: "Zhao Tongtian ah Zhao Tongtian, told me what you are good, fireflies on the number do not know how many people lined up please 'Tang teacher' help ** Jingjing, the team is not able to turn round for a year or two, it is rare for you to be a child, Hongfu Qitian, hitting Tang teacher in a good mood, kindly and willing to help you, but you refused? Tang teacher's refining skills, at least high I am three times, you said that you are a dog with no eyes?"

Zhao Tongtian was ashamed to find a place to sneak in, and regretted that he wanted to kill himself: "I, I..."


Chu Zhongjiu snorted and turned his head. He was too lazy to pay attention to Zhao Tongtian, but he became more respectful to the mysterious girl. His eyes shone and said: "Mr. Tang, since I saw the whole process of repair and **, the method There are still some questions or worthwhile places, just a few words!"

Obviously, Chu Zhongjiu, the master of refining, admired the extremes of the mysterious girl's refining technique.

He is often stationed in Fish Dragon City, and he often does not have the opportunity to return to the Firefly to exchange ideas with mysterious girls.

It’s rare to meet here, and the occupational disease of the refiner’s division suddenly broke out.

The mysterious girl said: "I can't dare to give pointers. Chu Shu is one of the best players on the Firefly in the way of maintenance and **. From a technical point of view, the ** was just perfect, and he couldn't pick it up."

“Only technically speaking?”

Chu Zhongjiu’s look is more and more serious. “I’m saying that in addition to the technical level, I made some mistakes? No wonder, I always feel that there is something wrong, but I can’t say it, my heart is really imaginary!”

"No, Chu Shu, you have not made any mistakes. You have already made this crystal 铠 very standard, very perfect, just..."

The mysterious girl is somewhat hesitant.

"What is it?"

Chu Zhongjiu asked.

Zhao Tongtian, Sha Yongming and most of the onlookers around him also stretched their necks and waited for the answer from the mysterious girl.

Only Li Yao’s eyes flashed and he nodded slightly.

The little girl can, even this point is seen?

The mysterious girl indulged in a moment and cast a soft gaze on Zhao Tongtian. He still asked politely: "Is Zhao’s deputy head, I want to ask you three questions, please be sure to answer me honestly because This may be related to the next use of your crystal."

"Although today, Chu Shu is going to bring your crystal 铠 to a very standard and perfect state, but if these problems are not clear, perhaps you will continue to use high-intensity after three months to six months. The same failure occurred."

Zhao Tongtian opened his mouth and some nodded in confusion.

The mysterious girl said: "First, you are a limited edition of Wu Ma Xuan's own refining, and it should be your own battle video, power, speed and various parameters, even if you have used it before, it is highly worn. After the sputum was sent to Wu Ma Xuan, he personally fine-tuned the 'tailor-made' version according to your characteristics, right?"

Zhao Tongtian blinked and nodded hard.


The mysterious girl sighed, "I can meet the great potential of the refining masters of Wu Ma Xuan. After the debut, I will design the crystals for the first time. I want to refine every crystal enamel to perfection. Such a person can get his tailor-made and meticulous opportunity."

"I can guarantee that the reputation of Wu Ma Xuan has already started with the 'Deep Blue Thunder', and when he designs the next crystal, even the next batch of 'deep blue thunder', the parties The strong must be rushing, even if you save ten times the money, it is impossible to ask Wu Ma Xuan to help you tailor!"

"Okay, this is not to say him, I will ask you the second question, your left arm, more precisely the left shoulder, was injured a long time ago, causing your left shoulder to work a little bit, every When the second psionic can run to the left and left arm meridians, there will be a small stagnation?"

As soon as this statement came out, Zhao Tongtian was even more jaw-dropping. I don’t know how the mysterious girl would see it.

His reaction is naturally the answer.

The mysterious girl smiled slightly and said: "Third, although your left shoulder has an old injury, but recently... within half a year, you should find a way to cure it, and restore it as it was, right?"

"how do you know!"

Zhao Tongtian couldn't help himself any more, exclaimed, scared back three steps, looking at the mysterious girl, like watching a ghost who has been behind him for years!

If you are a ghost behind you, how can you know even such a thing!

The four surrounding viewers are also a pair of expressions that are difficult to describe with pen and ink. Every pore is filled with unbelief!

"It's very simple, I saw it from this crystal."

The mysterious girl is very square. "Your left shoulder has been seriously injured, causing the left arm to be weak, and the arms are slightly out of balance. Although you may have cultivated a lot of magical powers to make up, there are always some weak influences. ”

"This matter, you also mentioned in the information sent to Wu Ma Xuan, even if you don't mention it, with the eyes of Wu Ma Xuan, you can definitely see it from your battle video."

"So, when Wu Ma Xuan is helping you to customize the crystal, you have ingeniously strengthened the left shoulder armor. The strength of the left shoulder armor and the auxiliary power matrix are carefully adjusted. There is a certain difference from the standard."

"The crystal enamel that comes out of this way is just right for you who are unbalanced in the left and right."

"This may be what Chu Shu said, Wu Ma Xuan inherited from his mother Xie Anan, harmonious, appropriate, comfortable."

"But after you got this crystal, you accidentally cured the old wounds on your left shoulder, and the left and right strengths were once again balanced. Then, Wu Ma Xuan was tailored for the 'past you'. Crystal enamel, no longer suitable for 'now you'!"

"Because your left arm has recovered, some adjustments of Wu Ma Xuan have become outdated, and this has led to increased wear on the left shoulder and left arm armor of this wafer. When the strength is used, there is a serious wear problem. This is why you sent the crystal to repair, isn't it?"

"You think this is just a small problem. There is no need to send it back to the original factory and ask Wu Ma Xuan to repair it. Of course, it is indeed a small problem. Chu Shu has helped you solve it perfectly."

"However, Chu Shu may not know that your left shoulder has been hit hard, and recovered after a few years, so the fault is ruled out, but the root cause of the failure is still there, the problem is not big, and it will be sent at most every few months. Take care of it."

The mysterious girl screamed, except for Li Yao, everyone’s heart was ringing and thunder!

"Do you want to be so exaggerated!"

"Only through the slight wear on the crystal, you can analyze so many things. This, what is this teacher Tang?"

"It’s no wonder that even Chu Zhongjiu is so respectful to her. It seems that the so-called "reinforcement is more than nine times three times" is not an exaggeration!"

"Terror, the horror of refining, the horrible eyes!"

In the shock, exclamation, worship and incredible sigh of the crowd, Li Yao yawned shallowly.

A little boring.

It seems that there is no need to waste time, continue to watch this farce, or go back and polish the mysterious generation.

Anyway, the mysterious girl is going to re-adjust the crystal scorpion and completely solve the hidden dangers. Zhao Tongtian’s head is worshipped, and the fan slap in the face, crying and crying, there is nothing to look at.

Li Yao walked through the squatting onlookers, hands in the beach pants pockets, kicked and walked, and walked outside the test field.

Just then, a gentle vibration came from the ear canal.

Long Yangjun's "grab the money squad", came the news! (To be continued.)


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