Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1583: The purpose of the girl named Tang

"Get the first start-up capital?"

Li Yaoyi heard that Long Yangjun’s slightly frivolous laughter knew that there must be a play.

"Well, it went very well."

Long Yangjun’s voice directly shocked Li Yao’s eardrum. “The original fish dragon city is doing a three-year golden platform competition in the past few years. The gambling is rich in forms, the bet is not limited, and there are From the Dragon Snake Star area, even the Hawkers and the Stars Federation’s giants have been spending a lot of money, which is the best time to make a fortune. On our side, we have already made a small gain.”

Li Yao smiled: "The sword is so ridiculous that there is no problem."

Long Yangjun coughed one channel: "Then you guessed it wrong. Yan’s sword is fierce, but he doesn’t understand it. Although he forcibly suppresses his strength in the knot, he’s killed the Buddha. , killing all the momentum, but how can you hide it! The people here are all knowledgeable. After seeing him like this, and seeing him after two fights, where will he lose him? He soon became a big hit on the 'Ace of Life and Death', and the odds rose and went up. It was completely one-sided and there was not much cheaper!"

"It is called Huazi Ba Xiaoyu Daoyou, born to be a acting school. Every game is equipped with combat treasury, sly, thrilling and passing. It also participates in a gambling form called 'passing the squad'. It is necessary to win nine games in a row. ”

"We naturally took out all the nets from the beginning, and I can win nine games in a row. Just this one, I will earn at least three or five high-end crystals, ha!"

"Unfortunately, after winning nine games in a row, the real strength of Ba Xiaoyu was also exposed. Now his odds have hit a high point and there is not much oil."

"Fortunately, I have stepped on my side and locked in a few wealthy haulers, so I will wait for the right opportunity at night."

"You sent the dynamic account of the unnamed crystal card first. I will transfer the first money to you. You will prepare the crystal and the magic weapon first, waiting for our second harvest here."

Li Yao nodded: "Good."

He took out the unnamed crystal card issued by the Dragon Snake Star Bank underground bank and entered a weak psionic energy. The surface of the crystal card flashed abruptly, and a series of dozens of constantly changing random numbers emerged. .

In the place where the dragon snake star field is so smoky, many people do not want to be traced to their own sources of funds and whereabouts, so the commonly used "unnamed crystal card" does not require real-name information, even the fixed card number is not otherwise. If you have a fixed account number, it is not the same as leaving a clue, it is very easy to be locked by the enemy or the federal headhunter.

This kind of unnamed crystal card adopts quite advanced dynamic account technology. Each crystal card can generate a new account that is valid only in one minute at any time. It is equivalent to apply for a brand new one without any problem. New card with traces.

Through this new card for capital exchanges, it is natural to hand over to the underground bank that masters this dynamic account algorithm, a high commission, but it is safe enough, secret enough, and convenient enough. It is killing and winning. The best tool for robbery.

Sure enough, Li Yao just sent the randomly generated account to the past, and the unnamed Jing Wei trembled, and immediately appeared a number enough to make a soft whistle.

"There are so many rich people in the Dragon Snake Star!"

Li Yao said in his heart.

For him now, no matter how much money, even if he adds two or three zeros later, it is really just a string of numbers.

"Right, you are low-key when you are at the Fortune Mall, and be careful when you go out."

Long Yangjun suddenly reminded him in the communication channel. "When we stepped on the spot, we felt that the atmosphere was not right. It was a bit like the smell of the mountains and the rain. It seems that apart from our group, There are other forces that are also secretly planning what to do."

"I have learned about it. This situation has happened in the past. In the triennial super gambling contest, all the strong players and a lot of funds in the Dragon Snake Star are concentrated here. It is normal to make trouble, and the calm is not normal. ""

"However, how to say it, my feelings are still not very good, the forces crouching in the darkness seem to come not only for money."

"In short, you are careful, the low-key point is."


Li Yaodao, "I have been very low-key so far."

He cut off the communication, tipped his toes, stretched his neck, and stared at the fireflies, the mysterious "Tang teacher" dazzling staff waved: "I want to see your products." The special materials and magic components at the front of the list, but if you want to check the goods, it seems that you have to make a deposit to your account in the magic center. Can you arrange for me?"

The staff member looked at the "Dang Tang" in the "Deep Blue Thunder", and he had already been demented. He did not see Li Yao waving at all.


Li Yao frowned, and hit three fingers in the nose of the staff member to call back his soul. "Have I heard what I said?"


The other party snorted and wiped the saliva. It has not been shocked by the "Tang Teacher", and it is unparalleled. Even the revamping method that I can't think of is completely awakened.

Li Yao sighed: "I have to pay a deposit, go directly to your secret treasure warehouse and check a few pieces of magic weapons and some materials."

Staff: "Now, now?"

Li Yao: "Yes, now, what's the problem?"


Half a day later, the four holy magic treasure center is in a VIP special refining room.

Chu Zhongjiu is talking with the mysterious girl "Tang Tang".

In the no-man's place, Chu Zhongjiu's attitude has become more respectful, and the name of the mysterious girl has also changed: "... Miss, how come you come out, the place where the dragon snake star field is messy, I just , cough, it is not necessary to break your identity!"

"It doesn't matter, Chu Shu."

The mysterious girl named Tang smiled. "I came out this time. I didn't intend to hide my identity. Instead, I joined the 'Selective Observation Group' in the name of public, and used the Dragon Snake Star to go to the Star Alliance to observe their election. Everywhere, it is best to leave traces, it seems that we are bright, so as not to be caught by those people, and to talk about unnecessary gossip, so I will take the initiative to stand up, but it is not too big with you. Relationship."

"It turned out to be the case."

Chu Zhongjiu breathed a sigh of relief, thought about it, and lowered his voice. "The election observation group is the meaning of the deity. So, he is determined to go closer to the Xingyao Federation?"

"It is indeed the meaning of the father, but it is not getting closer."

The voice of the girl named Tang was originally very gentle, but when she said this question, she suddenly became firm and determined. "It is to join the federation and completely integrate it!"

Chu Zhongjiu slightly stunned, smiled bitterly: "I did not expect that you are more radical than Captain Tang!"

"This is not radical, but the last line of life under nowhere. Apart from joining the Star Alliance, we have no choice!"

The girl named Tang’s face hidden under the mask of light and shadow reveals a deep sorrow. “Chu Shu, you don’t know, what is the situation of the fireflies in the past thousand years!”

"For a whole millennium, we have been drifting along the stars and the sea, and we have been able to get some replenishment from the big world that did not want to succumb to the imperial power. Even many warships in the world have been connected to the firefly. In the countless world of resistance fighters and elite monks have joined us, making the Firefly turned into a 'super-large battleship community collection', also brought a lot of fresh blood!"

"But... this is something hundreds of years ago!"

"In recent centuries, the real human empire and the covenant alliance have included all the essential areas of human civilization, and from the heart of civilization to reach out to the tentacles and minions in all directions, one after another world fell into their clutches, the rest The world is trembled and self-enclosed. Even if we find it, we will not be able to make contact with us if we are photographed in the horror of the Empire and the Holy Alliance!"

"We are completely immersed in the orphans between the stars and seas. It is a very small and lonely starship civilization!"

"If you want to carry a civilization and even make this civilization continue to move forward, you need to have a certain population base!"

"The shortage of materials on our firefly, lack of energy, and poor environment can all be overcome, but we have only a population of 1.5 billion. This is the limit that the Firefly can support. How can it be so? Supporting the continuation of a great civilization?"

"Chu Shu, you and I are all refiners, just take the most familiar refining technique. Because the population is not enough, we can't pick out good seedlings with sufficient potential. How many supernaturals we have in the past thousand years? Are you lost?"

"Many inheritance, originally only one refiner master, but he could not find a suitable disciple in 100 million people in the district. After he died, this inheritance was completely cut off! Even if it can be passed through the form of jade Saved, but a lot of skills and techniques that need to be taught by hand are impossible to reproduce!"

"Because of this, our technical level, civilized level and supernatural reserve have actually been slowly declining in the past millennium. We are limited by the 'population', slowly declining, and going extinct. No one in the Starship civilization can deny this!"

The heavy smile of Chu Zhongjiu was solidified in the wrinkles, and his face suddenly became very dark. He said: "We can use 'hibernation technology' to save experts and masters in various fields. They are our 'Xinghai Republic 'The supreme wealth is the seed of our civilization!'

“It’s ok, but let’s not talk about the side effects of long-term hibernation, and the risk of doing so is high.”

The girl named Tang was secluded. "Does Chu Shu forget the accident more than 120 years ago? In that accident, a total of 355 "masters" who were in hibernation died in an instant. It is the catastrophe of our civilization!" (To be continued.)

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