Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1584: The battle for the route on the firefly

Chu Zhongjiu had been squatting for a while, and he whispered: "That was just an accident."

Tang’s girl said: “Chu Shu, ‘accident’, can’t be said from a refiner’s mouth, there is no accident in this world, only hidden dangers and probabilities!”

"We have been drifting in the Xinghai for a whole millennium. All the components on the Firefly are rusted, worn and aged, and we are unable to keep up with the development of our new technology. It is only a matter of time before the accident happens. With the passage of time, such 'accidents' will only be more and more, and finally destroy our civilization in an earth-shattering 'accident'!"

Chu Zhongji silently, without a word, sighed: "Miss is right."

Tang’s girl said: “So, the Xingyao Federation is our last hope. Although they have not reached our height in some key technical fields, the Xingyao Federation has at least controlled seven large worlds and a prehistoric civilization. The legacy of the Kunlun Relics, their resources, population and territory are thousands of times ours!"

"I firmly believe that quantitative change causes qualitative change. The Xingyao Federation has unlimited potential. Even if there are still some places that are not as good as ours, it is destined to catch up with us at a speed that is fast!"

"Chu Shu, do you know that when I was studying the 'deep blue thunder' designed by Wu Ma Xuan, my heart was really mixed, and I didn’t know what to say when I was in the countryside. Can you find a master of refining such as Wu Ma Xuan, can refine a crystal that is not inferior to our mainstream equipment? This is what a terrible potential!"

Chu Zhongji couldn’t help but said: "This is that the lady is too modest. Wu Ma Xuan’s refining technique is nothing compared to the Miss. It’s not easy to solve the problem just by the lady, even through tuning. The performance of this crystal is stronger than that of Wu Ma Xuan. It is more like the word 'round and melt'. Don’t talk about Wu Ma Xuan, I’m afraid that his mother, Master Xie An’an, is also there. It may not be able to adjust to be better than Miss."

The girl named Tang smiled and shook her head: "Chu Shu does not need to exaggerate, how many levels of my refining technique, I know very well, not to mention... There is only one me on the firefly, but Wu Ma Xuan is in the Xingyao Federation. It’s just a rising rookie, and the young people are invincible. It’s really on the top of the refiner’s circle, and some are better than his refiners!”

"In short, I believe that geniuses are piled up by quantity. The so-called 'existence of rare horns' is just the spire of the pyramid, but it needs to have a huge base to support it! Now, our firefly lacks this base, which is destined to be a river. The Xingyao Federation has a large population to support a civilization with unlimited potential and thrive!"

"We have the cutting-edge technology, but we lack the industrial base and the population base. The foundation of the Xingyao Federation is solid enough, and the population and resources are sufficient. But the bottom line is not enough. Some cutting-edge technologies and magical powers are afraid that it will take hundreds of years to slowly Accumulate!"

"If we can really merge, it will be of great benefit to each other. Such a new civilization, it is possible to defeat the Imperial Expeditionary Force and even return to the hometown of Xinghai Central!"

"This is both the father's ideal and my wish. No matter how many difficulties and obstacles I encounter, I have to take this road to the end. Chu Shu, will you support us?"

Chu Zhongjiu smiled and said: "I have accepted the command of Captain Tang since I was eleven years old. At that time, we were only two elementary school soldiers in the power cabin school, the powerhouse big bang, even my life. It’s all saved by the Captain of the Tang Dynasty. For so many years, I don’t support Captain Tang and you, who can support it?”

"However, this road is not easy to go. People on the Firefly are not necessarily opposed to the merger with the Xingyao Federation. After all, everyone is the only remaining two comprehensible civilizations in the Xinghai, but there is one who is here. The problem, especially the people in our parliament, are asking to go directly to the parliament of the Xingyao Federation, and even the name 'Xingyao Federation' should be changed directly to the name 'Xinghai Republic'!"

The girl of Tang’s surname has rounded her eyes. The politeness of the past has disappeared without a trace: “These people, are these people’s brains problematic? Our population is only one thousandth of a family, even a resource. The planet is not mastered, only a ruined ship! The only bargaining chip is the intelligence of the magical powers, technology and the central Xinghai that was handed down thousands of years ago."

"And our magical powers and technology, even if people develop independently, and develop for hundreds of years, they can always develop!"

"On this point, I want to enter the host's parliament, and even let people change the name of the country? Isn't this more ridiculous than ‘greedy and insufficiency?’

Chu Zhongjiu’s words and stops, Shen Yu for a moment, still said: "Perhaps their brains have no problem, but everyone's position is different, the angle of view of the problem is different."

"Miss, you know, from the hundreds of years ago, on our Firefly, there has been a 'route dispute', mainly the controversy of 'technical posts' and 'management posts.'"

"Like you, like me, even the captain, chief officer, navigator, etc. of your father, etc., those of us who are engaged in specific technical work, naturally do not value the signboard of the 'Xinghai Republic orthodox government', There are even many people among us who think that the 'orthodox government', the current firefly number, is not a starship, but it can be managed according to the rules and regulations of the starship. The orthodox government 'to dictate!'

"But don't forget, a thousand years ago, when our ancestors escaped from the extreme world, the ship was filled with members of the 'Xinghai Republic's orthodox government' and their families. These people are intertwined and powerful, and after thousands of years, The parliament is still maintained, which is the daily operation and management of the 'Stars Club'."

The girl named Tang surnamed coldly: "What stars will be, say good, tired, say ugly, cancer!"

Chu Zhongjiu: "Miss, the technicians like you naturally regard the 'Stars' as a burden or even a tumor. However, in the eyes of the group of members, they are the last hope of maintaining the orthodox government. A national elite more important than a technician!"

"For hundreds of years, the struggle for technical posts and management posts has been fierce. Now, a ‘Star Alliance’ has suddenly emerged. Isn’t the conflict between the two sides greatly intensified?”

"I don't quite understand it. Miss, let the statue be the captain of the Firefly. You are the youngest lecturer at Xinghai University and the youngest level 1 researcher at Xinghai Research Institute. And I am so sloppy. Can also provide some technical support in the refiner."

"Technicians like us, even if they join the Stars Federation, will only have a high status and will not be low."

"Lean can continue to be his captain of the Firefly, and the Stars Federation may even come up with some resources to support him to form a fleet, and he will be the commander of the fleet; and you are an expert at Xinghai University and Xinghai Research Institute. We can also find a big world, build a larger education and research institution, or be hired by the top 18 universities in the United States to participate in more in-depth and extensive research; even if I am, I will enjoy it in the federation. Better treatment than now is also easy."

"In short, for us technicians, joining the Stars Federation is a blessing."

"But, the stars will be those members, even our speaker, join the Stars Federation, what good for them?"

"There is no shortage of the Xingyao Federation. It is not lacking the members of the House of Representatives and the Speaker. Everyone has done a good job. Every member of the House of Representatives and the Speaker of the House of Directors has accumulated countless exploits and worked hard to give it to us. Masters have a share? How is it possible!"

"I can't have two tigers in one mountain. It's impossible for a federation to have two speakers. Miss, you can talk about it. How can the 'Stars' support the full merger? After the merger, we can mix and eat with technology. What are these members doing? ”

"Management? Yes, they will manage it! The problem is, Miss, you said, we have a population of more than 100 million people on the Firefly. We have the most members, and we have handled more than 100 million. The problem of population! The seven worlds of the Xingyao Federation add up, but they have a population of hundreds of billions! Our Members have a pitiful management experience. At home, nothing at all!"

"If the federation pulls out a big city, it is very likely that it will have hundreds of millions of people. Let our speaker go to be the mayor of our family. What are our presidents? Our president is willing to do it, and the original mayor will not let the sage!"

"This is still the speaker. There are so many officials in the short department of the corpse meal. When we evacuated, we kept the establishment of hundreds of departments. So many officials have not done business for a thousand years. What are they going to? Go to the grassroots level of the corresponding department of the federal government as a small clerk? Who is willing!"

"In short, joining the Stars Federation is very complicated. Even if you are a long ship, you can't do it in the face of such a big resistance. It's a long-term plan!"

"The Black Wind Fleet is coming to the door, how can it be considered?"

The girl named Tang did not help but clench her fists. "If you can't complete the integration before the war, then"

When I was talking about it, Chu Zhongjiu’s portable crystal brain suddenly heard a slight vibration. Someone sent a crane to pass the book.

In order to talk with the Tang surnamed girl, Chu Zhongji has set the level of the Linghe biography, except for a very few very important people, the general news of the idlers are all shielded.

The contents that emerged from the book of Linghe’s biography made Chu Zhongji’s slight glimpse, and the brow was tightly locked.


The girl named Tang looked at him with concern. "Chu Shu, is there something?"

"A very strange thing happened."

Chu Zhongjiu said with a sigh of relief, "Nie Siyuan, the head of the maintenance department here, turned to me for help. He said that the crystal 铠 'Deep Blue Thunder, which we just joined together, has gone wrong!" (To be continued.) )

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