Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1591: Big bang!

Floating in the central void of the Dragon City, the last small light spot like a firefly is finally extinguished.

Instead, some of the faint blue, more blurred, more awkward light clusters, gathered into a blue river, like a bright moonlight in a faint flow.

Although humans have rid themselves of the planet and have entered the Xinghai for a long time, even those who have lived on the starship for a lifetime are used to using the "day" as a time unit, and they are used to artificially simulate "daytime" and "night".

I am also used to it. When the "night" comes, I can do things that I can't see, but I want to see blood.

The moon is black and murderous, and the wind is high.

Yulong City is a large city built by the strongest of the four new world exiles.

But the exiles from four different worlds are not monolithic in their own right, and they are full of intrigues and contradictions.

What's more, there are countless cockroaches who are not afraid of death. The murderers who want money and don't want to die will also hold the idea of ​​flying high and flying high, and going to the fish dragon city to make trouble.

Perhaps it is bound by unwritten rules. During the day, the forces of the various ghosts and ill-conceived forces can reluctantly suppress their desire to kill and destroy.

However, until the night falls, the fish dragon city becomes a paradise for star thieves, thugs, gangsters, headhunters, emperors, and all lawless elements.

The three-year super-competition "Ace of Life and Death" brings together the dragons and stars and even the powerful forces and high-flyers around the world. The astronomical figures are flowing like creeks on the gambling table and the platform. Add fuel to the chaotic situation!

Three luxury shuttles shuttle silently on the magnetic track.

Yulongcheng is a 360-degree three-dimensional city built inward. There is no distinction between “sky” and “ground”. The so-called “airspace” is also very narrow. Without effective space control, the speed can reach hundreds of kilometers per hour. The shuttle shuttle has the possibility of head-on collision at any time.

Therefore, the shuttle car here is attached to a magnetic track to drive, on the one hand for traffic control and grooming, on the other hand, it can also obtain the forward energy from the magnetic track, which is cleaner, cleaner and pollution-free. The city is a fully enclosed environment floating in the stars.

Through the window, Li Yao looked at the explosions and fires in the depths of the city, listening to the whistling sound of the crystals, and pondering his next move.

The Four Saints Chamber of Commerce is the dominant force of the Fish Dragon City. Generally speaking, the Chamber of Commerce can handle all unexpected situations.

The nights before Li Yao and others came to Fish Dragon City, they often heard explosions and shooting sounds in the middle of the night, but most of the destruction and looting actions will be cleaned by the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce, not floating in midair. The small light spot becomes a fire red symbolizing dawn. There will be a large number of bodies that have dug their eyes and throw them into the universe vacuum through the garbage pipe. The whole recorded picture will be scrolled through the whole city through the light curtain. Tell the lawless people who dare to make trouble in the fish dragon city, what kind of price they have to pay.

However, today's explosions and flares are very different.

Li Yao gently shook his nose and seemed to be able to smell a very dangerous atmosphere from the air.

Tang Xiaoxing writhed his **** and sat uneasy for a long time around Li Yao. In the end, he couldn’t help it. He asked his heart carefully and said: "...Lin seniors, with your skill, in the circle of refining divisions of the Xingyao Federation Must be a famous big man?"

Li Yao looked out the window and didn't look back: "No, I said, I am a low-key person."

Tang Xiaoxing has a lot of Li Yao's costumes up and down. He said a few words in his heart. Seeing that Li Yao is not angry, he is more and more courageous. "But I don't know, Lin's predecessors came to the Dragon Snake Star." You are doing it, our Firefly is also a small force here, if the forests are useful, even though they are told!"

"I don't need it for a while."

Li Yao said faintly, he still hasn't figured out how to cut into the firefly, and he has heard a lot of rumors in the past few days. It seems that the situation on the Firefly is very complicated.

The eleven positions of Yuan Ying and Hua Shen are enough headaches. If there is another firefly, is it not chaotic?

Tang Xiaoxing touched a soft nail, and he never let go, said: "The younger generation understands that the forest predecessors only need materials. It is right to find us. We have a lot of rare materials brought from the center of Xinghai, even for a thousand years. Still excellent in appearance, it is absolutely impossible to find on the edge of Xinghai! What kind of materials are needed by Lin’s predecessors, and the scope of the younger generation is willing to send it with both hands, no money!”

"Who wants your hands to be delivered?"

Li Yao finally turned his head and frowned. "Money is not a problem for me. I said that this person likes to be low-key, and indifferent to fame and fortune, depending on money like dirt, you think that I can use a little money. Dear people?"

"The younger generation is smashing, and the younger generation is wrong!"

Lin’s predecessors were angry, and the consequences were very serious. Tang Xiaoxing was extremely scared and apologized like a frightened little rabbit.


Li Yao thought seriously and said, "It’s a coincidence. Money is not a problem for me. The problem is that I don’t have any money right now. If you can let me take a batch of materials, I will not refuse. of."

Tang Xiaoxing: "..."

Li Yao: "Hey, besides that, if you can borrow a lot of money from me, it would be more appropriate!"

Tang Xiaoxing: "Lin and Lin's predecessors, isn't it ‘depending on money like dung?’


Li Yaoli said of course, "Because ‘depending on money as dirt', there is no money. Who will bring ‘dung soil’ to walk around?”

Tang Xiaoxing: "..."

Li Yao’s heart moved, the frequency of the nose swayed faster and faster, and the window was lowered into a gap. He listened to the whisper of a singer like a demon, watching the night in the window, the fire shining, a car A shuttle bus is by their side, as a ghost shadow shuttles.

"Ask a question, have you offended someone in Fish Dragon City?"

Li Yao suddenly asked without a head.

Tang Xiaoxing’s second monk couldn’t figure it out: “No, I was the fish dragon city that I arrived yesterday. Besides getting supplies here, I went to the magic treasure mall and went to hell, and I greeted Chu Shu. I happened to adjust. Taiwan Jingyu, that's all."


Li Yao thought about electricity. "From past experience, the forces in the city of Fish Dragon, including the desperate people of the entire Dragon Snake Star, will be the hands of the Xinghai monks who have been fireflies. What are you killing? ”

"How can it be?"

Tang Xiaoxing sneered at it. "Although we have been in exile for a whole millennium, the overall quality of the teacher is at least three levels higher than the rabble here, and most of the people here directly and indirectly rely on the trade of the fireflies and the Xingyao Federation to mix rice. Eat, they don't dare to move us, and they can't move us!"

Li Yao: "So, the logo of the 'Firefly' is clearly displayed on the outer shells of all three shuttles, so that everyone knows clearly that this is the shuttle bus of the 'Xinghai Republic Orthodox Government', right? ”


Tang Xiaoxing is not clear. "In the place like Yulongcheng, it is very important to play the banner. You can avoid unnecessary troubles. What is the problem?"

"The problem is big, let your people immediately switch the route, the original way back!"

Li Yao knocked on the soundproof panel between the passenger compartment and the cockpit. "Let the driver sit next to me and change me."

The voice did not fall, Li Yao infused the psionic power, reconstructed the ear canal with the spirit, received a subtle sound in the air, his pupil suddenly contracted, gave up the plan to drill into the cockpit, but turned back Suddenly rushed to Tang Xiaoxing, Zhang Kai Ling can shield!

"Be careful!"

This sentence has just been exported. It only listens to the banging sound of the bang. They are like a heavy-duty shuttle bus with a speed of more than 800 kilometers per hour, which is like a speed of more than 800 kilometers per hour. After a while, I turned from the track and took it out!

The blast-like explosive psionic energy impacts the narrow compartment.


The airbags hidden in the car shells have burst open, but under the constant impact of external spiritual energy sources, "啪啪啪啪" all burst!

Even Li Yao was shocked by seven bloodshed, his appearance was horrible, his brain creaked, and for a time there was a feeling of stagnation in the spirit!

"Open, what kind of joke, even Yuan Ying old monster can cause such a heavy damage? What the **** is this stuff!"

From the appearance point of view, this luxury shuttle shuttle has completely turned into a smog of scrapped copper and iron, which rotates in the air and is attracted by artificial gravity and falls to the nearest "ground".

Li Yao’s thoughts were released in all directions like a smoky smoke. He perceived a tall building in the northeast corner and a train of crystal trains in the southwest direction. Two strong and unparalleled psionic waves were sent, which were unbiased and hit. Two bodyguard cars before and after them.

"Boom! Boom!"

After two loud bangs, the two bodyguards directly turned into two raging fireballs. The fireflies, the elite screaming screamers, couldn’t even make a sound, and they turned into ash, blood red fireballs, illuminating the secluded Blue night sky!


The track they were on was also blown up. Dozens of shuttles that were attached to the track suddenly lost control. No flies flew in midair and collided with fireworks.

Li Yao’s pupil suddenly shrank to the tip of the needle and suddenly expanded to fill the entire eye.

"Analysis of the psionic aftermath from the muzzle is actually the main gun that should be installed on a small attack ship!"

"Is there a mistake, the main gun of the starship is removed and secretly transported to the urban area of ​​the fish dragon city, with a cannon that can penetrate the enemy starship shield and armor, attacking the individual target? No wonder even Yuan Yingying Will be shaken by nosebleeds!"

"It's too exaggerated, who made such a big battle! And, how did they lock us? So accurate!" (To be continued.)

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