Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1592: Encounter a master!

The flow of information in Li Yao’s mind was like a stormy wave, and he quickly identified two attacks and three different shells.

The first time he hit him and Tang Xiaoxing's luxury shuttle will be a "shocking bomb", which contains a strong psionic shock wave, which will cause serious interference and blockage to the psionicist's psionic function, making an ordinary High-ranking monks, such as Tang Xiaoxing's flow, completely lose their combat power, and are very likely to fall into a serious coma, but they are not fatal.

Then, for the two bodyguard cars, it is the killing bullet that is really accompanied by the puncture and bursting effect.

Therefore, they can be unscathed.

This is a naval gun, which is used to open a few meters or even a dozen meters of thick armor!

If the front is hit by a killer, even if it is a child-infested affair, such as Li Yao, it is not as simple as a **** sputum. At least it must be seriously injured!

Of course, Yuan Ying Lao Ge is more sensitive to the danger than the ordinary monk ten times. If the opponent uses the anti-personnel bomb to lock it at the beginning, it will be perceived by Li Yao in advance, and it is impossible to be hit.

Just because the other party used the shocking bomb, and there was no killing, Li Yao’s perception was only a little slow for half a second, so that his old Xinghai driver had turned over the boat in the gutter of Yulongcheng.

"It is necessary to use a strong psionic shock wave to disturb the limbs of a comprehension, the eight classics, and even the entire brain, so that he completely loses his resistance and even consciousness, but he cannot hurt his flesh and blood, or even The technical content of this shock bomb can not be left behind. From the intelligence collected in these days, it is definitely not the place where the Dragon Snake Star can be refined."

"However, do you want to use naval guns to attack targets in the downtown area?"

"Even if the guns can be disassembled, the various components are hidden in the dragons and snakes in the Qiankun ring, but such a complicated heavy magic weapon will take some time to assemble, especially the naval guns with extremely strong recoil. Fixed on the building and on the train, you need a large-scale fixed and buffer base, these things all unfold, no ten minutes can not be done."

"The four holy chambers of the city that control the dragon city are slow, and ten minutes, such a huge magic weapon will definitely be discovered."

"Then, there is only one conclusion. The authorities of the Fish Dragon City, the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce, also participated in this attack against Tang Xiaoxing, at least acquiesced in this action."

"really interesting……"

The wreckage of the scrap iron-like shuttle shuttle whirls in the air, like a sparrow that has been broken by the storm, and falls weakly.

Even with Li Yao’s psionic shield protection, Tang Xiaoxing fainted in the first second, leaving only Li Yao to calmly ponder in the whirlwind.


The shuttle wreckage fell hundreds of meters high, squatting on the ground, and there were numerous track wrecks and a shuttle bus crashing around them.

Li Yao sighed with a sigh.

"Those who like me to be low-key and indifferent to fame and fortune, obviously can compete with the world, why do you force me every time!"

He took a sip of bloodshot sputum and kicked a severely distorted car door, like a raging snake, and got out of the shuttle.

This luxury shuttle shuttle is divided into two compartments. In addition to him and Tang Xiaoxing, two Xinghai monks are sitting in the front cockpit, the driver and another bodyguard.

Unfortunately, they are already dead.

The luxury passenger compartments of Li Yao and Tang Xiaoxing are fully enclosed. Not only the most advanced reinforced steel plate and buffer layer are used, but also hundreds of guard arrays are arranged between the steel plate and the buffer layer, and the protection of the cockpit is inevitable. It is a little weaker.

The attacker is obviously a master of this road, and it is very clear that the characteristics of Tang Xiaoxing's luxury shuttle shuttle, the power of the shock bomb is adjusted to just right, just by strengthening the steel plate, cushioning soft rubber layer and defense array, the inside The person stunned.

The defensive array around the driver and bodyguards was slightly weaker and was actually alive and killed.

Li Yao looked at the two star-studded monks who still had a horrified face, but the eyes were slightly leaping, but there was no time to sigh and annoyed, narrowing their eyes, such as the foggy eyes, criss-crossing the high-rise buildings and the sky in all directions. The track is swept away.


In his mind, the whole world seems to have been digitized and turned into a series of colorful figures, constantly jumping, changing, calculating, making him attackers, onlookers, monitors and even suspected commanders in the distance. Everyone is familiar with everything.

Li Yao picked up the three-dimensional map of the fish dragon city from the micro-crystal brain, and quickly analyzed and calculated the best escape route. While carrying the neck of Tang Xiaoxing, she entered an aura into her jade pillow. Then she swayed and roused her from a coma.

"what happened……"

Tang Xiaoxing's eyes are scattered and his face is awkward. The whole person is stupid. This is the aftereffect of the shocking bomb. Her cultivation is not low, but it is a purely creative type of comprehension. The brain field naturally has no such thing as Li Yao. Strong, you are in a chaos.


Li Yao, while staring at the shadows in all directions, said, "Lie, don't move, let me touch you."

Tang Xiaoxing: "Ah?"

Li Yao: "Don't misunderstand, I don't have any interest in you. I won't do anything too much for you in such an environment. Please be assured that if you really make any derailed move, I will have Worry about life."

Not waiting for Tang Xiaoxing to react from the shackles, Li Yao once again entered an aura into her limbs, causing her muscles to contract, and involuntarily put out a "big" shape.

Li Yao’s hands were full of brilliance, and he even dragged a colorful band of light in the air, and his hands instantly turned into a group of rainbow whirlpools, on Tang Xiaoxing’s body, up and down his hands!

After a while, Li Yao snorted softly, and from the back of Tang Xiaoxing's left ear, he tore off a half-neck-size flesh-colored film, exactly the same as Tang Xiaoxing's skin color.

If you don't use your hands with a high degree of sensitivity, you can't tell.

Inside this film, there is a thin film like a flap that can be bent freely, which is not much larger than the rice grain.

"It's really exquisite."

Li Yao glued the ultra-micro-chip to the fingertips and took it to his eyes. He sent it to Tang Xiaoxing. "This should be a kind of micro-chip that is positioned and locked. It can easily lock your position and even be a ship." Attacking magic weapons such as guns directly output coordinates, provide remote guidance, and achieve the effect of hundreds of hundred, I said, how can the other party play so accurately!"

"Also, this kind of chip can be activated and dormant. When it is in a dormant state, it is protected by the biofilm outside. Even if the big Luo Jinxian is full of eyes, don't want to find it!"


Tang Xiaoxing is completely dumbfounded, and his brain is in chaos. I don’t know if it’s because of a sudden attack, or if I’m not aware of it, I’m stuck on the chip, or the hands of “Lin’s predecessors”!

What kind of refining technique is this, it is incredible to use both hands to drag out the crystal clear rainbow light belt!

Just as she didn't know what to say, Li Yao had found a second perfectly hidden locking and guiding wafer on her ankle.

"So beautiful."

Li Yao released a glimpse of spirit, half-squinting and perceiving the mustard-level array on the two ultra-miniature wafers. There is really a pleasure of listening to thunder in silence. This is a real work of art!


“Do the masters who can produce this kind of artwork install two identical wafers on the same target? Such a means is too monotonous!”

Li Yao's gaze is like two sharp high-frequency scalpels. He wants to unload Tang Xiaoxing's eight pieces. Every organ is broken down and carefully explored. It scares Tang Xiaoxing's face and is overwhelmed.

Suddenly, he shot like a power, gently wiped a piece of Tang Xiaoxing's head and took off a hair!


Tang Xiaoxing was not very painful, but it was really shocked by Li Yao. She was still under the influence of the shocking bomb. The computing power and thinking ability fell sharply. It was stronger than the average person. I didn’t understand what happened.

Li Yao gently wraps her hair around her fingertips for two times. Her finger pops up, and a flame of oil is thrown out. The hair is completely burned to ashes. However, the fingertips still have a very fine and fine shape. Single crystal mica silky objects!


Li Yaoyan’s eyes widened and he was amazed. “It’s possible to make the tracking method magic into such a fine diameter, the strength and flexibility are super high, and it can be disguised as a hair and implanted on the target’s head. It is an antenna, with the brainwave of the target itself as the energy source, and the source continuously emits signals!"

“It’s a terrible idea, an absolutely horrible trick, and this unheard of material!”

Li Yao took out a piece of gray plasticine from the Qiankun ring and carefully inserted the "positioning crystal" into it.

Also take out dozens of pearl-like beads, paste the two tracking and positioning wafers on one of the beads, gently send dozens of thoughts to the beads, and scatter on the ground, not a moment, Just roll into the gap of the sewer cover in the distance.

Although the Dragon City is a Xinghai city, for the sake of people's living comfort, occasionally several artificial rainfalls will be arranged.

The sewer is not only responsible for drainage, but also a very important pipeline and maintenance access. It is not a problem to accommodate two people who are wearing the waist.

This is the conclusion that Li Yao just searched for the map.

"Go, change your face."

Li Yao gently touched his eyebrows and randomly changed his template avatar. It was still so plain and unsatisfactory.

Until now, Tang Xiaoxing only remembered what happened, and the talent of a refiner was awakened in the blood: "We, explosion, heaven, we were hit by a gun!"


Li Yao frowned. "What's the problem, let's go!"

"What's the problem?"

Tang Xiaoxing is about to collapse, staring at the temple, staring at Li Yao incredulously, and saying nothing, "We, we were attacked by naval guns, in the downtown area! Why can the forest predecessors be so calm?"

"Why not?"

Li Yao scratched the hair that was shocked into the bird's nest and looked at the little girl with a blank expression. "Everyone came out to cultivate the truth and was slammed by the main gun of the battleship. It is very common. What can be fussed?" .)

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