Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1593: Wind, so cold... (fourth! See the monthly ticket!)

Tang Xiaoxing was speechless.

She has never seen such a comprehension, whether it is on the Firefly, in the Dragon Snake, or from the Starry Federation to the Firefly.

Of course, even in the cultivators she has encountered, it seems that there is no such thing... unique existence!

Li Yao mentioned Tang Xiaoxing and went to her to have a psionic power, so that she could barely get rid of the impact of the shocking bombs. The two ran wildly on the street.

In Yulong City, although the murder and the gang fights are commonplace, but when the troubles are so big, the guns are still not used. The tracks have been interrupted several times, and everyone on the street is resentful. Running wildly in panic, they are mixed in, it is not too eye-catching.

Coupled with the carefully calculated route of Li Yao, every angle is taken into account, always running to the right place at the right time, perfectly blocking the other's line of sight.

The other party in the dark, mainly relying on three positioning magic to lock Tang Xiaoxing's coordinates, the naked eye observation, is only an aid.

Li Yao took Tang Xiaoxing into a poor street.

Temporarily safe.

He looked down at the countdown shown on the light curtain, which he analyzed as the attacker would enter the sewer under the guidance of the tracking wafer.

Ten, nine, eight, seven...

"Hold your ears."

Li Yao knocked on the light curtain and spoke.


Tang Xiaoxing is still unclear. The impact of the slow half-shot shock is too strong. Until now, her soft brain is still hitting in the hard skull, like the water tofu inside the bumpy truck.

"Lin seniors, what do you say?"

Tang Xiaoxing snarled, the voice did not fall, and a series of earth-shattering loud noises came from behind them. If a fierce Yanlong drilled out from the sewer, the flames of the claws ravaged most of the sky.

Several of the sergeants who had just entered the sewers and were fully armed were caught in the sky by the fire dragon. Even the screams were too late to be sent out, and they were swallowed up by the fire!


Even the dozens of sewer manholes in front of the two were hit by the ultra-high pressure airflow, and there were dozens of white smoke columns like volcanic eruptions!


The tempered glass windows of the high-rise buildings and shuttles on both sides were shattered, and the debris was like rain.

Tang Xiaoxing was almost shaken by the shock, and his face turned pale and looked back. Looking at the fire dragon rising from the sky, he couldn’t shut his mouth for a long time!

However, when she returned to her head again, she found that "Lin Lin" had her hands in the beach pants and walked slowly and slowly. The slippers were stepping on the glass sills and making a "sand" sound.


Tang Xiaoxing cried, "Explosion, explosion, it seems that we just fell, the sewers around!"

"I heard."

Li Yaodao, bent over and continued to go.

Tang Xiaoxing is incredible: "You don't look back?"

Li Yao was silent for a moment, faintly said: "If the explosion of this series needs to turn back, my neck has long been broken, let's go."


Tang Xiaoxing watched Li Yao deliberately contract, slightly stunned back, and for a long time only hard to close his mouth, quickly catching up.

She couldn’t figure out 10,000, and there were 10,000 question marks in her head, but what I was more eager to know than my own attack was

This is the old man named "Lin Jiu", who is it!

She just started, Li Yao stopped.

Next to it is a tavern with two shuttle-like front and rear shuttles that are like a shuttle.

Half a minute later, the two men took the shuttle bus and slowly climbed another intact track.

The fully enclosed car shell allows them to communicate slightly calmly inside.

"The ship just now..."

While driving the shuttle bus, Li Yao carefully recalled for ten seconds. "Seven magnetic tracks should be used in a 'Lotus-like' layout to form a triple-helix magnetic energy ejection channel; the projectiles emitted are five hundred millimeters in diameter. Between five hundred and fifty millimeters, at a distance of five kilometers, the speed per second is between seven kilometers and seven thousand three hundred meters; and the instant muzzle of the launch has a hexagram of flames, with a dual mode of killing and shocking. In the kill mode, the aftermath is lavender. When the shock mode is the apocalypse, is there any impression of such a naval gun, do you not know?"

Tang Xiaoxing took a deep breath for a long time, and finally gradually recovered the clearing of the refiner, and the eyes became bigger and bigger: "Yes, it is the 'seismic level' quick attack gun on our firefly!"


Li Yao raised his eyebrows. "Is it OK?"

"It should be ok!"

Tang Xiaoxing gasped hard. "The forest predecessors must know that the flagship 'Firefly' of our orthodox government in Xinghai Republic is not a starship, but several starships have escaped from the imperial claws and parked and replenished in the world. After countless world warriors joined us, hundreds of starships were successively connected to the mothership during the long millennium voyage, forming a super-large integrated warship cluster!"

"That is to say, the warships on our warships are varied and come from different worlds. Some of them have strong local characteristics. They are unique and have no semicolon!"

“This kind of 'seismic level' quick attack gun is one of them!”

"The destruction mode of this kind of cannon is nothing but ordinary, but its 'shock mode' is very special. It is not a metal projectile, but an 'ice crystal projectile' that is condensed by a special liquid. Under the force and super high speed, the ice crystal projectile will instantly vaporize and suddenly expand, generating a powerful impact force. It is specially used to block the enemy in the sealed space through the heavy armor. If it is properly adjusted, it can even make it thick. The enemies behind the defense, the psionics are completely disordered and temporarily become waste!"

"so smart?"

Li Yao screams, "Similar effect, have you seen it on other guns?"


Tang Xiaoxing shook his head. "This kind of gun is very rare on our firefly, and in the Xingyao Federation... I seem to hear that they are experimenting with a new magic weapon called 'black hole bomb' that can block interference with the full range. The way, no difference disturbs all the psionic activities of the enemy and the enemy, but it is still in the experimental stage, and the effect of this 'earthquake bomb' is not the same."

Li Yao nodded. "So, is this kind of 'Earthquake Instant Attack Gun' removed and sold to the Dragon Snake Star or the Star Alliance?"

"Definitely not!"

Tang Xiaoxing shook his head. "Although we have some technical exchanges with the Federation, the number of such guns is not much. The refining technology has long been lost. There is one less bad one. We will not Export this kind of naval gun!"

"What about this?"

Li Yao took out the ultrafine filaments embedded in the plasticine.

When Tang Xiaoxing saw it, his face became more ugly than the dead: "This seems to be a fusion of the "Lingyu Jade" and the "Poisonous Spider", which is a new material in the mustard material laboratory on board. It is still in the experimental stage and will never go out."

Li Yao "Oh" gave a cry, and took the ultra-fine crystal silk back. He said very calmly: "The answer is that you are attacking. You are motivated to attack the 'Seismic-class speed attack gun' and the new type of crystal wire. Big man."

"And, regardless of the earthquake-level speed attack gun or the new crystal filament, it is a magic weapon and material with very distinctive characteristics. Since the other party dares to use it unscrupulously, it is not afraid to leave any horses."

"The opponent's horror is big, but using a shocking bomb instead of a killing bomb is not for your life, but for your life, obviously you have great value for them."

"Give you ten seconds, guess who is behind the scenes, tell me in the simplest language, I think about how to help you."

Tang Xiaoxing has no gods, and listens to the explosions of the explosions in all directions. He has been in a state of turmoil and hesitated for a long time. He still gritted his teeth and said his own guess!

Li Yao listened and nodded. After three minutes, he concluded: "Understood."

"You are the daughter of the fireflies Captain 'Ding Dingyuan', and now the Firefly is divided into two factions. A large number of technicians headed by your father 'Tang Dingyuan' want to join the Xingyao Federation; but with the 'Xinghai Republic Council', That is to say, the bureaucrats headed by the 'Stars and Stars' speaker, 'Cui Lingfeng', disagreed, and wanted to wait for the price and even swallow the elephant!"

"For centuries, the technicians on the Firefly and the bureaucrats in the Stars have been out of sync. Before the millennium, when they just fled the Imperial Claw, because they carried a large number of former government officials, it was natural that the bureaucrats prevailed; but with With the continuation of the Xinghai navigation, there are more and more real technical problems to be faced, and the importance of the technicians is increasing day by day. When your father’s generation is the captain, you can finally stand up against the officials of the Stars and even sneak over each other. One end!"

"This disagreement can be said to be an extension of your past contradictions. It can also be said that the total number of contradictions in the past few hundred years caused by the "Xingyao Federation" is a total!"

"In any case, the situation is deadlocked here, and your father, Captain Tang Dingyuan believes that the Imperial Expeditionary Force is about to strike. You can't wait for the ends of the first mouse. You have to hesitate. You must hurry and fully integrate the forces of both sides. ”

"So, on the one hand, he sent a 'election study group' with you to participate in the name of the Xingyao Federal Election, so that you can join the high-level technical personnel of the 'joining faction'; on the other hand, he recently Actively planning, we must directly put forward the 'Attachment Proposal' on the 'Stars Meeting'. When it is not passed, it will set off a wave on the whole firefly. As long as most technicians and grassroots sailors agree, those rice bugs The same councillor can't stop it!"

"So, you suspect that the chairman of the Stars Club, Cui Lingfeng, got the news in advance, first to be strong, to deal with your ‘joining party’!”

"That is, while you are attacking, there is a high probability that a fire will be rolled up on the Firefly. Your father is extremely dangerous, right?"


Tang Xiaoxing’s heart was loose. I didn’t think that the idea of ​​“Lin’s predecessors” was so clear, and she was able to sort out her words in an incoherent and upside down moment.

In her eyes at the moment, Li Yao has become a great savior descending from the sky. The opponents are in a slap in the face, and they are caught unprepared. It is very likely that the whole army will be wiped out. Only the "predecessor of the forest" can rely on it!

Her eyes were full of embarrassment, and looked pitifully at Li Yao: "Former Lin, since you already know the ins and outs, what should we do now?"

"It’s just a little storm, nothing, let me think for a moment."

Li Yao smiled, comforted the girl, and thought about it. After a while, she made a snap: "I thought of it!"

Tang Xiaoxing was overjoyed and couldn't believe his ears: "So fast, what did the forest predecessors think?"

"The crisis that Firefly is facing today is indeed very complicated, very sinister and very confusing!"

Li Yao said, "However, I suddenly thought of this as a bad thing. I just bought materials with you. Everyone is not very familiar. How do you seem to want me to save the world?"

"Just here."

Li Yao lowered the shuttle bus in a sparsely populated slum, and simply climbed out and waved inside. "Tang Xiaoyou, this shuttle bus stayed here, how many of them are my predecessors, and the mountains and rivers have a meeting. Everyone will have a good time in the future!"

He ran away as soon as he slid.

In half a second, it disappeared without a trace.

Only Tang Xiaoxing was sitting in the shuttle bus with a stunned look. He never thought that a person wearing slippers could run so fast.

She looked at the black slums, slowly hugged her arms and made a goose bump.

There were unreasonable **** around, and the night wind blew from behind, very cold. ——

The fourth is sent!

In the new January, try to get a good start, brothers and sisters, ask for a monthly ticket, and subscribe for it~ (to be continued.)

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