Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1594: Hey, hey, swan and hunter

The dog barking is far more and more sharp and more and more noisy, but it stops in an instant.

It’s like all wild dogs are in the same second and are cut off their necks.

Tang Xiaoxing felt that a cold air spread all the way from the backbone to the limbs. Every finger and toe of her eyes was as stiff as being soaked in the ice water, and even crying could not cry.

The girl wants to swear a swear word.

However, she was well educated at an early age. She did not know how to use the swear words of the lower sailors to vent their anger and fear. I don’t know who cursed the "Xinghai Republic orthodox government" chairman Cui Lingfeng, or... ...just got to know, it seems to give her a glimmer of hope, but at the most critical moment, the "predecessor"!

Tang Xiaoxing sucked his nose and his teeth were deeply embedded in the pale lips. He resisted the urge to cry and climbed from the back to the front row.

"If it is really the attack launched by the chairman of the Cui Lingfeng, then the father is likely to have been caught by them even..."

"Now, only I can save the Firefly and save everyone!"

"I want to be strong, I must first escape the clutches of the attackers!"

"Hey, hey!"

The shuttle car made a strange noise, and it seems that all the magic units are frozen by the cold air.

"No way!"

Tang Xiaoxing is a master of refining equipment. The simple magic weapon of the shuttle shuttle is in her eyes, which is simply a toy for three-year-old children.

However, no matter how she perceives, how to repair and adjust, there is always no problem!

There was a dead silence between the ruins of the black shackles, which was even more horrible than when the wild dogs were humming.

Perhaps it is her illusion that Tang Xiaoxing, through the blue river of moonlight, seems to see the shadows of the shadows, from all sides!

"Get started!"

Tang Xiaoxing’s hair roots were lifted up, and the static electricity picked up when it was launched was turned into a brush. She snorted and snorted on the control array, and the inside of the shuttle was “嗤嗤嗤嗤” The sound finally turned into a very comfortable "sand" sound. The disc-shaped magnetic anti-gravity unit laid out under the shuttle car released a light blue arc, and the shuttle shuttle swayed again!

"Long live!"

Tang Xiaoxing cheered in his heart and was about to speed up his escape. When he looked up, he found himself floating in front of a heavily armed sergeant!

The copper cast iron cast mask, without expression, is like a steel dead body, staring coldly at her.

She hadn't had time to exclaim, and three bullets were shot from the darkness behind her, and she slammed into the shuttle.

Three bullets, releasing a strong arc, intertwined into a faint blue sky, deeply embedded in the shell of the shuttle, not only instantly penetrated the power of the shuttle, anti-gravity and control array, so that the shuttle Completely scrapped, and also invaded Tang Xiaoxing's singular eight veins along the pores, and she was able to get the power of the psionics again!


The shuttle bus fell from a low altitude and fell smashed, and Tang Xiaoxing was also thrown out.

Tang Xiaoxing was forced to endure severe pain in the whole body. When he climbed up from the ground, he felt that at least five wafers were approaching her from all around.

What made her heart stunned was the analysis of the flames from the dynamics of these crystals, which were the cutting-edge styles on the Firefly, which had never been exported to the Dragon Snake Star and the Stars Federation.

"Tang Xiaoxing!"

The sergeant who had just stopped in front of the shuttle bus slowly landed, and the steel footboard slammed on the ground without hesitation. His voice was as cold and cold as the impact of steel and ground. A little bit of affection.

A dazzling beam hits Tang Xiaoxing's face and exerts strong interference on the light and shadow mask, which makes Tang Xiaoxing reveal the face that is as delicate as a porcelain doll. At the same time, Tang Xiaoxing's eyes are caught in a white fog, and the attacker cannot be seen clearly. Look like it.

Tang Xiaoxing only felt that a pair of cold and rude steel hands smashed on her face to ensure that there was no more disguise on her face. Then, the lifeless voice said, "Tang Xiaoxing, we are The project investigator of the special investigation team of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has officially announced to you that you have been arrested for "treason"!"

Tang Xiaoxing's five thunders slammed the world in front of him into a desperate darkness!


"Treason, is it so serious?"

Li Yao is like a crouch in the mud, crouching in the corner of a broken old building, while carefully observing all the changes within a few kilometers of the square, while passing through the eavesdropping chip on Tang Xiaoxing when he just got his hands up, he overheard Tang Xiaoxing. Dialogue with the attackers.

The situation is so chaotic, and I haven’t sorted out a thread yet. Of course, I can’t be so impatient to get into the battle group. Let’s figure out what is going on, and how many forces are involved!

From Li Yao’s now-looking point of view, there are at least three forces that surround Tang Xiaoxing from the hungry wild dogs.

First of all, although there is only one attacker, it is two teams with distinct tactical styles.

I just operated the "Earthquake Quick Attack Gun" and installed the positioning chip on Tang Xiaoxing, including the direct arrest of Tang Xiaoxing, and announced that she committed the "treason". Some regular military styles are obvious, the training is extremely elite, and the equipment is quite advanced. Military or agent.

The crystals that each of them wears are no less than the "deep blue thunder" that Li Yao just saw.

Although they are trying their best to suppress their own psionic fluctuations, Li Yao is very skeptical. They include a number of masters of the Dan Dan, Jin Danqiang and even higher level!

These people must be the Xinghai monks on the Firefly, and most likely they are the men of the Cui Lingfeng Speaker.

Although their strength is strong, but due to restrictions on identity, the number is not large.

In the periphery, responsible for the package and plugging, to provide them with support, the tactics are disorganized, the number of crystals is also much lower, from time to time there are various flaws, exposing their own extra movements, and with a little lawlessness , unscrupulous taste.

In a word, the rabble.

"These people looked like the teacher of the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce, the land snake here."

Li Yao indulged for a moment and understood, "I want to transport the two guns into the Dragon City and carry them out and fix them. I must not escape the eyes of the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce. So this attack or the arresting operation is on the Firefly. Some of the top executives, the hypothesis is that the president, Cui Lingfeng, is well-planned, and the four holy chambers of commerce jointly planned."

"Perhaps it is Cui Lingfeng who gave some benefits to the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce. For example, the super technology or supernatural power from the central Xinghai, bought the four holy chambers of commerce, not only opened the door, but also sent a number of local snakes, for a small number of people. The arrester provides guidance and support."

This is also confirmed by the ultra-micro bugs disguised as insects.

The secret investigators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Stars Club may be well-trained super-class players.

However, the guidance and support sent to them by the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce were all a group of people. They used to be arrogant in the Dragon City. They did not realize the secret operation. This is their place. This is not at all. A secret operation, but a bright and accurate arrest!

Therefore, just as they arrested Tang Xiaoxing, Li Yao easily locked their commander and quietly moved a self-propelled bug that disguised as a scorpion to the commander's side.

Hey, perhaps the most tenacious creature in the universe, even if one day human civilization is dying, you may continue to live hundreds of millions of years or more in the broken planet and cosmic city left by mankind.

Fish Dragon City also has flaws.

Although it is not the same kind as the one produced by Li Yaojing, the chance of being identified is extremely small on the night when the black wind is high this month.

"Leopard brother, what kind of guys are coming, so arrogant, actually fired directly in the downtown area of ​​our fish dragon city? If the news of the **** is spread out, where are the faces of the four holy chambers of commerce? How can people go to the fish? Dragon City to eat, drink, play? Fuck!"

"Accepting the voices, these people are all sly characters, even the boss must respect them three points, not that these little shackles can be provoked! The skin is tightened, all actions are listened to the command of these people, there is a slight loss, Boss can't spare you!"

This is the eavesdropping, collecting the only valuable information from hundreds of meaningless salivas.

It was proved that the attack was carried out by the "Cross River Dragon" from the Firefly and the "Ground Snake" from the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce.

However, most of Li Yao’s interest is not on these attackers, but on the other two... observers.

In the southwest of the slums of this ruined and dilapidated building, it is a 17-storey building. On the fifteenth floor, there is a best hidden observation point within five kilometers.

The two heartbeats and breaths are almost completely frozen by the sacred method, like a ghost-like observer with almost no weight, lurking like two shadows, calmly, professionally and meticulously observing the situation below.

Even professional, the dialogue between each other, the degree of "passing into the secret".

Absolutely no one can find their presence unless they are within one meter of them.

After the scorpion, the oriole is behind, they are silent oriole.

Li Yao is a hunter who has used the sight to lock the hunter of the oriole.

Even if the content of "passing into the secret" can not escape his eavesdropping.

Because this "best place to lie", Li Yao was originally "reserved" for them.

Or, deliberately throwing Tang Xiaoxing here, thus turning this carefully selected slum into a "catch-up scene", so that all parties' forces will appear in his calculations. This is Li Yao's plan. (~^~)

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