Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1603: Judgment of Cheng Xuansu

Two days later, on the edge of the Dragon Snake Star, the Firefly was stationed.

At the end of the Xinghai Republic more than a thousand years ago, the predecessor of the Firefly was once the latest generation of deep space exploration ships.

At that time, the monks of the Republic had high hopes for this test ship. They were filled with a whale-like hull filled with all the magical treasures that the Republic could discover, the relics of the ruins of the ruins, and all the hopes of the people.

The test ship would have completed one of its greatest missions, starting from the heart of human civilization, exploring the Xinghai Quartet, searching for the lost world in the "doomsday" war of the collapse of the Xinghai Empire, and letting them rejoin the Great Wall Republic. Family, together create a more brilliant human civilization!

When the gigantic hull of the firefly slid out of the cosmic dock for the first time, a total of ninety-nine diamond-shaped power units simultaneously produced the most dazzling blue light, even in the republican monks who were cheering, even if they were proficient in deduction and calculation. The people did not expect the unpredictable fate of this test ship in the future.

The first official voyage of the Firefly was not for exploration and discovery, but for concealment and exile.

On the road of the long millennium exile, the Firefly was indeed relying on its powerful magic weapon to discover a lot of worlds, and it was supported by the comprehens of these worlds.

Numerous people who are not willing to succumb to the rule of the empire, have all their own homes, together with magical powers and magic weapons, have been smashed into various, varied, dazzling starships, and after a simple technical transformation, these small The starship, connected to the body of the firefly, is like a pot of vine attached to a large ship, or a small fish that swims along with a blue whale.

The advanced Xinghai Jumping Matrix on the Firefly can release a special protective light film to avoid collisions and fusion accidents that are likely to occur when two starships are jumping at close range.

This technology made it possible for hundreds of starships to fit together and jump at the same time. It also constructed the basic form of the firefly for hundreds of years.

During the peak period, the "Xinghai Republic Deep Space Exploration Pilot Ship" Firefly was the center. A total of nearly 600 large and small starships were attached to each other to form an incomparably large exile team with a total population of more than 500 million.

The good scenery is not long, too bloated structure and redundant internal control system, so that the firefly's combat power is greatly reduced. After several thrilling encirclement battles, although they escaped from the empire, they formed the "Firefly Group". The number of starships has also dropped from more than 600 to less than 300, and most of them are powerless, uninhabitable, empty iron coffins, being dragged into large units, and the population has fallen by 80. %, on the verge of collapse.

Before encountering the Starry Federation, the Firefly was like a whale that had already rotted more than half, drifting in the depths of the Xinghai, knowing that his body is slowly decaying, but he can't get rid of any "iron coffin". Because in the star-studded resources, even from the completely scrapped starship, you can dismantle a lot of useful breaks and help them to survive for a while.

Yes, what about the fireflies at that time and the "orthodox government" of the Xinghai Republic, apart from the lingering and lingering?

It is undoubtedly a prosperous and long-lasting project for such a ship or a "heap" of thousands of exiles, rusted, rusty, and almost scrapped starships. The difficulty and consumption are no more than refining hundreds of stars. How small is the ship?

Fortunately, compared to the "Xiangbayu" on the edge of the Xinghai Federation, the Firefly from the central part of the Xinghai has not yet tossed a clean home.

The exiled government used the superb technology and magical secrets from the central Xinghai to exchange a large amount of resources with the Xingyao Federation, and built a large-scale dock and floating maintenance base station on the edge of the Dragon Snake Star. Maintenance.

Even a large number of starships were directly purchased from the Xingyao Federation. After a little modification, they were connected to their own bodies, increasing the space of activities and improving the quality of life. In the cosmic environment without gravity and resistance, regardless of the starship’s The shape of the claws, the strange shape, does not affect its ability to sail.

Therefore, from the far-off of the transport ship that transports resources, the firefly that is illuminated by the red giant star like a flame-like red mantle is not like a firefly, but hundreds of fireflies are condensed together. The circle ring track, the dock and the floating star port, and the maintenance base station are surrounded.

Hundreds of transport ships are constantly transporting supplies to them, and hundreds of thousands of maintenance technicians are wearing crystal urns, working hard in the cold vacuum outside the fireflies, like a group of people desperately in the sea of ​​stars. Struggling ants.

There is no sign on the exterior. The seemingly unremarkable transport ship passes through a circular orbital shipyard. It has already been scrapped over a ship. It has been stripped from the body of the firefly, ready to be completely dismantled, and slowly turned to fireflies. The body of the number, that is, the deep space exploration ship that fled the extreme heaven more than a thousand years ago.

Nowadays, this deep space exploration ship has long been unrecognizable. The outer shell is densely connected with hundreds of traffic hoses, and it is firmly connected with other star ships around it, just like the heart that extends numerous blood vessels.

The transport ship is driving slowly and unhurriedly. Now it has completely driven into the interior of the Firefly. There are countless near-defense guns in all directions, and the invisible locks of the Xuanguang are passed from time to time. There are also hundreds of fully armed The sergeant floated in the vacuum, and the shoulder-mounted crystal magnetic gun untied the seal. The muzzle flashed a little bit of starburst from time to time. Behind the cold mask, there seemed to be a sharp gaze, staring at the transport ship.

The transport ship slipped into a secret dock a few kilometers from the heart of the firefly.


The huge airtight gate was slowly closed, just like the steel giant's upper and lower rows of teeth were bitten together.

In the dock, there are hundreds of fully armed, such as the enemy of the enemy.

They are secret police officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Exile Government to welcome a special batch of "goods."

The door at the rear of the transport ship opens downwards, flipping out a ladder and a freight conveyor.

Some of the members of the "Electoral Observation Mission" were escorted by Wuhuada, and the other part was considered to be a more dangerous "traitor". It was placed in a special box-type restraint and sent by freight conveyor.

Among the people in the place, only a very small number did not wear the crystal.

Including a middle-aged woman wearing a black trench coat, with a tough face and a broken left eye, was replaced by three scarlet crystal eyes.

She is the leader of the special investigation team of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Exile, Cheng Xuan, the commander of the arrest operation.

"and many more!"

When most of the prisoners were escorted to the shuttle inside the starship and ready to be sent to the secret cell, Cheng Xuan Su suddenly stopped, and the three crystal eyes mounted on the same circular base slowly rotated and released. A faint red mans shot to a prisoner who was held in a box restraint.

That is... Tang Xiaoxing!

"Team leader!"

The secret police who escorted Tang Xiaoxing were upright.

Cheng Xuan Su Tsai carefully looked at Tang Xiaoxing who was in a deep sleep, faintly said, "The process of arresting you for Tang Xiaoxing, and repeating the original book, such a refiner with no hands and no force, even twice from your hands." Escape?"


The secret police hesitated a moment, said, "The first time we used the 'shocking bomb', trying to arrest her after she was stunned. Who knows that she was not affected by the shock bombs, slipped away, and even set traps. We have smashed our six team members; the second time we have captured her, who knows that suddenly a mysterious tactical squad is killed and she is saved again; until the third time, we are in cooperation with the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce. , constantly narrowing the encirclement, and through the monitoring of the crystal eye of the fish dragon city, according to her walking posture, only locked her hiding place."

"The other party seems to have used the strategy of "sounding the West". Most of them are outside with us. There are not many people around Tang Xiaoxing. Seeing the situation is not good, they can only give up Tang Xiaoxing."

Cheng Xuan said with a blank expression: "From start to finish, what time is Tang Xiaoxing out of your control?"

The secret police replied: "No more than six hours!"

"Six hours?"

Cheng Xuansu sneered, "And, the other party has an ‘anti-tracking expert’, and all the tracking and locking chips we set up on Tang Xiaoxing are found out?”

The secret police hesitated: "Yes."

Cheng Xuansu looked cold and cold, and after a moment of indulgence, said: "Help me prepare a sterile room, and then call two policewomen to come over, I want to check her body."

The secret police said with a slight sigh: "At the time of the Fish Dragon City, we have scanned it all over, and there is nothing on her body."

Cheng Xuansu looked at his subordinates.

The secret police trembled and gasped: "I understand, I will prepare a sterile room now!"

After half an hour.

Cheng Xuansu came out of the sterile room, holding a small glass bottle in his hand, and a **** red meat bead lying in the bottle.

"this is"

Responsible for arresting and escorting Tang Xiaoxing’s secret police, suddenly sweating.

"Anti-tracking experts, must also be tracking experts, so simple, you don't understand?"

Cheng Xuansu frowned and looked at his subordinates. "I have carefully studied the action report that you sent back yesterday. The person who started with Tang Xiaoxing is obviously a real master, and the team who raided you later is also training. Well-known experts, do you really think that when Tang Xiaoxing falls into their hands, it will be so easy to spit out?" (To be continued.)

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