Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1604: a small accident


Many secret police officers face each other and are somewhat unclear.

"They deliberately sent Tang Xiaoxing to our hands. The purpose is to bring this thing on Tang Xiaoxing."

Cheng Xuansu cold and cold, "From the arrest of you to the final capture of Tang Xiaoxing, she has at least half a day in the middle, not under your control, six hours, enough for the other party to do a lot of things!"

"I don't understand yet, Tang Xiaoxing is not the focus. Although she is the daughter of Captain Tang Dingyuan and holds one-sixth of the jumping key, the other party only gets a Tang Xiaoxing who left the firefly, it is useless! We It is not an imperial country, and Tang Xiaoxing is not a princess!"

"What the other party really wants is Captain Tang Dingyuan himself!"

"I don't know what this little thing is. At the moment, it has not released a little psionic fluctuation. It was taken out from the depth of the esophagus of Tang Xiaoxing by an endoscope. It sticks to the wall of the esophagus and is still outside. There is a layer of flesh-and-blood protective film. If I searched the past one inch and one inch, it is almost impossible to be detected!"

"I can guarantee that it will not take long for this little thing to be activated and send Tang Xiaoxing's coordinates to the outside world. If we really close Tang Xiaoxing and Captain Tang Dingyuan, the person who puts this little thing must You can figure out where Captain Tang Dingyuan is being held and the specific route from here to the point of detention!"

"At that time, God knows what these mysterious characters will do!"

The secret police suddenly burst into shock: "The team leader, will anyone come to jail?"

"Hard to say."

Cheng Xuansu looked at the blood red beads and said, "This kind of technology is not like the group of exiles in the Dragon Snake Star. The guys who grab people from your hands seem to be like the federal side. People... This is a big problem, I must report to the Speaker immediately!"

"In short, from now on, the alert of the secret detention point will be tripled, especially all the pipes that may penetrate into the cell. Whether it is ventilation ducts or maintenance pipes or toilet sewers, I don't want a fly to fly. Go to Tang Dingyuan!"

"Also, search for your ship, if necessary, unload the entire ship, or directly calcine for a hour, to ensure that no one can sneak into your transport ship!"

"Third, to improve the inspection of all transport ships and maintenance base stations, the Firefly is in the stage of overhaul, there are many cabins and passages that are open to the outside, and the flow of personnel is extremely great. Most people wear special crystals for maintenance. It is difficult to tell their identity, be sure to be vigilant, and never be numb!"

"Do you understand?"


All secret police officers are upright.

However, there is a relatively old secret police officer. After hesitating for a while, he still stood up and said: "The leader, the first two can do it. The third one is indeed difficult. Our lightning arrest operation is in the whole firefly. The number of sailors and the majority of the people are very resistant to us, and there is even a tendency to strike. In this case, it is not too good to thoroughly check everyone and every corner. Instead, it will add fuel to the fire."

Cheng Xuansu looked at him deeply, and his stern eyes swept across the face of every secret policeman. The red mansions released by the crystal eyes suddenly became softer, and he took a heavy shot on the shoulders of the old secret policeman: "I know, now The situation is very embarrassing. Tang Dingyuan’s pretending martial arts is doing very well. No one wants to believe that he is actually a traitor. In short, everyone is working hard. After all this, we can use all the evidence to make Tang Dingyuan The mask of the immortal, completely opened!"


All the secret police officers are heads high and morale is high.

"Take action!"

Cheng Xuansu waved his hand at the secret police, and put the faint blue glass bottle with blood red beads in front of him for a moment, and handed it to the old secret policeman: "Take it to Professor Luo, please The professor analyzes what is really there, what magical powers, if activated, is it possible to counter-track the coordinates of the other party, and if so, can you find out where it is refining and refiner? Let Professor Luo find the answer as soon as possible. And report to me immediately!"


The old secret police cautiously held the glass bottle and hurried away.


When all the secret policemen left her sight, Xuan Xuan Su spit out a sigh of gas and couldn't help but pinch the hard shoulders.

Her gaze seemed to penetrate the thick airtight gate and shoot at the dark, cold sea of ​​stars.

However, she did not see that at the moment of the fireflies maintenance site, the small collision accident occurred, she was anxious to interrogate the prisoners, but also to report to the Cui Lingfeng speaker the latest progress, no one took this accustomed Report the incident as a result of the accident.

This is indeed a very common collision accident.

The side of the accident was an empty starship shell, towed by two small barges, and was slowly leaving the family of the firefly. In the past 100 years, this completely scrapped starship was the rest of the firefly. Some of them provide a lot of repairing components, and now they have finally exhausted the last value, which will be dragged to the outer dock to be completely dismantled.

The other side of the accident was a transport ship full of maintenance materials.

The power unit of the transport ship seemed to have a small problem after a long journey. When the two sides met between the intricate internal structures of the firefly, its speed suddenly increased by a few points, causing a collision.

The starship's body, which is about to be scrapped, was originally unpowered. It was towed by two small barges. In this case, both barges were slammed and turned. The scrapped starship was even more unbiased towards the firefly. I bumped into the past.

Fortunately, with the protection of the psionic shield and the twisting field, no more serious impact occurred.

Despite some confusion, many repair workers were flying to the depths of the starry sky, but neither a big explosion nor casualties occurred. The people who were flying out were quickly rescued and only used one. After many hours, the orderly transportation and maintenance was restored.

This is a trivial accident. In the past five years of maintenance, similar accidents will occur once every three.

However, this "insignificant" accident caused a lot of confusion, attracted enough attention and attention, so that under the cover of the collision debris, Li Yao did not know how to sneak into the firefly.

He did not directly sneak into the deepest space to explore the test ship. It is the heart of the firefly, and it is also the seat of the government council of exile. At this moment, it must be highly alert. Maybe every three pipes are carrying three or five secret police. Drilling there, it is purely self-investment.

What's more, his destination is not there.

According to the structural drawing drawn by Tang Xiaoxing two days ago, and Li Yao’s own deduction of the overall structure of the starship, he crawled for fifteen minutes in the darkness of his fingers, through a power unit tail-flame jet pipe under maintenance. Silently wrapped around another heat-dissipating pipe filled with high-heat steam, taking off the crystals and shrinking the bones of the body to the limit. In the narrow space of hundreds of degrees of high temperature, it snaked for ten minutes and finally found The abandoned pipeline that Tang Xiaoxing said, took a short breath here.

"Forget it, I haven’t climbed the ventilation duct for a hundred years, I really miss it!"

Li Yao muttered to himself, until now, he took out the micro-tactical crystal brain and inspired a bleak light curtain.

There is nothing on the light curtain, a darkness.

The locator he let Tang Xiaoxing swallowed was discovered.

"On the Firefly, there is a master."

Li Yao thought about it and gently pressed the ear hole to activate the communication channel.

"How are the situation of your friends? The locator that I set up on Tang Xiaoxing has already been discovered. It is not so simple to find the place where Captain Tang Dingyuan is held. We can only launch the second plan."

The low voice of Meng Chixin came: "We are fine. There are thousands of transport ships, docks, repair stations and scrapped star ship wrecks. The other side wants to find the masters of our twelve yuan and the gods. Come out, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack!"

"In any case, we are here to wait for the good news of the priests and friends. When you find the place where Captain Tang is in custody, we will be able to come in immediately!"

Another feminine god, Wu Yun, said: "It’s a spiritual friend. You have to sneak into the depths of the star-studded starship, and you have to do everything possible to explore the hiding place of Captain Tang. It’s too difficult for you. Rest assured, we are secretly spying on the key points of the Firefly. If there is any change in your side, we can start a storm at any time!

The sound of Long Yangjun’s smile is also inserted: “Yes, it’s hard for some strong people to perform this secret sneak mission, but there is no way, it involves the next step, only you can do this. Heavy duty, remember the "enhanced special training" that I implemented to you last night, I hope that this kind of 'temporary cuddling feet' can be useful!"

Li Yao: "... Thanks to Wang Gong for his guidance last night, I have mastered so many secrets of sneaking in and infiltrating. It is really an eye-opener.

Long Yangjun: "Where, after some discussion last night, I feel that the Lingxiao Daoyou is a potential secret agent or an assassin. Perhaps you have a ghostly warfare in the Wuman Mountains, and originally focused on concealment. What about camouflage, sneak and assassination?"

Li Yao: "In this case, all of your friends will further lock in the key points of the Firefly according to the plan we discussed yesterday. I will have news soon!"

Li Yao closed the communication channel, gently rubbed his cheek and took a deep breath of dark air.

This atmosphere makes him feel familiar and excited.

Until now, he has just gotten into the shell of the firefly.

The real sneak starts from this second. (To be continued.)

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