Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1605: Both familiar and unfamiliar

Li Yao gently shook his wrist tactical brain, and the picture on the light curtain suddenly changed into a three-dimensional structure of the part of the ship. @中文@小说w.

As his thoughts circulated, most of the pipes and joints between the cabins and the cabins emerged in the form of translucent light and shadow, which were separated and combined, and evolved into a gap that could be sneaked into.

This is a rough structural diagram based on the description of Tang Xiaoxing.

Naturally, it is not enough to rely on such a three-dimensional map of oral interpretation.

However, it can at least tell Li Yao where the oxygen delivery pipeline is.

Li Yao likes to sneak into the starship, because no matter how complicated the structure of the starship, as long as it is sailing in the universe vacuum, there must be an oxygen manufacturing and transmission system. It needs a well-connected oxygen pipeline to deliver fresh air to the air. Go to every corner of the starship.

The larger the size of the starship, the more people there are in the starship, and the size and number of oxygen pipelines must be getting larger and larger. It is not a joke to instantly supply the oxygen consumption of hundreds of millions of people in a sealed environment. The people in the starship are all carrying oxygen cylinders and living with a breathing mask, which is impossible!

The Firefly has been sailing in the Xinghai for a thousand years, and it has been broken from the inside to the outside. The oxygen transmission pipeline is no exception. There are many damages and omissions. It is undergoing comprehensive maintenance and renewal, and it is impossible to completely close it.

This gave Li Yao a chance to take the opportunity.

“Helping you!”

A dark red ring appeared on his finger, and a ring of light and shadow floated on the surface of the ring. A series of runes seemed to break free of the metal surface and floated into the air. In the fast rotation, a deep red psionic energy was formed. dagger.

Although it does not perceive a half point of heat in appearance, this thin, flap-like dagger, especially the zigzag flame that lingers on the outermost periphery, has thousands of degrees of high temperature enough to break the ordinary metal or ceramic wall. .

Li Yao carefully cut the wall of the heat pipe, and soon broke a hole that was not much larger than the fist, but enough for him to shrink his body.

Drilling out this hole, the bottom is densely entangled with dozens of pipes entwined together, is a jungle of pipes!

"Yes... here!"

According to Tang Xiaoxing's instructions, Li Yao quickly found an oxygen transmission pipeline.

However, he did not immediately cut it, but turned the ring gently to change the flame from the hot crimson to the cold blue.

The oxygen concentration inside is very high. If you accidentally detonated, it is not a joke.

At the same time, he took out a very flexible, like insurance film-like magic weapon from the Qiankun ring, wrapping himself outside the oxygen transmission pipe.

There is an automatic pressure test system inside the pipeline. If a large amount of high-concentration oxygen escapes, an alarm will be issued. Within five minutes, there will be maintenance personnel to check it out. In such a short time, he will cut it on the pipe wall. The entrance is absolutely unforgettable.

Everything is ready, Li Yao is so concentrated, carefully cut on the wall.

When he drilled into the oxygen delivery pipe, he did not use the welding method to re-weld the round pipe wall, but used a special gel to gently "stick" it. go back.

The firmness of this gel is naturally not enough, and the sealing is not very good. The maximum support for ten days and a half months is enough for Li Yao's plan.

If everything goes well, no more than twenty-four hours, they will be able to rescue Captain Tang Dingyuan.

Li Yao took a deep breath and curled up in a narrow and tortuous oxygen transmission pipe. He looked at the depths of the black and white pipes. Then, he did two things.

First, he straightened his arms, and the wrist-style tactical brain was directed forward, and a circular probe was slowly extended from the front end of the crystal brain.

This is the magic weapon he used to explore the structure of the pipeline.

The principle is very simple. It is neither an ultrasonic feedback system nor a method of exploring the two methods. It may be discovered by the counter-method that may exist in the depth of the pipeline.

In fact, he is not exploring the pipeline structure, but the area with “very high oxygen concentration” in front.

In order to improve the efficiency of conveying fresh air, the oxygen concentration in this pipeline is several times that of normal air, which is close to the pure oxygen used in medical treatment. Therefore, as long as it can sense where such high concentration of pure oxygen flows, Can understand the direction of the entire pipe and the branch of the fork.

A moment later, on the crystal light curtain, a very large-scale pipeline trend like a mixture of capillaries and neural networks slowly emerged.

Li Yao whispered softly, it seems that he is still a knife!

He superimposed this three-dimensional map, which was derived from the map and Tang Xiaoxing, corrected many omissions and errors on the three-dimensional map, once again determined his destination, and calculated a recent climb from here to the destination. line.

However, before the start, there is one more thing.

Li Yao took out a cylindrical shape from the Qiankun ring, embedded more than a dozen folding antennas, palm-sized magic, and gently glued it to the wall with a gel.

This is a single-threaded mind-delivery transmission and reception magic.

It can also be understood as an ultra-small "gathering tower" of a dedicated line.

It is equivalent to a miniature unmanned communication base station. When Li Yao sneaked into the depths of the firefly, he would leave more magic weapons of the same type and join together to form a secret communication line, so that even in the depths of the Firefly Super, Li Yao can communicate unimpededly with Long Yangjun, Meng Chixin and others, without worrying about the signal problem of the communication channel.

On the four corners of the ultra-small "Gathering Tower", after setting up four invisible symbols, Li Yao released the Xiaolong to explore the road in front and officially headed for the destination.

Five minutes later, he encountered the first "roadblocker."

That is the three pairs of monitoring crystal eyes that are placed at the corners of the oxygen delivery pipe.

The insidious thing is that they are also equipped with invisible arrays around them, in a state of hidden surveillance.

If the anti-stealth detection method of the non-Nine Dragons is higher, and Li Yao has already prevented this hand, he will definitely be photographed.

Since they found their existence, it would be easier.

The Xiaolong is the best companion for Li Yao’s disappearance and murder and arson. In the past 100 years, Li Yao has carried out a comprehensive upgrade of it more than once. Even in the ancient sacred world, he used the new supernatural powers learned by the Nativity ship. Technology, upgrade it again!

At this moment, the dragon number is no longer the same.

Now, as the "experienced Yuan Ying" Li Yao, the ability to manipulate the Xiaolong is also ten times stronger than when he sneaked into the "Yufu" in the blood demon world!

The 枭龙号 is like a ghost ship that does not exist. It sneaks around the back of the monitor crystal eye. From the front, there are more than a dozen flexible tentacles that are thinner than the hair. The front ends are respectively shining red, orange, yellow and green. The faint light of the color.

Li Yao licked his lips and spent three minutes, successfully freezing the photoreceptor array in the crystal eye for thirty seconds, and slamming the gap of thirty seconds, flashing over.

After installing the second "mini-poly tower", he continued to move forward. This time, he moved nearly one kilometer and installed the third "mini-poly tower" before he encountered new troubles.

The oxygen pipeline, which looks like an empty front, is stirring an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

Li Yao's eyeball is covered with a special invisible wafer. By adjusting the light transmission of the wafer, almost all visible and invisible light can be seen.

And now he sees through the wafer that the narrow passage in front is cut by a dense dark red beam into a small space that humans can never drill.

If you pass it forcibly, no matter how fast, it will cause the dark red beam to cut off instantly, and it will give an alarm.

Li Yao indulged in a moment, and took out dozens of diamond-shaped spar, large and small, from the Qiankun ring. They are all crystal clear, clear and watery, and extremely strong.

Prying eyes, crazy calculations in the depths of the brain, dozens of diamonds danced lightly at the fingertips and even "flowing", let Li Yao know more about their characteristics and the angle between each section.

Half a minute later, Li Yao’s hands suddenly solidified, and then ten fingers were turned into ten virtual shadows, and all the diamond-shaped spar went toward the dark red light net!


The diamond spar cuts steadily between the dark red beams.

These diamond-shaped spar are all brought by Li Yao from the ancient sacred world. The quality is extremely high, there is no impurity, and the best of the best. The dark red light beam is almost no block, and it passes through them.

However, because of the different angular profiles of the diamond, the direction of the dark red beam is subtly altered.

However, in the new direction, there is also a diamond-shaped spar waiting for it, and after several refractions, it returns to its original direction again.

The whole process took less than 0.01 seconds and caused almost no disturbance. However, several dark red beams changed from "one" to "bow", and there was a gap in the middle that allowed Li Yao to drill through.

Li Yao’s eyes are shiny, his hands are close to the body, his legs are also hanging together, and he is suspended in midair by the psionic power. It is like the softest squid, and it has been drilled!

This is almost the most complicated institution Li Yao has ever encountered.

There were hundreds of dark red warning beams in front of him. He had to calculate how to change the angle of the beam again and again, and created a space enough for him to pass. It took a full 47 minutes to pass here.

Not enough, after solving this "roadblocking", the next institution, what "gravity sensing system" and the like, is a piece of cake.

Li Yao arrived at the top of the destination one hour after forty-six and fifty-two seconds after diving into the firefly. (To be continued.)

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