Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1606: I am not a person who likes violence.

This is a small refining room. More precisely, it is a suite with a living room and a small warehouse with various experimental materials. If you can, study it here. Don't go out for months.

From this point of view, there are some "dongfu" that are isolated from the world and retreat.

There is no one else in the refining room. There is only one white hair and a mess. The face is crumpled like a dried walnut. I don’t see how many old refiners are studying a blood red bead. Not long ago, The one that Xu Chengsu took out from the throat of Tang Xiaoxing.


In front of the old refiner, there is a magnifying and microscopic imager consisting of two hundred and fifty-one wafers. It helps more than a dozen ultra-micro probes with fine hairs and even mustard series, and the sardines are smashed and smashed. The layers peel off the outer shell of the blood red beads.

On the light curtain excited by the microscopic imager, the surface of the small beads less than three millimeters in diameter is intricately covered with hundreds of symbols, hundreds of intrigue angles, connected in series, attracted and resonated, emitting Extremely weak volatility!

And this is just the first layer.

In fact, this small bead with a diameter of 2.78 mm is like an onion. It is divided into seven layers. Each layer can move independently and engrave a layer of nearly five hundred symbol arrays.

The ultimate energy for these arrays is just a tiny, dusty crystal.

"It’s an incredible structure. It’s just to separate seven layers of thin, like flaps, but you have to work in a metal shell. It’s a magical means, and you have to use such a small crystal. Psychology, to accurately assign psionic power to a total of 479 seats, it is, indeed, "

The old refiner was breathing with excitement, and the look was like a journey through hundreds of years, the first time I saw my first love.

His face was covered with wrinkles, and even the five senses were drowned by wrinkles, which looked very old.

But the hands are still as delicate as a newborn baby, such as the delicateness of the girl's fibrin.

The movements of his hands are as light and gentle as the silky skin of the first love lover.

He squinted half-finishedly, and the ten fingers released a glimpse of the genius, rubbing all the symbols inside the beads one by one, the more ridiculous, the more greedy and frenetic the eyes.

"This is a set of locator arrays, but compared to the locator array I designed, the area is reduced by 11%, the psionic energy consumption is reduced by 19%, the psionic energy emitted is less fluctuating, and the concealment is stronger!"

"This is... this turned out to be a set of space mapping chipsets that can scan the entire space along the way and turn it into the most accurate three-dimensional map!"

"Well, this is a transmission unit used to transmit cluster psionic fluctuations to the outside world. With this thing, a receiver from the outside world can synchronously receive all the information detected by this magic weapon, which is quite elaborate. It seems that a lot of ruins are still used, which is more advanced than the technology we have mastered!"

"Fortunately, this magic weapon was discovered in time and soaked in the 'barrier', making it useless, otherwise the trouble will be big."

"Wait, what is this, the innermost thirty-three-character array seems to have nothing to do with positioning, detection, and transmission. It seems to be,"

The old refiner frowns for a long time, constantly adjusting the angle and magnification of the wafer. From time to time, he also looks through the crystal brain for the relevant matrix data. After three minutes, he talks to himself and concludes that "it seems to be some kind of interference." The array, once activated, can interfere with the surrounding defensive array and alert magic."

"However, the design seems to be a bit of a problem. Such a design is unlikely to be activated remotely. What is the use of it only when it is close enough to activate it?"

"Also, there are so many different functions of the array and the chip that have been inserted into each other. Even the needles can't be inserted. It is impossible to plug in a powerful remote activation matrix."

The old refiner rubbed his uncle's chin and wondered if it was possible to redistribute the space occupied by the array and the chip, and then design a complex and powerful remote activation matrix.

Deeply pondering for a long time, the conclusion is still, can't do it.

“Who is this person who has produced such a high level of tracking, mapping and positioning magic? Is the real human empire of the Xingyao Federation or the millennium after the development of such a terrible refiner?”

The old refiner shouted a few words and began to write an analysis report on the crystal brain.

However, when he inadvertently glanced at the light curtain of the microscope, he suddenly saw an incredible scene.

The interfering array at the core of this small bead burst into a faint glow, like a demon eye, watching him quietly.

"This is impossible!"

The old refiner was shocked and almost screamed. This little bead has been completely smashed by his secret method. He is completely under his control and can never be activated remotely unless the other party is within ten meters. Fill the mind into the array!

The old refiner's mind moved and thought of one of the most incredible possibilities.

But before he responded, his whole vertebrae had a sharp pain, and the pain ran rampant in the limbs like an unbridled flood, entangled every nerve and muscle in his body, making him not only unable to Move your finger, even a thought can't be sent out!

The old refiner fell down and returned to the chair, and was turned around with a chair.

Then he saw himself.

It also has white, matted hair, the same wrinkled face like a walnut, and the facial features that are also drowned by wrinkles. It is also as delicate as a baby, such as a girl's delicate hands.

He had a ridiculous illusion that he was facing a mirror.

No, this intruder who does not know how to sneak into the enemy, the initial appearance and he is still slightly different, the biggest difference is that kind of indifference and solitude, except for the refining technique, all the disdain Weird temperament.

However, within a few seconds of carefully observing him, the other party seemed to be keenly grasping the key points of his temperament. After several deep breaths, he gradually emerged with his deep affection, gesture and even Heartbeat and breathing!

"What a perfect refining technique!"

Of course, the old refiner has a strong fear, but more intense than fear, but is curious about the invaders.

He saw that the other person used some kind of mystery and pretended to be his appearance, but this secret method is not only the change of the human body itself, but also involves a technique similar to the "human skin mask" to modify the face.

"Human skin mask" was originally a very backward technology. On the firefly, it has been used for a long time, and the old refiner has never seen such a delicate human skin mask.

The other hand reached out and gently pasted a razor chip on top of his throat. The old refiner swallowed and felt that he had regained his ability to speak, but he could only whisper, but could not yell and I missed the spell.

"who are you?"

Although I know that I can't get an answer, the old refiner can't help but ask.

Sure enough, the other party did not answer, but he held a hair in both hands and handed it to him. He whispered: "Professor Rhodes, the leading material science and ultra-fine engraving expert on Firefly, Tang Xiaoxing's mentor, this camouflage Is the magic weapon for hair tracking, is it your own refining? Tang Xiaoxing said that only you have such a super-etching technique on the firefly, you can engrave more than one hundred characters in the hollow wall of the hairline. Only you can get in touch with this new material made from 'Lingyu Jade' and 'Poisonous Spider's Silk.'"

The old refiner’s eyes fixed, and for a long time, he gasped: “It turned out that the ultimate goal of this positioning magic weapon turned out to be me!”


The opposite is faint. "No matter whether Captain Tang Dingyuan or Cui Lingfeng is the speaker, it is not so easy to be positioned and close, but your defense here is lax."

"And, the role you play in the whole thing is critical."

"First of all, this tracking antenna disguised as a hair, the appearance of hair and luster, exactly the same as Tang Xiaoxing's own hair, this is the result of meticulous refining."

"And, two other tracking chips attached to Tang Xiaoxing, the refining style and this antenna are exactly the same, should it be from your hand? From the appearance point of view, it is also integrated with her skin color, can not tell. ”

"No matter the hair or the skin color, it is unique. That is to say, when you refine these three magic weapons, you know very well that they will be used by your student, Tang Xiaoxing, the daughter of Captain Tang Dingyuan."

"Then, I have always been a simple, temperamental temperament, but Professor Luo, who has asked the outside world, what role do you play in the whole thing?"

Professor Rhodes's eyes widened, not because of the fact that the other party pointed out, but also because the voice of the other party gradually changed and became exactly the same as his old and sharp voice!

Now, apart from the clothes on both sides, it is difficult for him to distinguish each other!

“In general, I am a person who advocates the use of harmony and is ethical, and does not agree with the use of violent means.”

The opposite side sighed with regret. "But now the time is tight. If Professor Luo is still unwilling to tell the truth, I can only use a little trick."

"Believe me, although the guards outside will not be able to find out what is going on inside, but I will definitely turn this one hour into a long one like a hundred years!" (To be continued.)

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