Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1608: "stick"

Li Yao stared deeply at Professor Rhodes. As soon as he read the professor's pupil into his brain, he carefully perceived the vibration of each of his brainwaves and stared at him for half a minute. With a light finger, the blue light beam, which is only half a millimeter away from the professor's eyeball, has finally shrunk back.

Professor Rhodes took a long sigh of relief, and the control of all the pores on his face returned to his central nervous system, and finally he could squeeze out the cold sweat.

"Well, I believe in you, I believe that you really don't know anything, just a tool that people use."

Li Yao still stares at Professor Rhodes's eyes, cold and cold. "Tell me, do you believe that 100% of Captain Tang has changed and become a cultivator?"

Professor Rhodes’s eye trembled, revealing a deep confusion, and said: “I don’t know.”

Li Yao continued: "If I tell you, Captain Tang is very likely to be defamed. The real cultivator is one or all of the president, Cui Lingfeng, the secret police leader, Xuan Su, and the acting captain Ding Zhengyang. You are deceived by them. Everything you do is very likely to cause the Firefly to fall completely into the hands of the Immortals. Even the Black Wind Fleet will kill you in advance and don't believe it?"

Professor Rhodes suddenly widened his eyes, and the blood on his eyes was almost like a flame: "!"

Li Yaodao: "I can't show you the key evidence, I can't even tell you my identity. I can only guarantee you, I am also a self-cultivator. I want to stop the advent of the immortal! But to stop the immortal, You need your cooperation!"

Professor Rhodes hesitated for a long time and said: "I, I don't know, what do you want me to do? I am just an ordinary refiner!"

"I know."

Li Yao smiled slightly. "I want you to do something very simple. You are the best super-small engraving expert on the Firefly. You have studied the refining and dismantling of the miniature magic weapon, so the process is super **** red. After the beads are discovered, they are sent to you for research, right?"

Professor Rhodes nodded. "Yes, what about that?"

Li Yao did not panic and continued, "This blood red bead is an extremely important evidence. It will definitely not stay here for a long time, but after you complete the analysis, it will be sent to the more important big man. ,right?"

Professor Rhodes said: "Cheng Xuan Su really asked me to complete the analysis report of this blood red bead as soon as possible, and then she will send someone to pick it up. I don't know who to send it to."

Li Yaodao: "Well, now I will let go of your hands control. You will continue to complete the analysis report according to the usual work, and then use your usual method to disassemble and combine this small ball from beginning to end. I read."

"Right, here is definitely the experimental log of your usual refiner? Take the video out, I want to see how your hands look when you are doing ultra-high precision micro engraving."

"I look at... the jade storage cabinet over there, the size is very suitable. After you have finished everything, I will put you in that cupboard, then lock your meridians and veins with the ban, and then isolate them. All metal foils with psionic fluctuations and heat detection wrap your body, but will leave you enough oxygen. You can't move or yell within three days and three nights. Don't worry, this is normal, three After the day, you can restore your freedom and never leave a little bit of sequelae."

"If at that time, Captain Tang and your student Tang Xiaoxing are proved to have been desecrated. If they are the cultivators, I will stand up and testify for you, proving that you have nothing to do with the whole thing, just being a sacred person. And Ding Zhengyang was blinded, and it was almost impossible to make a big mistake!"

"What you want to do is as simple as this, agree?"

Every wrinkle on Professor Rhodes’s face trembled fiercely, hesitated for a long time, still did not dare to talk: "Ding, Ding Da is really a cultivator?"

"I do not know either."

Li Yao replied honestly, "But as long as you work with me, we will quickly figure out who is the cultivator."

This sentence touched Professor Rhodes, he slowly nodded: "... well, I will cooperate with you."

Professor Rhodes completed the analysis report in two hours and carefully disassembled and assembled the blood red beads.

Li Yao also used his extensive refiner videos, experimental logs, and his analytical reports to roughly understand Professor Rhodes' style of refining, hands-on movements, some idioms when writing reports, and so on.

Two hours later, when the old secret police knocked on the door outside, at first glance, there was only one "Professor Rhodes" left in the refining room.

Of course, the name that Li Yao played.

"Professor Luo, have you completed the analysis report?"

The old secret policeman stood in front of Li Yao and did not give a trace of doubt.

“Yes, this is a real masterpiece, a work of art, and an invaluable treasure!”

Li Yao blows his beard and blinks. He dances in front of the old secret policeman. He looks like a fascinating look. "Look, this exquisite seven-fold exquisite tower structure, and such a super-improvement technique that is so fascinating, is simply"

"Hey, Professor Luo."

The old secret police coughed, "If you have completed the analysis report, then I will take things away with the report now. This is a hundred thousand urgent matter, which is related to the safety of the entire firefly."


Li Yao licked his mouth and looked at it with regret. He thought about it and asked, "When you have seen it, can you return it and let me continue to study? It is too beautiful, too refined, too incredible. I have to study each of its symbols and the different materials used in each layer!"

"This one……"

The old secret police indulged for a moment and nodded. "Professor Luo is the premier super-small engraving expert on board. I think this little bead will be sent back to Professor Luo for further study."

"That's good!"

Li Yao pushed the blood red beads from the table.

But this time, it was placed in a cylinder with a metal ring at both ends and a dark green container inside.

"I don't want to completely destroy its structure."

Li Yao explained, "But the internal matrix is ​​too precise and too mysterious. The ordinary 'barrier gel' may not completely prevent it from sending and receiving, or use my 'super gel' and 'Sealing wave' is better to keep, be careful, don't fall to the ground, let it withstand strong shocks."

The old secret police promised, and he held the metal cylinder with both hands in a respectful manner, and took it away along with the jade slip with the analysis report.

Li Yao’s face still remained reluctant and full of regrets. After three seconds of re-closing the door of the refining room, the expression suddenly changed, and the tactical brain was launched to stimulate the light curtain.


A small red dot slowly moves in the center of the light curtain. As the faint red awns continue to spread in all directions, the precise structure of all the passages and cabins around, and even the people coming and going, are scanned!

Even, according to the strength of people's heartbeat and breathing, it can be roughly judged whether it is a civilian or a self-cultivator, a civilian or a well-trained warrior!

As the little red dot gradually moved to the core, the heart part of the firefly was gradually unveiled in front of Li Yao, and there was no secret at all!

Such a powerful scanning and locating array is naturally impossible to engrave into blood red beads of less than three millimeters in diameter. It is three times more powerful than Li Yao's refining technique. It is impossible to do such a difficult task. .

Therefore, he installed the scanning wafer and the positioning array, all in the metal cylinder used to "seal" the blood red beads.

This metal cylinder, with the thickness of the baby's arm, is enough to hide all the wafers and arrays he needs, as well as the high-energy crystals that drive them.

Yes, blood red beads are just a bait, a magic weapon that looks "very powerful", but because of its small size, it is hidden in the center, and the fine crystal of the dust is not enough to stimulate too strong psionic power. Fluctuations, so even if a lot of intelligence is detected, it is unlikely to penetrate the bulkhead and the hull and launch it to the outside world.

The reason for implanting such a blood red bead in Tang Xiaoxing's throat is to send this large enough metal cylinder to the enemy's heart!

Li Yaoshu sat comfortably on Professor Rohde's swivel chair, knocking his feet on the table and whistling softly, which opened the communication channel.

"The 'stick' has been sent in."

Li Yao smiled. "With the precision and craftsmanship of this blood red bead I made, plus the analysis report written by Professor Luo, I believe that the 'stick' will definitely be sent to the behind-the-scenes of the whole thing. Maybe the other person is under the suspicion, and will take the 'stick' to the captain of the Tang, and torture his intelligence about this blood red bead."

"After all, we are the fourth force in addition to the Immortal, Firefly and Star Alliance. At this moment, no one knows our existence!"

"If there is a behind-the-scenes black hand, there is a great possibility that the person who tries to save Tang Xiaoxing will be the captain of Captain Tang. He will definitely find a way to figure out the truth of this card."

"Of course, if Captain Tang himself is behind the scenes, he will be very interested in this mysterious blood red bead."

"Then, we can not only find the structure of the firefly's heart position through the scanning chip and the detection magic hidden in the 'stick', but it is even possible to hear some interesting secrets by eavesdropping on the chip!" (~^~)

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