Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1609: Professional enough...


The voice of Huazi Ba Xiaoyu came from the communication channel.

??? Ancient sacred world, Ba Xiaoyu is a loner who is a unique singer. Many times, in order to go to the righteousness of the martyrdom, investigating the evil demon outside the "black sacred religion", disguise and easy to infiltrate, are used to it. It can be said that among the ancient St. Twelve strong, in addition to Long Yangjun on the bright side and Li Yao in the dark, Yuan Yuan, who is best at this road.

He smiled and said, "We have explored the defenses and weaknesses outside the Firefly, and we have found the most suitable place to start. Just wait for the spirits and friends to scan the internal structure and force distribution. You can make a bang, and you will be able to attack it!"

Li Yao glimpsed: "So fast?"

The Firefly is made up of hundreds of large and small starships. The external structure is as complex as a three-dimensional labyrinth. The ancient holy strongmen used to fight in the universe vacuum. Li Yao thought they would have at least half a day. !

"We have dark night orchids!"

Ba Xiaoyu said, "Don't forget, she attacked the firefly number nearly ten years ago. If it was not blocked by the 'Red Flame Dragon King' Ding Ling, she was afraid to kill the firefly early. It was the most deadly. The weakness is naturally clear."

"Of course we will not make clear the whole plan to the night blue, but once we heard that we want to raided the core part of the firefly, she has no idea and help."

"We have no problems here, but we are friends."

The sound of the long-hearted voice of the red heart was heard. "It is hard to secretly sneak into the interior of the firefly, and it must be disguised as Professor Rohde. If it is successful, the spirit of the Taoist friend will be the first."

Li Yao blinked and said: "It’s all Wang Gong’s plan, and the plan is well-planned. I also carefully prepared this vivid mask of human skin. I just acted according to the plan and made some effort. Gong?"

"Not to mention, Professor Rhodes is famous for his indifference, his solitude, his temperament, his ignorance, his closeness to the whole day, he is shutting himself up in the refining room, and the opportunity to get in touch with the outside world. Rarely, others will not easily enter his refining room, pretending to be such a person, just a few minutes, it is difficult to be seen!"

"However, just in case, I still have to stay here to pretend Professor Rohde, so that no student or refiner will come over to him by accident, and if he can't find him, then wear it!"

"In this way, if you really sneak into the rescue operation, you will only have to work with your friends."

"Do not worry."

Ba Xiaoyu laughed. "We have nine Yuan Ying, two gods, and insight into the structure and strength distribution of the star ship's core position. If you can't break the prison and save a few people, isn't that ridiculous? ?"

Li Yaoyi thinks that it is not the same as before. He is not alone, but has the most luxurious assault squad within a few hundred light years to provide military support. Does this configuration require him to do it himself?

He is comfortable, and he is safe and secure as his "Falun Controller"!

"Then wait for the good news of your friends."

Li Yao smiled and said leisurely. "I am here to provide remote magic support for your friends. I will send the latest scans of the core area to your tactical brain for the strength of your friends. Nature is easy, but remember our purpose, don't make too much noise, and don't cause irreversible damage to the firefly. We are here to save people, not to kill, but to gain the trust of the government in exile. It’s not hostile! If it’s really ups and downs, attracting the attention of the Stars Federation to those of us, it’s the opposite of our original intention!”

"of course."

Meng Chi said, "It is very simple to save people, but the main point of this mission is that, without exposing our twelve real strengths, we will quietly rescue people without knowing them. In addition to a very small number of people, such as Captain Tang, it is best not to let others know about our existence. If possible, try not to see blood, restraint, conceal, and low-key!"

"Yes, restraint, concealment, low-key!"

Li Yao and the people exchanged a few words and interrupted the communication.


He was alive and kicked, stretched out a long, long lazy waist, and made a snap, using the magical power of the airborne object, to help himself soak a hot hot tea, floating in the air.

This kind of only needs to make suggestions, and then there is a lot of Yuan Ying and Huashen who are responsible for the charge trap. It seems that I must change my mindset and habits as soon as possible. I am now the director of the magic weapon, the civilian staff, sitting in the office, playing Killing this kind of heavy work, it will be handed over to other Yuan Ying Lao Ge and the God of God!

Li Yaomei took a sip of tea and gently picked up the old song more than a hundred years ago. It is very easy to continue to browse Professor Ruide's refinery log.

There are also a lot of things worth learning in the middle of the Xinghai Central Refinery!

Just then, the eardrum swayed gently.

It is Long Yangjun.

Li Yao frowned and whispered: "What is the situation?"

"Nothing, you don't have to be so sneaky. Everyone is looking at each other. I use a private communication channel that won't be heard by them."

Long Yangjun smiled and said, "I just came to say "Don't dare", I don't have any 'strategy, plan carefully', the whole plan is not all of you, I thought of it in just one hour. Oh? Hey, it’s really a fame under the prestigious name. I used to look at your stupid look all day. I really don’t understand what you are going to be the 'Three Realms of Supreme'. Until now, you’re a little stunned. I can't help but think about the 'vulture of Li Yao' a hundred years ago!"

"and many more."

Li Yao took a sip of tea, "What is ‘all day silly?'”

"that's not important."

Long Yang Jundao, "One thing, I really want to figure out, why do you know that Professor Rhodes does not monitor the crystal eye in the refining room? If someone monitors it in real time, your overall plan will not be lost? ”

"It is impossible to monitor the crystal eye."

Li Yao said from the channel, "No master of refining will endure the process of monitoring his own refining process. This is not only about confidentiality, but also about... self-respect."


Long Yangjun gave a slight glimpse, "I don't understand."

"This is the thing of our refiner. You certainly don't understand."

Li Yao thought for a moment and said, "Let's say, for our refining divisions, especially the senior refining masters who have made great achievements in cultivation, every magic weapon that they have refining is like their own children. I would like to ask you to install a monitor eye on the bedside to let you monitor the whole process of 'making' a child in real time?"

"It turned out to be."

Long Yangjun thought thoughtfully, "So, you chose Professor Rhodes as a breakthrough."


Li Yao calmly said, "I am not a person who likes to boast, but in the field of climbing ventilation ducts, within a thousand light years, if I am second to myself, who would dare to rank first? I glance at it. , you know what pipes can be drilled and what pipes can't!"

"Whether the Speaker Cui Lingfeng, Captain Tang Dingyuan or other important people are in the area where all the important people are located, all the pipes are strictly guarded, not to mention normal humans, even if they are mutated, they will definitely not climb in!"

"Only this Professor Rhodes is in a relatively critical position. The refining room that works all the year round is outside the core area. If you don't break through from him, where can you go from? Very simple reason!"

Long Yangjun smiled and said: "It seems that looking for your cooperation, it is correct, you are doing things, professional enough."

"The hope is that you can also be professional."

Li Yaodao, "You must control the situation. They are all people who have been arrogant in the ancient sacred world, killing and killing people. If they do not move, they will be turned upside down and blood will drift. This time, calm down, restraint, and low-key. Do not kill and kill the madness, summon the giant soldiers to completely blast the fireflies, then you are finished!"

Long Yang Jundao: "Reassure, we will never go out on this side, you will comfortably stay in the refining room, drink tea, repair and refine, transfer the structure map and force distribution map inside, etc. Good news!"

Li Yao smiled and was about to answer. There was a soft knock on the door.

Li Yao sneaked a glimpse, and suddenly found that on the monitor light curtain next to it, there was a very strange scene that should be sent to the core area, and it was back!

what's the situation?

Li Yao swallowed his mouth and looked around for a while. He didn't see any flaws. He thought about it and buried most of his body in the underside of Professor Rhodes's refining table and opened the door.

It was the old secret policeman.

Behind him, he followed four of the five big three, thick and fierce, and the brawny man in a black battle suit stared at him intently.

"Is there something?"

Li Yao’s face was covered with dark clouds, and a refiner was interrupted. The fact that the mood was extremely unhappy was also true.

"Professor Luo."

The old secret policeman respectfully said, "Your analysis report has just been sent to the above. Chairman Cui has attached great importance to this matter. I want to hear from you, the mysterious place of this blood red bead, please join us. Go to see Cui Speaker."

Li Yao: "..."

Old secret police: "Professor Luo, is there a problem?"

Li Yao: "No, I will go to the toilet first."

Old secret police: "Of course, Professor Luo please."

Li Yao: "The two bears are coming in together, what is the meaning and still staring at my pants!"

Old secret police: "Professor Luo must not misunderstand, just a routine, it is related to national security, you will not mind?" (To be continued.)

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