Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1613: Speaker to the captain!

Tang Dingyuan sneered at the nose: "If you want to add sin, why do you have no words? You want to pour dirty water on my head. Even if Luo Zhi is guilty, why bother to ask me!"

Cui Lingfeng looked at him faintly: "Is it a sin that I want to add?" I will soon see you. I want to give you some decent, let the younger brother of Dingyuan, for yourself, give this thing a simple knot. But you have to bear the words of resentment... Your daughter has been arrested and brought to justice, and she is the same."

Tang Dingyuan’s pupil suddenly shrank, and every muscle in the whole body was tight. The whole person was like a warship with full firepower. He said lowly: “Cui Lingfeng, it’s okay for you to fall, but you have to dare to move my daughter half hair. I will never let you go!"

Cui Lingfeng sneered: "Dingyuan's younger brother, really loves his daughter so much. You shouldn't use your daughter's identity and the brain to cover it. This is why you have to take your own self, and why must you pose an irresistible gesture?"

"I do not have!"

The safety of her daughter finally made Tang Dingyuan completely out of control. The anxiety, despair and anger of the past few days were all vented. He seemed to be banned from being locked in the corner of the cell. He could only struggle to scream on his knees and yell at his opponent. Cui Lingfeng, I am the captain of the Firefly. My daughter is the teacher of Xinghai University. Even if you are the speaker, you are not qualified to conduct secret arrests and trials for us! I have not changed the festival. I am not a cultivator. All of you are framed. The most shameless fall!"

"you have not?"

Cui Lingfeng sneered twice, suddenly squinting his eyes and raising his voice by eight degrees. "You have! You have already changed! You have long lost confidence in our cause and fireflies!"

"You are a downright surrender, a defeatist! You have long lost all loyalty to the Xinghai Republic! You don't believe we can come back with the fireflies, you don't believe that the flag of the Xinghai Republic can wander again in the Xinghai central!"

"If you have a little confidence in the Xinghai Republic, how can you wait to join the Xingyao Federation? You can surrender to the Xingyao Federation, and of course you can surrender to the real human empire. Anyway, you must sell your own country and compatriots." The price, of course, is to find the richest buyer!"

"Tang Dingyuan, Captain Tang! Do you dare to deny this, do you dare to deny that you have completely lost confidence in the Xinghai Republic?"

These words, such as the words of the arrow, smashed into the chest of Tang Dingyuan, stabbed Tang Dingyuan pale, even the original hair and the arrogant hair, seems to have softened in an instant.

Tang Dingyuan took a deep breath, his eyes were dignified, and his voice was hoarse: "I don't deny that I did lose confidence in the Xinghai Republic... but this is not the same thing as the apostasy!"

"Is it finally confessed?"

Cui Lingfeng narrowed his eyes and said, "I admit that I am a traitor who is greedy and fearful of death?"

"I am not a traitor!"

Tang Dingyuan dragged the invisible shackles, such as the lions trapped in the traps screaming, "Cui Lingfeng, you are sitting in the parliament all day long, and you can talk about the situation, and you can say something about the 'Xinghai Republic' will never die. The ghosts of the class use the spiritual victory method to deceive themselves! But for us to command the starship on the bridge, we have to face tens of thousands of practical problems every day, watching the fireflies fading day by day, but people who are helpless It is useless to rely on the spirit, rely on conviction, and rely on patriotism. Our belief in the Xinghai Republic will not be able to solve the actual problems of the starships, and we will not be able to change half of the gimmicks and half of the screws. No... we step by step to annihilation!"

"Let's face it!"

"The Xinghai Republic... has long since perished, and it has been extinct a thousand years ago. Now the fireflies in the Xinghai are just the body of it!"

"It is impossible to resurrect this corpse alone. It will only slowly rot, until finally, it will turn into a small dust in the cold universe!"

"We are powerless to return to the sky. The Xinghai Republic is a past. It is a history of a thousand years ago. If you really want to kill the Central Committee of the Xinghai Sea and report to the revenge of the past Xinghai Republic, you can only join the Star Alliance. The forces of civilization are united, that is the future, the future of all the self-cultivators!"

"shut up!"

I don’t know if Cui Lingfeng is acting, or is it true, or both, his face suddenly becomes terrible, like something that has been guarded for a lifetime in his heart, and he has been stunned by himself. Smash, "You are a boneless surrender, a traitor, and you can hear clearly. The Republic of Xinghai does not perish. As long as we are there, it will never perish! One day, we will kill the central part of Xinghai, and let The flag of the Republic, re-flying in every corner of the celestial star, every one!"

His blood is full of anger and anger, but it makes Tang Dingyuan slightly stunned. He carefully looked at him carefully. Tang Dingyuan showed a sardonic smile: "The so-called 'we' means that you and the class are not divided. Are you a member of the four-body incompetent? What are you going to use to return to the Central Xinghai, your spirit and patriotic enthusiasm?"

Cui Lingfeng took a deep breath and stared at Tang Dingyuan quite disdainfully: "You are a purely technical school, only the weapon theorists, the cannons and the superpowers, and naturally will not understand the importance of the spirit. Anyway, whoever makes a ship, Who do you trust, that's all."

"But I tell you, don't underestimate the power of the spirit. People must have a little spirit! A thousand years ago, if our ancestors did not rely on this spirit, you couldn't keep up with the spirit. How can our love and loyalty to the Xinghai Republic break out of the encirclement and escape the empire's clutches, and even persist in today's loss with 80% of the population and combat power?"

"You are a warship commander. It should be clearer than me. Under normal circumstances, if a unit loses 20% of its combat power, it will collapse all over the line!"

"But we didn't, we didn't collapse, but we still went all the way to the present. In the case that the whole Xinghai was swallowed up by the Empire and the Holy Alliance, our Xinghai Republic is still fighting!"

Tang Dingyuan cold and cold: "I refuse to call our current situation "fighting". Think about the way we used to encounter the Imperial Claw Fleet. It is even more wolf than the dog that hides in Tibet! Want a real 'battle' Only by joining the Stars Federation and fully integrating the forces of each other will there be such a chance to kill the Central Star!"

"Do you ask me if I lost confidence in the Xinghai Republic? Yes! I never conceal my own thoughts. I think the Xinghai Republic has not been saved, and it has already died!"

"But you asked me if I am a traitor? No! I also love the Xinghai Republic. I am also willing to inherit the spirit of the Xinghai Republic. I also hope that the Xinghai Republic will be given a new name, a new look, a new attitude!"

"Xinghai Republic, which inherits the spirit of the Xinghai Empire, has come to the forefront of human civilization. If the Xinghai Empire is called the 'first self-cultivation civilization' of the human race, then the Xinghai Republic is the 'second revision civilization', and Today, a thousand years later, the Xingyao Federation is fully qualified to become the 'Third-Traditional Civilization', inheriting the spirit of the same spirit from the Xinghai Empire to the Republic. It has taken over the mission of all comprehensions that have not been completed for 10,000 years, and has made a strong comprehension. Civilization, once again sweeping the entire universe!"

"This is all my thoughts. I am not trying to surrender to the Starry Federation. I want to infuse the spirit of the Xinghai Republic with the love and swearing of the spirit of the Xinghai Republic. On the corpse of the Xinghai Republic, create a A stronger, brighter, self-cultivating country with unlimited future!"

Tang Dingyuan began to be as cold as a hail, and at the end he had become a thunder with a flame.

Cui Lingfeng seems to have completely expected that he would say such a thing, and his face was full of horror and doubts.

"Look at what you are now, if it’s not that the acting is really superb, I really believe that you haven’t been in the dark."

Tang Dingyuan re-sit back and fell into deep thoughts. While meditating, he muttered. "That's awful. The two of us, the Speaker of the Exile Government and the Captain of the Firefly, were both framed..."

Cui Lingfeng frowned: "What are you talking about?"

Tang Dingyuan glanced at him and sneered: "Mr. Cui, I believe in your love and loyalty to the Xinghai Republic. However, what you call 'we' is not necessarily true. Not every member can be like you. With a passionate loyalty, I am ready to go into exile for another thousand years!"

"For most of the lawmakers, what they care about is nothing more than the sesame-sized power and status at hand. It can help them get a more spacious cabin and get some slightly more delicious synthetic food."

"As long as there is an opportunity, these members will never mind selling their loyalty and ‘spirit’. As you said, you can sell it to the Federation and naturally to the Empire!”

Cui Lingfeng narrowed his eyes and said a word: "What do you mean, clearly?"

"Do you really think that all the lawmakers are like you, willing to sail to the end of the universe with the name of the 'Xinghai Republic'?"

Tang Dingyuan said calmly, "Yes, they are doing this in the parliament. They are all high-spirited and loyal to the extreme, but that is because the words "Xinghai Republic" have not been sold yet. They have a good price in their minds. I want to know how many members of the private sector come to me and say that they actually do not oppose joining the Star Alliance. It is just because of your arrogance and persecution that you dare not say it in person?"

Cui Lingfeng said nothing, staring at Tang Dingyuan.

Tang Dingyuan was full of face and did not give up.

"Dingyuan's younger brother, let's talk about it today."

Cui Lingfeng slowly said, "I still have something to do, take a step first."

"You should take the time."

Tang Dingyuan smiled and smiled a bit bleak. "If you were not acting, you really found evidence from my daughter's brain, and Ding Zhengyang, he is now acting as the captain. He really accused me, then We, Firefly, Exile Government, Star Alliance, our troubles are big." (To be continued.)

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