Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1614: Awkward riots!

When Cui Lingfeng walked out of the cell, he was greeted by the side of the monitoring room.

21 And he also recovered calmly in a moment, his face was covered with a thick ice shell, and even a trace of real emotions did not leak out, just staring deeply at Li Yao: "Professor Rhodes, what is the result?"


Li Yao pretends to read a little cumbersome operation manual of the polygraph, and compares the physiological parameters and brain wave changes just collected with the stereo icons in the operation manual. "From the data we collected, Tang The captain’s performance from start to finish is normal. The probability of telling the truth is 81%, the probability of lying is 12%, and 7% is impossible to judge.”

Cui Lingfeng said: "That is to say, the probability of the Tang Dynasty growing up is the truth?"

Li Yao nodded and thought about it again: "Not necessarily, the polygraph is only a magic weapon in the end. As long as it is a magic weapon, there is a loophole. This is the relationship between 'magic height and height, one foot and one foot'. As long as Captain Tang’s cultivation is high enough, he can control his brain cell activity and the amplitude of brainwaves as he pleases, or he has some superb speaking skills, saying that some 'non-true and false' but very Misleading, it is possible to fool the lie detector."

"Enough, these are the questions I should judge. You only need to show all the parameters to me."

Cui Lingfeng’s face sank like a dam before the crash. It took only one second to think about it. He looked at the ideology of Li Yao’s side: “Xuan Su, within half an hour, can be secretly assembled and rushed here. How many troops are there? Soldiers are not expensive, as long as 'secret'!"

The head of the secret police officer indulged for a moment, saying: "The two rapid response teams of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Third Brigade of the Republican Guard are absolutely loyal to our two battalions."

"it is good!"

Cui Lingfeng waved his hand and flew quickly. "In the mobilization of these troops, officers and masters who were built above the base period, they arrived here within half an hour. In addition, they informed Ding Zhengyang that the captain was acting. The trial had a breakthrough. I found the vital information and asked him to come over!"


The air in the monitoring room was tight enough to burst, and Xuan Su did not ask for more questions. It was a straightforward one, and then opened the tactical brain and started the operation of the electric stone fire.

However, she had just provoked more than a dozen light curtains, and it was too late to send a message. There was a wave of explosions over the waves, followed by a shock of shaking the mountain. Both the magic weapon and the magic weapon fell on the ground.

boom! Booming!

They are like being in a fragile bunker, they are suffering from the enemy's crazy shelling, and many people's internal organs must be shocked from the depths of the throat!

The lighting array in the secret room is flickering and faint, and the crystal brain and magic weapon connected to the psionic power transmission line are all bursting with the sound of "噼噼啪啪"!

The crystal light curtains excited by Cheng Xuansu are distorted, and the pieces are silently annihilated. Then there is a new, incomparably chaotic picture!

The face of Cheng Xuansu instantly became pale!

"what happened?"

Cui Lingfeng strode forward and was very strong.


Cheng Xuansu opened more than a dozen light curtains in one breath. Each light curtain was filled with black-pressed heads, red-faced masses, and unidentified militants. Even many militants were wearing crystal scorpions, inside the fireflies. The hurricane ignited, and the cockroach destroyed!

"It seems to be a supporter of Tang Dingyuan. At the same time, the fireflies are rioting at the same time. They occupy several key compartments, block the traffic throat, and engulf a large number of people. We are not able to deal with the rat!"

"No, there is an elite force that is raiding here. They want to rob the prison and rescue Tang Dingyuan!"


With the exclamation of Xuan Susu, all the lighting arrays in the secret room suddenly disappeared at the same time, leaving them a darkness. After a while, the darkness was dispelled by the emergency light, but the red light like blood was immersed in it. Everyone is more heart-warming!

"This is a long-planned robbery plan, even directed at the Speaker!"

Cheng Xuansu gnashed his teeth and caught Cui Lingfeng. "Quickly, protect the Speaker, go to the 'No. 1 Battle Fort!'"

The sound of explosions, shouts and metal tears became sharper and sharper. Even a wave of sensible storms slammed the door of the chamber. The original sturdy door was like a thin layer of metal. The board was blasted out of a bulging bag that was recessed inward, and it seemed that the next second would be completely blasted!

"Suzaku group, together with me to protect the Speaker retreat! Qinglong Group and Xuanwu Group, hold it here! The White Tiger Group, with a fake Speaker, breaks through the B exit and attracts the attention of the enemy!"

Cheng Xuansu took four bodyguards like big bears and held Cui Lingfeng in the middle. "President, let's go, it is no longer safe!"

Li Yaozhen looked at everything with his eyes open, and he really wanted to smack his hair and distract his hair.

Should...not Long Yangjun, right?

In terms of time, they are not so fast, and in terms of style, they are not so rough.

Also, the whole firefly has riots in all directions? This kind of chaos is not something that Long Yangjun can mobilize between them.

That conclusion is very obvious...

Li Yao’s heart was moving, and some pitifully rushed to Cui Lingfeng and shouted: “President, me, what should I do?”

Cui Lingfeng was guarded by four bodyguards in the middle, and quickly swept Li Yao: "Take Professor Rhodes."

Cheng Xuansu frowned: "But"


Cui Lingfeng said hard, "Professor Rhodes is the guest I invited, I must be responsible for his safety, come on, professor!"

Li Yao and Cui Lingfeng were guarded in the middle by four big bears wearing black battle suits. They passed another secret road of seven-bend and eight bends and were driven by Cheng Xuansu.

"Collect all the forces that are loyal to us to the No. 1 Battle Fort, then..."

Cui Lingfeng’s lips trembled for a long time. The face that had been frozen since he left the cell finally broke. He seemed to be fifty years old. All the vitality in his body leaked through the “crack” on his face. “And then” for a long time. Didn't "then" get a result, think over and over again, and finally close your eyes in pain. "Then, help me draft a message. When it's a last resort, ask for help from the Star Alliance!"

Cheng Xuansu was silent, whispered: "...Yes, the speaker."

This decision is like draining all the blood in Cui Lingfeng. When he and Li Yao saw it, they were judged to be two people, unable to pull on the seat, staring at a non-existent flies in the void for a long time, suddenly Dao: "Professor, you just listened to all the dialogues between me and Captain Tang, telling me, you, and the people around you, like Captain Tang, think that the 'Xinghai Republic' has already died?"

Li Yao sneaked a little, pondered a bit, and shook his head: "I don't know, I only care about technology, never consider these issues."

"Then think about it now."

Cui Lingfeng stared straight at Li Yao. "Professor Rhodes, the answer of an outsider like you who doesn't care about politics, may be important to me, to the entire Xinghai Republic."

Li Yaozhen has some scratches and scratches. What should the real Professor Rhodes react to when facing such problems?

He thought for a long time and said: "I am a refiner, I don't understand politics. In the eyes of those of us who are engaged in technology, 'I think' is not important, the fact is more important, if I rely on 'I think' three Words will make the magic weapon successfully refining, and all kinds of artifacts will fly all over the sky!"

"I don't care much about the outside world, but some of the most basic events still know. Now we and the Xingyao Federation are facing the threat of the real human empire. Everyone says that only by uniting will there be a chance, or else, Even if the 'Xinghai Republic' is not dead yet, it will die soon without a burial place!"

Cui Lingfeng sighed for a long time. It seems that there is nowhere to vent his heart. At this moment, he finally found the object of confiding. He smiled bitterly: "I don't object to the alliance with the Xingyao Federation, but there is a person who is here and who is right. The problem."

"You must never think that I am a pitiful power in the hands of greed. No, I only hope to keep the great and proud name of the 'Xinghai Republic'. For this name, I can do anything, and I am willing to do anything. Give up!"


Li Yaobiao squinted and asked tentatively. "What you mean is that as long as the two countries merge, the new country still uses the name of the "Xinghai Republic". Even if the current firefly is dissolved on this parliament, you will retire and go home. Are you willing?"


Cui Lingfeng’s eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and a thick blue vein appeared behind the fists that were tightly held. One word and one meal, and it was powerful. “I should not be the speaker, it’s not important, the rebirth and revival of the Xinghai Republic. It is the key! From the ancestors to us, we have sailed for a whole millennium. The blood and life of countless people are frozen in the dark sea of ​​stars. Is it for this purpose?"

Li Yao was speechless.

If the director of Cui Lingfeng is eager for power in his hands, Li Yao can think of a hundred ways to deal with him.

But he turned out to be such a sly, fanatical Xinghai Republic fundamentalist, then, then...

Li Yao scratched his hair and thought about it. He suddenly lit a light in his head and he reached into his arms.

A few big dogs next to each other suddenly became nervous.

However, Li Yao’s feeling from his arms is just a diamond-shaped spar with a large size of fingernails.

This spar slowly rotates in Li Yao's palm, releasing a light green scorpion, like a miniature dancer.

He smiled and held the spar in front of Cui Lingfeng. (~^~)

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