Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1618: Li Yao started again...

Without waiting for Li Yao to answer, Cui Lingfeng thought of another possibility: "The sacred people? I heard that the latest generation of genus of the sacred alliance can already simulate the full emotions of normal humans. Even the spiritual test can not be seen, so you represent the sacred alliance. Come?"

Although the enemy's enemies may not be friends, Cui Lingfeng's attitude toward the Covenant Alliance is definitely better than the real human empire.

Li Yao scratched his head: "I am neither a new federal, nor an empire, nor a sacred person. Although there is no direct evidence, the speaker will know it when you think about it. It is a coincidence that I am here. It’s your own random choice to check the 'lie detector' before you can take me around! Whether I am a federal, empire or sacred person, it’s impossible to magically go to the unknown prophet and guess your random decision. ?"

Cui Lingfeng gave a slight glimpse: "It makes sense. For the sake of confidentiality, I did not think about which refiner would check the 'lie detector' beforehand. Originally, I wanted to make a list of professors from the Xinghai University refining department at the last minute. I randomly selected one of them. After reading Professor Rood’s analysis report, I suddenly thought of it. I thought that calling Professor Rhodes would be more confidential and safe. No one can know my true purpose. Doing hands and feet on Professor Rhodes!"

"Even if you are a sacred ally, you can't know this decision in advance, because I didn't even think about it myself!"

"What's more, there is no reason for the sacred people to cross the mountains and waters to the rear of the empire's rear. This is simply the backcountry of the stars and the sea, not the most critical battlefield!"

Li Yao nodded evenly: "Yes, Cui said that it is reasonable."

"Not a federation, not an empire or a sacred ally, so who are you?"

Cui Lingfeng stared deeply at Li Yao, especially his hands that had been restored to their original shape and plain. "You are very skilled in dismantling and analyzing the magic weapon, and even faintly can imitate the style of Professor Rhodes, but have Such a powerful combat power, Xuan Su is considered a top-ranking expert on the Firefly, but in front of you, there is no courage to escape! You should be the 'double element baby' in the dual field of combat and refining. I don't even know, there is a master like you at the Star Beach? Who are you, who is the interest, and what is the purpose of diving into the Firefly? Since you saved me, I must have to talk to me about a deal?"

Li Yaoqi said with a blind eye: "You think too much, Chairman Cui, I said it was just a coincidence. I really look at everyone who is a self-cultivator. I saved you, my friends and I. To talk about trading, but not to find you."

"..." Cui Lingfeng stunned.

Li Yao coughed and said: "With regard to our identity, of course, there is no need to hide it. Anyway, you will know soon, but you may not believe it."

Cui Lingfeng: "Can you talk about it first?"

Li Yao hesitated for a moment and said: "Hey, we are Honglian people, the self-cultivators from the 'red lotus world'."

Cui Lingfeng frowned deeply: "Red Lotus?"

"Yes, it is a trivial small world."

Li Yaodao, "Because our stars are extremely unstable, there are occasional super-large solar winds erupting from time to time, and the living environment is extremely harsh. Even on the only planet that can barely live, our mother star 'Hong Lianxing' is also often To suffer from the natural disasters of the Red Lotus, so even in the era of the Xinghai Empire 10,000 years ago, the Honglian community has not been developed on a large scale. Only a very small number of residents rely on planting some economic crops that can grow in high heat. Feeding the inflammatory beasts for a living."

"Fortunately, the battle of the end of the 10,000 years ago, the imperial battle of the emperor and the end of the war, did not affect our red lotus world."

"After 10,000 years, the Xinghai Empire completely collapsed, and the Xinghai Republic struggled to rebuild and develop, but did not have time to explore our small world. In fact, the purpose of your fireflies was originally built, not to find us free in the Xinghai. Is it a small world outside the center?"

"We have been alone for 10,000 years in an incomparably harsh environment. The anger of the stars has destroyed our civilization time and time again, so that our civilization is always at a very low level of survival. People can only use the most simple magic weapon. Fighting with your own flesh and blood, basically, hey, and the legendary era of ancient times are not much different."

"We have spent 10,000 years in this way. Although we have heard of the distant legends of the Xinghai Empire, we have also hoped that the advanced human civilization in the central Xinghai can bring us new hopes, but in the end, it is The conqueror of the real human empire."

"The real human empire annexed the red lotus world. The cultivators destroyed our homeland and took advantage of our compatriots! The power of the empire is not something that we can still resist in the age-old comprehension. Countless red lotus monks are fighting against the empire. In the war, most of the survivors were transformed into cultivators, joined the ranks of the Imperial Army, and established a new brutal rule!"

"Only a very small number of people, including me, we were lucky enough to grab a starship of a real human empire and captured many of the warships above and learned the skills of driving a starship."

"We are not prepared for the Imperial Army. We have escaped from the Red Lotus world. Perhaps we have left our home forever. I will never forget that day. It was four hundred and forty-three years ago."

Li Yao’s eyes gradually reddened, but there was no tears in his eye sockets, just as his tears had long been evaporated by the angry red lotus.

There is almost no flaw in these words.

Because the red lotus world is real, the red-rainy stars and the natural disasters have caused the development of the red lotus community to be slow, and many fields are in the Middle Ages. This is also true, including the true human empire four hundred and fifty years ago. The conquest wars in the Red Lotus world are all true.

The Xingyao Federation had captured some of the Imperial Army on the Night Lantern Claw Fleet ten years ago. Just ask a prisoner to ask for it and confirm the existence of the Red Lotus.

Of course, in the Honglian world four or five hundred years ago, whether there was such a small self-cultivator, grabbed an Imperial Army starship, and fled the homeland was impossible to be verified.

Cui Lingfeng fell into meditation and couldn’t help but say: "And then?"

"We are almost a ‘Firefly’ that has shrunk many times, hiding in Tibet in the Xinghai Middle East and escaping the pursuit of the Imperial Army.”

Li Yaodao, "But we are too weak. The experience of driving a starship is extremely inadequate. It is impossible to compare with the Firefly. In a few years, the self-cultivators who escaped will fall down one by one, leaving only the last dozen people."

"After a dozen of people discussed it, we all thought that we couldn't go on like this. The chasing of the Imperial Army is still second. Our starship is too insignificant. It is a dust in the Xinghai. It is very difficult for the Imperial Army to seize us. The biggest problem is that the surviving dozens of people are not low-skilled. The resources consumed every day are astronomical. The materials on board are not much, and they can't afford our consumption."

"In the long run, everyone is not killing each other. The tragedy of people eating people is forced to surrender and surrender to the empire."

"We don't want to kill each other, we don't want to surrender to the empire, we have to make a desperate attempt to set the destination of the starship to the starry sea, switch to the auto-cruise mode, and then everyone enters the hibernation cabin and touches luck. ""

"In this way, all of us are in hibernation, letting the starship drift all the way for more than four hundred years. Until the end, the starship scanned the extremely strong psionic fluctuations in the vicinity. Then we realized that it was Tianyuanjie. When the **** demon world merges with the space that is stirred up, we are awakened by the master of the starship, and secretly sneaked here, the Dragon Snake Star."

"At first, we didn't know what it was. It was another territory of the empire. We decided to disguise ourselves, hide our name, and observe it in the Dragon Snake Star."

"When we find out that there is a powerful comprehension national star constellation here, and we are ready to fight against the real human empire, we are all ecstatic, naturally born to join forces with the Xingyao Federation, and even, even, join the federation, and deal with it together. The empire hopes that one day it will be able to fight back to the red lotus world."

"However, we don't want to go directly to the federal government because... because..."

Cui Ling said: "Because you have concerns, you are worried that the federal people will not believe you. You will suspect that you are an imperialist spy, imprison you and interrogate you. Maybe you will bring a lot of secrets and magical powers of the red lotus world when you escape. On the other hand, you are afraid that you will be alone, will be crowded and driven by the federal people, and even be treated as cannon fodder; another one, you still worry about whether the Xingyao Federation is an ideal one. , the real comprehension country, and whether it has the power to withstand the empire, is it?"

Li Yao put on a stunned look: "How do you know?"

Cui Lingfeng smiled bitterly: "Because you are worried, it is what I am worried about, well, please continue."

Li Yao licked the cracked lips and said: "You are right. We are the last hope of the Red Lotus. When we escape from our hometown, of course, with a lot of ... the treasures of Honglian civilization, I don't want these things. Fall into the hands of others, whether empire or federal."

"The heart of the defense is indispensable. At least, we don't want to lose all the secrets before we figure out whether the Star Alliance is a truly trustworthy country."

"At this time, we found some fireflies in the fish dragon city. Later, in the magic treasure mall, I accidentally met Tang Xiaoxing, the daughter of Captain Tang Dingyuan." (~^~)

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