Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1619: Xiuxian 2.0

Li Yao spread the handkerchief: "As you can see, I am also a refiner. It is a coincidence that I met Tang Xiaoxing at the Fabao Mall. I didn't know her identity at the time. I only learned about refining with her. Knowing that you have a collection of rare materials for sale, I will go back to your magic warehouse with her to inspect the goods, and the result will be attacked halfway."

"I am a self-cultivator. I naturally have no reason to die. It is unintentional to save her and save you. But after she saved her, she told me some insider on the firefly and said her father. It is the captain of the Firefly."

"At this time, I can't help but move."

"We don't have a legal status to enter the federation, but if we can rescue the fireflies from the bad guys and help the 'bridges' to completely fight the 'parliament faction', can he give us such an identity, maybe? I can also admit that we are the special envoy of the Firefly, and swaying the red carpet to the Federation!"

"After all, our experience and the experience of the Firefly are quite similar. Everyone is considered to have the same illness and a life-saving grace. I believe that Captain Tang will help us."

"So, after careful preparation, I first sneaked in and penetrated into Professor Tang Xiaoxing's teacher, Professor Rode, pretending to be Professor Rohde."

"My original intention was to send the metal tube with blood red beads to the black hand behind the scenes. Of course, there are organs in it, which can help us scan the terrain, eavesdrop on secrets, and determine the secret detention point of Captain Tang, then I The little friends can sneak in and rescue Captain Tang."

"In the whole plan, I should have been sitting comfortably in Professor Rhodes's refining room. I didn't expect it to be called by yours. In the end, I haven't rescued Captain Tang. You saved it."

Cui Lingfeng stared at Li Yao: "You didn't hurt Professor Rhodes?"

Li Yao sneaked a little and shook his head: "Of course not, Professor Rhodes was deceived, he did not know, I am a self-cultivator, how can he be bad for his life?"

"In any case, the whole thing is like this. Although it sounds like it is telling a story, I promise, oh, 95% of what I said is true."

Li Yao calculated the matter seriously.

This is the latest identity that he and Long Yangjun have elaborated for a long time. From the beginning to the end, 95% of them are true. Unless they are ignorant and omnipotent, it is really difficult to find flaws.

Cui Lingfeng gradually restored the calmness and savvy of Li Yaogang when he saw him. He did not entangle the truth of Li Yao’s words, but asked another question: “How many people are there outside, what strength is it?”

"Besides me, there are still twelve, all of which are between Dan and Yuan Ying!"

Although he can not answer, Li Yao is still refreshing.

"So strong!"

Despite being mentally prepared, Cui Lingfeng still stunned.

"No way, we have been playing with the Imperial Army for so many years on the parent star. If we are not strong enough, we will either die or surrender."

Li Yaodao, "Only enough tyranny can cross the Xinghai and escape all the way."

"However, although our cultivation is not low, but the resources for cultivation are extremely scarce, we are almost unable to make ends meet. This is why we are eager to find Captain Tang."

Cui Lingfeng’s eyes were stunned: “So, your companion has already saved Captain Tang?”

"I do not know."

Li Yao knocked on the ear. "I have set up some communication weapons for single-line contact on the ship, but we have not known how long it has been shuttled in the vacuum pipeline. This is an unknown area. The signal is intermittent and I can't contact them."

"From the received sacred fragments of the analysis, they have sneaked in, but the situation on the ship seems to be very confusing. We don't want to hurt the innocent, so the action is very low-key. Shouldn't we rescue Captain Tang so quickly?"

Cui Lingfeng slowly nodded and said: "Well, if you are telling the truth, what do you call you, a friend from Honglian?"

Li Yao blinked: "Lin Jiu."

Cui Lingfeng does not care whether this is a real name or a pseudonym. It is true color. "Thank you for your help, Lin Daoyou! Since you said, saving me is just a coincidence, but I don't know what plans you have now?"

Li Yao scratched his head and said: "Of course, go back to continue our plan, rescue Captain Tang, gain his trust, and then help the 'bridges' to completely fight the 'parliamentary faction' and oust the speaker!"

"Sorry, Chairman Cui, this is not a personal grudge. After all, we are more inclined to rely on the Xingyao Federation. We just want to inspect it first and protect our own interests to the greatest extent. Our thoughts seem to be with Captain Tang. It coincides."

"And you..."

"Forget it, there is no need to say this. Although everyone's thoughts are different, but from the recent experience, you are also a true self-cultivator. Save people to the end, where are you going, I can send you one. Cheng, is it going to the 'No. 1 War Fortress'? Or what else do you have, the secret troops that are more loyal than Cheng Xuansu can rely on, I will send you!"

Li Yao looked at Cui Lingfeng very sincerely.

Cui Lingfeng's face was once again dimmed, and he pondered for a long time. He said: "Lin Daoyou, we have just talked about this conversation, and the bodyguard who is in Jingjing can't hear it?"

"of course."

Li Yao smiled. "I am not a young child. While destroying the crystal enamel, it naturally closes the crystal eye and the sound wave perception matrix of the crystal enamel. He can't see or hear it."

"Well, can you do more with me?"

Cui Ling said, "Open his face, and wait for me for five minutes, I will give you a... satisfactory answer."

Li Yao’s smile is getting more and more brilliant: “Of course, you are very smart, no wonder you can be a speaker.”

The bodyguard who was imprisoned in the crystal shovel was the leader of the "Suzaku Group" who specially protected the security of the Speaker.

This is also the Yuan Ying who Li Yao left his life. From the position of the four bodyguards and the body language that has been rushed up, Li Yao has analyzed that he is a small leader among the four.

When the visor opened, the face that he had drowned in the dark for a long time was pale, almost drowning by his own sweat.

"Cheng Bin."

Cui Ling's face is expressionless, faint. "You understand, everything is arranged by me. I already knew that you have problems. I deliberately made such a game, just to catch you all."

"Everything is under my control. Cheng Xuansu has been guilty of committing suicide. Ding Zhengyang has also been surrounded by my people on the bridge. He will soon be ready to go. You have to follow their footsteps, or you must seize the last chance. Discard the dark vote?"

The cervical spine of the bodyguard "Cheng Bin" was loosened by Li Yao. When he turned his head, he saw the headless body lying on the ground. The face was white and white, and the sweat was like blood. "President, me, me"

"Well, don't talk nonsense, since you are willing to repent, I will naturally give you the opportunity to rehabilitate."

Cui Lingfeng calmly said, "How many people do you have, in addition to Cheng Xuansu and Ding Zhengyang, what other high-level members of the ship have joined you? Quickly, if you say a name, your guilt can be reduced by one point!"

"I, I don't know!"

Cheng Bin shook his head in a pale face. "We usually have a single line of contact, that is, the group leader directs us a few. I only saw some other friends when I was at the Fairy Avenue."

“Xiandao preaching?”

Cui Lingfeng frowned, "talk carefully."

"That is our secret seminar to explore Xixian Avenue."

Cheng Binfei said quickly, "At the beginning, the team leader gave us some brochures about Xiuxian Avenue. I said that this thing on the ship is very popular recently. Let us take the black hand behind the scenes and never let these evil thoughts be deceived. Spread and spread on board."

"The secret police of our Ministry of Internal Affairs had been doing this. We were not too suspicious at the time, but we looked at these pamphlets with a critical eye."

"Unexpectedly, I have studied the things that are said in these booklets. The more I think about it, the more I think it is. It doesn't make sense. It can't be simply described by the word 'incitement', which really makes me very upset."

"At that time, the team leader often came to us to communicate ideas. One day I couldn't help but told her about her troubles."

“Later, she often came to me to talk about it. After talking a few times, I took me to participate in this ‘Xiandao propaganda meeting’ and contacted a lot of Xiuxian Avenue, which was explained by Lu Zhenren personally. As a result, I will”

"Wait, Lu Zhenren? Lv Dengchen!"

Cui Lingfeng narrowed his eyes. "The president of the emperor's association, the first wanted criminal of the Federation, the grandson of the former patriot organization leader Lu drunk, the leader of the federal native cultivator Lu Guangchen, is hidden in our ship? Have you seen him?"


Cheng Bin shook his head. "We just saw the video and exchanged the road in the form of 'remote law.' Even so, Lu Zhenren, oh, no, it’s Lu Xiaochen’s arrogance, unconsciously, We are confused."

Cui Lingfeng snorted: "What kind of avenue did he say that can make you all five fans and fascinated?"

"Too much."

Cheng Bin lamented, "President, I really don't want to betray the idea of ​​comprehension, and become a cultivator, but Lu Zhenren said that he said that there is no such thing as a comprehension and a cultivator. It always contains the two parts of 'repair' and 'cultivation', but sometimes there are more ingredients to repair, and sometimes the ingredients of the cultivation are more."

"He also said that comprehension or cultivation of immortals can be freely transformed, and it is necessary to treat them according to local conditions."

"For example, on the Firefly, some of the policies of the 'extraordinary period' hundreds of years ago did not look like the self-cultivators, but ultimately led us through the storm and out of the dark!"

"So, those high-level people who made the decision at that time, is it a self-cultivator or a cultivator?"

"Lv Zhenren also said that the entire human civilization is now in the 'extraordinary period' like the Firefly number hundreds of years ago. It has to adopt the system of the immortal to solve the problem. This is not to crush ordinary people, it can only be called ' The common situation is difficult."

"As long as we defeated the covenant alliance and unified the entire Xinghai Sea, the technology leapt, the material was greatly enriched, and there was no war. At that time, it was natural to slowly loosen the ordinary people and give them more rights."

"This, this is only a small part of Luzheng's point of view, because our level is too low to reach a higher level of avenue. In short, the team leader told us that Lu Zhenren's thought is different from the Xiuxian Avenue we used to contact. It is to absorb some of the road to comprehension, more perfect and advanced, dialectical and objective, if you really want to say, that is Xiuxian 2.0!" (To be continued.)

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