Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1629: The new superhero... was born!

"Two hundred years ago, the Watery Ann, who led the Firefly to get out of the 'extraordinary period', wrote a report on the 'Honglian Plan', and also engraved his unique spiritual pattern?"

Just as Tang Dingyuan regained the highest command of the bridge, he also sent a series of reports on the origins, functions, duties and powers of the Honglian team from Cui Lingfeng. The black and white words were clear and clear, not only the founder, Mr. After the seal of the spirit, even after the water is easy, every speaker has left his own exclusive spiritual pattern in the document, from the beginning to the end, until the order of the Cui Lingfeng.

This document proves the identity of the members of the "Red Lotus Squad" and endorses them for the action of the savage and immortalization of the inside of the Firefly.

At this moment, the Honglian squad is the person with the highest authority except for Cui Lingfeng and Tang Dingyuan. It is like 戚 Changsheng once nicknamed, "first play, play kill and win", the prestige has reached the extreme!

The red lotus squad that suddenly fell from the darkness of this squadron, the "bridge" sent by Captain Tang Dingyuan, was very complicated.

It stands to reason that these elite warriors are privately armed directly under the speaker, and it is the Speaker of the Water Yi'an, more than two hundred years ago, secretly formed in the case of bypassing the bridge and even the parliament!

With a countless amount of resources belonging to the entire Xinghai Republic, a private soldier with the order of the Speaker is formed. This is really a walk around the bottom line, which does not conform to the spirit of the Xinghai Republic.

In exchange for peacetime, the "bridge school" must be arguing against the existence of the Honglian squad, as a "scandal" to attack, and even try to deprive the speaker of the command of this unit, split the unit into another Going to the more controlled forces.

But today, the backbone members of the "bridge", including the captain's daughter, were detained in the Black Rock Prison. The Red Lotus team rescued them personally. Even Captain Tang Dingyuan himself was the captain of the Honglian team. "Saved."

Not only that, "Captain Lin" also rescued the speaker and the captain by himself, and indirectly killed Cheng Xuan, and also gave birth to Ding Zhengyang, reversing the whole situation in one fell swoop, using the words "power to turn the tide" to describe. Not too much!

This kind of "rewarding the sky" undoubtedly proves the rationality and necessity of the establishment of this unit by the chairman of the water, more than two hundred years ago. What are the other key members of Tang Dingyuan and the "bridge" faction? What are the saviours of their own saviors?

What's more, in the face of the shocking names on the list provided by Ding Zhengyang, Tang Dingyuan has to admit that the "infection" of the fireflies on the fireflies has reached an extremely serious degree. At this moment, perhaps only the "Red Lotus Team" It is the only one that can be trusted!

Tang Dingyuan is not a person with strong desire for power. Otherwise, he is not likely to propose to join the Star Alliance. The contradiction between him and Chairman Cui is more in business. Since the position of Chairman Cui has undergone a subtle change, He also has no reason to continue to confront the speaker at this festival.

Besides, if everything mentioned in this document is true, then "Lin Jiu" and other "Red Lotus Warriors" who are willing to be sealed for hundreds of years are all heroes, no matter what Tang Dingyuan thinks about Cui Lingfeng. Can't deny this.

I figured this out, and in the conversation with "Lin Jiu", I found that the captain of the Honglian team had no interest in the struggle between the parliament and the bridge. It was just a thought of the heart to attack the immortal. Tang Dingyuan could not help but This savior from more than two hundred years ago was awe-inspiring, and he quickly corrected his attitude towards the Honglian team.

Compared with Tang Dingyuan, his choice is even more entangled with the speaker, Cui Lingfeng.

It is impossible for Tang Dingyuan to see through the forgery of these "ancestral secrets" passed down from generation to generation by the parliament. He can safely believe in the existence of the "Red Lotus Squad" without knowing anything.

However, for Cui Lingfeng who personally forged these "red lotus secrets", this is a gamble that would cause the entire Xinghai Republic and even the Xingyao Federation to be ruined.

"Would you like to completely believe in these 'red lotus people' who are not known?"

From the beginning to the end, this problem is like a viper, entangled in the heart of Cui Lingfeng.

At first, he didn't necessarily think about relying on the Honglian people to tide over the difficulties. After the dust settled, he tried to open them up or quarantine them and thoroughly understand their origins and purposes.

However, when the cultivators lurking inside the fireflies were uprooted, and the strings were lifted up, the situation was more serious than he had imagined.

The bridge where Ding Zhengyang is located is indeed the hardest hit area. The staff of many key positions have all been transformed into cultivators. However, the parliamentary side has not allowed much, and several heavyweights have been involved.

Cui Lingfeng does not mention it by himself. For many years, he has always trusted Cheng Xuan, and treated her as a righteous woman. The affairs of her size have been handed over to her for care. The result is almost "the whole army is annihilated."

Cui Lingfeng found it very embarrassingly, as Li Yao said, he really became a light pole commander, no one around.

Moreover, his situation is even worse than Tang Dingyuan.

In theory, Tang Dingyuan is only the second person in the government in exile. At the beginning of the whole conspiracy, he was ordered to secretly arrest him. What happened afterwards can be said to have nothing to do with Tang Dingyuan.

But he is different. Even if he was deceived and confused by Cheng Xuansu and Ding Zhengyang, at least he arrested more than 100 bridge leaders and members of the public. He personally issued it, if now, denies "Honglian Squad" The existence, denying that everything is his plan to "lead the snake out of the hole", that is the scandal of the big day, he is so "unclear, fainting and incompetent", he must bear the leadership responsibility, was ousted, and has been riddled with The Confucius's parliament, even with such a ripple, is even more cowardly and unable to confront the "bridge"!

Losing the checks and balances of the parliament, God knows what kind of franchise agreement will be reached between the technicians on the bridge and the Xingyao Federation!

Cui Lingfeng never believed that the three words "realist" are synonymous with moral nobleness and sacred glory. The Taoist friends return to the Taoist friends, the negotiations are negotiated, and the brothers must also settle accounts!

Therefore, he can only rely on the "Red Lotus Squad".

Then, Cui Da’s speaker found that the Honglian team was so good!

At the beginning, Cui Lingfeng was not optimistic that the Honglian team could play a big role outside the battle. He thought that the "Honglian people" except Li Yao were pure Wufu.

Unexpectedly, these red lotus people are sweeping through the ship to repair all the immortals, to appease the violent people who do not know the truth, to encourage the morale of the grassroots soldiers, to force the immortals to gain more intelligence and benefits... almost all aspects have shown Cui Lingfeng is stunned and impeccably perfect.

As a starship commander, Tang Dingyuan may not be able to see through the full capabilities of these people.

However, as the speaker, Cui Lingfeng, who is self-proclaimed as "bad self-cultivator", is very certain that these "red lotus people" are by no means ordinary martial arts practitioners.

They gave him the feeling... either the general of the battlefield, the hegemon of the stalwart, or the grand lord of the title, even the seemingly youngest and tender "Zhu Zongyou", with a dragon and a tiger , not angry and self-defeating, the royal family's nobleness!

At this moment, Cui Lingfeng is completely certain that these people are definitely not the spies of the real human empire.

No matter the empire or the sacred alliance, there is no extravagance to cultivate a dozen spies who are so "extraordinary and extraordinary, outstanding", not to the extent of money to the sea.

Even more so, the Xingyao Federation does not have to say that between the poor mountains and the bad waters, the wealthy landlords who suddenly become rich, where can they cultivate such a "foundation" comprehension? Look at the style between these people's gestures, it is more than the original Xinghai monks!

After the final deduction of Cui Lingfeng, it will be some kind of bitterness. They are really spies of the real human empire. They deliberately sacrificed those who are "Cheng Xuan Su, Ding Zhengyang", in order to control the firefly and enter the inside of the Xingyao Federation?

This guess was quickly overthrown by him.

With the situation at the time and their strength, there is no need to add a snake, and what kind of bitterness to play, directly killing him and Tang Dingyuan. Through the cooperation between Ding Zhengyang and Cheng Xuansu, the goal can be achieved.

The real spy will not choose such an "obtrusive" way. It is absolutely impossible for the other party to know in advance. He will summon Professor Rhodes to his side.

As long as the other party is not an imperial espionage, Cui Lingfeng is prepared to ignore their identity and gamble!

Just when they are really "Honglian people"!

After all, with the heroic blood, you know the roots, you can betrayed with the big Xuansu. What can the so-called "history" prove?

For the extremely lack of high-end combat power, which led to the passive government in the past with the Xingyao Federation, the emergence of the Honglian team may add a lot of chips to the next negotiation. Perhaps they can really become The government of exile... the last hope!

Cui Lingfeng took a deep breath and thoroughly thought about it.

The super-computing power of the management-type yuan infants reached the limit, and the bows were opened and left, and the "Red Lotus Secrets" were faked while driving. At the same time, a speech entitled "The Compatriots of the Whole Ship" was drafted.

Soon after, this speech turned into a powerful, smashing sound wave, rolling in every corner of the firefly, spreading, stirring!

Just from the unpredictable chaos, I calmly calmed down and screamed at the uneasy crew and passengers, shouldering shoulders and holding hands, listening quietly to a special force called "Honglian Squad", which was bizarre. The story; listening to a superhero called "Lin Jiu", how to turn the legend of arrogance in the midst of a thousand miles! (To be continued.)


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