Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1630: Destroyed dozens of dark stars

Although the rehabilitated rebellion on the Firefly was quickly suppressed, it was only the beginning of everything. The emperor’s meeting behind the rebellion and his leader Lu Zhenren Lv Qingchen were the key.

In the upcoming battle between the federation and the empire, what is the important role of this mysterious local cultivator?

The secret interrogation against Ding Zhengyang began immediately.

He is the leader of the ship's cultivator, and is one of the few people who have personally contacted the "federal first wanted criminal" Lu Xiaochen. Behind this rushed rebellion, there is more or less the shadow of Lu Xiaochen.

Regardless of Cui Lingfeng, Tang Dingyuan or Li Yao himself, they hope to dig out Lv Qingchen through Ding Zhengyang, or even... people hidden behind Lv Dengchen.

The secret interrogation was conducted by the Speaker, Cui Lingfeng, Captain Tang Dingyuan, and Li Yao, who rescued them and captured Ding Zhengyang.

The cell where Ding Zhengyang was detained was the one that was detained by Tang Dingyuan half a day ago. This is called "self-confidence."

This formerly prestigious on the deck of the Firefly, known as the "Dinghai God Needle" chief, at this moment it seems to have been pulled out of the fangs, the snakes with the veins removed, the soft collapse collapsed in the corner of the cell, The eyes of the gods stared at the void, and they had words in their mouths. They suddenly smiled and shook their heads, suddenly twitching, and wondering whether they were lamenting the failure of the plan, begging for the forgiveness of the old boss, or arguing that they had never taken this step in the past.


Seeing that he was sluggish and completely lost hope, Captain Tang Dingyuan was more distressed than seeing his arrogant betrayal. He and Ding Zhengyang were the brothers of life and death for decades. They knew this red-eyed man with a big eyebrow What is it like, "Look at yourself, how do you make yourself look like this? You shouldn't be so afraid of death. You climbed from the bottom sailor to the position of the first officer step by step. It was so dangerous in the past. You don't wrinkle your brows, and you will be rushed to solve them! Your nickname is from 'Desperate Saburo' to 'Dinghai Shenzhen', are you afraid of death? Are you surrendering to the real human empire in order to save your life? I don't believe, tell me, exactly What happened!"

Every word in Tang Dingyuan is like a small ball-shaped lightning, which is stirring in the cell, rolling over, and impacting Ding Zhengyang's almost decaying nerves.

Ding Zhengyang’s expression was like a person who was slow to respond to excessive drug use and was suffocating. He looked at the crystal eye for a long time, and rubbed his unshaven cheek. He suddenly smiled, smiled and closed his eyes. Leave two lines of turbid tears.

"Yeah, I shouldn't be so afraid of death... In the past 50 years, everyone called me 'Desperate Saburo'. In the next 50 years, everyone called me 'Dinghaishen pin', I am from the bottom of the firefly, the dirtiest The chaos, the most dangerous fuel zone and the power cabin, step by step to the position of the first officer, what kind of danger I have not experienced? What kind of horrible body I have not seen?"

He opened his eyes again, and the faint rainbow in his eyes was intertwined into the memories of the past. "82 years ago, the power cabin was run by the meteor shower and caused the big bang. It was my first rush to repair, I was wearing the thinnest one. The maintenance of the crystal enamel, a hole is blocked by a hole, and the meteorites are passed by me from the side, one of which runs directly through my helmet, as long as it is shifted to the left by five millimeters. Will melt my entire brain.

Fifty-seven years ago, in the fuel area leakage accident, 'Tianzhu Shenxuesha' should have been kept under extremely low temperature, immediately vaporized under normal room temperature, turned into a deadly poisonous mist, filled the entire fuel area, at any time. It is possible to corrode the main fuel delivery pipe, causing an unimaginable chain reaction.

It was the first time that I rushed in with my brothers. In the deadly poisonous gas with super-toxicity, super-corrosiveness and irreversible erosion on the roots, I repaired the frozen array and sprayed 'condensate', which will be reliquefied. 'Shen Xuesha' was collected a little.

At that time, we sacrificed one hundred and twenty-two brothers. Everyone’s protective work was done in place, but there was no way. This kind of accident was to be filled in. Before everyone rushed in, everyone knew this. One point, even I am very clear, this goes in, the door is closed at the back, it may never open again!

There was the impact accident of forty-two years ago, the black hole tidal accident thirty-three years ago, the super-radiation accident twenty-five years ago... Captain, you are right, I really haven’t seen it. , did not escape, not afraid of death!

However, huh, huh, but I am not a machine after all, not a magic weapon unit, I am just a person! Which person dared to pat his chest, stalked his neck and said that he had never succumbed in his life, did not retreat, not afraid of death? Who can not be afraid of death, as long as it is a person, are afraid of death!

Obviously afraid of death, but hard to rush to the face of death, there is only one reason, then I still have hope, I believe that I die meaningful, valuable! My death can make my wife and children grow up, let my sons and grandchildren, let all the compatriots on the boat live and live better!

However, is this really true? We really have hopes, look at my eyes, honestly, and touch the conscience, my brother, my captain, tell me! ”

Ding Zhengyang suddenly became mad, and shouted at the monitoring of the crystal eye and tearing the hoarse throat.

Tang Dingyuan and Cui Lingfeng looked at each other and said: "Of course we have great hopes. The sacrifice of every hero is valuable!"

"... nonsense, I won't believe it again, Captain."

The previous image was exhausted by Ding Zhengyang's last glimmer of strength. He was like a deflated ball, and he returned to the corner. He was like a lost child. He was huddled like a rag doll that did not exist. There is a self-deprecating smile. "When I was in geometry, I also believed in these lies like you. What 'we inherited the Taoist empire, the last hope of human civilization', what has been since the ancient times, the evil is invincible, and there is one On the day we will kill the Central Star of the Xinghai, what 'the real human empire is cruel, the rule is crumbling, and it is possible to self-destruct at any time', even the stupid, ruined 'Dark Star' dozens of times... All of this, every word, more than just believe, has become my faith!"

Li Yao gently coughed and swept the two smuggling squabs of the two exiled governments. He used secrets to enter the secret powers and secretly asked Cui Lingfeng: "The Speaker of the House, this 'Dark Star that has been destroyed dozens of times' is a What the hell?"

Cui Lingfeng was sitting in a dangerous situation and looked serious. He did not seem to hear Li Yao’s question. Even his lips did not tremble, but Li Yao received his reply.

"It is a series of morale-promoting videos that we have been shooting in the past few hundred years, telling us how to defeat the real human empire. The name is "Star Wars!"

Cui Lingfeng seriously said, "In this propaganda film, the evil real human empire has taken out the key resources of all the worlds under their control in order to rule the whole universe, and has built a very powerful, incomparably evil, extremely terrifying. The artificial planet, the Star Wars, known as the 'Dark Star', also moved all important government agencies, key technical personnel, and all precious magical powers and materials into the Empire.

As a result, the Firefly smashed into the ‘Dark Star’ and destroyed it, destroying the ‘brain’ and ‘heart’ of this real human empire, and defeating the empire! ”

Li Yao: "... well, although the real human empire can't be stupid to this extent, after all, is it a propaganda film, understand that what is the meaning of 'destroyed dozens of times'?"

Cui Lingfeng said: "This video was very popular after it was broadcast. It quickly became popular with the Firefly. It has countless fanatical supporters. Of course, it is necessary to shoot a sequel. In the sequel, the real human empire has intensified and made a comeback. A more evil way to deal with the universe and our Star Republic!"

Li Yao: "What method?"

Cui Lingfeng: "It is to continue to concentrate all resources and build a bigger, stronger and more horrible ‘Dark Star II!’”

Li Yao: "Then, this second generation of the Dark Star will not be destroyed again by your Firefly."

Cui Lingfeng: "Yes."

Li Yao: "Then you have taken dozens of sequels to the "Star Wars", each of which is to make a bigger ‘Dark Star seventy or eighty generations’, and then be destroyed by the Firefly?”

Cui Lingfeng: "Wrong, behind the real human empire, no longer build artificial planets, but directly find a planet to hollow out and transform into a more powerful dark star. After the planets are all hated by the audience, we have tried White dwarfs, red giant stars and stars in the prime of life are also the sun."

Li Yao: "... the speaker, I suddenly understand that Ding Da’s anger is angered after he has seen the lie. What should I do?"

Cui Lingfeng: "What do we have! If you don't let the empire always adopt such a stupid strategy, how can a firefly in the district be able to turn the tide and attack it in one fell swoop?"

In the prison room, Ding Zhengyang’s smile on the face was getting deeper and deeper. It was like a bitter tide that drowned himself and drowned the three outside. He continued to be weak and said: “I have always believed in it all, I believe. We really have hopes. I believe that the Xinghai Republic will one day return to the center of the Xinghai Sea. I believe that the real human empire is nothing but a strong external force.

It is this kind of conviction that makes me fearlessly dying, and I have created the ‘Dinghai God’s Needle’ and ‘Desperate Saburo’!

However, lies are a lie after all, and once they encounter the truth, they will collapse in an instant!

My belief, when we met the Imperial Expeditionary Claw Fleet ten years ago, it was completely shattered! "(To be continued.)


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