Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1652: The founding father of the new federation!

Li Yaozheng wants to continue to ask, the shuttle bus has slowly landed, Ling Xiaole smiled back and said: "We went to the world's largest "Civilization" center in the world!"

Extremely far-sighted, the entire world of the front is occupied by a shiny silver ball. The surface of the silver ball is divided into hundreds of light curtains. It is playing a full-bodied, **** picture. Thousands of starships are fighting and killing between the blood-stained Milky Way, burning and exploding, fleeing and chasing.

The aggressive sound and photoelectric effect covers a range of dozens of miles. They have not yet entered the center. It is like immersing themselves in the burning universe. The big silver ball has become a small black hole, and it will be around the whole world. Li Yao and others, all swallowed in!

In the upper right corner of each huge light curtain, there is a small sign, some like the "Samsung Blitz Banner" of the real human empire, but it is more horrible than the empire's flag, with murderous and devastating everything. taste.

Ling Xiaole told Li Yao that they came right. The latest version of the "Civilization" war expansion film "Imperial Counterattack" will be released at the same time in the seven worlds. There is also a huge on-site conference to be held here, even in all directions. The game masters who came from the core world came together, and tourists from nearby resource planets and planets were also enjoying the unprecedented festival.

Sure enough, Li Yao saw that the density of the shuttle bus here is five times higher than that of the downtown area. It is very rare that there is congestion, and a large number of teenagers wearing colorful "fins" are dexterously shuttled between the buss. Whether in the air or on the ground, the lights are smashed, and the big horns engraved with anti-gravity and phonogram arrays are full of world drips, and numerous **** and energetic sounds are mixed together. More boiling than the killing in the light curtain!

Li Yao knows the "Imperial Counterattack", which is a piece of war information that they conceived from a hundred years ago. It focuses on the military and how to fight against the invasion of the Empire, especially the content of the Starship.

According to Ling Xiaole's introduction, after a hundred years of rapid development, countless iterations and data updates, especially in the battle to save the Firefly ten years ago, a large number of Imperial soldiers and even Imperial warships were captured, and more accurate data support was obtained. After that, the new "Empire Counterattack" has developed into an extremely professional war simulation game. Under 100% realism, it is not a "game" at all, but a war chess deduction system that can be directly used by the military.

Today, "Civilization" has spawned tens of thousands of different pieces of information and mission packages, ranging from "simulated farms", "simulated cities", "transportation ship commanders" and so on, to the "election president" "The "Future Wannian" and other high-rise buildings, the vast game of the millennium, everything, enough to satisfy all the interests of any player.

However, war has always been the first element of the development of civilization, and the "Imperial Strike of War", which focuses on the military, has become the most popular of all the expansions.

I heard that the federal government has declassified a large number of Imperial Claw fleet data captured ten years ago. In the latest version, more than a dozen 100% imaginary imperial starships and crystal scorpions have been updated for players to manipulate freely. More critical one version upgrade, no wonder it will become a carnival festival!


Li Yao, Black Night Lan and Ling Xiaole got off the shuttle bus and watched the crowds of people in front of them, the people from the "old federation", the old man from the Three Realms, or the elite female soldiers from the real human empire, all dazzled, I don't know. The feeling of being taken.

They are very clear that their "world" is just a "layer" of the ring world. Under the sky above their heads and under the feet of their feet, they are all the same scene, the sea of ​​enthusiasm!

"The Secret Sword Bureau has arranged a special passage for the two VIPs. There are thousands of secret swords around to ensure safety. The two don't have to worry."

Ling Xiaole smiled and said, a common look.

"I am not worried about security."

Li Yao took a breath and murmured. "I just didn't expect that there would be so many people coming here to play... a game."

"In fact, most federal people have immersive game cabins at home, and there are often more than one. Oh, in the federation, we no longer use the term 'game compartment'. Everyone calls them 'future cabin'. It is furniture that is popular as the "bed"."

Ling Xiaole said, "Although you can play at home, many people still like to gather in the 'game center' that every city and community have. How to say it is a social demand. After all, people are still living animals. Well! For a new generation of federals, the game center is like the concept of 'civil plaza' and 'banquet hall' long ago, and it is the most important social occasion.

"In the game center of big and small, not only has a more powerful master crystal brain, the latest model of 'future cabin', can enjoy a better gaming experience and faster speed connection, and often have Masters hold face-to-face meetings and signing conferences. This year’s "Civilization" master is like a long time ago, a mixture of stars and heroes, very popular!"

Li Yao thought for a moment: "I can understand the star, but what about the word "hero"?"

“It’s very simple. Every wise decision made by these masters in the virtual world can be applied to reality. Many new tactics and operational concepts are created in the virtual world, and finally save hundreds of millions. The funds are saved to save the lives of thousands of people."

Ling Xiaole said, "Do people who contribute to these decisions are not qualified to be called 'heroes'?"


Intellectually, Li Yao knows that Ling Xiaole is right, but the visual impact of his eyes is still unacceptable in his emotions. Suddenly he thinks of a problem. "Right, if the public has been immersed in Civilization." In the world, are there fewer people who have worked hard to cultivate?"

"How come, in the "civilization" in the brainstorming, collision wisdom, is also a cultivation, and is the most advanced cultivation!"

Ling Xiaole laughed again. "As early as the old federal era more than a hundred years ago, our fathers had the technology to use the illusory realities to develop the roots and improve the strength of the brain. The fireflies should also have corresponding Technology? "Civilization" is a unified platform that will only make the development of the brains of ordinary people faster and faster, and the probability of awakening Linggen is getting higher and higher!

"According to expert statistics, since the "civilization" has become popular, the chances of the federal people awakening Linggen have been five times higher than a hundred years ago. There are of course various factors of 'enhancement plan', but "civilization" The contribution is also obvious.

"According to the analysis of many brain doctors, masters and spiritual experts, this is a principle similar to ... resonance, because the process of immersing "civilization" is a way to integrate your brain waves into the spiritual network, and other people's brains. The process of collision and oscillation of electric waves, when there are tens of billions of people, everyone's brain waves are blended together, and resonance is the best practice!

"This kind of cultivation method, but the Yuan Ying old monsters can not be enjoyed a hundred years ago, you think, even the powerful Yuan Ying, can not be extravagant to use the brain waves of tens of billions of people to cultivate?

"Cultivation has spawned new technologies, and new technologies have changed the old cultivation and even the survival mode. This is the era of the spiritual network that we are in, the turbulent and arrogant!

"There are many people who, like you, have put forward a lot of views on "Civilization" and have thrown a lot of concerns. Even many diehards have completely denied the obvious benefits of "Civilization" and believe that human beings should not let themselves completely integrate into the illusory In the spiritual network, it is said that this technology will eventually drag the Starry Federation and even the entire human civilization into destruction. The most extreme people regard Civilization as a more terrible hidden danger than the Empire and the Holy Alliance!

"However, no matter how they negate or stop, "Civilization" has developed uncontrollably. The age of the spiritual network has arrived. No one can stop it. Whether we want it or not, we can't go back. There is no Internet age. ”

Li Yao smiled and said: "You seem to be a staunch supporter of the 'Lingwang era.'"

"Of course, there is no "civilization", there is no big net, and there is no new federation today!"

Ling Xiaole squeezed his eyes and smiled. "Go, don't you want to experience the daily life of ordinary federal people? Let you experience the most important ceremony before the ordinary federal people play "Civilization"! ”

Ling Xiaole jumped and jumped into the bustling crowd with Li Yao.

Li Yao’s tour route was arranged in advance, and it was not temporary. Therefore, there were many secret agents in the crowd who had protected the safety and had arranged an unimpeded passage for them to make them all the way. Arrived unimpeded... In front of the "Civilization" center, a 55-meter-high, magnificent bronze statue.

The statue is a man wearing a portable black-light helmet. He is focusing on the game, and the colorful and colorful Xuanguang outlines the bustling city, the **** war, the large-scale fleet... dozens of different scenes. .

It is not unusual to have a statue here. It is strange that there are countless people who are surrounded by statues, with their hands clasped together, their expressions solemn, and their words, even in worship!

It’s amazing!

Li Yao knows that the federation is an atheist country, and the self-cultivator is mad, but God blocks the killing of the gods, and the Buddha blocks the Buddha. Under the background of the cultivation of the whole people, who will be stupid to believe in the gods?

This guy who is playing the game, which is the **** of the hair, can make so many people pay homage, see their meticulous expression, they are quite religious!

"Does the cult rise up in the Federation, this guy is the cult of the cult?"

Li Yao secretly said, wherever he went, there was an accident, it seems that this time is no exception!

"Would you like to worship, very spiritual!"

Ling Xiaole is facing the statue, hands clasped together, and has a word, and turned his head, and he said happily, "This is the creator of "Civilization", and in the eyes of many "civilization" players including me, the new federation is in the true sense. 'National Father' Li Yao!" (~^~)

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