Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1653: Metaphysical problem

"Country, country, national father? Li Yao!"

Li Yao was stunned, carefully scrutinizing the statue and found that its face was covered by a virtual helmet, but there was indeed a small base underneath, engraved with a sentence:

"It is not enough for people to have only the planet under their feet. They should also have a more brilliant future."

This is called a ghost!

Li Yao squinted his eyes and muttered: "Wait a minute, let us first confirm that this ‘Lee Yao’ will not be the legendary ‘Three Realms, Vulture Li Yao’?”


Ling Xiaole nodded very seriously, screaming at the watery eyes, and looked at the statue with great admiration. "From the old federation to the new federation, we are such a Li Yao, vulture Li Yao!"

Li Yaoqi coughed, another sound, and again: "I read less in the history book of the Federation. Don't lie to me! I know that the earliest "Civilization" game was created by many sects and many people. That... vulture Li Yao has certainly thrown such an idea, but the key figure who actually put it into practice in the early days is the dean of the Department of Sociology of the Great Wild Warfare, Professor Su Changfa! It seems that at that time, Professor Su Changfa was hailed as "Civilization." "The father of the father", how can it become Li Yao, Li Yao, how can you be wise, and you can't do anything good to pile up on his head!"

Ling Xiaole spread the stalls: "You understand people, of course you can't help you, yes, to say the earliest 'father of civilization', I am afraid that Professor Su Changfa is more qualified than the vulture Li Yao, but Su Changfa is a cultivator, ordinary The immortalizer is nothing more than his true disciple, Lu Qingchen, or the federal number one wanted criminal. Although the federation is now free to think, can we not worship the cultivator all day long?

"The reason why Li Yao is the father of "Civilization" is also justified.

"I don't know how many "Civilization" games you have read in the past. You must know that the original origin of this "great unified virtual world" is Li Yao's personal experience, and Su Changfa's real human empire's brainwashing illusion.

"In those illusions, Su Changfa interpreted to Li Yao several of the rise and fall of the world, and the rise of the empire's self-proclaimed 'Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi', which was intended to transform Li Yao into a cultivator, but Our Three Realms, where is it so easy to be brainwashed?

"Li Yao was not fooled. Instead, in the near future, when the Kunlun ruins were fully developed, the aura was revealed, and the thought of turning the brainwashing illusion into a tool to open up the people's wisdom, listen to the people, and cultivate the people!

"It is he who first throws such an idea, and then Su Changfa, Professor Mo Xuan and other experts will go to concrete implementation.

"If it wasn't for Li Yao's brainwashing in the Kunlun ruins, if he didn't throw such an epoch-making idea afterwards, of course, we can't say that we can never develop another form of the big unified virtual world. 'But the time will definitely be greatly delayed, and it is highly probable that it will be postponed for five or six decades.

"Don't talk about fifty or sixty years, even if you delay development for thirty or forty years, there is no connection between the big ones and the spirit network. Today's seven worlds of the federation are not so close. The seven worlds scattered in the sand are absolutely against the Imperial Expeditionary Force. There is no half-point winning. This is the result of countless times and countless times that countless players of Civilization have made their own decisions.

"Not to mention, Li Yao is not only a proposal, he also played his own financial and influence in the old federal era, supporting the "civilization" production team all the way forward!

"Know, even in terms of 'games', the early "Civilization" is an unprecedented scale, the production cycle is almost unlimited, from the very beginning to prepare to accommodate the whole game played by all the people around the world! Think about it, make What is the starting capital for such a game?

"At that time, in the face of the threat of the Imperial Expeditionary Force, the federal people were somewhat confused, and they launched one after another whimsical, whimsical plan, coupled with the excavation of the Kunlun ruins, all sides must use money.

"Compared with those projects that can repair the giant soldiers, refine the new crystals, and create the 'Sun Warrior' and can directly see the results, the game of "Civilization" is almost not too much except for the illusory 'opening the people's wisdom." The more practical benefits are simply a bottomless pit that burns in and keeps filling.

"If it weren't for Li Yao's strong support, his Yao Shi Group, Tianhuo Organization, and some of the Yuan Ying and the Emperor he knew were all on his face, and they continued to burn money inside. "Civilization" simply did not go. To this day, I may have been starved to death.

"Professor Su Changfa... is indeed a respectable 'enemy', but no matter how wise and great he is, it is only a captive who has no power and no power, not relying on Li Yao’s financial strength and influence. Where is the opportunity for him to complete the production of the original version of Civilization?

"All in all, Li Yao, the god, is indeed a visionary, far-sighted, wise, wise, incomparably wise, born out of the great man of the era! Although he is regarded as the 'Three Realms,' but his profound influence on the new federation Today, the world has not yet been unearthed by the world. In the days to come, as the Union continues to advance, the Great One Network will be fully spread throughout the universe, and he will surely be re-recognized by the world!"

Ling Xiaole is full of emotions and true feelings.

Li Yao got a goose bump, and the two pointed fox ears on the little girl's head turned pink. I really felt so excited that I couldn't myself.

Li Yao thought about it, she didn't have to play in this kind of detail, that is, she really worships "Lee Yao".

This made Li Yao more and more crying and laughing: "No, is it so great? Even if he is really the father of "Civilization", then the so-called "Father of the Father" is such a thing, is it true?"

"not at all."

Ling Xiaole shook his head and said seriously, "You think, the external expansion of our Star Alliance is different from that of the Empire and the Holy Alliance. We are not destined to use the "force conquest" as the main means. The integration of the four new worlds is only I only took a trip to the Tianhuan world.

"In the process of integrating four new worlds, the "One Civilization" represented by the "Civilization" has contributed to the integration of "Civilization", which is truly integrated into the Union!

"One day, we are going to march into the Central Xinghai, but we cannot rely on force to conquer all the world. "Civilization" is the most powerful capital for us to attract, assimilate and govern the new world. It is our fight against the Empire and the Holy Alliance. The biggest reliance.

"So, I just said that "Civilization" is the cornerstone of the federation, even the ‘new federation’ itself!

"If one day, the glory of the Xingyao Federation really spreads to the three thousand worlds, and all human worlds are integrated into the system of "civilization", then Li Yao, the father of "Civilization," is called this. Is there a problem with a federal father?"

Li Yao squinted his head and thought for a long time with his mouth open: "It seems that there is no problem."

Ling Xiaole laughed happily: "I didn't expect you to hibernate for hundreds of years, but the thinking is very trendy! You know that most people in the federation can't accept this statement. Only the heavy players like us will say this, but it doesn't matter. , the future will prove everything, long live Li Yao god!"

"Once, wait!"

Li Yao’s forehead is in a dark cloud, and the sweat is like a raindrop. “Even, hey, even if this Li Yao really accidentally became the new father of the new federation, it’s not exaggerated to be called the “big god”, and these people What are you doing here? Burning incense and worshiping Buddhas and smouldering, isn’t this a public worship? Is it inconsistent with the spirit of your new federal 'Everyone'?”

"Oh, you misunderstood."

Ling Xiaole patiently explained, "This is not a personal worship. They may not all regard Li Yao as the founding father of the new federation. However, before entering the game, it is good to worship the Li Yao **** first!"

Li Yao frowned: "What are the benefits?"

Ling Xiaole: "In "Civilization", luck will be better. After all, he is the father of "Civilization". Why don't you worship him?"

Li Yao: "Good luck and luck? Explain!"

Ling Xiaole: "For example, if you play the war expansion film "Imperial Counterattack", can you manipulate the forces to successfully refine the main battleship, the key hit rate of the main battleship and the enemy when they exchange fire, and the time after the damage of their own battle... Many factors are random, it can be said to be luck, it can also be said to be a metaphysics.

"It is old-fashioned that before entering "Civilization", I would like to worship the words of Li Yao, and luck will fly to the sky. Once I will build a super main ship, I will explode the ammunition depot when I exchange fire with the other side. Eight hundred times of crystal bombardment can not stand down... If it is a daily operation piece of information, the natural disasters will decrease, the number of random events will increase, and you will be able to save money when you get to the road, and so on!

"On the contrary, if you forget to worship Li Yao's god, it will be terrible. Even if you concentrate on a large number of resources to refine the starship, the warship will be blown up inexplicably before the completion of the work, or just on the battlefield, just after eating the first shot. When you lose the power furnace, or hit the enemy, you can't hit the enemy. If it is an operational task, it is the constant riot of the workers, the natural disasters, the transportation routes being robbed by the Stars, and the transformation of the new area is super ugly. Nail households, all kinds of burnt heads, unfortunately over the top!

"Everyone is better for luck, more points and completion, and worshiping Li Yao, there is nothing!"

Li Yao listened at a glance: "Wait, don't you claim that 100% is all true, and there are so many random luck components?"

"It can be 100% all-in-one. It doesn't mean that it is so complicated every time. Most people will adjust the difficulty to a moderate level, especially in some single-person tasks."

Ling Xiaole said of course, "What's more, even if it is the real world, is it not important that luck will be lost? One will be a million people, and the ancients will fight for a few people back, success or failure, and often have to look at luck!"

Well, Li Yao couldn't refute, and he stunned a few kids who were worshipping their statues and throwing coins at the head of their statues: "But even if luck really exists, can you double luck by paying attention to Li Yao? It’s ridiculous, isn’t this feudal superstition!”

Ling Xiaole grinned: "This is metaphysics. How can it be said that it is feudal superstition? It is the most folk culture! You said that you should feel the local customs and customs as a common federal person, so I will bring you to Li Yao. 'Before you enter the country, it’s right, there’s Li Yao’s heart-warming gold card for sale. It’s said to use the wreckage that Li Yao used to drive. After recycling, it’s re-refined, specifically to cooperate with the Empire’s counterattack. The latest version is only available, put a card in the chest pocket, the starship's hit rate will double, do you want to try?" (~^~)

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