Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1657: One sand and one world

Ling Xiaole paused and said: "If you still have doubts, we can arrange two encounters with these 'former imperial forces'. With two abilities, we can only see that they are unforgettable to the empire. Hatred, is it pretending?"

Li Yao thought for a moment and shook his head. "No, let's hurry up into the center of Civilization. I can't wait."

Just kidding, Black Night Lan is the captain of the imprisoned Imperial Claw Fleet, the most powerful giant warrior in combat, and the daughter of the commander of the Black Wind Fleet.

Even if she does not know these bottom officers and soldiers, it is difficult to ensure that people will not recognize her.

Naturally, before jumping to the Dragon Snake Star Field, Li Yao let Long Yangjun carry out a deep camouflage on the face of the Night Blue, and the name is also a pseudonym.

However, watching the night blue is now unstable, so that she and these "former imperial soldiers" talk and laugh, in all likelihood, people will be seen flaws.

How to say it, the new federation a hundred years later is indeed more progressive and perfect than Li Yao’s imagination, but in many respects, the statue of the head full of coins makes him feel strange.

The Three Realms, the father of Civilization, and even what... the father of the new federation?

Li Yao silently shuddered in his heart.

If the internal organs have goose bumps, they must all be erected at this time.

These names give him the feeling that he has been dead for hundreds of eighty years and turned into an "old man".

He can understand, perhaps because of the need to unite the seven worlds; perhaps to fight against the empire, to have to deify some of the heroes of the past; or to attach to their own interest groups such as Yao Shi Group, Tianhuo Organization, Shuangyuhui, The Great Wilderness Warrior, and so on, in order to better develop, in the secret to help, actively create momentum, and finally put the image of "vulture Li Yao" to the altar.

He can understand this, but it does not mean that he is bound by this altar. In his heart, he still prefers to wear beach pants and eat ice watermelon in a relatively low-key way. Explore this interesting and unfamiliar new world.

Therefore, it is better not to reveal the flaws for the time being.

Otherwise... With the density of onlookers at the scene and the importance people attach to “luck”, it is estimated that he will be killed by coins that have been dumped in the sea within five minutes.

Inside the hall of the Civilization Game Center.

This is a magnificent palace, deeply glimpsed at the end of the world. The three-dimensional cabins on both sides are the most advanced immersion game system. Players can easily and conveniently float the discs. Fly to the upper tens of meters.

In the center of the hall is the Fujian-Taiwan area and the activity area. Many game masters will choose to compete on the platform to carry out some more intense information confrontation, such as virtual crystal warfare, giant war, battle of the Xinghai fleet, etc. It’s all kinds of fancy dresses, and the boys and girls who dress up as game characters are cheering and cheering. The atmosphere is not so hot. No wonder that every household has a game cabin, and countless people are eager for the “Civilization” center.

As for their heads, there are thousands of huge three-dimensional light curtains. Each group of three-dimensional light curtains has a rounded spherical shape, like a giant giant jellyfish, constantly shrinking, swallowing, rolling, stretching the tentacles of light. , gathered into a cluster of flowers, a wonderful ocean of light.

Even with Li Yao’s calculation power, when he stepped into the game hall, he still felt a dizzy, dizzying feeling.

He is like a little fish, suddenly broke into the boundless giant jellyfish tide, surrounded by a "giant jellyfish" in the translucent body, there is a lifelike, wonderful world Is gestating, developing, colliding and annihilating!

There is a saying in the ancient world

One sand and one world, one flower and one float.

Originally it was the practice term used by practitioners to see the mind and wash the soul, but in the modern comprehension society, relying on the explosion of advanced technology and information supernatural powers, it turned into a real reality.

Each group of giant three-dimensional light curtains represents a world in which a player is immersed.

It can be seen that many players choose to enter the world of "Imperial Strikes", or become the commander, or serve as the captain, or the best crystal gunner, power expert, commando... and standing on the starship. The countless players on the opposite side have staged a wonderful show together.

There are also some players who choose to simulate the world of operations. In the seven major worlds of the Federation, there are many resource planets, sacred beasts, transport fleets, and megacities... and they are trying to run their own small business.

The game's data and random events are real, but the difficulty can be adjusted at will, the game time can be accelerated, and even the main control crystal brain instead of the player to deduct the ending after a long time, it is not too boring .

There are still many players who are not playing pure virtual games, but choose to experience a real life is not their own life, but different worlds, different classes of life.

Ling Xiaole gave Li Yao an analogy. A miner living in the Tianhuan area, because of the relationship between travel expenses and holiday arrangements, may never go to the tree world in person, and experience the tree sea people riding on the neck of the spirit beast. The feeling of flying in the sky above the original jungle.

It doesn't matter, through some of the life materials of Civilization, he can become a tree sea person, a crystal person, a meteor person, a Tianyuan person and a blood monster person. He can enjoy the magnificent sea of ​​trees and magnificent in just one second. The desert, the grotesque blood demon style, and the high-rise buildings in Tianyuanjie, are intertwined, extending from the bottom to the super city outside the atmosphere!

"All the world's data is real, even a real-time change in the Tianyuan world. Through the crystal eye he wears, the current scenery of a certain place in Tianyuan is photographed and uploaded to the crystal brain and the light path. In the world, in the world of heaven, the sea of ​​trees, the world of the underworld, the **** demon world... every world, there are countless players doing this, all the players’ eyes see everything combined, it becomes the whole civilization"."

Ling Xiaole proudly said, "In this sense, now every federal person is the producer of "Civilization". Everyone uses their own efforts to constantly improve the world and make this virtual world have some kind of... beyond Real truth!"

Li Yao looked at it with concentration and felt, groping, and shining a new world, blooming in the depths of his eyes.

"There is also the ongoing "Empire Counterattack" match, not to mention that some players are not difficult to choose, and the various tactics are very naive, but the general data is real."

Ling Xiaole continued. "These data are collected from other pieces of information. They combine the best of all the data in the past few decades. For example, there is a piece of information called "Starship Commander". There are countless players. In the past ten years, a large amount of data on each position of the Starship was provided. After all the data were packaged, it could be distributed as a unified 'package' to each starship of the "Empire Strike" piece of information.

"In this way, even a normal player, in a relatively low-level match, the various conditions and changes of all the starships under his hand, is not a crystal brain, but other 'live' players, The real reaction made a long time ago.

"By this means, we guarantee that the average player will get the most realistic experience even in stand-alone games.

"In this way, tens of billions of players go day after day, play games year after year, make a variety of decisions. 99.99999% of the decisions may be wrong, ridiculous, ridiculous, but what is the relationship? We only need big waves to find the correct decision of 0.00001%!"

Ling Xiaole smiled with confidence and led Li Yao and Black Night Lan to the depths of the game hall.

In a short while, the three went roughly to the center of the game hall.

Li Yao was deeply attracted by the particularly grand light curtain of the three groups.

He found that the three worlds of light curtains with a diameter of forty or fifty meters were the center of the entire game hall, and the light curtain world inspired by all the other players floated around them.

Li Yao looked at his neck for a long time, and the more he looked, the more familiar he was, he couldn’t help but ask: “What is this?”

"This is three very old pieces of information, and it can even be said to be the starting point of the entire Civilization."

Ling Xiaole’s watery eyes once again burst into the light of pride that was difficult to describe with pen and ink. “One hundred years ago, the greatest hero of the old federal era, Li Yao, met in the Kunlun ruins and the imperial cultivators. In order to brainwash him, he showed him the history of the decline of some self-cultivation civilizations, including 'Panlong Civilization', 'Pharmacy Fork Civilization', and 'Wu Ying, Sha Man Civilization'.

"When making the original "Civilization" game, it became the content of the first piece of information about how to save these three comprehension civilizations.

"At that time, the "Civilization" game was just getting started, and the level of players was uneven. Even professional politicians, or the highly powerful Yuan Yingqiang, all kinds of civilizations encountered in the millennium development. There is no clear concept of the problem.

"So, for the past few decades, no one has been able to break through the highest difficulty of these pieces of information, and its more complex, difficult and realistic follow-up upgrades.

"However, the hard work pays off, with the popularity of "Civilization", the joining of the new world, the level of players continues to improve, and finally someone has come up with a solution.

"Before your eyes, the 'Dragon Culture', 'Pipek Civilization' and 'Wu Ying, Sha Man Civilization', which are manipulated by countless game masters, have developed prosperity after at least a thousand years. Yes, we realize The expectations of the former vulture Li Yao's "Civilization" brought a brighter future to these already dying worlds of comprehension!" (~^~)

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