Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1658: Flowers for the brothers and sisters of the past

"Panlong, medicine fork, Wuying and Shaman..."

Li Yao was a little embarrassed, as if he had returned to more than a hundred years ago, on the ruins of Kunlun, the time when the immortal Su Changfa first "brained his brain".

To this day, he still remembers the incomparable weakness of over-medical treatment, and finally ruined the virus fork civilization; because the mother star is rich in resources and loses the enterprising heart, eventually succumbing to the Panlong civilization in the home garden; and without discrimination and education I rushed to accept the Shaman, led the wolf into the room, and took the martial arts.

He remembered that after the outbreak of the virus, the body of the corpse crossed the wild; remember that the empty star port of the Panlong civilization, riddled with holes, rust, and can never break through the wreckage of the cloud ship; remember the last Wu Ying The young man who later became the 'Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi' was struggling to be thrown into the volcanic lava.

All this... can it really change?

Ling Xiaole gave Li Yao a special advanced "Civilization" dedicated to the brain.

This miniature crystal brain is directly connected to the database of the game hall, which makes it easy to mobilize the game records of most of the open world, that is, the history of the rise and fall of different "civilizations".

By tapping the icon on the light curtain, you can enjoy the new road of the three civilizations of “Dragon, Medicine, and Wuying” in the virtual world from the beginning.

The time scale is highly concentrated. Every second in reality represents a month in the virtual world. Various information flows like a waterfall, which represents every major event in the game.

Li Yao held his breath and saw three different roads from the brainwashing illusion more than a hundred years ago.

He saw that some of the fork people had awakened to the defects of their own civilization in advance, deliberately created and lived in some "dirty chambers" different from the "sterile world" outside, and maintained certain immunity. When the ultimate plague broke out, They are united, hard to survive, invented all kinds of new supernatural powers, cultivated the body from scratch, strong flesh and blood, awakened a string of powerful genes that have been sleeping for a long time, and finally defeated the virus and the plague, in the devastating On the ground, re-rooting and germination, flowering results.

He saw that the rulers of the Panlong world struggled again and again with the short-sightedness and inertia inherent in human beings, and marched toward the Xinghai at all costs, no matter how much the price paid, and insisted that the resources of the parent star were completely exhausted. The construction of deep-sea fleets across the world has been completed, and the Panlong people have the ability to sail and sail the sea.

He saw that in the small-scale social experiment, Wu Mingming realized the danger of opening the door with rashly, completely gave up the kind and unprepared innocence without the mind, and first used his strong civilization to enter the Shamanjie. In the centuries-old rule and education, after assimilation of most of the Shaman, slowly introduce a new generation of Shaman into Wuying.

"This is the highest level of difficulty in the three highest levels of the game, but it is by no means the only mode. Today, there are countless players who have come up with various ways to save these civilizations, although many methods are rare. It’s weird and even deviant, but at least one of them has kept the bottom line of the comprehension, the bottom line of humanity.”

Ling Xiaole said, "And more than a hundred years ago, the cultivators had different brainwashing on Li Yao. In the highest difficulty, every detail is real. Every problem is objective, even more than the real 'medicine fork, plate. The crisis facing the dragon and Wu Ying's civilization is even more serious.

"99% of the players have failed, but after hundreds of tens of millions of failures, people have finally succeeded in pushing these three civilizations forward for more than a thousand years! This proves no matter how complicated, difficult and dangerous, The road to light is still there!"

Li Yao ignored her and was immersed in the new world of the three civilizations.

He slowed down the speed of the timeline, magnified the picture on the light curtain, and observed a group of prosperous, prosperous medicine forks, Panlong and Wuming Mingcheng, watching a piece of medicine fork man, Panlong people, Wu Yingren And the smile of the shaman.

Even if he knew that these were virtual brains, he felt very gratified and satisfied.

In such a "Wuying world", even if there is a young boy named "Xiaoqi", at this moment, he must be fighting for a better future, and will never become "Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi". ?

Ling Xiaole watched Li Yao’s reaction next to him. Suddenly his small hand shook, and the crystal brain shot a mysterious light. He condensed into a bunch of delicate flowers in her fingers and handed it over to Li Yao.

"Although the Panlong civilization, the medicinal fork civilization and the martial arts have already been destroyed, I think that people who have lived in these civilizations will feel gratified if they are in the spirit of heaven and see that their world can become so beautiful. ?

"Would you like to give them a bunch of flowers to commemorate these civilizations that have been scattered all over the Xinghai, but have already withered for thousands of years? These are our brothers and sisters who have never been masked."

Li Yao took a deep breath and nodded. He took over the virtual flowers that did not exist from Ling Xiaole.

Ling Xiaole smiled and continued: "A lot of people come to the game hall. The first thing is to sacrifice flowers to these lost civilizations. Each virtual flower consumes one star coin, and when the player buys a bunch of flowers, and More than 120 groups and sects of Civilization with strategic agreements will come up with another coin to join a special foundation.

"The purpose of this foundation was to continuously launch various unmanned exploration starships around the Xinghai, especially in the vicinity of the Xinghai Sea, to find more in the sphere of the Empire and the sacred forces. Since the collapse of the Xinghai Empire, it has been scattered. A 10,000-year human civilization.

" Panlong, medicine fork and Wumingming have been destroyed, but we believe that in the four places of the Xinghai Sea, there must be more civilizations of the same type, still in the dark, isolated and helpless, struggling and need help.

“Although our exploration has never been achieved for decades, as long as the federation does not die, this work will never stop. We will definitely find them, tell them the existence of the federation, tell them... a brighter future is there. !"

These words made Li Yao respect the new federal government that designed this system.

Ling Xiaole smiled more and more happy, and the white teeth like jade shined brightly: "This bunch of flowers is my private offer, because there is another saying, if you give a bunch of flowers to these brothers who are annihilated in the depths of the Xinghai, You will have a lot of luck when playing games, just like worshipping Li Yao, you don't think it is a superstition?"

Li Yao couldn't help but laugh.

This time, he did not reject Ling Xiaole's kindness, and raised the virtual flowers to three civilizations that are still thriving in the Xinghai and striding forward.

The colorful flowers burst into pieces, turned into colorful butterflies, and they were divided into three groups. They flew into the three giant light curtains, as if they had fallen to the shoulders of Panlong, Zhifu, Wuying and Shaban. .

"May you rest in peace."

Ling Xiaole is holding his hands together, hehe, "Please also bless us, bless the Stars Federation, always good luck!"

After completing the "folk culture" that gave flowers to the old civilization, Li Yao and Hei Lanlan were led to a VIP room.

As the special envoy of the Speaker, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the new federation, Li Yao naturally cannot be completely addicted to a game like a normal player.

Ling Xiaole has selected more than 100 representative pieces of information for Li Yao, covering all aspects of the new federal centennial, and may not necessarily have to play.

As long as you have enjoyed the classic performances of the game masters, you can have a profound and meticulous understanding of the new century's centuries.

However, the two worlds that were first presented by Ling Xiaole were gray, devastated and almost dead.

“Before the adult ceremonies of all federal people, that is, they are allowed to enter the real world of civilization, they must complete a series of virtual courses in which they will be shown a ruin because of wrong decisions. The "failed world" is used to remind them that the progress of a civilization, how ruthless, treacherous, and a little careless, will be ruined!"

What Ling Xiaole showed to Li Yao is the two worlds based on the real new federal history.

In both virtual worlds, policymakers have made the opposite of the real world.

The "key decision point" of the first failed world is the 70-year-old Star Alliance, which is only the Tianyuan, the Flying Star and the Blood Demon, and the crystal world where all kinds of resources are extremely scarce, and only the spar veins are available. The first time I met.

In the real world, both sides have maintained great restraint, especially the main warring factions within the federation have been suppressed. After lengthy negotiations, they have made considerable compromises and completed the merger.

In this failed virtual world, the main warring faction within the federation has the upper hand.

"There are nothing in the desert barbarians, even the starships can't make them, but they occupy so many spar veins in vain. Why? I don't want to wait, for the development of the federation, in order to resist the attack of the real human empire, we must swallow the crystal as soon as possible. boundary!"

Such a voice has become the mainstream of the parliament and the military.

The federation in the virtual world has launched a conquest war on the crystal world.

The progress of the war is very smooth. Indeed, as these main warring factions have said, they are extremely lacking in all kinds of metal resources. Even the crystal civilization that is not possessed by the starship refining technology is completely incapable of resisting the federal attack. The surface of the main star is soon fed. Complete occupation.

But the harsh desert environment of the crystal world, as well as the guerrillas in the desert, have caused the occupation forces, mining alliances and resource monopolies to suffer.

Even the crystal people who dare not join the guerrillas at least dare to destroy all the mines in various ways, causing the extremely unstable spar veins to explode.

The mining base was severely damaged, and the cost of mining remained high. The war that cost huge sums of money became a loss-making transaction, which seriously delayed the development of the federal mainland. It was proposed at the “Yuan Ying Conference” a hundred years ago. The plan against the empire was all dragged down.

The federals have not recovered from the annoyance, making their more depressed things happen. (To be continued.)

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