Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1664: Bear child civilization

Professor Mo Xuan's silver-white metal body surface smashed a circle of shackles, which quickly broke through the boundaries of his body and spread to the entire auditorium, every corner.

Regardless of the students of the Tianyin Academy in the video, or today, decades later, Li Yao, who is watching this video in the shuttle bus, is a grand, long-term and infinite possibility contained by Professor Mo Xuan. Deep shocked.

Even Xie Wufeng, the representative of the "Warning Party", was pale and into deep thought. After a while, he began to refute reluctantly: "...I still think, Professor Mo, you are too optimistic about the 'sub-civilization', too ideal I have just said that I have two sons and one daughter. I watched them grow up a little bit, so I know deeply how much the nature of babies and children is, even if it is not called 'evil', at least Driven by unconscious curiosity, full of unbridled destructive power!

"Baby and children can use their magnifying glasses to burn ants with great interest, and laugh at them; they can loosen their wings, just to observe the creep and distortion of insects; it can also take an hour or two to build hard From the towers, it is just to enjoy the pleasure of completely destroying them in a second!

"This is the child, this is the evil of humanity without disguise!

"To deal with ordinary 'bear children', we can train and educate these powerful 'adults', but we don't know, a virtual sub-culture born on the basis of the brain and the net, or 'bear child civilization 'Which form is it, how much power it has!

"I want to remind Professor Mo, but also remind all of you here that even ourselves, in a sense, are a 'bear child civilization'! Think about it, our strict 'father', crushing us arbitrarily The Pangu civilization, which was enslaved, was rebelled by us, suppressed, and destroyed! But our kindly 'mother', who had selflessly helped us, made us completely awakened by the 'Nvwa civilization', where did they go? Will it be reversed, suppressed, or even completely destroyed by us?

"This is what I want to say. Don't underestimate the destructive power of the bear child, let alone avoid its evil. In the dark and cold universe, there is no such thing as "the beginning of man, the nature is good"!"

The remarks made the atmosphere of the hottest place begin to cold again. Many students fell into deep thought again, and there was a buzzing voice around them.

"Your worry is very reasonable. I very much agree with you, Professor Xie."

To everyone's surprise, Professor Mo Xuan actually said such a sentence, and then in the awkwardness of the students, the words turned and said, "So, there are only two ways in front of you and all the 'policemen'. .

"The first road, Professor Xie, and all of you here agree with Professor Xie, that the development of Jingnao and Lingwang will eventually create a terrible 'virtual bear child civilization', and eventually destroy the human classmates, please immediately unload Your carry-on brain, smash it, from now on, no longer contact with the crystal brain and the spirit net, not online shopping, do not use the spirit network to set-out, do not play online games, do not accept the distance network distance education, not Make friends online, don't use the internet shuttle bus, don't use online financial services... Return to the era of self-sufficiency and slash-and-burn.

"You don't just want to do this yourself, but you have to find ways to persuade the federal authorities to do so, to ban the existence of the brain and the net in the entire federal territory.

"No, it’s not enough to seal the brain and the net. It’s not enough. The real human empire and the covenant alliance have more powerful masters than the federal performance. Their spiritual network is at least developed with us. Up and down, so you must also persuade the empire and the sacred authorities, as well as all the unknown human civilizations in the three thousand worlds, and all the unknown non-human civilizations outside the three thousand worlds to abandon technologies like the brain and the net.

"If you can't 'persuade' the Empire and the Holy Alliance, then you have to find a way to expand the power of the Union to the extent that it completely destroys the Empire and the Holy Alliance without relying on the Crystal Brain and the Spirit Net.

"Come on, who is there to try first? I don't say forever, I don't want you to use the brain for a lifetime, don't touch the internet, even if you just do a small experiment, one year! Who can swear, one year? Internet access, is there any? Are there any classmates raising their hands? Other students can supervise him and testify for him!"

There was a meaningless snicker around the auditorium. For a whole minute, no one dared to raise his hand.

Professor Mo Xuan also smiled: "It seems that there is no, then Professor Xie, you, you are so wary of the big one, you are willing to take the initiative, as an example, never touch the network from now on, do not use the crystal brain I noticed that the miniature crystal brain worn on your left wrist is the 'Feiyan-9', a super-high-level miniature crystal brain that was just released last month, and from the engraving of the two sides, You choose the highest computing power of the highest configuration? It seems that you don't seem to worry too much, this 'Feiyan-9' will become fine!"

There was another sneer in the auditorium, surrounded by a happy atmosphere.

Xie Wufeng blushes, and the subconscious mind shrinks the naked wrist into the sleeves, stuttering: "I, of course, we are not going to completely negate the meaning of the crystal brain and the spiritual net, just say, just say this The development of technology should have its boundaries..."

"Boundaries, where, how to control?"

Professor Mo Xuan asked aggressively, "For example, the federal parliament passed a new law that enforces all the brain computing power in the federal government. The maximum is no more than one billion thoughts per second? Or the cross-star sea light road that crosses the four-dimensional space. The maximum speed must not exceed how much. Once exceeded, is it illegal?

"Let's face it, Professor Xie! The reality is that once we start using the brain and the net, we can't stop it from getting higher and higher. The speed is getting faster and faster, and it is improved by geometric progression until it breaks through. Another so-called 'critical point'! If in such a virtual world, a new life form will really be born, then life will find its own way, not any power can stop!

"Your vigilance, it's too late! Maybe before humans invented the first crystal brain, and even the first simple calculation of the magic weapon, you issued such warnings and worries, that is still useful! But now, the wings of the butterfly It has long been fanned, and the invisible storm has been born and bred in the depths of Xinghai Lingwang. In the near future, it will sweep the entire universe!

"We can't enjoy the convenience and progress brought by Jingnao and Lingwang, but refuse to accept the unknown variables and consequences that it may bring. There is no such cheap thing in the world! Your vigilance, IMHO, in addition to bringing There is no practical significance beyond the kindness of 'everyone is drunk and I am alone'!

"If you are a true ‘vigilant’ and want to avoid the disaster caused by ‘bear child civilization’, the above road will not work, only the second road can go.

"That is to join us!"

Professor Mo Xuan's liquid metal body surface slowly grows eight metal tentacles, which makes his appearance look even more weird, not even like the traditional "human".

His voice has become more and more ethereal, deep and calm. "Professor Xie, as well as all of you here, you are mostly literary-type comprehensions. You can become a very good script architect and content director. Welcome everyone to join Civilization. The production team, we will work together to create a beautiful new world, a bright future, a virtual universe that is derived from reality and higher than reality!

"In this way, even one day, our children, some new virtual life form is really born in "Civilization", when it awakens the first self-consciousness, the first time you open your eyes, you see such a A warm, kind, beautiful new world, it will regard the order and the law of the world as the truth of the world, as the true 'humanity', as something worthy of its inheritance and protection!

"Do you understand, you, whether it will become a 'bear child civilization', it depends on us, depends on each of us, everything we do in the real and virtual world!

"This is my point of view. Standing on the scale of thousands of years, the virtual sub- civilization based on the brain and the spiritual network will be born. The only question is whether it was born in the federation, the empire or the sacred alliance! If it was born in the empire Or the words of the Holy League, it has a great probability to grow into the 'bear child civilization' that Professor Xie is worried about and destroy all of us.

"Since it can't be stopped, we can only find ways to let it take the lead in the Union, and use the federal 'dao heart' to point it, making it the next generation of 'virtual comprehension civilization'!

"We often say that the wars of the federation, the empire and the sacred alliance are not only for the hegemony of the Xinghai, but also for the ‘road disputes’ of human evolution.

"So, who will give birth to the ‘virtual sub-civilization’, which will inherit the morality and spirit of the other party’s power, and become the next generation’s “federal”, “empire” or “holy alliance”?

"This may be the ultimate embodiment of the so-called "avenue dispute"!

"The birth of the virtual sub-civilization is not a one-off event. This "great battle" is likely to last for hundreds of years, thousands of years and even longer, but the starting point of everything is at this moment, and it is manipulated in your hands. on!

"Join us, join "Civilization", Xie Daoyou, and fellow students! "Civilization" needs your help, the federation needs everyone's help, the future needs everyone's help, 'the son of mankind', the sub-civilization we will eventually be born, Need everyone's selfless help!" (~^~)

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