Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1665: The collapse of the virtual world

The video ends here.

There was no applause at the end.

Because of the inclusion of Xie Wufeng, all the lecturers, professors and college students present at the Tianyue Academy all looked at their hands involuntarily.

As if they were in their palms, there is really a small, fragile, immature "sub-civilization" that is gestating and about to be born.

Professor Mo Xuan’s calm, crystal-like tone contains a strong force that penetrates the barriers of time and space. Today, after several decades, Li Yao, who watched this video, could not help but slightly spread. Open your hands.

Somehow, he suddenly remembered that more than a hundred years ago, in the cosmic vacuum near the remains of Kunlun, he was facing the day when the pulsed neutron star got up and down his hand.

At that time, he had decided to go to the dark nebula to take risks, but he did not know if he could still come back alive, so he took the essence of the sun and the moon, collected the aura of the universe, and gathered the giant psionic power of the pulsed neutron star, leaving some seeds of life. .

When the night is dark, the road ahead is long and unpredictable. When you die, you will leave the seeds of life and give birth to better, stronger and more evolved offspring. People will become fearless and will be more guarded and fighting. And the courage to move forward!

As an individual, when human civilization as a whole is swaying in the dark universe, why not?

As the saying goes, playing the tiger brothers, the human civilization of the father and son soldiers at this moment, is still too lonely. If you really create a sub-civilization, the father and the son side by side, together against the darkness and sin of the universe, is it better?

Li Yao looked at the window.

At this moment, the artificial scorpio of the circular world was slowly replaced by the night, when thousands of households were in dire sacred lights.

On the winding streets of the downtown area, there are also many citizens who support the elderly and take the children. They slowly pace on the street and go to the restaurant for dinner.

The children are holding their parents' hands on the swings, or running around their parents, or entangled their parents to ask for it, laughter, carefree, innocent.

The smiles that parents have in the depths of wrinkles seem to be more intense and splendid than the smiles of the children!

Looking at the warm picture of this scene, Li Yao's heart is ups and downs, and he is filled with emotion.

One hundred years during the hibernation, it was just a blink of an eye. In the ancient sacred world, he did not feel the passage of time, but also regarded himself as a young man in the 20s and 30s.

However, returning to the Confederacy, I really perceive the passing of a hundred years, and his mentality has undergone subtle changes. It turns out that I really think of myself as a centenarian.

"Sub-civilization...Children...Oh, I didn't expect even Ding Ling to accept a righteous woman, but it was the seed of life that I left with her, and it didn't seem to be born!"

Li Yao carefully consulted relevant information. If the seeds of life of the "Three Realms" and "Federal God of War" really came out to give birth to future generations, such explosive news must be well known throughout the Federation.

Such a thing did not happen.

He didn't know what to regret, but he should have a good breath.

But if you think about it, if you go back to the Federation this time, you will see Ding Ling, and suddenly there are a few 16-year-old girls and boys, and it is quite scary to call him "Dad."

At the thought of such a scene, Li Yao could not help but fight a cold war.

It’s terrible, don’t want it!

Standing in the perspective of a Yuan Ying old blame, he is still young and young, and he is full of glory. He still wants to be full of stars and waves everywhere. Ask the children about this kind of thing, let's talk about it later!

Li Yao fixed his mind and forcibly suppressed the cranky thoughts. Some curiously asked Ling Xiaole: "The video was finished, but it was thought-provoking, but I don't know what happened later. Under the efforts of Professor Mo Xuan, was the "child civilization" born?"

"of course not."

Ling Xiaole sighed and screamed at the gang to "create a new life, and it is a new civilization with self-awareness and a high degree of development. Where is it so easy? It is not really a fantasy novel!"

"If you can't understand the difficulty of this matter, let's give you an original planet with atmospheric and liquid water, which is suitable for the birth and reproduction of life, and give you some single-cell life with strong vitality and unlimited evolution. , in the ocean of the planet, how long will it take you to cultivate them into real civilization?"

Li Yao nodded thoughtfully.

Indeed, the birth of life is destined to be impossible, even if the evolutionary laws of the virtual world are different from the real world, even if the speed is hundreds of times faster than the long years of gestation of life, it will not help.

Not to mention, the fragility of the original life, it is very likely to die halfway!

Ling Xiaole continued: "A few decades ago, a research group headed by Professor Mo Xuan did try to explore the relevant directions. They are like looking for an 'original planet' suitable for the birth of life. A small corner opened up a 'virtual planet', a piece of information dedicated to the research team, or a small 'child civilization hatchery'.

"They try to create virtual life in this small world called 'virtual world', which is of course not a self-conscious senior life, at best, some, oh, like 'virtual fungi, virtual algae, virtual trilobites' And so, the original virtual life!

"I don't understand the principles and terminology in this respect. It's roughly what you mean. Can you understand?"

Li Yao thought for a moment: "Is it like a brain virus?"

Ling Xiaole nodded: "Almost, but certainly more advanced and more complex than the brain virus. Professor Mo Xuan hopes that these 'virtual paleontologies' can self-reproduce, slowly evolve, and constantly upgrade, and people can understand the birth and evolution of 'virtual life'. The mystery."

Li Yao listened to God: "After, succeeded?"

"No, the birth of life is mysterious and mysterious, unpredictable and manipulative. It is not that all the factors that will be able to give birth will be collected together, and it will certainly create a new life. The billions of stars in the universe can truly give birth. Even the planet of the most primitive fungi does not exceed one billionth of a billion. Any tiny factor can lead to the death of primitive life."

Having said that, Ling Xiaole’s look has become quite awkward. “Manpower is sometimes poor, 'Where is the creator’? Is it so good? Professor Mo Xuan has failed, and the 'virtual world' has completely collapsed and turned into a ridiculously dead figure. The ruins, which were eventually sealed and stored for this failed attempt, may be the worst blow in the centuries since the establishment of the new federation."

Li Yao thought about it, but still didn't understand: "Wait, the so-called 'virtual life' is originally a vain thing. No one expects that they can really be born in a few decades. It is a frontier experiment, even if it really fails. It seems that I can't talk about 'the worst blow'?"

"No, the collapse of the 'virtual world' itself is nothing, but it has caused several serious consequences."

Ling Xiaole explained, "At the time, the most important members of the "Civilization" production team, including Professor Mo Xuan, Professor Su Changfa, and Lu Changchen, a disciple of Su Changfa, joined the ‘incubation group’”

Li Yao blinked: "Is the first federal accomplice in the present, Lv Dengchen, the president of the emperor?"


Ling Xiaole said, "He was not a bad guy at the beginning. One hundred years ago, he was the only true disciple of Su Changfa. Su Changfa was second only to Li Yao, who made great contributions to "Civilization", so he was in Civilization. In the early days, Lv Dengchen was naturally a good assistant to Su Changfa. He was one of the core members of the Civilization Production Team and the best content architect and virtual world creator.

"Professor Mo Xuan, Su Changfa, Lv Qingchen, plus a group of the best crystal brain experts in the United States, jointly created the special material piece of 'virtual world', which was originally a simple experiment to verify some basic Theory and rules, but somehow, experimenting with the scorpion, triggered a serious accident.

"This accident directly led to the death of Su Changfa; subsequently, Professor Mo Xuan was also disheartened. He believed that the virtual life of self-consciousness could not be born within five hundred years with the development of the current crystal brain and the big one." In addition, we are facing the military pressure of the empire, he was forced to transfer to other fields of research, and finally he was replaced by Professor Xie Wufeng.

"More importantly, the accident happened, Master's tragic death, planted the seeds of the rebellion in the heart of Lv Dengchen, so that he eventually fell to the real human empire and became the president of the emperor's meeting!

"If history can be assumed, perhaps we can imagine that if Professor Mo Xuan was not so radical in the past, in an extremely immature environment, he would rush to launch the experiment of 'virtual world', and Su Changfa would not die, Professor Mo Xuan I will not be disheartened. Lv Qingchen will not be greatly stimulated and will fall to the empire.

"So, is the situation in the federation today much better? After all, within the federation, the ‘the Adventist’ can be said to be the number one trouble!”

It turned out to be the case. I didn’t expect that when I was asleep, there were so many things happening outside.

Ling Xiaole’s understatement of the accident, the truth must not be so simple, Su Changfa turned out to be so dead, even with Professor Mo Xuan are disheartened, really...

and many more!

Li Yao frowned, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Because, from their encounters on the Firefly, especially under the imperial proclamation of Lu Lichen, Ding Zhengyang and Cheng Xuansu launched a rebellion, Li Yao and Long Yangjun had analyzed before, Lu Qingchen had It may be that Jin Xinyue’s person deliberately created an “Emperor’s Proclamation” to attract all the immortals, so that they could be wiped out.

But now Ling Xiaole said that Lu was dusty because of the collapse of the "virtual world", and the death of Master Su Changfa was turned to the empire.

Is there a deeper article in it? (~^~)

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