Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1667: Help me consolidate!

The luxury hotel in the "Xinghai Republic Orthodox government delegation", the top-level senior elemental baby suite.

Li Yao has just set up a forbidden array that can block all eavesdropping and voyeurism. He immediately snorted and his face was painful and slanted softly on the chair.

The night of the night was shocked: "Ming Ling teacher, what happened to you?"

"I, the person's heart is a little shaken."

Li Yao's brows are tight, his eyes are tangled, his heart is sighing, and he says, "Black friends, help me consolidate!"

Night Blue: "Ah?"

Li Yao: "At the time of the ancient sacred world, it was described by you in a paradox. We have all steadfastly loyal to the true human empire, and to go to the heart of Xiuxian Avenue. It is planned to sneak into the Starry Federation to destroy it. Help the Black Wind Fleet to be external!

"But, black road friends, you and I have been together for half a year, and everyone's relationship is quite harmonious. Since you are open and honest, and I don't want to marry you.

"When I came to the Starry Federation, what I saw and heard, not only saw their mighty and mighty army, the vastness of the seven worlds, but also the vigor and timidity of the self-cultivating people. And this... the magnificent and vast The 'Large One Spiritual Network', let's be honest, this so-called 'small country” is not quite like 'unswerable, sitting still, heavenly soldiers, and annihilation'!

"So, my loyalty to the real human empire, and the belief in Xiuxian Avenue, gradually began to shake, and slipped toward the federal side.

"Black buddies, hurry up to promote the superiority of the empire and Xiuxian Avenue, and help me consolidate my heart!"

"This, this, this..."

The night of the night is immersed in the shock and shock of the great, the heart is like a dead leaf rolled up by the storm, stammering for a long time, but I do not know what to say.

Li Yao’s eyes flashed and he frowned. “Why, how can the gangsters swallow up, is it true that the Starry Federation is so powerful, even your heart has begun to waver?”

"of course not!"

The night blue elephant jumped up like a mouse biting his ass, and every hair on the body was erected like a steel needle.

However, the hairy bones suddenly stunned for a long time, wide-eyed, half-opened, but she had to admit, it seems that this is really the case!

As an elite female warrior, the commander of the Black Wind Fleet, and the high-level cultivator of the Dark Night, I never thought that I would fall into such a ridiculous and unreal situation.

She is a true cultivator, a noble warrior who vows to fight for the future of human civilization. "Only the avenue of cultivation can save human civilization." From the beginning of her birth, the adults have instilled her, and she All this is also convinced!

Even though her claw fleet was defeated by the barbarian fleet of the star-studded sea, when she was alone in the ancient sacred world, her loyalty and faith in Xiuxian Avenue did not waver.

Such a firm heart has driven her to plan a huge plan with enthusiasm and strategy beyond the limits of her own ability, trying to exhaust the entire sacred world of the ancient sacred world.

Despite the twists and turns of the process, there were many unexpected factors, but the final result seemed to be good. She really persuaded the twelve high-powered people of the ancient sacred world to kill the territory of the barbarians. The Starry Federation came. !

When she jumped to the Dragon Snake Star Field, the degree of development of the Starrays she observed seemed to be slightly more than estimated.

That's no big deal. If it's a strong territory or a strong military force, it's not enough to compete with the invincible Blackwind Fleet.

At least, she has contacted many of the world's exiles in the world of dragon snakes, such as "Tianhuan, Nether, Crystal and Shuhai", such as "Great Prophecy!" The Starry Federation is about to collapse! "These articles have all smashed the Stars of the Federation, and it is not worth mentioning. It seems that the Black Wind Fleet does not need to be used at all. The Federation itself must practice itself."

After seeing everything on the Firefly, she further strengthened her beliefs.

Although the rebellion initiated by Ding Zhengyang and Cheng Xuansu failed, it at least indicates that there are a large number of immortals in the government of the exile and the Xingyao Federation, as well as the establishment, system, and deep-seated federal capillaries of the emperor. The immortal organization that can launch a large-scale rebellion at any time.

Then, when the Black Wind Fleet is in the doldrums, the Emperor will wait for an opportunity to move, and the immortals will rise up, and the twelve ancient holy men on their own side will also launch a devastating blow in the heart of the Federation. Together, the group of tigers rushing to the sheep, the starry Federation, what is the chance of winning?

- Before I set foot on the federal mainland, Night Blue always thought so.

She has always been confident and proud. She came here with a kind of pity, just like a half-dead person who will be a wooden man.

But she did not expect that what she saw in the federation would be such a scene.

This is a new world that she was indoctrinated from her childhood, so that she is considered to be a natural way of life, completely different and contrary to her. It is a new civilization that she did not think of in her most ridiculous nightmare.

Let’s not talk about the huge fleet that the Federation used to refine the orbital shipyard of the Tianhuan Circle; nor the high self-confidence of ordinary practitioners like Ling Xiaole; ​​let alone in the cities of the ring world. Ordinary people are calm, happy, and affluent; if they say that the first one is a spiritual network, they say "Civilization"!

The crystal brain of the real human empire is more developed than the Starry Federation. Of course, there are also things like "too illusory", and there are various immersive virtual worlds.

In fact, even the federal "Civilization" is based on the "brain-washing system" on the ship of the empire-cultivator Su Changfa and others.

The empire also has a illusory environment, but it is mainly used for learning, cultivation, and communication. There are many restrictions on its use. It is even more impossible for the stupid and low-lying "original people" to use the spiritual network on a large scale. This is the privilege of the immortal. .

The night of the night never knows that the virtual world of the illusory world can be so vast and rich, and never thought about it. You can also use the illusory world to open the wise to teach those... by the empire and the cultivator It is considered to be an "original person" who is absolutely impossible to be educated. It can even use the illusory environment to collect the views of the "original people" on national events, and the "original people" to determine the future direction of a civilization!

The low-lying original people can talk about national politics. This world is terrible!

The feeling of the night blue is like watching the fish fly in the sky, the birds swim in the sea, the sun turns into four squares, the trees grow upside down, and the roots must pierce the sky.

A world that seems impossible to be established, but everything is orderly, orderly, stable and efficient!

"How can it be?"

"The conspirators of the Xingyao Federation, who clearly control the powerful power and superior wisdom, why are they so good to the original people, have also enacted various laws to restrain themselves and bow to the original people? This is not to let the original people lick their noses. Face, can't be lawless?

"The original people here seem to be different from the original people of the empire. They are so peaceful and peaceful, happy, and even preoccupied. They really participated in the management of public affairs. They thought they could really Fight side by side with the comprehension, and protect the country together!

"Why? The so-called original people should not be stupid and selfish, greedy and awkward, short-sighted and crazy low-level races, sending civilization to the hands of the original, as if to deliver a beautiful and rich orchard. Like a hungry monkey, it will definitely be ruined by them! Why, the 'orchard' here is not spoiled by the 'monkeys'?

"Promotion, this must be the propaganda of the Federation. The Federation originally wanted to confuse the Firefly to join, naturally it is necessary to come up with the best side to confuse the delegation and confuse the so-called 'Red Lotus Team'!

"But, but can such a large-scale propaganda really be forged? They don't seem to hide the dark side in particular, and even deliberately present it to us!

"It’s terrible, it’s terrible! Even the loyal warriors who were captured ten years ago, the Empire and the Xiuxian Avenue were enchanted and brainwashed in just a few years, and they were completely transformed into self-cultivators! What kind of country is it? What is the road to comprehension?"

The dark night blue screamed wildly in the bottom of his heart, unable to contain it and shuddered.

Li Yao stared blankly at the dark night orchid: "Black buddy, say, why don't you talk, what is the superiority of the empire and Xiuxian Avenue compared to what we see now? I see people here, It’s quite a happy life, at least better than the ancient sacred world, so it’s a good choice to go to the federation, what do you say?”

"This, all this is fake!"

The night of the night, the gods set their minds, and they looked at them with a snarl. "It must be that the federal government has used some method to overdraw the potential of the entire civilization to meet the needs of these original people! These are just superficial scenery, strong outside, Unbearable! When the Black Wind Fleet arrives, under the weight of the war, I don’t believe that these comprehensions and the original people can really work together and fight side by side!"

"is it?"

Li Yao smiled. "So, you don't deny that the life we ​​just saw is awesome. I just worry about such a system. Such a 'comprehensive road' can't cope with the pressure of war, right? In other words, if you can play If you win, you are not opposed to living in such a world?"

The night of the night is a little glimpse, shaking his head hard: "Impossible, absolutely impossible! Such greedy pleasure, indulgence of the original, innocent and childish, not paying attention to the most efficient use of resources to cultivate the true civilization, is definitely not the opponent of our cultivation of immortal civilization! The Empire will win, The Black Wind Fleet will win, and the Star Alliance will be defeated!"

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