Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1668: I will help you

"look into my eyes!"

Just in the darkness of the night, the voice was exhausted, and I was so excited that I was tempted Li Yao or hypnotized myself. Li Yao suddenly raised his voice unexpectedly. His sharp eyes were like two ice skates, deeply piercing the pupil of the night blue!

The night of the night is a sly, and the depths of the brain are rolled up in the waves, and the soul of Li Yao’s powerful and unparalleled spirit is deeply shocked.

"Black friends, everyone is a high-ranking monk, not the first day to practice, there is no need to say anything ‘will win no doubt’ and so on!”

Li Yao has a word, cold and cold, "I touched your heart and told me honestly. According to your research on the territory, military power, national strength and resistance will of the stars, you feel that it is in the black wind. How many odds do you have in the Battle of the Fleet and the Stars Federation?

"If you really have confidence in Xiuxian Avenue and have confidence in the real human empire, then there is no need to lie to me, and there is no need to deceive yourself. Your winning rate is unlikely to be 100%, right?"

The night is blue and speechless.

Indeed, let alone she can't fool Li Yao, who is three or four times higher than her own. Even if she can deceive Li Yao, she can't deceive her own heart.

She silently calculated for a moment, looked up again, biting her lip and said: "I don't know how the strength of the '燎原船队', but even if they exaggerate their strength, the black wind fleet's winning percentage is at least 90%... 80% or more! ”


Li Yao nodded and said meaningfully, "That is to say, you also have a 10% chance, may you fail?"

The night of the night Lan Lan said: "This, there is no way, I don't want to deceive the teacher of Lingbi. The development of the Xingyao Federation is indeed beyond our expectations. In particular, when we set off a hundred years ago, it is impossible to think of the Xingyao Federation. Discover a valuable 'Kunlun ruins' that enable them to reach and even surpass us in the field of magical powers and magic weapons.

"The technological development and civilization leap from the Kunlun ruins has triggered a chain reaction, helping them find and conquer the four new territories, and their territories and national strength have increased dramatically!

"In any case, the battle of two similar series of civilizations, the results are always difficult to predict, the winning rate of eighty-nine percent is not much different from the 'winning'."

Li Yao shook his head: "The reason is not important. I only need to know that the result is that you also have a 10% chance of losing, which is enough."

"Black Road Friends, you have been instilling in my past seven months the Xiuxian Avenue. It seems that the weak and the strong, the defeat of the king is the truth of the world. The weak will naturally surrender to the strong. The loser should be swallowed by the winner. According to your own theory, if you are black The wind fleet really hit the '10%' chance and lost to the Stars Federation, indicating that you are the weak, the federation is the strong, then you surrender to the federation, integrate into the federation, and even turn to believe and practice the federal' It’s also a matter of course?

The night of the night, the blue eyes are stunned, and they are red-faced and stuttering: "This, of course, can't be done. This, how can this be done, can't understand this!"

Li Yao frowned slightly, rubbing his chin, a confusing look: "Why, is there any problem with my understanding? Even you say that you have a 10% chance of failing. The strong is respectful, isn't it?"


The night blue is like a cannon. "Even if I admit that the Black Wind Fleet has a 10% chance of failure, it is only a tactical defeat. We are only a fleet of the Empire, only condensing the power of several worlds." But the real human empire has controlled hundreds of worlds a hundred years ago, and we are just a glimpse!

"If we lose this time, the Emperor will definitely send more fleets, mobilize the power of dozens of worlds, and certainly fight the Star Alliance, there is no doubt!"

Li Yao shook his head and said with earnestness: "It is wrong to say this. The real human empire has hundreds of worlds. If you dump all of it, you can bully it, and hundreds of worlds besieged the seven worlds of the federation. Of course, you will win, but Such a victory, it is inevitable that there is a suspicion of victory, and can not prove the superiority of Xiuxian Avenue!

"Inversely, to the hundreds of worlds in the Federation, the seven worlds that besieged the empire can naturally win. Does this mean that the road to comprehension is more powerful than the Avenue of Xiuxian? Can't you, the gangster?"

The dark night blue shook his head and shook his head: "This... of course not."

"That's right!"

Li Yao’s hands were carried, and he stepped up in the Yuanying Suite. “I’m thinking about it, but it’s the battle between the Black Wind Fleet and the Stars Federation. It’s fairly fair. 'Shinzhen Avenue' and 'Xianxian Avenue', which one is even more powerful!

"Look, the Starry Federation has seven worlds, but it is located on the edge of the stars and the resources are relatively poor.

"The Black Wind Fleet is a force that has assembled the five rich worlds of the Central Xinghai, but they are all defeated and they have traveled long distances.

"Seven remote and small worlds are waiting for labor and long-distance expeditions to the five rich and powerful worlds. Let us assume that the physical strength of the two sides is almost the same?"

The night blue meditation for a long time, barely nodded: "...can."

"The physical strength is almost the same, then the decision to win or lose is only the system, system, spirit and will of each other."

Li Yaodao, "So, if the Xingyao Federation wins in this battle, it proves that the ‘Comprehensive Road’ can stand the test of war, is superior to ‘Xianxian Avenue’, and more representative of the future of human civilization?”

The night Lan Lan rounded his eyes and thought for a long time: " doesn't seem to be."

Li Yao continued: "If you really believe in the concept of 'weak meat and strong food, the strong is respected', then nature should surrender to the real tyrannical road. In the case of defeat, change the camp and plunge into the battle flag of the road to comprehension. It’s not natural, it’s just plain, right?”

Dark night blue is weak: "I, I am a little confused, I have to think about it, think about it!"

"I am a bit confused, it doesn't matter. Let's learn from each other and study slowly. You help me, I will help you, and the heart will become more and more clear!"

Li Yao touched his chin and said, "Black friends, I have been with you for half a year. I found that you are not a psychopath, and you like to abuse and abuse ordinary people."

The night blue brow wrinkles: "Why does the teacher of Lingbi say this? Our cultivators will not be okay to abuse the original people! A true cultivator, especially a noble noble in the cultivator, treats The attitude of the original person should be like the shepherd treating his lamb. It is one thing to cut wool and kill sheep and eat meat. Abuse and jealousy are another matter!

"Even if we really want to kill the sheep, we are all very humanitarian. We will try our best to make the lambs die clean and without pain.

"As for a small group of misbehaving, to play with the guys who are happy with the original people, we are also very disgusted with what they do, but there is no way, the bad guys always exist, there are bad people in the immortals, there are also in the comprehens The bad guys, the Sparks Federation is not a big case committed by many comprehensions. Isn't there a third secret of the Secret Sword Bureau that specifically deals with the crime of comprehension?

Li Yao nodded: "There are insights, gangsters, so at least, you will not be okay to abuse the original person, nor will you oppose the original person to be happy, but you think that only the original person can be squeezed. Providing a steady stream of fuel for the advancement of human civilization?"


The night is blue and the iron is broken. "This is no doubt!"

"No, this is a question, at least there are 10% small questions now."

Li Yaodao, "In case, if there is another road, it can open up the wisdom of the original people, stimulate their timidity, cultivate their vision and sense of responsibility, and finally make these 'original people' and the 'real people' like us fight side by side. Join forces to exert more powerful power and push human civilization to new heights! If this road really exists, you will not refuse, right?"

The dark night blue is desperately trying to squint. I don’t know how to respond. I thought for a long time and said: "Ming Ling teacher, are you a comprehension?"

Li Yao shook his head, and did not change his color and did not jump. "I am neither a self-cultivator nor a cultivator. I am an ancient master.

"Whether you are a cultivator, or a self-cultivator of the Xingyao Federation, you will be immersed in each other's systems in your lifetime. Naturally, there will be various preconceived ideas, and slowly cultivate an unshakable heart.

"But we have never been exposed to modern civilization from the ancient sacred world. We can say that it is completely neutral, without a little bit of position and prejudice, so we can stand on a more objective and neutral perspective to observe 'the road to comprehension'. And the advantages and disadvantages of 'Xianxian Avenue'.

"Actually, I really want to thank you.

"Before half a year ago, when you haven't appeared yet, we have all these ancient revisions. We are acting by instinct alone. Although the strength is great, what is the difference with the barbaric primitive dinosaurs?

"When you first appeared, deter us with the strength of the real human empire. We will promise to surrender to the empire and cooperate with you because of our instinct for life.

"But in the past six months, thanks to what you have given, I have learned the true meaning of cultivation, and I have learned that the ‘Avenue’ of the survival of civilization and the righteousness of life has really made me a mountain villager like this, suddenly and cheerfully!

"Yes, these ancient revisions should not be so selfish. We only consider the safety of our small world, but we should look at the problem at a higher scale, right?

"If the real human empire represents the future of mankind, then of course we should not hesitate to help the Black Wind Fleet, killing the inside of the Federation, and turning the federal internal organs into trouble!

"But if, in that 10% chance, the road to comprehension is correct, does the Xingyao Federation represent the future of mankind?

"So, whether it is our ancient repairs, or the gangsters, you are so vocal about fighting for the future of mankind, should the "real cultivators" not hesitate to stand on the side of the federation to confront and even transform the empire? "(To be continued.)

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