Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1673: Two apples

The doubts of Bai Lian's mother are also the doubts of all the other Yuan Ying old monsters. Many ancient holy strong people once again sent a sigh of emotion, calling Huazi Ba Xiaoyu and the bitter masters to tell their stories.

In the ancient sacred world, Ba Xiaoyu is a smashing city, playing the heroes of the world, and the masters of bitterness are dedicated to saving the world and pursuing all beings.

Therefore, the areas they are going to examine are the federal charity and rescue industries, and they hope to see how the Xingyao Federation treats the poorest people at the bottom of society.

They visited several orphanages and relief stations today, and also took the track lift platform and went deep into the underground of the Tianhuan Star to see what kind of treatment the miners living there, especially their children.

"We saw a lot of schools with quite a lot of facilities on the ground. The students are ordinary children of miners, but many of the teachers are all self-cultivators, and even masters who have come to the core from the core world." !"

Recalling the scenes that I saw during the day, Ba Xiaoyu felt incredible. "There are some 'Patriot Fronts' among the self-cultivators of these teachings. They are called by some kind of spirits, and they are selflessly dedicated to remote and impoverished areas, but more Most of them are hired by various foundations, even schools, hospitals, orphanages, water purification plants, etc., all of which are subsidized by the Foundation!"

“The Ba Shizhu said it is good. This ‘foundation’ seems to be the main force of the federal government to help the poor and help ordinary people.”

The bitter master said, "Xingyao Federation is a high-tax country, especially for the self-cultivator. The tax rate is very high. According to certain Jindan and Yuanying monks, such as the gold-making beast, the annual rate of money is paid. Taxes are astronomical.

"However, the federal tax law is very interesting. If you put your income into various charitable foundations, you can avoid taxation very skillfully.

"So, in order to pay less taxes, Jindan and Yuanying are popular in various charitable foundations. Almost every Jindan and Yuanying name has a variety of foundations.

"The establishment and operation of charitable foundations have certain conditions, which are reviewed every year. It is necessary to actually complete a number of charitable projects.

"After a hundred years of development, the federal charitable foundation has now formed a virtuous circle.

"The strongest of Jindan and Yuanying series, providing resources and contacts, and setting up various foundations, on the one hand, gain a good reputation for themselves, on the other hand, they can also avoid tax.

"And newcomers, especially those who are born out of the civilian class, have no resources and connections, often choose to join a foundation after awakening to the roots, to serve in a remote and poor place for a period of time, through the Foundation, Naturally, you can expand your circle and make friends with your friends. If you perform well, you may even have the opportunity to be the owner of the foundation, those of Jin Dan and Yuan Ying. After a few years, they will enter the work of the major groups under the names of Jin Dan and Yuan Ying. Even entering the core circle of the sect.

“Even, most of the Jin Dan and Yuan Ying’s apprentices, especially the “true disciples”, have asked him to have a long time experience in charitable foundations. Such disciples are generally considered in the circle of comprehension. The Taoist heart is strong enough, and the heart is pure enough to be more suitable for inheriting one's own clothes."

Called Hanako Ba Xiaoyu and the master of bitterness, you say a word, you are dancing, and you are full of enthusiasm. Both of them are temperamental people. When it comes to the beauty, Huazi beats his thighs.

Many ancient sages are fascinated by the gods, and each face is deeply thought-out.

Those modern flying swords, shuttles, crystal trains, crystal scorpions and starships are so mysterious and intricate, they are a little bit of thinking, they are all understandable.

However, the system operated by the Xingyao Federation is completely different from the ancient sacred world. It is a survival logic. If you want to digest and absorb it, it will take a long time, long time.

After the Huazi and the bitter masters finished speaking, the rest of the strong people continued to speak. Li Yao also lost the opportunity to pretend to be very shocking. He greatly boasted "Civilization" and strongly recommended that many strong people should be good no matter if they have time or not. Experience it.

He believes that after these strong people experience the charm of "Civilization", they will definitely fall in love with such a new world, and they are reluctant to leave.

The eleven strong people have all shared, only Long Yangjun has not spoken yet, but it is like laughing and laughing, looking at the people in an unpredictable way.

The gods and sorcerers Wu Suiyun asked: "Wang Daoyou, seeing what you want to say and stop, is it that today's investigation is not going well?"

"No, it's very smooth, but there is nothing to say."

Long Yangjun leaned on Li Yao's bed and put his feet on Li Yao's bed. His hands were on his head and he was comfortable. He said, "All the friends know what I am doing, the leader of the ghost painting." The eagle dog that everyone smells, the hangman, put it in the Stars Federation, it is almost the role of 'Sword Bureau' and 'Yuyue Foundation'.

"So today, I have not visited other places, but I have to ask for an in-depth understanding of the organization of the 'Sword Bureau', especially the big cases that this organization has cracked in the past 100 years. Naturally, most of them are about 'reconstruction. Crime of '."


Wu Suiyun and many powerful people look at each other, "What's the discovery?"

"Nothing is really special, and people will definitely not open it to me."

Long Yangjun said lazily, "I just want to remind you all the friends, to pour cold water on everyone, the so-called "Chance of Ministers, micro-service private visits" tricks, everyone knows what is going on, in the past we are ancient sacred, big dry In the DPRK, is this trick still playing less?

"No, no, I don't mean that everything we see today is fake. It is true that 100% is true. It is impossible to disguise such a large-scale illusion.

"Just, what we see today is definitely what people want us to see. It is the best side of the Xingyao Federation. The self-cultivators we are exposed to today are definitely 100%, the purest, the real ones. Comprehension.

"But, everyone knows that the so-called "perfect and innocent" thing is not there, the perfect country does not exist, 100% of the faith is firm, the character is noble, and the self-cultivator who is unfavorable to others is even less. Less, huh, huh, 'the existence of the rare phoenix'.

"As the investigation deepens, I believe that the less perfect side of the country of Starry Federation will soon be exposed. I just want to remind all of you, don't put expectations too high, so as not to be disappointed. Interfere with your final judgment, you must know"

There was a fruit plate on the coffee table among the people. Long Yangjun hooked his fingers and pulled out two apples from the fruit plate. They held them on the left and right palms and smiled. "We are now in the real human empire and the constellation Making a choice between them is like choosing one of the two apples, but if you hold the mentality of choosing the 'better one', then it is wrong.

"Maybe, we are going to choose the ‘not bad one’ in the two apples.”


Long Yangjun randomly chose an apple, biting a big mouth, and the juice splashed.

Everyone looked at each other and wanted to ask, but she stood up and threw another apple to Li Yao. He yawned: "The night is deep, and tomorrow, I will continue to take a look at it. Let's go!"

From hundreds of thousands of years ago, the female warrior of the wild wars copied the body, biting the apple, and disappeared into the strange eyes of everyone.


The establishment of the joint operations base camp, and even the deep military cooperation between the government in exile and the Xingyao Federation, is not something that can be settled overnight. In the next ten days, the ancient saints continue to reside in the Tianhuan area.

Li Yao contacted "Civilization", especially after listening to the debates between Professor Mo Xuan and Professor Xie Wufeng, he suddenly moved and wanted to find an opportunity to talk to her in depth.

After all, Long Yangjun is different from other ancient holy strongmen. Like Li Yao, she is more like a "chess player" on the higher scale than the chess game.

However, everyone's inspection schedule has been filled up. Wherever there is a lot of protection or monitoring in the secret of the secret sword bureau, Long Yangjun deliberately chose several investigation projects that were separated from the large forces. Deep into the surface of the Tianhuan Star and even the underground mine, Li Yao could not find her.

Until the last 12 days of the party, Long Yangjun once again returned to the hotel where he stayed, and Li Yao caught the opportunity.

This time, it was in the room of Long Yangjun.

Long Yangjun is playing Civilization.

Her interest seems to be completely out of the game, but in the game assistants "Xiao Ming" and "Wen Wen", playing with two embarrassing little guys, making two little guys "giggle" straight, straight Go behind Li Yao.

"really interesting."

Long Yangjun closed the miniature crystal brain, and the two little guys disappeared without a trace. She looked at Li Yao, and I didn’t know where to change two apples. One lost to Li Yao and smiled. “Look for me. Have something to say?"

"Yes, read the video I sent you, Professor Mo Xuan's theory about the annihilation and inheritance of the father civilization, the child civilization, and the civilization."

Li Yao said seriously, "In the past, I have been completely hostile to the Pangu civilization. Even the son-in-law civilization... How to say it, fear, vigilance, insecurity, and what it is.

"After all, the words of the old ancestors of the old Yaozu who died in the past have really left me with a deep impression that the king wants to die, the minister has to die, the father wants to die, the son has to die!

"However, after listening to Professor Mo Xuan's new theory, my views have changed a bit.

"I really want to know more about our human 'parent civilization'. Is everything really as simple as what I saw in the Kunlun ruins? What is the relationship between Pangu and Nüwa? We are really pure. Is the tool, or is it a 'child' in a certain sense? Is it really possible that between us and Pangu civilization, there is only the 'you die, live, never die?'

"This question, no one else can give me the answer, but you are different. You can even say that you are the witness of the war. Can you tell me more about Pangu Kaitian, Nüwa's creation, and the war?" ”(~^~)

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