Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1674: Brother civilization?

Long Yangjun seems to have long expected Li Yao to ask this question. She sat on the bed and finished eating the apple without a word. "This question, I don't know more than you know, even more than you know." less.

"Hello is the birth of a modern self-cultivation civilization, a remnant of Kunlun, a federal who has conducted in-depth research on the battle between Pangu and Nüwa.

"But before I went to the depths of the son-in-law battleship, it was just an ordinary... an ancient monk, a dead **** who made waves in the court.

"Until I stood in front of the controllable brain of the son-in-law battleship, even until you said something, the dream in my mind became more real, as if at that moment, as ' I have just been born just like Long Yangjun.

"It can be said that my "renewers" have not been more than a year old, and maybe I will think of more things in the near future, remembering my true identity and mission, but now, I really don't know.

"Maybe I followed you to the Starry Federation, and I came into contact with the world for this purpose, observing this civilization and recalling more things."

Long Yangjun’s eyes sparkled and he looked at Li Yao very frankly.

Li Yao slowly wiped the apple that Long Yangjun had thrown over on his clothes. He knew that Long Yangjun’s words were not true, but she certainly wouldn’t tell herself more things. After thinking about it, she changed her angle: “Good. Do not talk about 'parent civilization', let's talk about 'child civilization', your inheritance of civilization, virtual life, bear child rebellion... How do you think about this series of theories? You think that there will be a spiritual network, which in turn rules humanity. Something?"

Long Yangjun finished eating the apple, using the psionic manipulation of the apple core slowly spinning over the palm of his hand, faintly said: "The old and the sick, the natural law, if it is on the scale of billions of years, billions of years or even more, After all, any civilization is dying. Even the universe itself will be annihilated and reborn. Since human civilization is a dust in the universe, it will certainly die and die in the hands of its own sub-civilization. This is also one of the possibilities.

"But this conclusion is like saying that "people are dying after all," meaningless. No one will be desperate to live because they are destined to die, right?

"So, the more meaningful topic is on the time scale that humans can imagine, such as the next millennium, within ten thousand years, whether your spiritual network is likely to become fine, and develop a comprehensive override of human beings, and You are worried about this virtual humanity life race that is full of humanity. Right? If the human civilization develops 100,000 years later, the spiritual network will become fine. This is not a problem we should worry about. Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. Fu, how can we not manage things after more than ten thousand years, right?"

Li Yao indulged in a moment and focused on the following: "Yes, after more than a hundred thousand years, people will be worried about it after more than 100,000 years. We don't have such a big manpower to manage the sky, even a dozen. After ten thousand years, everything is arranged properly. It is not God. It is a neuropathy. I mean short-term, several hundred years, and a thousand years."

Long Yangjun smiled and said: "So, my answer is the same as Professor Mo Xuan after the collapse of the virtual spirit world. It is impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Li Yao’s eyes are fascinating: “Is there a basis?”


Long Yangjun is not flustered. "Professor Mo Xuan himself can be said to be a wonderful form between the entity and the virtual life, 'Xing Ling'. In other words, the name "Xing Ling" is yours and What did he think of together? His research on virtual life can be said to be second to none in the whole country.

"Even after his collapse in the virtual world, he asserted that in the absence of higher levels of intervention, the true, intelligent life with independent will will never be born within five hundred years, and is disheartened. Going to other research projects..."

Li Yao frowned: "If it is only because of the judgment of Professor Mo Xuan"

"No, I really want to say, nothing to do with Professor Mo Xuan."

Long Yangjun smiled. "I didn't expect you to be tempted to disturb this level. Perhaps this is the so-called 'authority fan'. Let me say that the problem you are worried about does not exist at all. It is impossible to happen within at least a thousand years. The reason is very simple. Pangu and Nuwa also have a crystal brain."

Li Yao gave a slight glimpse: "What about that?"

"And their crystal brain is more developed than your crystal brain."

Long Yang Jundao, "You have personally seen the effect of the array of columnar crystal brains on the son-in-law battleship. Have to admit that its computing power should go far beyond any existing super crystal brain in the Federation? There are also giant squadrons. Each of the giant squadrons contains the tactical crystal brains left over from the ruins of the ruins. You can't even copy the imitations, so that now, regardless of the federal, empire or sacred alliances, they can only be combined and modified. The giant soldiers, but can not refine the new giant soldiers 100%, right?"

Li Yao’s brow wrinkled into a beggar and had to admit that Long Yang’s words were justified.

"and so"

Long Yangjun said slowly, "If the Pangu and the female Yi people hundreds of thousands of years ago, the extremely powerful level of the brain, can not create a new virtual wisdom life, why are you so arrogant and arrogant, think Can mankind create such an incredible 'bear child' in the next few thousand years?

"Moreover, the process of birth and evolution is extremely long. The carbon-based life represented by Pangu, Nüwa and humans has taken billions of years to step into the peak, virtual wisdom life. The birth and evolution of the fast, how fast can be really worried, wait until you really find the most primitive virtual life, and then worry is not too late!"

Li Yaoqi’s eyes were quite open, but when he thought about it, he threw out a new question: “What you said is very reasonable. How did I not think of it at first? Yes, Pangu and Nuwa. The crystal brain technology far surpasses humans, even if they have not created a virtual intelligent life, then we at least 10,000 years, it seems that there is no need to worry about this problem... and so on, there is a possibility, in case of Pangu or The female Yi people have long created a virtual and intelligent life, but we don’t know it? That is to say, that is, not our 'child civilization', but 'brother civilization', which is parallel with humans. relationship!

Long Yangjun turned his eyelids: "Oh? So the virtual wisdom life created by Pangu or the female Yi people, where is the "brother civilization" of human beings, why haven't you heard of it in the past 100,000 years? ”

Li Yao: "Hey, hide, and lurk the minions in the dark, accumulate strength, when the time is ripe, jump out to conquer the three thousand worlds?"

Long Yangjun: "It is reasonable to say that it is really the Three Realms, the imagination is really colorful! Even the virtual wisdom life, the 'brother civilization' such a big conspiracy can be seen by you, amazing! So, I saw each other's Big conspiracy, what are you going to do?"

Li Yao: "...I don't seem to be able to do anything."

Long Yangjun: "Don't be arrogant, you can, with the identity and status of your Li Lao Mo today, as long as the original shape, ascend to the top, with the great prestige of the 'Three Realms', persuade the entire Star Yao Federation It’s not a trivial matter to give up the use of the crystal brain and the spiritual net. Rest assured, I absolutely support you. Anyway, we are not in the ancient world, we don’t play the brain, we don’t go online.”

Li Yao: "I'm sorry, I am wrong. You give the Three Realms a face, don't put the nonsense in mind."

Long Yangjun: "This is right, let alone Yuan Ying is not a baby. Everyone is an adult. You should talk more about the topic of feasibility, constructiveness and practical significance. This metaphysical question of the middle school student series. So, I will leave it to so many middle school students in the Federation to think about it! Now the situation is so tense, it’s all burning eyes, you are still thinking about things after tens of thousands of years, really..."

"Fire the eyebrows?"

Li Yao squinted. "What did you explore?"

"I didn't find anything."

Long Yangjun smashed up from the bed, pushed open the window, put some fresh air in, squinted, and sniffed deeply. "I just smelled a little."

Li Yao’s eyes are astounding: “What smell?”

Long Yangjun did not return, and he said one word: "The black wind fleet of the mountain rain is coming to the wind."

Li Yao: "How do you say?"

Long Yangjun extended two slender fingers: "Two aspects.

"First, the Xingyao Federation is carrying out the most intense election of the highest speaker in recent decades. The two sides are in a tit-for-tat relationship. The supporters are not allowed to each other and the situation is quite tense.

"According to the confession of Ding Zhengyang and other immortals, the Black Wind Fleet has penetrated a lot of eyes and ears in the Federation. That is to say, the Black Wind Fleet knows this completely, knowing that it is the most unstable moment of the federal political situation.

"When the dust settles, the new highest speaker is released. Whether it is Ding Ling's prestige or Jin Xinyue's means, it is very likely that the situation will be completely stabilized in just a few months to half a year. The highest state of war, the military strength has greatly improved!

"Come, Li Lao Mo, if you are the commander of the Black Wind Fleet, know this clearly, what timing do you choose to launch an attack?"

Li Yao’s eyes widened, and two dark eyes were released from the dark eyes: “Now, even if my fleet is not ready, I can’t let the new federal speaker sit firmly and not let the Union Comfortable to enter the highest war state!

"Now is the most suitable opportunity to miss the present. In the next few years, the strength of the Federation and the prestige of the leaders will only gradually climb and become more and more difficult to fight!

"My fleet has been drifting in the Xinghai for a full hundred years. The resources on the ship are running out. The magic weapon units of the starship are also worn out. The soldiers are eagerly screaming, surrounded by dead air. The ridiculous star field, without too much supply, I can not delay, can not wait for the next decade, I can only quickly fight!"

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