Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1681: Old and new!

In just three weeks, the event continued to ferment, and almost every giant in the core world was placed on the volcano.

In a corner of the Lingwang, a new perspective was quietly released and quickly flooded.

"Golden Heart is certainly wrong, but she is also very poor. Think about it. One hundred years ago, as a demon woman, she was carrying the fate and future of all her compatriots. In the face of those giants who have been in control of the old federation for hundreds of years, and who are omnipotent, can she have a second choice besides being low-spirited and obedient?"

"Yes, she has to bear the burden, to make the most of it, to work hard, and to do so many things, but the benefits from it are less than 10%, and most of the benefits have been taken away by those giants!"

"Golden Heart is innocent. One hundred years ago, she was originally a very kind girl, a pure and innocent girl. Otherwise, how could the legendary Sanjie Supreme and Vulture Li Yao accept her as a disciple? Li Yao’s disciple, Li Yao is our great hero, so she must be a good person!”

"It’s a pity that Li Yao went too early and lost the refuge of Li Yao. How can a girl like Jin Xinyue alone guard the future of her compatriots and resist the squally showers outside?"

"Those **** giants lost their masters in Jin Xinyue. When they were most vulnerable, they sneaked in and threatened her with the future of the Yaozu, forcing her to get deeper and deeper and do so many bad things!"

"Golden Heart is involuntarily, it is too poor!"

"I am a demon family. I am a true federal citizen, but I am always proud of my own blood! Until today, I realized that in order for our demon to obtain equal civil rights, Jin Xinyue is actually There are so many heavy things in the dark, and those giants who should belong to the old times can be ashamed and shameless to this extent!"

"I am also a Yaozu. Now, among the more than 100 billion people in the Federation, the Yaozu has nearly 30 billion. We absolutely support Jin Xinyue. We will never let any giants ride on our necks and treat us as hawks and minions. !"

"We will only loyal to the Union, we will only fight for the Commonwealth, and will never be used by these giants again. We must not tolerate our leader, Jin Xinyue, and be regarded as a tyrant of these giants!"

"I am not a Yaozu, but I am from the crystal world, which is the 'new four worlds' in the core world. I absolutely support the opinions of the Yaozu compatriots. The Starry Federation belongs to all the people of the Seven Worlds. It is not these. From the legacy of the old times, the giants and ancient families who have long been unable to adapt to the development of the times!"

"The new federation should have a new denomination, a new denomination that truly represents the interests of all the people in the seven realms!"

Such remarks, in just a few days, seem like a storm, a super storm, sweeping every corner of the entire freshman network.

The investigation is getting deeper and deeper. The giants and cultivating families who have been inherited for hundreds of years of history have entered the eyes of the independent procuratorate. Almost every day, new scandals have been exposed. While all the public is shocked and furious, It also proves the correctness of these statements.

The market reacted strongly to this “Yearly Planned Event”.

The giants of the core world are extremely related to the sects. Their performance in the financial market is a catastrophic collapse.

Not to mention the fact that many of the sectarian high-level and the parents of the cultivating family have been involved and have been or will be investigated.

The source of the news has been eloquent, and the large-scale scandal of pulling out the radish out of the mud is bound to bring about a "big reshuffle" effect on the federal and economic levels.

Those who have existed hundreds of years, a thousand years ago, from the beginning of the establishment of the old federation, and continue to expand and expand to this day, the ancient giants like dinosaurs are very likely to be split and reorganized.

When the split and reorganization are completed, their influence on the new federal is bound to plummet.

In a sense, this is a coincidence, but it is a matter of course, "change the dynasty."

The old giants and interest groups are destined to quit the stage of history with the name "old federation"; and the new giants and interest groups rise like the rising sun, continue to shine and defend every land of the new federation!

At this point, although the vote has not officially begun, but this election has been settled in advance.

Ding Ling, the Patriot Front and the New World are the biggest beneficiaries of the whole thing.

The ancient sects of the core world, which have been riddled with scandals, have long been self-satisfied, lost their helmets and disarmed. They only thought about how to get rid of their bodies, and they were powerless in the case of rebellion, and the power behind Ding Ling and the anger that stood in front of Ding Ling. The people are battling.

The most authoritative 12 news media in the United States predicted that the election results of Ding Lingyu have been raised to more than 80%, and the chances of Jin Xinyue being elected are less than 7%.

Such an almost ridiculous prediction has not received too many objections.

Even the most loyal supporters of Jin Xinyue, those "hardcore demon"s have to admit in the face of irrefutable evidence. At this moment, Ding Ling is more suitable to become the federal speaker than Jin Xinyue. They defend the light.

Under a subtle mentality, or the manipulation of the fine public opinion on the Internet, the public seems to have entered the era of "Ding Lingyu Speaker" in advance.

The concern for Jin Xinyue is no longer whether she can become the speaker, but whether she will voluntarily withdraw from the election, and will not remove the protection aura of the "Development Minister", be formally opened, and even put into prison.

After all, the federation is a law-oriented one, and the hardships of the big ones cannot shake the majesty of the law.

If there is a "director" who manipulates the whole "big avalanche" behind the scenes, so far, she has almost accurately calculated every detail.

Except one thing.

No matter how unpredictable she is, it is impossible to count that the "Red Lotus Squad" is not the real "Red Lotus Squad", but the twelve from the ancient sacred world, with the peak of the Yuan Ying period and even the cultivation of the gods, and The unpredictable and intricate chaos of the ancient sacred world has mixed up hundreds of years of old monsters!

If the Honglian squad is just a Honglian squad, it is a group of Jindan masters who have been hibernating for hundreds of years, ignorant and ignorant, or the most Yuan Ying’s first stage. It is absolutely impossible to see the true and false of the girl who claims to be the "monthly sister". .

However, when this "monthly sister" entered the line of the ancient holy twelve strong people in the way of self-investment, but for half a day, these old monsters with sharp-mindedness, conscientiousness and deep minds have seen it.

She is lying.


The transport ship, which depicts the emblem of the Xinghai Republic, is slowly heading for the “Hundred Flowers” ​​in the seven-day world of the Federation. They will jump directly to the federal capital after a little replenishment here.

In a secret room on the ship, the "Red Lotus Squad", or twelve old monsters, including Li Yao, are analyzing the changes in the federal government for more than half a month.

They are not as fussed as some people on the Internet, think that such a big scandal, the Federation is going to die, and so on.

It’s not about high-level slashing and power struggles. They have not only seen much, but even many people have personally participated in it. They are not tired, such as Long Yangjun, Han Daling, and Phoenix Emperor.

The key issue is not the high-level struggle in the federation, but whether the struggle is chaotic, out of control, deliberate and controllable; whether it is the old and the new, uniting the people, can enhance the combat effectiveness of the federation, or tear the ethnic group To expand the contradictions and weaken the combat effectiveness of the Federation?

If it is intentional and controllable, who is it behind the scenes to direct everything?

This person is the real master of the future of the Federation. If they really want to negotiate with the Federation and talk about the conditions for joining the Federation, then they should talk to this person.

"The little girl is lying, even though all the information stored in her jade is true, she is lying."

If the singer of the ghosts and ghosts Qin Qin, if not Li Yao and the night of the night, etc., it is very likely to overthrow the Dagan, unify the "classical militarists" of the ancient sacred world, Han Daling Mausoleum, "She accepts After a very professional and clever spirit cultivation, I have a very high degree of control over my brain. I can easily deceive the general lie detector and expert interrogation, but naturally I can't deceive the eyes of your friends.

"She is lying, what 'moon falls' was killed, she fled to us, these are fake, the whole thing is not 'inadvertently' leaked out, it is out of control, but planned in advance Well, one ring and one ring, the purpose is to put the giants of the core world into a dead place!

"This conclusion, no doubt, no more nonsense, the focus of our attention is, who is manipulating everything behind the scenes?"

Long Yangjun’s eyes are colorful and smiling. “What is the high opinion of Han Daoyou?”

Han Bula Ling inspires a three-dimensional light curtain through the miniature crystal brain: "It is very simple, who can get the most benefit from the whole thing, who is the person who dominates everything behind the scenes.

"No, I am not referring to Ding Ling, but relying on Ding Ling and the Patriot Front, it is impossible to break into the eyes of Jin Xinyue and make so many key information.

"Please see, this is the list of the top 100 super-sects of the Xingyao Federation. It is divided into two parts. The red one on the left is the sect that was deeply affected by this scandal and was deeply immersed in the mud. The right side It is almost unaffected, or at most involved in some small things, not sectarian sects.

"After careful analysis, is there any discovery?

"Everyone, the sects that have been affected by the left and have been severely weakened are almost all traditional giants that have been passed down hundreds of years ago and are deeply rooted and wealthy.

"On the right, Yao Shi Group, Shuangyu Club, Shan Hai Pai, Dajiao Yi Division, Tieyuan Development, Blood Demon Bio-Neurology, Blood Demon Pharmaceuticals... These sects and groups that are rarely affected are almost all the last hundred years. The emerging 'emerging forces'!

"These emerging forces are the biggest beneficiaries of this incident. It is entirely conceivable that in the near future, they will completely override the traditional tyrannical power and establish their own new era!

"And do these emerging forces have something in common?

"Of course, I think you will see it at a glance, regardless of the Yao Shi Group, the Double Skull Club, the Bighorn Xinghai Logistics, the Iron Original Star Development Chamber of Commerce, the Blood Demon Bio-Neurology Research Association, the Blood Demon Pharmaceuticals... Silky relationships, and these relationships are ultimately implemented on one person!

"Oh, if I let these emerging forces take a unified name and treat them as a whole interest group, it is very simple, four words.

"Lee Yao Group!" (~^~)

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