Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1682: Li Laomo, amazing!

These four words, such as the four Thunder, between the many Yuan Ying and the gods and gods, stirred up debates.

However, apart from Yuan Ying, who is not interested in the power struggle, such as Yan Liren, Ba Xiaoyu, and Bitter Master, there are not many accidents among the other strong.

Obviously, when he was out of the way, the onlookers were clear, and they saw with their own eyes how the little girl who claimed to be the "sister of the moon" performed, and more or less, reached the same conclusion.

Han Bingling gently clicked on the list of the top 100 sects of the Federation and launched the details of the sects of the "Lee Yao Group". He continued: "Why are these emerging forces rarely affected? There are two very reasonable explanations.

"First, because a hundred years ago, when Jin Xinyue and the Yaozu most needed help and support, these emerging forces were just born, and there was no one-handed power. At that time, the federation was almost the old-fashioned giant. In the world, it is useless for Jin Xinyue to seek these new sects.

"Secondly, at that time, Li Yao had just left, everyone was Li Yao, and they did not look at the Buddha face. Jin Xinyue really asked for the forces of Yao Shi Group, Shuangyu and so on. It is impossible for the forces to refrain from suffocating and squeezing her.

"So, these emerging forces, there is no ‘black material’ falling in the hands of Jin Xinyue.

"On the surface, these two reasons are very valid. However, if we look at the whole thing at a higher level, look at the changes in the past century of the Xingyao Federation, the new and the old, the Yaoshi Group, the double The emerging forces, such as the 蛟会, are regarded as a whole of the 'Liang Yao Group', and the conclusion is completely different!"

Han Bingling is not alone in harnessing the power of all the tribes in the entire Yunyun grassland. In just a few decades, he has eliminated all the sects on the prairie and established the "Eight Clouds", in an attempt to embezzle the generation of the world.

He has a pair of gods, like a hungry wolf, and he has a deep understanding of the darkness behind the scenes.

Han Bailing’s sighs and lamented the excitement and depth of the whole layout. In a very lamentable tone, he continued: “Over the past 100 years, the Starry Federation has always had a power struggle. This is normal. Everyone is a person, a person. With selfish desires and ambitions, selfish desires and ambitions are constantly stirring, and they are integrated and united, and they will be turned into various factions and camps.

"In the Dagan dynasty, there were ‘阉方’ and ‘Emperor’, and there was a confrontation between ‘local sect’ and ‘Tedu’s temple. In our sacred Daqin, there are naturally various oppositions.

"How can the Xingyao Federation boast a bright future? After all, it is a country composed of human beings. How could it be a piece of iron?

"What's more, in the past 100 years, the explosive development of the Xingyao Federation has been a major change in the stars and the sea, and all kinds of new technologies, new supernatural powers, and new discoveries are bound to bring new sects and new ideas. The emergence of the strong, the new class, and the new interest groups will, in the end, be violently conflicted with the hegemons of the old federal era, the old-fashioned giants who were deeply ingrained and swayed hundreds of years ago!

"So, today's election of the Starry Federation, on the surface, it seems that the interests of both sides of the competition seem to represent the interests of the 'core world' and the interests of the 'new world'. It is a geographical dispute.

“But in reality, it is the struggle between the old giants representing traditional interest groups and the ‘Lee Yao Group’, which represents the emerging interests!

"Regional disputes, or can be resolved, old and new disputes, it is extremely difficult to compromise!"

"Hey, hey!"

Long Yangjun’s first applause, “Speak well! The analysis of Han Daoyou is so wonderful, the Lingxiao Taoist, what do you think?”

She rubbed her elbows next to Li Yao.

"Good, whip up into the inside, straight into the buckle, straight to the heart!"

Li Yao nodded very seriously, "incisive, really his mother's ingenuity!"

"Wang Gong, Ling Yu Daoyou, two praises!"

Han Daling’s hair was very chic, and there was no such thing as “praising” on the smug face. It was a look of “the truth is only one, I know all of it”, clearing the throat and continuing. "In the past two weeks, I have studied the history of the major forces of the Li Yao Group for a hundred years, and have a little insight into the birth, development and growth of the entire Li Yao Group. I will share it with your friends here. Time hastily, many omissions, I hope you are welcome, a lot of corrections."

"Han Daoyou is polite."

Li Yaodao, "You are the most important person in Yunqin, and you are the most outstanding among us. Your opinion must be very insightful. We are all listening!"

Han Bailing smiled slightly and did not panic: "One hundred years ago, Li Yao, the vulture of the Three Realms, was almost alone, covering the rain, turning the clouds, smashing the square, and smashing the hustle and bustle of the Terran and the Yaozu. The contradiction of the year, the Tianyuan, the flying star and the blood demon three circles are connected together, set the star seaside, no one can make a great achievement in the past millennium, and he himself has become a well-known and well-respected person in the whole country. Superhero This is a historical fact that everyone knows.

"However, the difference between the so-called "superheroes" and "supreme hegemons" is more than a world apart.

"You, we have seen countless heroes in the ancient sacred world, but can every hero hero build a powerful force of millennium glory? Naturally not!

"Heroes, some are prestige and fame, but how to turn prestige and fame into a real 'power', and let this force continue to expand, inheriting a hundred years, a millennium, this is a big problem that has been extremely difficult to crack since ancient times.

"Oh, in the ancient sacred world, whenever a new hero appears, those ancient giants, stale forces, and some are ways to deal with him.

"It is not necessary to use a real knife to attack him. It is more likely to adopt the method of 'overhead' and 'killing'. He will be elevated, and the so-called prestige and fame will become a mud-like idol, and from the prestige And the reputation of the upper stream, the real benefits, still these ancient giants, stale forces!"

Compared with the Emperor of the Phoenix, the Han Dynasty’s own ghosts and ghosts are also ambitious emerging forces.

Therefore, in the "new and old disputes", he naturally stood on the side of the Li Yao Group without hesitation. The more he said, the more he could not conceal the appreciation in his tone: "A hundred years ago, Li Yao created a great achievement, the so-called 'Lee Yao Group' Just born, it is inevitable that there is a suspicion of 'big tree', it will not take long, those old giants will be swarming, trying to empty him, bind him, **** him!

"Replaced as a general hero, I am afraid that this solution can't be avoided anyway. The best result is that ‘and the same dust,’ enter the circle of the old giants and be completely assimilated by them, becoming an ordinary giant.

"Oh, if it is someone else, the 'ordinary giants' may be the ultimate goal of struggle for a lifetime, but what kind of person is he like the vulture Li Yao Li Lao Mo? How can he set the "unification of the three realms"? Be willing to be a member of the old order of the district!

"Break the old order and dominate the new federation! I am afraid this is the real goal of Li Lao Mo!"


Li Yao couldn't help but beat a big thigh and shouted. "It makes sense, I didn't think of it!"

"Hey, why don’t you know that the sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorrowful sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s singer’s singer’s singer’s singer’s singer’s singer I absolutely can't think of it, this appetite's appetite is so big!"

Han Bingling sighed again and again, his expression was admiration, and he was somewhat fearful. "Lie's gaze is too far away, and the mind is too deep. The means are too hot. It is really our twelve yuan. If you join forces with the gods, you must be jealous of the old monsters of three points! You know why you will disappear a hundred years ago when the reputation is the loudest and the highest prestige, for a whole 100 years. What about it?"

Li Yao slammed his eyes for a long time, and he thought for a long time. He could only give up and shake his head: "I can’t think of it, I can’t think of it, why?"

"It's very simple, four words, to retreat!"

Han Ba ​​Ling’s remarks, “At the time, the Li Yao Group had already begun to appear. With Li Yao’s growing prestige and fame, it will definitely develop a conflict of interest with the conservative forces of the old giants.

"You know, the federation of the time has no external enemy of the 'blood demon world', and the Imperial Expeditionary Force will have to come more than a hundred years later. There is no external trouble in the middle for more than 100 years. What?

"If Li Yao continues to stay in the Federation, and he leads the Li Yao Group to develop at such a high speed, it will soon be in direct conflict with the old giants.

"At that time, the Li Yao Group was a fledgling wing, even though it was a slap in the face, but after all, it was shallow or no foundation. How are the old-fashioned giants who have been operating for hundreds of years and thousands of years?

"People will never deal with him positively, but they will be like a python. They will bind him in all aspects, limit him, block him, and will never let his 'Lee Yao Group' grow stronger. If you want to grow, you must follow the old ones. Game rules to play!

"There is also burgeoning, and its death is also ignoring! In this example, are we in the ancient sacred circles, are we still seeing less?

"In the face of such a disadvantageous situation, Li Laomo played a very clever trick!

"The first one is to retreat into the world and take the initiative to disappear. It is said to be going...Exploring Xinghai!

"This move, two functions, on the one hand, shows that the enemy is weak, indicating that he is just a wild crane, indifferent to fame and fortune and power. There is no hegemony at all, so the old giants can make a small fight against his name. The climate's forces are all assured!

"On the other hand, this is also a kind of warning. 'My Li Laomo went out to Yunnan to practice today, but you can't be too much for my disciples. Otherwise, who knows how, in a few years, I will bring What forces are coming back, and after the fall?

"Miao, this is really wonderful!

"The second move is even better. That is Jin Xinyue, the most beloved disciple of Li Lao Mo, and the most crucial piece of chess!" (To be continued.)

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