Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1694: After a hundred years, destruction, rebirth, immortality!

"Snow" was silent for a moment, and continued to massage for Master without hesitation. "The Master said that we have been fighting with the secrets of the Black Wind Fleet and seized most of the people who were rebelled by the Empire. They are all from the wealthy people who have been brilliant for hundreds of years.

"Oh, I don't know what these people are going to do. They screamed the slogan of 'the comprehension' more than anyone else. On the surface, they are all sound and upright, but they really do dirty things. But it is more than anyone else!

"This is natural."

Jin Xinyue smiled faintly. "The giants are the most unreliable. This is the history of tens of thousands of years of civilization development. There are countless times to change the dynasty, the bloody, unbreakable truth!

"Ordinary people and low-level comprehensions, even if they want to rely on the empire, they can't find an opportunity. It can be said that there is no way to sell the country."

"And the patriots of my sister Ding Ling, or the 'Yao Shi Group' left by my master, and the 'double shackles' of the Tianyuan world, these are emerging forces, with the birth of the new federation and Development, together with the growth, everyone's interests are tied with the new federal death, and will naturally fight for the federation.

"And those giants who are already deeply rooted in the 'old federal' era are not necessarily. They have strong independence on the one hand, and they have formed a 'mountain' that is easily overlooked by outsiders and becomes parasitic in the federation. On the other hand, on the other hand, hundreds of years of accumulation of maladies, and gradually decayed and declined, can not keep up with the development of the times, under the impact of the emerging forces of Yao Shi Group, Shuangyuhui, Patriot Front, the rivers and rivers They are also crumbling, so they also have a strong motivation to reverse this 'depression'. The federal and empire are really confrontational. The empire is too much pressure on us. Who will not be able to succumb to the empire, the answer? Isn't it out of the way?

"Old is not a thief, but people are like this. The same is true of sects and groups. These giants are old and can't keep up with the development of the new federation. When it is damn, let the living space be given out to new ones. Sect, new strong, new group!

"Hardly dragging and not wanting to die, that is the thief, 'national thief'! Look at what they have done in the past 100 years, secretly, I don't believe that they will be true comprehensions, will swear to protect the federation! These happen today The matter only confirmed my judgment.

"and so"

Jin Xinyue caught Cher's hand and looked back at his disciple. "A country has developed for a long time, and there will always be some dark corners that the sun can't reach. In these corners, it will breed a lot. Snake worms, filthy things, now let us take these dark and dirty waves away, leaving a clean new federation!

"And our demon, will also rise again in this new federal, absolutely new bright new kingdom!"

Mentioned the words "the rise of the Yaozu", even if the demon girl "Snow", who has been calmly just now, is in the depths of the clear and transparent eyes, it is impossible to bloom two small sparks.

One hundred years, a full hundred years!

According to the deduction of the greatest strategist Jin Tuyi of the Yaozu a hundred years ago, it is also a time to go to the "Red Tide Plan", and it is time for the Yaozu to be completely reborn and rise!

Cher's breathing was so fast that it seemed to stay on the snowy cheeks that had been formed on the ground for a long time, and there were two swirling blushes.

Jin Xinyue read the voice of the disciple's heart, and she won the victory in the grip.

An hour ago, she once screamed in the other secret room with the heads of the three comprehensions, shouting the slogan of the immortal, and shouted "Long live the immortal, long live the real human empire."

But no matter whether Jin Xinyue or the three heads know it, no one of them really believes and believes in this slogan.

For the sake of them, "Long live the immortal, long live the real human empire" is nothing but a yawn, a fart that can be exchanged for money.

But at the moment, when Jin Xinyue and Xue Er together, two demon girls, whispered, almost sang another slogan of dusty centuries, this pair of teachers and apprentices deeply understand, and will use life to carry them out duty of.

"Destruction, rebirth, immortality!"

"Destruction! Reborn! Immortal!"

This is more than a hundred years ago, when the Golden Slaughter ruled the Wanxie Allied Forces, trying to pass the eyes of the blood demon to the star city of the Federal Capital, the slogan that nearly a million demons had screamed at the same time.

Even today, even if there is no integration and equality, there are still countless demon people who cannot completely erase this slogan, this belief, this ‘daoxin’ from the deepest part of their bone marrow!

"Okay, open the door."

Jin Xinyue supported the arm of the disciple and entered a soft psionic energy into her body, calming her almost boiling blood and smiling.

Cher gently bit his lip, but he did not break free from the tension and excitement. He took two breaths in a deep breath, and then he retreated to the side and gently pressed on the relief of the underground memorial.

The light curtain branding the list of miners in distress disappeared immediately.

On the wall behind the light curtain, which looks like nothing, but there is a **** color pattern that slowly emerges, constantly extending and interlacing, forming a new transmission array.

This is the third secret transmission array, passing through the third underground secret base.

All secret rooms have no secret passages and entrances and exits to the outside world. They can only be transported through the array, and most of the transmission arrays are point-to-point one-way transmission.

That is to say, if someone wants to reach the real core secret room, they must first find the first secret room, find all the transmission arrays in the secret room, and crack the activation secret and destination coordinates of the transmission array, then jump to the second Repeat the room to reach the final destination.

The people and facilities in the core secret room give Jin Xinyue enough reason to be so careful.


She was entangled in red mansions, disappeared from the underground memorial, and appeared at the top of a constantly descending staircase.

The narrow stairs can hardly pass any heavy weapons, and a huge groove appears from time to time on both sides of the stairs, with a demon warrior sitting in the groove.

In the development department building in the urban area, the members of the Haoyue team in the open office of the "Yueyue Foundation" are already full of savage.

The demon warriors here are ten times more fierce and fierce than the members of the Haoyue team!


When Jin Xinyue picked up the ranks, these demon sinful sorrows all respected and prayed to her, and many people did not hide the light of respect and even worship.

At the end of the seven-and-a-bend staircase, a 10-meter-thick alloy steel gate slides silently into the rock formation.

Behind the alloy gate, in front of Jin Xinyue's eyes, is a subterranean crystal brain and communication center.

The crystal brain here combines the dual characteristics of psionic technology and biochemical technology, which is like the emergence of numerous tumors and parasites on the super-master crystal brain, and it is like inserting into the internal organs of a behemoth. Countless crystal brains and computational wafers.

Dozens of crystal brain and biochemical brain experts are working between the crystal cable and the artificial neural cable.

The full meaning of their secret work in the underground around the clock is to deceive and bypass the federal "great one", which allows Jin Xinyue to pass an absolutely secret line to communicate with somewhere outside the Federation, deep in the Xinghai. It is also possible to launch a fatal blow to the big ones when necessary.

This is a very difficult job.

However, if you ask the most brilliant crystal brain experts in the United States to disassemble the crystal brain here, you will find many computational wafers and analysis units that are not in federal style and are superior to the federal existing crystal brain technology.

That's all... a gift from the empire.

The war has already begun.

Now, it’s time for a decisive victory!

"Golden Governor, are you here?"

A sharp-nosed monkey, a seemingly unremarkable little man greeted him, but the attitude toward Jin Xinyue was subtly different from others, and the name of Jin Xinyue was quite strange.

Jin Xinyue swept a small man and faintly said: "I just need to keep my own life, and let my people have a place to live. I don't know if you will cross the river to dismantle the bridge and unload the killing. Hey, what's 'Governor', save it!"

The little man "giggle" laughed, laughing more than Jin Xinyue, and shrugging his shoulders: "Golden Governor, despite the peace of mind, the empire is the most credible, my family commander will not kill chickens, take eggs, Because of small loss!

"After all, we come from the center of Xinghai, and we can't stay in the starry sea forever. It is the ultimate goal of the Black Wind Fleet to return to the center of Xinghai and recapture our homeland and pride.

"What we want is nothing but elite warriors, sufficient resources, and perhaps deep technical exchanges with each other. That's it.

"When one day, the Black Wind Fleet really stopped here, assembled the army, and returned to the Xinghai Central, the seven worlds here, is not to be handed over to the most loyal and reliable people to manage?

"As long as the Governor of Kim has been as wise and loyal as it is now, why should we consider the second 'agent'?

"At that time, Governor Kim is responsible for providing us with seven world-wide treasures of natural materials, spar veins and human resources. We will return to the center of Xinghai to recapture everything! We are at the court, you are on the sidelines, echoing each other. The water is rising, everyone is good, what is the unloading, what is it?

"So, Governor Kim has put a hundred and twenty hearts, and we will not treat friends badly!"

Jin Xinyue stared deeply at the little man: "I hope so, the secret ultra-long-distance communication line is set up."

"All right."

The little man laughed. "It can be activated at any time. With the current state of the brain and the spirit net technology, it is impossible to intercept or even detect it within at least three or five days."


Jin Xinyue was carrying his hands and taking a deep breath, and his eyes were full of subtle blood. "Let me talk to your commander directly!" (To be continued.)

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