Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1695: Fleet behind the brown dwarf

It is 80 light-years away from the outer world of the Starry Federation, the "sky circle", deep in the stars, unknown stars, behind a brown dwarf.

The vast expanse of the stars and the stars are endless. The light is centered on the seven worlds of the Stars Federation. If you draw a sphere with a radius of 100 light years, more than 5,000 of the stars in these seven spheres will have no psionic power. There is no ridiculous world of life.

Even in the past 100 years, the Xingyao Federation has been launching an unmanned micro-exploration ship and a high-sensitivity triggered star-water mine in these ridiculous worlds every year, every month, every day, trying to build within 200 light years around itself. A solid line of defense, at least the "national border", is still far from filling the 5,000 ridiculous worlds.

Around 5,000 stars, there are still a large number of dark stars that have not been detected and monitored by the Federation. The so-called "national borders" are completely riddled with vain things, a psychological comfort.

The "Star" is at least the largest celestial body in the federal starry sky monitoring station "Sat Xing Zhai", which can be monitored and locked.

Brown dwarfs are one level lower than stars.

A brown dwarf is a gaseous celestial body that resembles a star but is not large enough to ignite a fusion reaction at the core. The mass is between the smallest star and the largest planet, so it is very bleak and is also called a "failed star."

Because of the insufficiency of quality, it is impossible to become a burning star, and it is extremely difficult to release the psionic fluctuations that can be perceived by the Stars and any satellite monitoring stations in the Federation.

According to federal astronomers, there are very likely to be at least 3,000 brown dwarfs within a 100-year radius of the federal world, and less than 500 brown dwarfs are currently discovered and named by the federal government.

There are still 2,500 brown dwarfs, like invisible eyes, slowly spinning and drifting in the dark and cold unknown stars.

Although these brown dwarfs are extremely difficult to explore and develop in the United States 100 light years away, some of them are still able to release extremely high temperatures at close range.

This temperature can be converted into weak energy for a long journey, and the fleet from afar will take a break; it will not be too violent, interfering with the various magic weapons that the fleet is highly worn during the 100-year voyage; it can also cover up a little When the fleet was rehabilitated, repaired, unfolded, and built a large-scale array of star torches, the psionic energy released by itself was fluctuating.

Even if it is perceived by the federal starry sky station, it will be thought that the fleet is only part of the brown dwarf.

The Black Wind Fleet has been on the synchronous orbit of this brown dwarf for seven years.

The expedition to the Xinghai is not a one-time thing. When the Black Wind Fleet departed a hundred years ago, it faced the biggest enemy, the unknown Xinghai, and the passage of time itself.

At that time, they had only a small piece of incomplete astral boundary coordinates. If they jumped based on the missing coordinates, 99.99% would jump to somewhere else and not the star chart, and they could not see the unknown absurdity of the astronomical parameters. The world is equal to the whirlpool of the Xinghai. It does not consume a lot of resources. It is extremely difficult to jump out again. Even if it jumps out, it is very likely to be the second **** unknown and ridiculous world.

It is just that the real human empire has expanded in the past millennium and has not yet extended to the direction of the flying star.

Therefore, the glory and arduous task of accepting this defeat and losing the old nest, losing the old nest and becoming a "solar army", and not being willing to be absorbed and annexed by other worlds, accepted this glorious and arduous task and expanded the territory for the empire. Consolidate the rear.

Their mission is not only to explore and conquer the astral world, but also from the empire of the central Xinghai to all the unknown stars between the stars, especially in the era of the "Old Star Empire", those historical and star maps The world of thousands of volumes recorded on the volume is the "prey" that the focus is on.

Therefore, the Black Wind Fleet is not eager to jump at a super long distance, and jumps to the star point, the coordinate point released by the former "Star Boy".

Considering the complexity of the Xinghai jump and the cost of the psionic energy consumption, the distance of the Xinghai jump is doubled, and the amount of psionic energy and resources consumed is increased by a square. As a lonely soldier, it is impossible to get more from the base camp. The Black Wind Fleet of more replenishment and reinforcements will definitely not rush to make ultra-long-range jumps.

They chose a tactic called "Star Frog Jump". Each short jump will not exceed 100 light years, usually within 10 to 50 light years. After each jump, they will find one. The most suitable star, while exploring the existence of habitable planets and human civilization around the stars, puts a special "stellar bomb" on the star.

With the magical power and magical level of the real human empire, it is unlikely to directly destroy a star, and the purpose of this "stellar bomb" is not to destroy, but to activate a specific area of ​​the star to provide a spirit for their next jump. can.

When the stars are fully explored, all parameters and coordinates are recorded in the star map for updating, and a large-scale star torch is established near the local stable planet, which means that other fleets can easily travel to and from these stars in the future. Between the domain and the empire, it is also said that these stars are included in the "map" of the empire.

At this time, they often collected enough energy, so they launched a new "star frog jump" and repeated the above process.

Therefore, for a hundred years, it stopped and walked, and constantly explored, recorded and built it until it reached the star-seabed ten years ago.

The luck of the Black Wind Fleet in the past 100 years is quite bad.

They did not find too many inhabitable planets with development value.

Even in the historical materials and star maps left over by the Xinghai Empire, there have been prosperous and civilized human worlds. After they have been painstakingly consuming and consuming large resources, they often find that the local world has collapsed and the psionic powers have all been Consumption or loss is exhausted. The so-called civilization is left with only one piece of debris. Even some savage people who drink blood and blood, in the absurd world of apocalyptic exhaustion, can not make up for the resources consumed by the Black Wind Fleet in search of them.

Resources, resources, resources! Resources are the most precious things in the stars and sea!

Civilization, civilization, civilization! Civilization is the most vulnerable existence in the cold universe!

After three or four times of disappointment, the situation of the Black Wind Fleet became extremely embarrassing.

Yes, on the surface, they are "exploiting" a large territory for the new empire, but they are the absurd world with the lowest rating and almost no half a cent.

In the Xinghai, the most worthless is the so-called "territory", looking up at the starry sky, hundreds of millions of stars, infinite territory, theoretically contains rich resources and high value, those worlds that have no wisdom and existence since ancient times Just insert a national flag, sing an national anthem, and build a star torch at the side, you can claim the land of the empire.

However, such a "national land" has no meaning at all. Even if the value contained in "theoretical" is higher, the empire must have the ability to develop on a large scale on the premise of appropriate cost!

Even though a certain world claims to have 10,000 resources, if the empire develops it, collects, smelts and transports resources back to the Empire, but consumes 20,000 resources, what is the use of such a world?

This is not a good deal for the construction and maintenance of the Star Torch, and the various management costs and supply line defense costs that the Empire has to pay for in order to rule the world. The squad is a ghostly attacking fleet.

Unfortunately, the Black Wind Fleet has not found much in such a world in the past 100 years.

The stars they find are often "Well, in theory, perhaps for deep exploration, it is possible to find 10,000 resources, but the exploration cost is 5,000 points, and the subsequent development costs are estimated to be 10,000 to 100,000 resources." Such a world.

In such a world, it is impossible to exchange some contribution points for the Black Wind Fleet.

No contribution point, no own nest, it means that the Black Wind Fleet can not get more supplies and new warships from other worlds of the Empire, which means that if they go back like this, they will only be eaten by others. Completely compiled, or sent to the most dangerous front line and the Holy League thoroughly spelled out, so two ways.

The black wind people naturally do not want to choose which way.

They continue to advance into the deep space, desperate!

At this time, they received news that a claw fleet had been wiped out by the whole army. They also knew that there was a regional power in the Xinghai, and even found the government of the Xinghai Republic in exile, and the last "mobile land"!

A hundred years of bad luck, once reversed, but still coexist with opportunities and challenges.

The good news is that the prey in front of you is fat enough. As long as you can swallow the prey that claims to be the "Starry Federation", the strength of the Black Wind Fleet can at least triple or five times. Even if you return to the center of Xinghai, you will have enough strength. Competing with everyone including the emperor and various vassal warlords.

The bad news is that the prey seems to be too fat, and not only fat but also strong muscles, strong bones and sharp minions hidden under its huge figure.

The Black Wind Fleet, which has entered and retreated, has two choices.

They can set up a large-scale array of star torches here, build a magnificent starry sky gate, and report the information here to the imperial homeland, report to the insatiable emperors and various princes and warlords, and summon support from the local.

Of course, the establishment of the gate of the starry sky and its activation, maintaining a very high transmission level will further consume the war resources of the Black Wind Fleet, weaken their combat power, and make them passive in the game of dividing the prey.


Do it yourself! I ate the federal behemoth alone and swallowed all the benefits! (To be continued.)

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