Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1697: Summon, come!

From the moment when the night was determined, the black wind fleet, which was originally methodical and launched in the most resource-saving manner, suddenly increased its combat readiness.

The Xinghai jump itself is a process of tearing, reorganizing, tearing, and reorganizing. It will cause certain damage to the starship. In a hundred years, after a series of short-distance Xinghai jumping starships, it is like a piece being repeatedly bent. Like the restored iron piece, even if the appearance is not visible, the interior is full of subtle cracks.

In the past few years, the Black Wind Fleet has been anchored next to the brown dwarfs to repair these "cracks", but now the maintenance schedule has to be accelerated, and they have taken a more radical approach to scrapping some of the seriously damaged starships directly. The fuel, armor, ammunition and magic units that can be used above are completely disassembled and added to other starships.

In this way, in the shortest possible time, they get a brand new, murderous fleet, such as a series of fine black diamonds, surrounded by the "crushed star belt" in the brown dwarf orbit.

Even if this will greatly reduce their activity space and development potential, but what does it matter?

Soon, they will have everything!

The flagship of the Black Wind Fleet, "Black Swirl", like tens of thousands of crystal clear black crystals condensed together to form a crystal mountain of hundreds of kilometers, advanced and cold coexistence, elegant and brutal integration, and thoroughly " Awakened, completed the highest combat readiness.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Deep in the black whirlpool, like a deep and dead grave, the cold light shines on the hibernating hut around the hive, and the cover of a hibernating chamber slowly opens, from the viscous and turbid nutrient solution, bursting into a beast. a bark.

The last group of people who have been sleeping for decades, who have long been hungry and thirsty, have awakened from the nightmare and are about to bring everything in the nightmare to the whole world.

It is made up of countless ordinary people, but the slaves, who are also highly armed with various fortified medicinal agents, spiritual prostheses and implantable armor, climb up and down like dexterous ants, and serve the cultivators to climb out of the hibernation shed. Come to the rest area, and diligently help them to wipe the body, massage the limbs, supplement the pharmacy and Tiandi Dibao concentrate, and recover from hibernation as soon as possible.


The cultivators who have been sleeping for decades, through intravenous injection, etc., directly incorporate the powerful psychotic recovery agents into the limbs, silently running the mind, and some of the withered bodies re-expanded again, a thick meridian as if From 蚯蚓 to 蟒 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Perceived by the explosive power in the blood, the cultivators screamed and vented their grievances and sabotage for decades.


At this moment, a newly revived cultivator suddenly lost control, and at the same time, he punched a normal slave who was massaging him.

This ordinary person, or according to the narrator, said that the "original soldier" flew out of the hundred meters and squatted on the bulkhead, giving a "beep" burst of blast, such as muddy soft. Down, the seven bloody, broken bones, seeing is not alive.

Awakening from the hibernations of decades, the recovery speed of the soul, the brain, the nerves and the flesh and blood is not the same. It is easy to happen that the brain is not coordinated, and the psionics are out of control. It is not that this cultivator deliberately wants to kill and vent.

The immortals are not metamorphosed by killing people. They are also very reasonable. For the black wind monks, these original soldiers are like the most loyal, most well-behaved and best-used military dogs. How can a good soldier easily kill a military dog?

Therefore, the black wind monk who killed a "military dog", after a slight glimpse, also showed a sad expression on his face, whispered: "How could it be so weak? accidentally!"

He recruited and summoned another original soldier to come up. "Check the guy's number and see if he has a family member. I have passed the 20,000 credits from my account and it is a compensation for them. Right, if If he happens to have an adult family member, he can participate in the next 'Iron Blood Trial', give him the blood, a chance to upgrade, um, that is what I recommend!"

Such a solution is not generous, but it is not harsh. In general, it is such a size. Regardless of whether the original person is a military dog ​​or a military material, if it is damaged, it is always necessary to give an explanation.

The muddy original human body was quickly towed away, and the blood stains were cleaned up in an instant.

From beginning to end, there wasn't a cultivator and even an original soldier. He raised his eyelids a little and expressed concern for this little accident.

They are all immersed in excitement and joy, and every brain cell is crowded with one thing.

I have to fight!


On the bridge of the Black Swirl, the night is watching the light through the ubiquitous surveillance light curtain.

In addition to paying attention to the recovery speed of the hibernating cultivator, it also includes the psionic filling speed and propulsion efficiency of the main dynamic array, the maximum level of the psionic shield and the magneto-distortion field, and the aggressive magic and ammunition of each main battleship. in stock.

Of course, the most important thing is to help them jump to 80 light years in an instant, and sneak into the starry territory of the Xingyao Federation and even the heart of the Xinghai, and finally detect and debug.

The night is two meters high and zero. When he was young, he was a famous stalwart in the black wind. He had a single-handed horse, drove a broken starship, rushed into the core of the sacred squadron, and smashed into the flagship of the sacred alliance. Breaking the brilliant record of the Saint League fleet.

Even now, when his age is old, his hair is white, his body is covered with criss-crossed scars, and he was personally responsible for the break in the great defeat a hundred years ago. He was seriously injured by the cannon fodder of the Saint-Fleet fleet, seriously affecting the spirit between the internal organs. Can work, he is still a ringing evil in the Black Wind Fleet, a hundred years of voyage, no one dares to violate his authority.

He is like the incarnation of the black wind world. It is a black ice. It is a deep iron. It is a black crystal spar with a dark surface and no danger. In fact, it contains devastating power!

If he had been working hard in the imperial capital and the emperor and the warlords, princes and nobles hundreds of years ago, and supported it, the Black Wind Fleet had long been divided, and it was impossible to get the opportunity to "send the frontier."

And now...

The dark night sensed the psionic fluctuations that came from behind.

He took the indifferent and deep gaze from the hundreds of constantly changing monitor lights in front of him, and turned back slightly, staring at the communication light curtain gradually, slightly distorted and mysterious in stripes, snowflakes and fog. Slim figure.

"Golden Heart, we finally met."

The night said coldly, even with the most advanced analysis of sound waves, one word and one word analysis, it is impossible to analyze his emotions at the moment.

"Ming handsome."

In the communication light curtain, Jin Xinyue did not humble the night to the night.

In contrast, her emotions seem to capture and analyze much. It is a kind of excitement with tension, tension and mixed dissatisfaction, but dissatisfied with a bit of helplessness and high-powered betrayers. The emotions that are generated when selling the owner.

"In the past ten years, we have been tit-and-play old rivals!"

The night is bright and faint. "I often think, what kind of person is the "Queen of the Moon" who can arrest and kill so many elite warriors? What will we be? One day we completely conquered the Xingyao Federation, we must Ms. please come to my flagship to have a good chat. I didn’t expect this wish to be realized so quickly."

"That is the federal people are too stupid!"

Jin Xinyue’s mouth is smiling, but his eyes are filled with indescribable embarrassment and hatred. “If it’s not the idiots who are fighting for power, if you have to push me to the road, there’s the Starry Federation I’m sitting in, all your life. Don't want to come in! Even if the federation is really destroyed, it will drag your black wind fleet to die together! Even if we can't die, we will destroy all resources. At least for thirty or fifty years, you can't think of it from the federal mines. , squeeze out a ton of spar!"

The silence of the night is not a moment, but it does not deny it. "Fortunately, the federal people are stupid enough to give us an opportunity to directly implement the 'dagger tactics'. Jin Xinyue, time is tight, do you still need more assurance from me? ?"

"no need."

Jin Xinyue said, "The guarantee of empty mouth vernacular, what is the meaning of repeating a hundred times? Now, I can only gamble on gambling, gambling is handsome enough, and has enough ambition to really return to Xinghai. The central government is going to smash the clouds, not just the wild world that is ravaged by the stars, but the people who are born!

"No need to talk nonsense, I will transfer the last defensive structure map, force distribution map and navigation map of Tianyuanjie, so that Ming Shuai knows every corner of Tianyuanjie!

"With the strong strength of the Black Wind Fleet destroying the earth and destroying the land, as long as it can jump to the Tianyuan world smoothly, the garrison fleet of Tianyuanjie is absolutely impossible to compete!

"The only problem is how to make a jump in the stars.

"In this respect, I have already infiltrated several ‘Star Gates’ in Tianyuanjie, and everything is under control!

"And now, there are a few wealthy and deep-rooted giants in Tianyuan, who are all mastered by me and will cooperate with our actions!

"When it is launched, my people will attack at the same time in the capital and several gates of the sky and sky, instantly control the door of the starry sky, and send coordinates to the Black Wind Fleet, summoning you to the heavenly world to launch the planet of the capital of the Federation. Thunder hit!

"All the gates of the stars are controlled by me, and we are spreading the turbulence bombs that interfere with the stability of the space near the Tianyuanjie, and we can prevent the fleets of the other six worlds from jumping to the Tianyuan world and completely shutting down the federal brain and heart. !

"Even if the original fleet can forcibly break through, I also control a 'big white fleet'. When the Black Wind Fleet lays the victory, the Great White Fleet will be completely defeated. Our 'black and white doubles' join hands, and the original fleet has no chance. !

"When the capital world is in the hands of the Imperial Expeditionary Force, and the most powerful main fleet of the Federation has been completely defeated, it is equivalent to winning the entire Star Alliance with the least cost and the shortest time!" Continued.)

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